I 1' !3 1 f ;4 :r i J 5 4 i II SEA CADETS' SPORT NIGHT A big sports night featured the weekly parad? of the local Sea Cadets Corps last night. There was keen lnter-dlvisional competition In a variety of events Including relay races and other contests involving group teamwork. Outstanding Hem was c chariot race ivhlch was arranzsr! and directed by the padre cf the I .... T1 ... J ' Buy Your WOOLLEN GOODS AT B.C. CLOTHIERS j MEN'S BUTTONED ALL- WOOL SWEATERS at 84 HEAVY WOOL MIXTURE 2.75 MEN'S ALL-WOOL TURTLE-NECK &S SWEATERS VTI MEN'S HEAVY WOOL MACKINAW PANTS $6.25 to 87.00 MEN'S WORK and EVERYDAY TROUSERS from 82.50 to 85.45 BOYS' SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Cotton -and wool mixture, large selections from 65c t0 2.50 STOCKINGS- CHILDREN'S pair 40c I BOYS' T WEED SUITS Long pant;;, 87.50 4 to 10 years BOYS' CHECK WIND- BREAKERS- 0 to 12 ysars 81.95 2.10 BOYS' OXFORDS Double-soled, black and brown. Sizes 1 to 5V2. B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just Wc: 1 of Sixth Street ROLLING 'EM AT EAST END Five Pin and Mixed Trundling j Leagues Are Going Strong on Fifth Avenue Traffic and Packers teams are tied for leadership in the Men's Five Pin Bowling League at the Fifth Avenue East Recreation Hall while Lilies are leading the Mr. and Mrs. Five Pin League which says It with flcwers. The team standings in the Five Pin League are as follows: W L Traffic 8 4 I Packers 8 Accounts , 6 Rivetters Artists 6 Tigers 5 Alley Cats 5 Caulkers 4 Buttercups have the high single game score to date, 1175, with Roses, the high three-game total, 3162. The high average scorer for ladies is Mrs. R. Sutherland with 167. and for men, A. Lawrence with 315. High single ladleb' scorer is Mrs. A. Lawrence with 232 and( for the men, F. How-arth with 326. Tops in three-game scoring for the ladles is Mrs. R. Sutherland, 574, and for men, R. Rennie, 795. Artists have both the high Minora Blades rttu ur HAYING Minora gives you quicker shaves than ordinary double-edge razor blades. It's the quality blade In the low price field, frit your doube-edg. razor. P.O. Box 575 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are In good order also check your Water Pipe Insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service tj fill WRISTMS ARD5 Fi Mother and or Rupert or Father ami Today in Sports A Larue Complete Stock to Choose From You will find just what you are looking for in our boxed assortments which are sure to please. NOW ON DISPLAY AT - THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" Daughter Peoples Store und Wallace's Dept. Store Son ... Rupert Men's and Boys' Store I I three-game and single .game score honors for the season to date with 3037 and 1129 respectively. High individual scorer Is Johnny Comadina with 214. Gordon Durkln and Johnny Paul are even for single game honors with 311 each while R. Johnston, with 754, Is the top three-game aggregate scorer. Mixed League . The "Mr. and Mrs." League standing is as follows: W Lilies 9 Buttercups 8 Roses 8 Shamrocks 7 Pansles 6 reiunias .... 6 Pussywillows ,. 6 Violets 6 Tulips 5 Daisies 4 Thistles 4 Popples 3 9 RUP-REC - Ne ws - "The important thing is not winning but taking part; the essential thing is not conquering but fighting well." This, in a nutshell, Is the spirit that pervades - all Rup-Rec classes. One does not have to be a champion athlete to Join in a recreational class. The Instructors only ask 'for a spirit of friendliness, co-operation' and '' ' ' ' sportsmanship. j LEADERS The display of leaders' activities, which was postponed for' want of a gymnasium, went Into rehearsal last evening as. a part of the weekly leaders training class. The girls really looked sharp In their stunning blue uniforms. Miss Marjoric Jackson ueserves a lot of credit for her sartorial ability. Miss Jackson cut the material and supervised the making of the uniforms by the other leaders with the help of Mrs. Go-Sul. The leaders prove again that gymnastics Is not the only field in which they excel. They have shown that uniforms can be made In Prince Rupert. BOXING Boxing Coach Beggs reports continued advances on the Rup-Rec boxing front. Operating at' the Seal Cove School on Wednesday evenings, the: leather throwing cult is steadily gaining :n popularity among the Intermediate boys. BOYS and GIRLS Classes for Junior boys, Junior girls and intermediate boys will be held at the "Y" tonight. Those who haven't attended recreational class before can join the activities this evening. POTATO STORAGE LOSSES Several millions of potatoes