lin Was .Ap:.i24 9U Is rc-: Benin has afforded raen tneir greatest Bbi. j target of the war. farce records show Lit and Canadian air- pped more than 51, - (t bembs In 282 night ..i. American Eighth :.ben have delivered jiu of bombs In 19 the First Canadian Army, said: "Now we arc all together, let us add speed to the victory In no uncertain manner." He added, "It is simply great to be to gether again. Late news from the Cana dian fighting front is that First Army troops are six and one half miles from Emdcn and 32 miles from WilUclmshavcn. In the. Wilhclmshavcn drive, the Canadians are meeting stiffening Nazi resistance. In the meantime, the Red Patch Devils from Italy are patrolling the Grebe defence line. Elsewhere on the western front, three Allied armies arc streaking towards the Bavarian fortress region. These arc uic American Third and sevenm armies and the French First. Third Army troops arc some 75 miles from Munich's beer halls where Nazi party hcncli men schemed to dominate the world. PIERRE LAVAL TURNED BACK ZURICH, Switzerland, April 24 0) Pierre Laval, former premier of the French Vichy government, waa turned back when he tried to enter Switzerland today. "OTA j $750,000 i'! $72,600 NUDE PARADER IS LIBERATED OTTAWA, April 24 0 - The Supreme Court of Canada Mon day ordered the release from the penitentiary of Fred Stor- T 1. 1. . U ...1. Meat Cutters Are Fined $500 Each DUNCAN1, Vancouver Island, April 24 0 J. P. Parnall, R. P. Jenkins and T. B. Elvlns were each fined $500 toy Stipendiary Magistrate G. A. Tlsdall yester day for violating regulations of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board by Incorrect cutting of meat. WINNER OF WAR CROSS Prince George ManAwardcd Croix de Guerre Lieutenant John Duncan Cor- less, Canadian Armored Corps, who has been awarded the Croix de Guerre with sllvfr star, was born In Prince George on Nov ember 1, 1919 and resided there until he entered the Canadian Army. His mother, Mrs. Mary El len Corlcss, lives In Prlncc George. Lieutenant Corlcss' citation reads as follows: "During the battle of Buron, A" Squadron was heavily en gaged by German armor. The squadron had been whittled down from 15 tanks to 4 and in this weak condition was ordered to contain the high ground beyond. Six enemy Panther tanks were well within range and were rapidly approaching. Although his tanks was completely out of ammunition, Lt. Corlcss quickly anDrcclatcd that the presence of his tank would not only maintain the morale of the Infantry at this critical time but would Indicate to the approaching enemy that tanks remained to oppose him, the knowledge of which must slow him dowii by necessitating a more cautious approach. With hesitation Lt. Corlcss moved his tank into full view of the enemy. This aggressive tactical man oeuvrc was successful and it not onlv boosted tremendously the mnmip of the remaining 'tank and Infantry personnel but dead ened temporarily enemy action. "Again during the battle In the vicinity of St. Andrc-Sur-Orne on July 22 and 23, Lt. Corlcss repeatedly exposed his tank In order to obtain tne exact ioca Hon of hidden enemy armor and nnii.tiint L'uns. Although his tank was hit twice within half an hour he continued to expose himself until the enemy anil tank weapons and armor had hrrn nin-oolntcd and subse quently destroyed by other ob servlnz tanks. Such exceptional displays oi determined aggressiveness, Inl tlatlve and courage much beyond Uiat required In the ordinary line of duty, were without a doubt a great Influence on the morale oi all personnel and the ultimate success of the battle. CUT FOR PAIN In Java lt Is believed that If a husband will slit the wife's robe with a sharp knife from throat to hem without touching her she will be freed of the pains of childbirth. a BU... a uuMMwuur wuu liau prlncc Rupcrt.8 Eighth ViC- S ? nCd,t UUS, yT tory ' Loan drive got off to a at hard labor for parading ini, favorable K. start Monday with Hi the nude In public with other Doukhobors In Vancouver a year ago. Loan Gets Good Start Opening Day's Subscriptions Are $72,600 the first day's sales totalling $72,600, Victory Loan headquarters reports. Canvassers re ported .friendly recepUons by citizens. First day's sales in the Sev enth Victory Loan last October totalled $87,450 and that loan went well over the top. War Finance Committee workers feel that, with an auspicious beginning, the Eighth Victory Loan will also go above its $750,000 quota hi Prince Following are some of those who purchased bonds Monday: Mrs. Ethel Slaney $ 100 Sydney Hamblln 100 Miss Hazel Clark 50 Miss Hazel Clark 50 Miss Edna Young 50 Rupert Peoples Store Ltd. 1,000 Glsll A. Erlendson 100 Miss Shlela Ramsay 100 Miss Islav Ramsay 100 r .... Tnn Tt f nWrt-r r 1 n iOC I iviio. wan 1V1AW..V "V LAC J. William Eastwood 100 Miss Lsabella Henderson .. 