ft If. . ' ! : i 4 ':5 1:1 hi Idrfurc ilupcrt Daily I3clusf Thursday, December 13, 1945 ubllshed every afternoon except Sun-lay by Prince Rupert Daily Newt limited. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y City Carrier, per week 15 iMonth 65 Per Year $7.00 if Mall. 'per month 40 Per Year MOO I PRACTICAL GIFTS jt - g This year? with so many items y unobtainable, an excellent solu-5 .Uon to your gift problems ls to ;j o"v . .)4yuvai guts. V stock.you will find many very n-tcpmuic items, we suggest' 5 For HER-Superhealth Cooking g Utensils. g Pyrex Ware. y Dishes Lamps. 6 For HIM Tools. Shop Nowl MEMBER A.B.C. You believe In education, don't you? Of-course you do. Your newspaper, every issue of it, informs and teaches and educates every member of your family. t it ,. , ( . . Key of Highway Situation . . . The question of the ownership of the Prince Rupert-Terrace Highway cannot be finally settled until the ; (.matter .of the right-of-way has ..been permanently arranged with L,the Canadian National Railways, the provincial minister of public works, Mr. Anscomb, has stated. Until such time, as that is done the responsibility for maintenance of the road can be neither placed or 4ssiimed. So w6 know now that the matter which we must immediately liress for is to get the question of the right-of-way settled with the railway, company. Therefpre, the responsibility for the upkeep can jJe bandied between the two governments either of which, if they fchoose to do so, could repudiate the responsibility. Meantime, we might consider ourselves, fortunate that the provincial department is giving Hie road the attention that it is getting. A measure of credit is due i that regard. s a Impeding Employment . . . The war in Europe has been jDVer more than six months; the-Japanese war three. Hundreds of thousands of servicemen have returned from overseas stations and Say, Have You Seen Our Showing of SCARVES Here's the answer to "WHAT TO GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS" . . . Something useful, comfortable these chilly days, and will add a dash of color to his wardrobe. been discharged to civilian hie. L III There are more men lookiner fori Vl III jobs today than there are immedi ately available vacancies, says the Financial Post. And yet the Department of Labor is continuing an employment system" born of wartime necessity and geared to an emergency economy, when jobs were plentiful and urgent, workers few and hard to find. Employers of labor now have been granted the great privilege , . of i ii i puousmng inear names in advertisements for help wanted, but the applications must still be made through the cumbersome channels of National Employment Service. The quickest way to get at the heart of the present unemployment problem would be to remove the extensive process of documentation and. inquisition still in vogue. Let men and jobs' come together in the most direct manner possible, and then let the department concern itself with the kernel of the problemthe men who are left unemployed. .. National Employment Service should continue to function, but as a service, not as an executive authority. It should stand ready to provide workers for jobs that develop and cannot be filled through normal channels. It should be advised of employment vacancies as they occur and as they are filled, so it can help men who do not know where to look for work. But it should' not be permitted to impede this country's normal business and industrial development by insisting on handling, individually, the placing of every one of Canada's 4,000,000 workers. WHITES in crepes and pure silks. $2.00 to $5.00 PAISLEY PATTERNS in Rayons and Wool and Rayon $1.50 to $2.50 SILKS in Assorted Patterns $3.50 to $1.50 ENGLISH WO VENS in Pure Wool $5.00 liiirTii MJijgiii'iiVi'ai'.ii'iiivMiij while the. selection is largerl Gordon's Hardware S McBride Street Phone , COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are In good order also check your Water Pipe insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N.T.HANSEN phone home service 74.1 It Is good" citizenship to VOTE s omiies Brainy Cuss, What? Their cars having collided, Pat and Mike were surveying . the situation. Mike offered Pat a drink from his bottle. Pat drank and Mike returned the bottle to his pocket. "Thank ye," said Pat,' "but aren't you going to have a bit of a nip yourself?" "Aye," replied Mike, "but not until the police have been here." Crabby And then there Ls the one about the little moron whq ran off the streetcar backwards because he "heard the-women nexi. to him say she was going to grab his seat whence got up. Insurance Plus Insurance Agent: "Now you are married and have a wife you will want life Insurance." Groom: "Shucks, no. She isn't very dangerous." DANCES AGAIN CHUNGKING W This wartime capital of China is dancing again, Jamming the halls to the point of suffocation despite a cover charge of 1,400 Chinese dollars. It was illegal to dance in Chungking during the war, but as concession to American forces authorities decided to allow about a half dozen dance halls to open. They were built at great cost and were Just about ready to open when the war ended and the exodus of the Americans began. But the halls are prospering anyway, because the eager Chi nese seem to be trying to make up for all the fun they missed during the long and sombre war years. The orchestras on the whole are poor, but they play valiantly from opening to 11 pjn. closing time without rest, and the Chinese patrons do not seem to suffer from the discords. Be sides the cover charge, Chungking's much-berated synthetic vodka or pin is on tan at 2.5O0 Chinese dollars the bottle. Hangover cones for free. Consequently, most Chinese patrons drink tea awd eat ROVFR PAN READ TRAFFIC LIGHTS VANCOUVER Oi Dogs, can read traffic lights. A story describing how a certain dog observed and obeyed traffic lights appeared In a Vancouver newspaper and promptly brought a flood of letters from readers who maintained the story was impossible since dogs are color -blind. However, dogs can distinguish between degrees of bjightness. And that's how they can tell the difference between the stop and go signal, All they have to do is remember whether the red light Is at the top at bottom of the standard. HASTINGS. Eng. 05 The dogs and pets column of the West Sussex Times carried this advertisement: "Airedale pup for sale, pedigree, colored fur-trimmed shoes, crepe soles, fawn spats." BURNHAM, Buckinghamshire. En?, ft AJice, Countess , Grey, widow of Earl drey, Governor-General of Canada from 1904 to 1011, left an estate valued at 29,874 ($134,370). IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF ERNEST NOEL VALENTINE, DECEASEDS-TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judge Fisher, made on the 23rd day of November. A.D. 1943. I was appointed Administrator (with Will Annexed) of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of December, A.D. 194S. