r r Bin i11 1' News It i): April ems , CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS t , I'unate ap-(G jntfil )P to Van- 1,11 kkburRh, :-e Iils Jobs cru-ram for li uiit) Station l 4a p in. Tji lc arrived I.: nduy from wa called jinit of the former pris--pcak at St. i, li, Tuesday if Juven-Cju;e and u :., minority r jit of ex-iit.iui ies. tti - L lunceniem ft, ...ar in. Tlione Bill I 111 l r. y i April 20. h a m il 28. ! SJ; 9 to 12. awing if ..a, Muy 2. Odd- fry i; - Dance every i l J).F Hall 9 n Mi unary Tea. 1 ie May 3. rt Drive every 8at- I.O D.E Hall, May i:. ' p and rrib- ir.i May 1G, 8 ; II. 8. Parker returned Mnn- day from a trip to Vancouver. ASt. Peter's Ten and Salp Thnrs. I day April 25. Homecooklng, sew ing aim pianu, 2:30 to 5 p.m. A Important Organizational meeting, Kalen Consumers' Credit Union. Valhalla UalL Vo-night, 8 p.m. Mrs. John Jerstad, whoec husband died recently, will leave this Saturday night for Vancouver to take up future residence. She has sold her home at 705 Fifth Ave. E. to Paul Rosaiie. Mr. and Mis. George Turner of Terrace drove Into the city on Monday, returning home the same day. They had with them as, 'jiaHueiiKers Rev. and Mrs. V. Oraham of the Pentecostal Church In Terrace and Rev. P. A. Oaglardl who had J ml closed a week's .successful evangelistic m e e t i n g with Hev. Oraham at Terrace. CALENDAR OF MAY RATIONS The May ration ruupun rulen-dar is as follows: May 3 Huttcr coupon 105. Muy 10- (Huiter coujKin IOC. May 17 Uutter coupon 107, sugar coupons 58 and 50, preserves coupon 47 and 43 (also extra preserve coupon lor canning Sugar. No. 49, 50, Si; 52, 53, 54, 55 and 5(1. May 24 No coupons become valid. t May 31 Uutter, coupon 108, All previous coupons In Ration Hook No. 5 valid until otherwise declared. BLACKHEADS Don't tan bUUl.Mdfr -dinolv lhm. Grt ru ivuft nd ppl t'"tf with t. hut May 24, Odd-1 riuih tikhd ti, duoi nd. iimenf. dlailr If tlilt ( ilmpl mMhnl. AHNHlRjjP'' is bread sake bread Just right $e Fleischmanns fresh Yeast Lnning totlay calls for a bigger ue of good ow your family's most dependable low-cost, k ri-y food, bread is a cood source of Vitamin H III), at a Urrlrhrr (ir In ril-r.tn.cet fnoiK! If Mill liome use I leischmann's fresh Veast for breal f flavor, fine, smooth texture every time. Today r rwut for 1 ItiHlimann's fresh Veast witli the ViUow l.thcl-t-aiiadi s favorite lor over u 5UMUMINT YOUR DIIT by ollng 3 cakt of HilSCHMANN'S frih Yail vry day. ll.lt frcth 'oil It an ECllnt natvrul l,rt of th Impoilunt I Coiti(U Vltamlnl. i fod News! LOUBSER c'. ax PUACTOR flock Phone 040 Ladies . . . Part of our Spring Shipment of JULIA ARTHUR (Dlo-Pedlc) K'UAC IA Oxford TIES, sizes 3 to 5), h . c to ERE, have arrived. Also 1 T IVANT Loafers and Oxfords, in 31 ' to 9. Widths A A to C. EARLY mn pnORTMENT faily Shoe Store Limited lPor 30 Years the "Home of Good Shoes" Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spitlel Qreen 180 Ilox 1430 8t. "0" LEGION WOMEN SPRING SALE On Saturday the Legion rooms presented a scene of pleasant activity on the occasion of tlie annual spring vale of the Women Auxiliary under the general direction of Mrs. O. V. Hanley. the nrcsl- dent. Spring flowers decorated the tables and centred the beautifully appointed tea table at which Mrs. Hugh Klllin and Mrs. VV. Robertson, sr., poured. The president received the many guests who came to lend ineir patronage. Those assisting were: Tea Room Mrs. E. Dickens. convener, assisted by Mesdame.s A. McNeil, O. Hebb, Henry Smith, Jr., C. Barker, and A. Croxford. Servlteurs Mesdamejs Frank Ellison, Con Mlchaloff. J. Ste wart, Frank Elliott. Sewing Mrs. H. Smith, sr.. and Mrs. Morrow. Cashier Mrs. M. J. Keays. Raffles Mis. V. HarUr and Mrs. S. V. Cox. Raffle winners were: Cake won by Eric Hague; set of dishes won by Mayor H. pag- fcett; turkey .weight guessing won by Mrs. Hugh lll.iii; turkey won by Nell Sheouard; kinder garten set won by Conrad Tlie affair met with the suc cess always attending activities or tlie Canadian Legion vvA. and a substantial sum was realized for the carrying on of their war work and other CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD Dimmed spotlights made the shadows dance gaily last night hi the auditorium when a large crowd gathered for dancing to, the music of popular Bob Wy-biow and his band with vocalist Tommy Urquhart doing the solo, numbers. Congratulations are due Steye for his excellent light ing effects. The 300th man to enter the hall was one. of our Allies, a member of the Russian Navy. Flo Fleming of the C.W.A. C. was the 77th girl to enter the auditorium and wa.i awarded the ladies' prize. After the Inter mission a competition was held to choose the most attractive couple on the floor. Bill Christofi and Deena