50 Mrs. T. B. Buck ..: 100 G. E. Woottcn '. 500 Miss May MacDonald 50 John Bulger Limited 5,000 P. Foreman 100 Mrs. Phyllis M. Slater .... 100 George Hill 1,000 Mrs. Jessie I. Shcnton T. W. Graham EIGHTH ARMY TAKES FERRARA Alltaators cars, which arc found directly behind the eyes, arc concealed and protected by skin flaps. PMOlNUA . xh LIE-MARY i 1 Th uc?ycLJ uy Today and Anytime! I Ls Temperature NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Tomorrow? s Tides for the Prlnc (Tactile Standard Time) t peraturcs district for today rej, XA Wednesday, April 25, 1945 4 She will num High 0:10 19.9 feet 13:09 19.1 feet uum Low 6:36 5.3 feet tall .lllncto VA 18:40 5.8 feet VOL. XXXIV, No. 96. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS ussians Holding Much Of Berlin Patch Division of Italy 1 k of Added Glory ar Greets First Division: "Now We All Together Let Us Add Speed to Victory In No Uncertain Manner" IS. April 24 (CP) The First Canadian which formerly fought in Italy with the Eighth Army has joined the Second Cana-ns in northwest Europe. The announcement transfer was made yesterday by General K. Crerar, commanding the First Canadian Army. The Corps already has gone Into action In Its new theatre of operations. The First Canadian Corps lnt..a ..(41. U n 1 r uih nun a lung iuu ui Ti wJt I battle honors. Italian names like I HI UHI IPachlno, Ortona, Pontecorvo, J I Traslmcno, and Rlmlnl, woven SOPE acts as master of Pes In the Victory Loan IU Star Bond Rally," png at the Capitol BUYING IRY BONDS 'A. April 21 0i -Total oi Eishth Victory Ms Monday came to National hcadquar- "c War Finance com- finounccd today. Loan imicI it was slcnlficant way s canvasslmr show- Apparent willingness" of al Canadians til inrrt. F6c of their allotted 5,000,000. M purchases totalled T Monday against the total of $19,p53,300(for Fll loan. f'ailCC offlcnU rU- pat the overseas ram. nong the services which way in t.h wnn,i ffl v 1VVUIIU II i 5 already pro ;o,oao in suhsrrln "c Combined nvrrwnc I1" Canafllu,, m k " naa taken In Iu' one-fiflh of Its en- into a military pattern with blunt Germanic names like those of the Gustav, Hitler, and Gothic lines, will live In Can adian history. Landing In Sicily long be fore the Invasion on the west the First Corps cracked the Ger man's Mount Etna line, and earned from Field Marshal Montgomery the appraisal of veteran troops of the Eighth Army. It was the First Division that, Regglo on the Italian toe. From then on the Corps was In the thick of heavy fighting Uiat took place Tas the Germans were pusnea ijback up the Italian boot. J The Corps was moved to the western front as a complete I unit, with all Its equipment. Outstanding in the move, was ,thc secrecy with which It was done. The troops didn't know when they were pulled from the ' line that they were heading for ,a linkup with their comrades of the Second Corps. They i were ferried to Marseilles, and 'taken overland from there. General Crerar, in a message welcoming the First Corps to The Supreme Court action was regarded by some as a test case arising out of the Jailing of Doukhobors for disrobing in public. 50 50 ROME, April 24 0)-The Brit lsh Eighth and Allied Fifth armies spread out In strength along Uic southern banks of the Po river today as a partial news blackout covered the latest al lied gain in northern Italy. The Eighth broke into Fcrrara Monday night and captured the Fcrrara airfield. Official reports said Uiat the Germans were at tempting to escape across the Po river hi rafts, in boats and by other means. mOTECTED HEARING jf: jf iMi T nm I 1 SOVIET SAPPERS IN TRICKY OPERATION An assault group of Red Army sappers Is shown advancing towards a building In Breslau with the intention of blowing it up. The sappers carry loads of explosives' and one snick of a bullet Into their burden would leave only a hole In the