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their, Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 27th day of November. A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 288 SEE OUR STOCK OF Automotive Accessories Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths Chamois Olashine Window Cleaner (with sprayer) Vanity Mirrors Bumper Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Utility Carriers (just the thing for the sportsman) Sleet Shavers Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealer Imperial Oil Dealer LETTERBOX RADIO AUCTION The Editor, Dally News: One of your correspondents has requested an explanation of "Radio Auction." May we reply through the medium of your paper? Briefly, "Radio Auction" is a device to raise money for Christmas Cheer. The plan has been conceived by the local Junior Chamber of Commerce and indeed has been carried through very successfully by this group with the co-operation of the press, the radio station and citizens generaljy in pre-war years. It is anauctton of talent. Many fof our citizens are gifted, musi cally or otherwise, and are willing to offer their services in support of this worthy cause. Many others are willing t5 bid gener- i ous sums for the enjoyment of 1 hearing their friends perform j over the air. "Radio Auction" I takes advantage of this sltua-I tion to divert these bids into a i sizeable fund. Modesty may cause the artist requested to decline the invitation offered in which case he usually mak;s food the bid himself and Is relieved of the obligation. In either case much merriment results and the Christmas Cheer Fund benefits by the good natured blddlm? and counter-bidding. "Radio Auction" 1 now open. Bids are being received at Mc-Rae Bros, store, and a battery of CHILD DIED BY DROWNING Two-year-old Ruby Nelson of Metlakatla died near her home on December 10 by accidentally drowning, It was decided by an inquiry held by Coroner M. M. Stephens at Metlakatla Wednes day. The child's body was found I floating about 15 feet from shore on the waterfront at the native I ' village by David Prevost. Imme- diate application of first aid j failed to revive the little girl. Apparently the child had fallen j Into the water while playing j along the shore. She was the , daughter of Mr. anc Mrs. Robert Nelson. Coroner Stephens was taken to Metlakatla on the Indian Department boat Naas-keena yesterday afternoon. telephones ls being Installed In the radio auction centre opposite the Post Office. The programs will be broadcast over station CFPR oh Monday, Wednes day and Saturday nights next week. When an artist Is requested, a car will call for him and bring him to the centre, where he will be given a spol on the-program. Anotrier will call on the sponsor for his contribution. Your correspondent and everyone Is welcome to Join in the fun by phoning In bids and by attending the broadcasts. Thanking you for your valuable space. RADIO AUCTION COMMITTEE, Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. LONDON The end of the war has left people more worried than ever, -with the result they are Increasingly absent-minded, says London Transport, counting a growing volume of iorgotten gloves, umbrellas and spectacles. LONDON P Since Its inauguration ten years ago King George's Jubilee Trust has spent nearly 500,000 ($2,250,000) In direct grants for the benefit of youth, Lord Portal told a luncheon meeting. CAISiAiJiAN " A program of unusual interest will be presented at the Y.M.C.A. Music Hour on Friday evening when Handel's "Messiah" in its entirety "-will be played. The rendering of the "Messiah" has become a musical tradition of the Christmas season and the "Hallelujah Chorus," perhaps the best known portion of this great work, never ceases to inspire those who listen. The music for Friday evening was recorded by the BSC Choral Society, with the BBC Symphony Orcheitra, Sir Ihomas Beecham conduetlii" Buy more War fetvlng.. Stamps. STORAHP cn. js a A V All Ant. Storage -,,0r a entire furnishinH of' home-l, eonveifnt lnJ We own and the warehouse operjt, X, .your goods are ,to5 For comnleti. losing, cratlnu. imw. """ ana snippy ruONE o x lUKAbt LTD. Corner 2nd and pn .... ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Phone Ited 2:; after G o'clock. Wo Will on) i II 111 V CI. 1 1 I I II I nfi PI. i it 0 . . v I VU 111 Engineers OIL AM) COAJ. STOKER n .... r .i nii i Kuin u v vui i uniiuuio LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave and 4th s Phone Red 389 P.O. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-Set R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Er5JtSSE 1 GEORGE DAI AUCTIONEEER and - VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO Si YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPE I atoJie A ,arge election in: I See Us jW l fwMt tfcCOAUntS GENTS' KINGS and NOVELTIES Hnjjjl f H John Bulger mm T IKH JEWELLERS V V, AlMi g tlflHHHi Thlrd Avenue (Qpp.. Post Office) MfcyVfiHl "MBtaBMBH 2 EXPERT y ENGRAVING Christmas Suggestions LEATHER IS ALWAYS AN APPROPRIATE GIFT. WHY NOT GIVE inM A SMART DOPP KIT, FITTED CASE, WALLET, OR IF HE IS AWAY, A WRITING CASE IS IDEAL. VISIT OUR GIFT COUNTER FOR CHRISTMAS IDEAS. lRBSSPfir SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION William F. Stone Monday, 17th, Wednesday," 19th, Saturday, 22iul "Clothes of Distinction' Rill I DIN NEEDS nimnruT nn in 1 1 kin i in I IIILI VI - & CO. LTD. 652 i..iain? steam r i rpiit 1 . a 1 Faa TT1U. that ureu ice....- R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masses r . i Reducing, Facial ana - 1 - rnpvftTP. sweaisn Phone Green 507 e lor app""" ...nnB 937 THIRD AVENU&