are last every year as a result of sprout growth in storage. IN THE MATTER CP "THE BANK-HUP rCY ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE BANK-IUJPTCY OP LEONARD CHARLES UHIFFITHS., TRADINO UNDER THE FIRM NAME AND STYLE OF PACIFIC LOO BALES. AND . THE SAID PACIFIC LOO SALES. IN THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT PROVINCE OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. DEBTOR: I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that Leonard i r?hnllpn flrlfftt.h trnrttni linripr the ' firm name and style of Pacific Log Sales, and the said Pacific Log Sales, In the City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of .British Columbia, made an assignment on the 6th day of November, 1945; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 22nd day of November, 1945. at the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon at the Courthouse In the said City of Prince Rupert. To vote thereat proofs of claims and proxies must be filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must Hie the same with the custodian or the trustee when appointed before distribution Is made, otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to such claims. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 8th day of November. 1945, MELVILL L. STRICKLAND. Custodian. Address of Custodian: I " o. Box 1497, Postal Station B. Prlncj Rupert B. C (2J1) THIS 1 J WJiu lil.lill'L) "Wonderful U Sagittarius, Capricornux and Gemini are so clear. And there's Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Vancouver 8, Portland 5. SHORT SPORT Bomb damage repair, work must first be done before the famous centre couri, at Wimbledon, scene of the All-Eqgland lawn tennis championship?, can again be put Into use. That is the word from an official of the All-England Club in London. He estimates that repairs to the stand will cost about $27,000. Without the centre court the championship mee'..ng cannot be held next year since the crowd , would be too big for another court to accommodate. The Maryland Racing Commission has ruled Jockey Hames McGovern off Maryland tracks for one year, lira a hearing McGovern was accused of giving an unsatisfactory ride at a steeplechase at Pimlico on November 2. Stewards testified that, in their opinion, McGovcrn's horse, Abl-dale, would have won had the Jockey handled the horse better. In another action, the Maryland Commission suspended Mrs. Ambrose Clark's stable from Maryland pending a hearing on a laboratory test which the com-mission ,aid showed her horse, Cosey, winner at Pimlico Novmi-ber .14, was stimulated. Trainer D. Byers also was suspended and the purse held up pending the hearing. Mrs. Clark's stable has been the leading steeplechase money winner in the United States for the last lour years; A Perth, Ontario, man, Walter McLaren, has been elected president of the Ridsau Intermediate Hockey' League. His electibn came at the loop's annual meet- Dainty antlet tdentitias sr becoming incresiingly popultr, ECCO oiisrs a wid islection cl arliilia ilylei ,nd dsiigni. Corns in, ody, and mak your choict. JOHN BULGERv JEWELERS Third Ave. (Opp. Post Office) THAT Taurus ..." BUILD JAMAICA COLLEGE KINGSTON, Jamaica, CP The British government has agreed to support the building oi a "university college" in Jamaica, the college to be developed In stages to the status of a university. The government will also consider providing assistance towards the cost of building NEW EftAD .VELL, Eng., P Mrs. Hannah Matthews died at the age of 106 in this Buckinghamshire village. She had 11 children and eight are still living. The oldest is 80. City Fire Department responded to a false alarm from a call box at the corner of Conrad St. and Hays Cove Ave. Tuesday night. That particular box Is a continual scurce of false alarms, causing considerable annoyance to firem-n. ing held in Smith Falls. Smith Falls Mlcmacs were granted permission to withdraw from the league and an entry from Gan-onoque was accepted. In Philadelphia the Phils have announced that they have signed Johnny Nee as baseball scout. Nee recently resigned from the New York Yankees, for whom he served as scout since 192G. For Your Wall and Ceiling Decoration use . . . M uresco It can be applied over almost any surface Including most wall papers. It is easy to apply, and the colors and rich flat finish are most pleasing. It's economical too, for $1.50 you can M uresco the average, room! Gordon's Hardware McBride Street We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW LETTERBOX NEW