ground. But they made lt all right. The building had been converted into a stronghold by the Germans. POLE QUESTION TO FORE ON EVE OF SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE Big Powers Fail to Reach Agreement, Prior to San Francisco Conference culties are facing the United Nations as delegates assemble for the San I'rancisco conterence. A meeting of the Big Three foreign ministers has failed to reach an agreement on the Polish question. American secretary of Sta.te Stettinius, British Foreign Secretary Eden, and Russian , Foreign Commissar Molotov wilipo nation, large or small, should .Mh .urmm t find!1 Permitted to judge Its own a solution at San Francisco. It is disclosed that China's foreign minister -T. V. Soong sat in on the meeting of the Big Three foreign ministers. The chief of the Dutch delegation. Dr. Eelco Van Kleffens. has criticized plans that would give the great powers veto con trol over world Deacc machinery. Van Kleffens told newsmen that the Dumbarton Oaks plan would not prevent appeasement or another Munich settlement in the future. He declared that War News Highlights Nazis Warned On Prisoner Treatment LONDON The Allies have warned the Nazis in a "joint statement that mistreatment of Allied prisoners will be ruth-.lcssly punished. The Germans have agreed to leave all prisoners of war in camps' in the Reich as the Allies advance. 150 Supcrforts Hit Tokyo WASHINGTON Tokyo has been raked by upwards of 150 superfortresses. The giant planes bombed an aircraft engine plant 19 miles from Hlrohlto's moated palace. The assault was made Tuesday morning, Japanese Time. Blackout On Okinawa Fighting GUAM Admiral Niniltz has put down Uic first news blackout of the 24-day campaign on Okinawa. If shields fighting which one field officer says has been "slow but not cheap." IiOiidon Poles Fttvor Treaty LONDON The Tollsh government In London has emphasized its willingness to conclude a treaty with Soviet Russia. It is reported that conversations are taking place between " Russian officials and the London Poles. British Advance in Burma CALCUTTA British and Indian Infantry, and armored forces thrusting southward through central Burma at an average rate of 10 miles a day have captured Pylnmana on the Man-dalay-Rangoon railway, 200 alrmlles from Rangoon, Allied headquarters announced today. case. Delegates from India say they will demand a place for their country on the security council of the proposed organization and Argentina is said to be attempt ing to establish diplomatic re- INQUIRY IS. CONCLUDED Mr. Justice Smith Completes Investigation Into Greenhill Park Catastrophe VANCOUVER, April 24 -Of ficial Inquiry Wito the Greenhill Park exeplosions here last March 6 which caused the deaths of eight men concluded on Monday, The report will be sent to the transport minister In Ottawa In about two months. The probe, head by Mr. Justice Sidney Smith, began its hear ings March 26 and sat 91 hours, hearing about 85 witnesses. ARMY. BUYING VICTORY BONDS Area Headquarters Still Leadin? With Reserve Moving Into Second Place Nanalmo 37 Chilliwack 31 Vernon 24 CAMPAIGN IS OPENED Leading Aircraftsman Archibald Is Heard at Terrace TERRACE, April 24 Tlie C.C.F. election 'campaign opened at Terrace Saturday evening with the candidate for Skeena. LAC lations with Russia, apparently Harry Archibald, addressing a as a means or getting an m vitatlon to San Francisco. TENDERS FOR PIONEERS' HOME ARE TOO HIGH Prospects for the immediate construction of Prince Rupert's new Pioneers' Home darkened following the receipt last night by the Health Committee of City Council of two tenders wliich were considered well above the amount of money available to build the home. With government priorities to build a structure valued at $18,250, and with only $14,000 on hand for the purpose, Health Committee members gazed with some awe on the tenders and the deposit checks which ac companied them. A tender by Bennett and While, Vancouver construction firm, "was for $39,322, and Mitchell and Currle, local builders, named $27,900 as their price. Committee members decided that the fund will continue to be held in trust while they explore other avenues to Improve the lot of Prlncc Rupert's elder citizens. Of the money at hand to build a new home, $0,800 was raised by public subscription, and $7,500 was contributed by the