v v y B I. n V V V y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y , I - y sr. y v - y - y y y y v y v y y y y v y y y v v y y $ I y y y y v y y y y y y rfttrc ttiiprrt Dailp JSctos Wednesday, November 21, 1945 Timely Topics from Terrace WINTER IS UNUSUALLY EARLY; GLEE CLUB IS NOW ORGANIZED Cold weather has moderated in Terrace. Last week brought a rough wind from northwest and temperature as low as 11 above zero rather a remarkable showing for the month of November. As a rule there is nothing like that until January. . - . - . - w , wunin a iew aays Mr. Maxim will be returning from the Smi-1 Ihers Hospital where he has been receiving treatment fpr bad burns. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Recent visitors to Terrace Included H. L. York, E. Carlson, M. Rowe, Henry Tingley, Charles Rimmer. John Shaw, E. E. Hynd- Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling anil Billiards Recreation and Rest Rooms Hall available for banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Erneweln PHONE 81G Hours 1 p.m. to 12 p.m. daily " ' Remember Them with ' g5f t ?e woman ITS ' THOUGHTFUL AND MS APPRECIATED pj. All colors and sizes available in our fine stock. ffk FASHION FOOTWEAR jgilk Next to Variety Store man, P. Johnston jf Prince Ru-. caught fire. The blaze was mil1 pert and W. Draycott, W. B. I ly checked. Workman, O. P. Mlddlteon of Smlthers. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cole's baby, born less than a month ago, was buried on Thursday afternoon after dying a few days, previous. S. Paul Marshall of Seattle, the heir to, the Michaud property, arrived In Terrace last Thursday night. H. York of York Construction, Prince Rupert, was in Terrace on Saturday to complete the in-saMatlon of a furnace for J. H. Smith. Mrs. A. Mile left on Sunday night for California. She plans to be gone for about a month and, in Vancouver, will meet her mother, Mrs. S. Cummings, who Is to accompany her. C. H. Sawle, editor and publisher of the Omlneca Herald and Terrace News, was In Terrace during tfte. week-end. Father Racette made a brief business trip to Prince Rupert during the week. Mr. and Mr$. W. Brazier lef: on Saturday night's train for the south. They are going via Prince Rupert and are accompanied by Mrs. Brazier's parents. Leslie York, who used to at tend school here ana now lives In Prince Rupert, visited with friends in Terrace on Saturday. C. J. Norrington left last week for Vancouver on a combined business and holiday trip. He will fly from Prince George to Van couver and expects to return by plane as well. Mrs. Wx Haga'n is visiting with Mrs. A. Beaudin. Gunner C. A. Doll, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey F. Doll, now of Prince Rupert, but formerly of Terrace, has returned from overseas duty with the R.C.A. He landed In Canada late last month from the liner Queen Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taf(, have moved from Haze.:on to Terrace where Lester is with the B.C Forestry Service. Mrs. Taft was formerly a nurse In the Hazel ton Hospital. It Is reported that Gordon Kerr Is now,, out of Shaughnessey Military Hospital.- A basket social and old time dance. Is toibe held by the. P.T.A in' the Orange Hall on Friday night. A meeting of . the Catholic Women's League was held at the home of Mrs. P. Blssonnette on Thursday evening last. Mrs. W. Baroneiskl has joined the taff of the Terrace Bakery. Fred Smith Is home agato after receiving his discharge from the army and has joined the staff of the J. H. Smith store where he was employed " Mrs. N. Sherwood has returned from a trip to Hazelton and Sml-. Ihers. Between six and seven on Saturday evening, the Jacksons had a bad scare when their house in Furniture KUchemvare Tableivare Electric Lamps 71 it mirrors Gordon & Anderson Ltd. FEDERAL BLOCK Electrical Goods, Hardware, Furniture PRINCE RUPERT THIRD AVEIfUE A itrcet'llght has been placed close to Glggey's office on the south side of the railroad. Father De Kaizer, Roman Catholic army chaplain who was onqe parish priest nere, passed through Terrace enroute to Rupert last Wednesday. Bishop Anthony Jordan of the Roman Catholic Church at Prince Rupert will be paying a visit to Terrace early In December. A card party will be held In the. Catholic Churph Hall on Thursday evening. Bruce Smith has obtained his army discnarge in Vancouver and is once more back in Bob Squires has purchased the cottage of Jimmy Wong on Lakelsp Avenue. Mrs. W. H. Martin (nee Kath- erlne Finlayson) left for Prince Rupert on Saturday night. John Desjardins sr. Is home from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., and reports he Is feeling mu.cn better. Tom Ballinger and Sam Haud- enschlld deft on Saturday's freight on their return to Prince Rupert after a visit here. Sergeant Major Ted Johnston is now In Prince Rupert and will I proceed from there to the south. E. E. Hyndman, inspector of schools, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday In Terrace. Bright and early on Saturday morning, some of the pupils of the Terrace Elementary School were out to tag for the Parent-Teacher Association and, In a very short while