Sedroff were the choice of the evening- Judges of this event were Harold Harvey R.CN.VJt., Evelyn Bussey of Prince Rupert", Betty Garbntt C. W.A.C., Lucky ,ArcAiigelletU of Army and Sid Lapworlh of the United State Army. There will be dancing next week, iame time. Willi Frank Dutlon and hU hoys. This evening the movie will be 'Rainbow Island." Wednesday we will present on the stage of the auditorium a concert by the Varden Singers. Tills group is well known locally Every ship, every team, every company has its Captain even the. Ship of State. t I and an excellent turnout Is ex-pec lea. n the "Y" (iyiiinaum Navy and Air Force once more resume their feud tonight In the Y Gym when they tangle for their iltm meeting since the play-offs of the first section of the league last month. Navy have pjayed one game against R.C.A. and won while this will be the opener for the Airmen. In tlie first same Fortress will meet ll.CA. Fortress have won one and last none while R.C.A. have lost lioth then Rami s bv close scori-.v A win by either Navy (( LOCAL BOY i icr unriNinrn Sergeant Fred Roberts of the Royal Canadian Engineers here and Mrs. Roberts have received word that their second son, Frederick, has been .seriously wounded In Holland, It was only in January that he left for oversea?. Sergeant and Mrs. Roberts' eldest son, William, was wounded while fighting In Italy. i or Fortress will give them the ! league lead so the boys will be playing all out Civilian,? will be allowed in to see these games. i I hi 'III I New Hats for Spring STETSONS Anew stock just arrived. MORGAN'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR 3rd Ave., next to-Ormes THIS IS THE CAPTAIN The successful voyage of any ship, including the Ship of Stute, depends upon its Captain. In Canada, for the entire duration of thv var, the Captain has heen the Right Honourahle W. I Mackenzie King. He alone has heen responsihle for THE SELECTION OF THE CREW; : THE STEERING OF THE COURSE; THE WEATHERING OF THE STORM. V ! ' He alone has the experience, the precise and exacting qualities necessary for ... , ' - THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE VOYAGE TO VICTORY; THE GUIDANCE OF OUR SHIP OF STATE INTO THE ; SAFE HARBOUR OF PEACE. Under tlie great leadership of this quiet, scholarly man, without .homhast or fanfare, Canada's mighty war effort has won the admiration of the whole world. Puhlisltcd in Support of THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT by THE 11 R ITI S II COLUMBIA LIRERAL ASSOCIATION Prince Rupert B.C THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Tuesday Apia 24, 1945 "SALADiv For Up-lo-the-Minute Styles see us for PLAYS HOES Twenty-five styles and colors to choose from In anklets, slings and ties. High or low heelsk.in,bright leathers and fabrics. Choose several pairs to match perfectly your slacksY shorts and gay summer prints. The same famous quality you liked so well last year. CUT RATE SHOE STORE UAAAAAAAAJLliAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiJLlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FKIDAY , To ,East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 V2JL Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Ueef. All choicest tresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOB ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 AUCTION SALES (Annette Powell) Meet. Me at . . . ' JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) THIRD AVE. W. J. II. MAIU Auctioneer Favored with Instructions from W. A. Ofmlston. I will -sell by public auction the contents of his dwelling at 508 Green Street, opposite Hospital, p.m. Thursday April 26 Chesterfield suite, Triumph range, dinette suite (chairs) quarter-cut oak dining room suite, radio, electric Connor washer, bani-boo fishing rod and reel, di.she.vetc. AUCTION SALE at I.O.n.E. Hall, Slh and McBrMe, Saturday, April 28, 2 p.m. Household furniture, dishe service for 8 In English China, radio, mechanic tools, fishing boat equipment, other articles. Going to a Party? Let lis glamorize you for the occasion. CALL BLUE 917 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY and be. assured of no last-minute disappointment. PEGGY SAUNDERS '4th St. (across from. Post Office) ...iiirjlt 3& VA Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) A Lltde on the Lonly Side UaithiK Victor record 5C000. Mart Kenny I'll Rememher Suzanne You llelong to My Heart 'Victor record 5C001. Mart Kenny I Ain't Cot Nothln' But the 111 lies As Long A I Live Vlclor record 20-1C20. Lena Horn Sentimental Journey I'm Gonna See My Baby Victor record 20-16.43. Hal Mclntyrif Dream Every Time Victor record 20-1045. Freddy Martin, I Got a Son? Hence, It Don't Make Sense Victor record 20-1C40. Tony Pastof PRICED AT 7."? f!