city. well-attended meeting in tne Oddfellows' Hall. The candidate stated Uiat Terrace was a good example of community which had en oyed government-sponsored en terprise and could realize the benefit that would accrue if such enterprise were carried on into peace. The tragedy of lt is, Uie speaker went on, is Uiat the Skeena Highway is being de serted Just when such bodies as the Chamber of Commerce are getting excited about the great possibilities of tourist trade after the war. It was anqUier dream nipped in the bud by the demands of business. Pelain of Vichy Seeks Surrender BERN, Switzerland, April 24 0 Marshal Petain entered Switzerland from Germany today. The aged Murslfal asked for and was granted official permission to cross the neutral country into France to surrender himself to French authorities. Weather Forecast Moderate winds, cloudy and mild today, becoming partly cloudy to fair tonight. Wednes day, moderate winds, fair and mild, becoming partly cloudy in afternoon. PROTEIN HUNGER Due to protein deficiency, sows sometimes eat their young. Reds Take One-Third Of Capital MOSCOW. April 24 0 Berlin is a wrecked and embattled city today. It is a shell-torn island in the mammoth front that is all of Germany. Berlin is all but cut" off from the rest of the Reich. Moscow says sixteen miles remain to be covered before the enemy capital is encircled al together. Some advices say the surrounding Russian columns have merged, but this is unconfirmed. The Nazis have lost at least one-half of the city, including Templehof airdrome, the metropolis gas works and five major districts. Tne northwest part of the city IsVull In Nazi hands. Savage street fighting has Prince Rupert Defence Head-Mi ' quarters are sUll In first place iiiC UBT "7 for volume of purchases in the the swelling 5f tide fc Eighth Victory Loan drive for the Army in this area, having reached 148.7 percent with 96 percent of personnel having sub scribed. The First Reserve Bat talion, Prince Rupert Regiment, Machine Gun, has moved into second place wltb.yolume percentage of 134 frorrt',75 percent of personnel. Eight' of the 25 Army units have now gone over the top. Percentages for British Columbia areas so far are as follows: Prince George CO Vancouver 62 Vloforla fit I SAN FRANCISCO, April 24 (CP) New diffi- Prm.Ce Rupert ''ZZII. 49 tacks against of Russian armor, counter-attacks that crumbled and dissolved as the Soviet tank men blasted their way through the smoking streets. HALIBUT BOATS MAY LEAVE FOR BANKS APRIL 28 First section of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet will leave for tlie fishing grounds as soon before May 1 as vessel masters can get customs clearances to leave port, George Aiylerson, secretary of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union said this morning. Commenting on the- decisions ' of a joint meeting of fishermen and vessel owners, held Sunday" afternoon, Mr. Anderson feald that the first section of the fleet is likely to' leave on April 28 or 29 and will be followed five days later by the second section. This year vessels in the name category M to Z will leave first. Tills constitutes the smaller portion of the boats operating out of this port, most of the vessels being In the name sec-, tlon A to L which left first last year. No curtailment scheme Is contemplated this year, Mr. Anderson said. "As lnnp an nrlrp rpllinp's nrn k' effect there is no advantage in making the faster snips tie up," he asserted. "Everyone gets the same chance at prices no matter how often they come In." Since no notice has been given by the Wartime Prices Board of any change in the price schedule this year, fisher men are making their prepara tions on the assumption that last year's prices will remain in effect. Last year's prices were lOvi and I6V2 cents per pound. EXPAND SILK INDUSTRY NICOSIA, Cyprus, 0) In or der to encourage the rearing of cocoons and the production of silk, the Department of Agricul ture has made 20,000 mulberry trees for free issue to cultivators. It is hoped to expand the silk Industry In Cyprus and to double its pre-war output. Southwest of the enemy capi- , - tal, Russian columnsJ havel ' J point, twenty miles separate - f; the eastern and western Allies. V Russian tank crews, who have sent radio messages to the Amu crlcans, say the Junction will take place today.