everyone In sight could be seen wearing the yeMow tag with P.T.A. on it. No one escaped them and, by noon, most of the tags were gone. Those tagging were Pearl Sekora, Joan Attwood, Vera Frank, Dolly Hull, June Sekora, Pearl Haug- land Henrlette de Kergommeaux. Claudia Kin.1?, Marilyn MlnshaW, Lenora Loveless, Mlld- red Crego,' Dorothy Crego, Roy Clifford, Charles de Kergom- meaux, Denis de Kergommeaux, Lloyd Honke, Raymond de Kergommeaux, Dennis Spence, Bob Earl, Peter Mnngnus, Wayne Hull, Stan Kerr, Wayne Harrison. The Senior Women's Auxiliary of St. Matthew's Anglican Church, held a very successful tea and tale In the Orange Hajl on Saturday afternoon. Rev. R. Hills, pastor of the church, offi cially opened the ;tea. Then there was a rush for' the appetizing display of home cooking in charge of Mrs. H. King and Mrs. C. L. M. Giggey and for the attractive articles, at the novelty table In charge of Mrs. R. de Kergommeaux. The tea tables were artistically centred with crystal candle holders in which white tapers were burning. In the pleasant social atmosphere the hostesses, Mrs. Hamlin, Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. Mc Millan and Mrs. Attree looked after the needs of their many guests while Mrs. Sparkes poured tea and coffee. Mrs. G. Dover was the cashier and Mrs. Corlet and Mrs. Thompson were In charge of the kitchen. Allan Major ,a brother of Mrs. Q. Mclnnis of the Terrace Bak ery, will be arriving Tuesday night to assist in the bakery and delicatessen ills wife, an English girl, will be Joining him whenever passage can be ar ranged from England. The Maj ors plan to make their- home In Terrace, Mrs. F. James ami Miss J. Mac- Donald, teachers on the ele mentary school staff, have mov ed from Frank Road Into one of the Sundal apartments. On Monday young T6mmy de Kergommeaux celebrated his fourth birthday by giving a party to which his friends were lnvlt ed. There were 14 of them and the youngsters had a very happy time singing and playing games Mrs. E. N. Mclnnis Is giving an entire baby's layette to the first baby born between Smith ers and Prince Rupert after the stroke of 12 on New Year's Eye At the second meeting of the piee Club, held in the Pcnte costal Church on Monday eve nlng, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs, B. Barr Secretary - Librarian, Mrs Campbell; Members of Execu tlve Cqmmlttee, Mrs. V. Imhoff from alto section and Mr. B. Barr, men s section. Mrs. Haugh-ton has consented to be conductor and Mr. Imhqff the pianist. MeeUngs are to be held every Monday night. i,,...,..;.Miii Adyertlse in The Dally News. GEORGE LITTLE IS WELCOMED Terrace Greets Us rounder On Return from Yfllowknife TERRACE, Nov. 21 George Little, one of the early pioneers and a fpunder and builder of Terrace, arrived home on Friday after a long absence at Yel-lowknlfe in the Northwest Terrir tories where he has been participating in mining operations. About a month ago he left Yel-lowknlfe by the usual mode of long-distance travel In that country, the airplane, and eventually reached the coast by way of the Crow's Nest Pass and Vancouver, returning to Terrace via Prince Rupert. His many friends are extending him a hearty welcome and are keenly Interested In the country from which he has come. Yellowknlfe is a very busy mining centre with a population of about 3000. The miners In the CARD OF THANKS FOR RENT FOR RENT Room, pleasant surroundings. Men only; board if desired. Five minutes from town. Phone Black 965. (271) FOR RENT Two rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Apply 629 6th Ave. West. (269) ROOM FOR RENT Phone Red 976. 812 2nd Ave. West. (209) FOR RENT Room. St. HELP WANT2D 622 Fraser (269) FOR RENT Furnished 4-room suite. 1142 Park Avenue. (270) WANTED Salesgirl for stationery store. Apply at McRae Bros. (tf) YOUNG MAN WANTED Man between 20 and 28 years of age to learn men's retail store business. A permanent Job for a man with character and am bitlon. Apply office Rupert Peoples Store, on order no. 1622. (269) WANTED Night bar Janitor for local hotel; good wages. Apply National Selective Service. (tf) HELP WANTED Competent stenoeranher and eeneral 01 flee assistant lor coai . ana lumber office. Apply Philpott Evitt & Co., Ltd., C.N.R. Dock. (in WANTED Housekeeper for small family; good wages. Sleep in. Or mother's helper from about 4 to 8, including evening meal. Phone Red 879. (tf) WANTED Competent woman bookkeeper; good wages. Apply Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association, Fish Oil Department. (270) PERSONAL GIVE CHATELAINE Three Gift Subscriptions for $2.00. Order now. pnone areen oa. :u CORNS Instantly relieved with Lloyd s Corn and Callous salve the effective corn remedy 5Cc at Ormes Ltd. (272) DRESSMAKING, draperies and alterations. Phone Green 735. (273) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Pair of glasses, Monday night, vicinity of 221 4th Ave. East. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery uompany Limuea, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) district' are on the look-out for rare metals as 'well as gold since Yellpwknlfe "is ' not' far from Great Bear Lake in whose vicinity radium and uranium Is mined. Mr. Little has some mineral samples with him and statM that considerable ore from the vicinity of Yellowknlfe Is being assayed for rare metals. Mr. Little will be staying In Terrace until after Christmas. Buy War Savings Stamps EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. r Classified Advertising - - TERMS, CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. We wish to express our most sincere tnanss io uut muuj friends for their acts of love and sympathy during the recent loss of our beloved mother, Mrs. Mar garet Wells; also for tne norai tributes by the Ladles' Aid of the Y.P.E.A.. and the Ivy Guild of the P.S.A.C. Society, and Mrs. A. Brenztsen, Mrs. Lucy Hay- ward. H. D. Bailey and family. FOR RENT Attractive house keeping room, downtown district. Furniture for sale. Phone 592 mornings between 10 and 12. 1270) WANTEU WANTED Small furnished apartment, close In. by December 1. Box 50 Dally News. (271) WANTED To rent by refined couple, furnished apartment. Box 47 Daily News. (272) WANTED Large coal and wood range. P.O. Box 1291, city. (269) WANTED Oil burner with or without range. .Phone 00. c-!7i WANTED Couple without, chil dren would like nouseKeeping room close to town. Phone American Signals 211 from 8 to 5. (270) WORK WANTED Man wants work as cook on boat or at bush camp. Apply Box 48 Dally News. (270) WANTED TO RENT Furnished suite, close to town. Box 49 Daily News. (270) FOR SALE FOR SALE 1935 2-door' Ford sedan, motor and four tires in perfect fcondition. Body poor. No transmission. Serial No. C18Q14961. Apply USO, Phone 592. (tf) vnn kale Kitchen table and four chairs, tri-iamp, Deo couch, set fire, irons, card table. ! 1170 AmDrose Ave. FOR SALE Four-room house and bath, fully furnished; garage at the back. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call at 900 10th Ave. East. (272) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (275) FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET carries a complete line of Quality Groceries, Fresher Fruits and Vegetables at all times. We deliver. Phone 434. (278) FOR SALE Modern completely furnished four - room house, excellent condition, immediate occupancy; oil furnace and oil range. Make offer for quick turnover to enable American family to return to U.S. 941 Second Ave. West. For inspection dally from 11 a.m. to 1 D.m. and 3 nm. to 8 p.m., phone American Signals 413. (269) FOR SALE New 4-piece bed room suite. Phone Black 84 after 7 o'clock. (269) vrT rat. P. 1fi.frnt Inhnnrri motor boat. Phone F. Leteiner, Black 510. If not In leave message. . (270) FOR SALE 5-tube electric man tel radio; dresser; studio lounge; end table; kitchen table and chairs. What offers? Call at 411 7th Aye. West, back door. (273) FOR SALE Rqller canaries, whites, blue, black and white and greens. Club rung. Phone Blue 519 after 6. Box 315 (273) FOR SALE Monarch coal and wood range. Good condition Phone Green 735. (270) FOR SALE Cream enamel coal and wood range, excellent condition. 315 8th Ave. E. (270) FOR SALE Quebec brlck-llned heaters from $22 to $37; electric razors, $8 to $15; record cabinets; hardwood tables and chairs to match; electric griddle, restaurant style; table lamps and tri-llte lamps; table $3.50 to $12.50; electric wall fans; chesterfields, new and used at very low prices. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. (tf) BERT'S TRANSFER & MESSENGER CHANGE OF LOCATION Our New Stand 303 Third Ave. West OUR NEW PHONE BLUE 810 (lies. GREEN 955) For Real Prompt Service, call us any time night or day fi J I &1I ffl 1 q man's home is his castle He should dress like a fring DRESSING GOWNS are the realm . . . SHOP 'CALL I EARLY AS SELECTIONS ARE LIMITED ME BILL WILLIAM F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND'' SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CUKEI) SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND , Cold Storase COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. We serve you nothing but the best special uru u... -- Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN DURWO REGULAR STORE HOUK3 Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chlcknft ton Fish and Chips daily. We are reauy v Chinese dishes Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc, to to 1 out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick senW Corner 2nd Ave. Phone Red 389 TRY Sl RUPERT BUTCHERS bv, 91 Third Ave. West Next Plumbing .and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAL STOKERS Barr&Anderson LIMITED and 4th Street P.O. Box 1294 RRITISH Massac?. KINKS 1 O'" A. MacKcnzie Furnitui "A GOOD PLACE TO BU ... i-.t. Vierp is not "V. . . . . ,t--i ni enund re"- rt ror f no n n lmhhi ucu tiia d smv . iiti sleep. Here are a few suggestions: eaulyr? ,l. uecpaiccp m.", "-" " ,..ini,i, Mai" cimmnns Kiinrpme tiuaiircss. wi- r .. in . ,t-- . - .. j i ..,111 Vinlrt tne'"' made by Restmore. a smaii aepuan, w - We have other gifts to choose from, sul'abs ,. your Home and Friends. Watch our window you will not be disappointed. , . ...it n..i.. nrm ii nnrpcla t cd UHM'MV ''" " . . RU .... vi-iiiis-- Phone 175 327 Third Avenue