HOTEL HERE Editor, Dally News: Several references have been made lately in the press regarding the necessity for a modern hotel in Prince Rupert. There Is no doubt that if this city expects to share in the very extensive tourist traffic which is bound to come, as business con-, dltlons become norma!, some special effort will have to be made to meet it. The general trend of opinion seems to be to pass the responsibility on to the C.N.R. Why wait for them or any other company to build a modern hotel? What is the matter with the citizens of this town? Why can it not be built as a community affair? - We are told there is $10,000,000 on deposit In local banks. What more fitting project could part of this money be used for than the building and outfitting of an up-to-date modern hotel? Prince Rupert is Jurt 'beginning to become conscious of the advantages it possesses as the gateway to the North and the Orient. Now is the time for our local business men and cltizeni generally to show what confidence they have in their own town. I would Imagine a bond issue could .be floated and sold to the general public but responsible men would have to be behind it. Building costs are high at the present time but it would take time to make necessary arrangements and by that time costs will be more normal. Such an undertaking here would benefit every business in town, as It coxd be stloulated in all contracts that local firms have preference, providing bids are in line with outside bids. This would also attract outside capital as, when outsiders see the local people have sufficient confidence in their tewn to invest one million dollars, it would stimulate Interest and attract capital. The Salt Lake procerty across the harbor, is a sadly ne?lected asset. With 'its lovely southern exposure and rugged beauty it could be made into a' wonderful playground for y'-" and old at moderate outlay. It is likelv the provincial government could b? prevailed upon to undertake part of thiswork, such as building trails, clearing beaches and se- KWONG SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tail All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 MUBESC0 p Phone 311 PHONES il6 117 . ALBERT AND McCAFFERY THREAT FAMINE CASES NEW DELHI, India, Oi What Is known as the "F"' treatment of famlntne cases has been devised by Indian doctors for treating cases of inanition caused by starvation in the Calcutta famine of 1943. This is the new device of administering protein hydrolysates to destitutes who suffer from Inanition. PERENNIAL CHAIP.MAN fcARDLEY. Eiig.. O Alderman William Barlow of this Lincolnshire town was re-elected chairman of the Bracebrldge Metal Home Farm committee for the twenty-third time. curing a water supply. Transportation is a drawback but I believe a couple of lamlinT barges as used here by members of the local forces could be obtained at a reasonable coit, and with some structural changes would provide cheap and suitable transportation. This undertaking might prove attractive to some of our returned veterans. I would like to hear exnre-slons of opinion from others along these lines. Thanking you Mr. Editor, for your space and consideration. Yours for a better and more progressive Prince Ruoert. . 'T. H. PAYNE --ing 12?; to 90,000 apri-ttrV'"1 rigated ar TX 1 ir 1 rr, . v-. n .it I'fK . 0,0ft ... 1U1JA Y anrt H KS ' ' W m sS rl II i M mm m a m, M- i i j n m icsia oi run, lunes SB i - Girls! Girls! 4.. 41 UKI ftllwau. lIHin flllim PACIFIC CAFE Now Open for Business 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) finiu Wat lay the ferS' ! four week, to J frost. It , 'L ... "'aiiaveU " Atirm.tt . up me peaa r .;nbvn,. order!, Jfe arrivnl r f...:. . "l TomaToerCK'S will ccme id thru, WJ ' L- An American exper hop"" crease the t-m: :r;, cronT pent Yiv .. r"' mones. ir ,he . ' ,uc .r ove and hope of larger rarke' te. tralian win? in can--!a B. :&iaucs win np r basin. In 18M th... : acres in wirr era- v.." n,,., m uj mure war saving Sit p.m. Girlsim cm. ROBERT YOUNG ) WING BEERV NAISH I I ADDED SHORTS PASSING I'AKADE CAKTCi LATEST NEWS Cnpilil Tommy's Ta PHONE 77 Stand: Grotto Cigar SM Day and Night Srrvtel Tommy ChristoU Propritj ' TERRACE Transfer Storage vv nfFPT ALL TRAIN SERVICE TO ANY PP IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) TER&4 nn nnr 1B7 ANNOUNCING CORNER SNACK H -At- ircnnlCC (Mrs.' Flossie Lambttl TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Oshorne V. Imhoff A' M' . ...line! ReconSlr1 Expert Repairs on all makes of cars worn uiesei Aceiyiene suiu j nnym TERRACR j