ii' i 7 I I Ml rail 11 mil HI I: 1' I.-,- i: r . ;. I'. Ill 41: Jptlntt Rupert Dafty -- Tuesday, December 11, tiblicEecT every afternoon except Sun-ay by Prince Rupert Dally Jitvei imlti. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SCBSCRIPTION RATES: .y City Carrier, per week IS er Month .6S -Per. Year 7.00 ly Mstt. per month .40 -Per year 14.00 Who is- your best friend? No, that's wrong. It isn't John Doe or Jane Roe. It's your newspaper. Why? Because it combs the whole world to bring you facts to make life" forth living. Indl la There is an emphatic note of ur gency in the United Kingdom gov- erriment's statement of policy for India made recently in both Houses of Parliament. The statement re-affairms in the clearest language the intention of the government as announced to convene a constitution-making body in India as soon as pos-sfijfe. But India is in the grip of an electoral campaign and insinuations are "being bandied from the platform rejecting on British good faith. The burden of these suggestions is that His Majesty's government are planning postponement of the accession of India to Dominion status and that they may use the proposed discussions between the Viceroy and the boated 'representatives of British India and representatives of the Indian States immediately after the elections as a delaying factor. In view of the suggestions the government has considered it imperative t8 .eradicate all doubts and suspicions on this subject by a new unequivocal statement. So the government has now made it crystal clear .that the setting up of a constitution-making body is a mattei which will brook no delay. The gov- ' Ihiment declare here and now that i "regards it "as a matter of the greatest urgency." While there may & no delay on the government's ILt in striving to secure the wisest measures of agreement on the raethod of framing India's future-ftade constitution, it will be for the IruITan Parties to see to it differences of aim and ilfiCallowed unduly to defer the "con Summation of India's self-governing Sspirations. f.-The government has decided to send a non-partisan delegation to Ihdia. These representatives of the qhief British political parties should frSay, Have You Seen S Our Showing of I SCARVES WHITES in crepes and pure silks. $2.00 to $5.00 PAISLEY PATTERNS in Rayons and Wool and Rayon $1.50 to $2.50 ; SILKS in Assorted Patterns $3.50 to $1.50 ENGLISH WOVENS in Pure Wool $5.00 iuMSfM PHONE 543 PHONE FOR H, Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer &tus 1945 A.B.C. be able personally to contribute fo the removal of misunderstandings as they will certainly testify to the earnestness of British intentions and the sincerity of British goodwill. Meanwhile the British government during the transition period which must intervene before India becomes fully self-governing could not permit any attempt to be made to break down the loyalty of the administrative services or the Indian armed forces and port to the securing that in the duty and of India being by force India will peace both problem, the social and the government and for the British every constitution government to be carried the maintenance and for those maintenance. A Graphic Undoubtedly and comprehensive of the to date is "The chronology fighting which "D" Day and Europe. more fully almost massing of started on operation of of Normandy St. Lo, Rhem battles up to the Khine on 1 A 1 pnases oi pany the method of that their London outlook are; . ing.men.oi from the Harlem negro quences. The yesterday at concludes all who wish war story. B. B. Here's the answer to "WHAT TO GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS" . . . Something useful, comfortable these chilly days, and will add a dash of color to his wardrobe. BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord $12.50 Poplar, per cord $ 12.50 Slabwood, 14" $10.00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE, 580 COAL and WOOD they will give full sup government of India in their servants are protected performance of their that the future constitution shall not be called into or threat of force. have need of internal for settling the many difficulties inherent in her constitutional and for tackling successfully extensive projects for economic welfare which of India have put-lined, the execution of which government is giving encouragement. Until the new comes into being the of the country will have on with due respect for of law and order charged with their War Picture . . . the most graphic pictorial document recent war to be shown True Glory," a filmed of those great events of took place between "V-E" Day in Western From the picture can be appreciated the cast and miraculous co-ordinated fighting power which June 6, 1944, with the Mulberry on the beach through Caen, FaJaise, and the other ereat the final victory across i May 7, 1U45. To accom- i i 1 name is an ingenious i picturization of the various ' narrative in which fight- Cockney to the Harlen negro various nations and races London .Cockney to the tell the story in se picture, which opened the Capitol Theatre and today, should be seen by to be up to date on the TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston) Vancouver Bralorne 17.75 R. Cons 191j R. X. 19i-2 Cariboo Quartz 2.90 Dentonia 1 Orull Wihksne ; Hedley Mascot 1.35 Minto Pend Oreille Pioneer 6.65 j Premier Border .08 I Premier Gold 2.63 Privateer 69 Reeves McDonald CO Reno ..: .07 2 Salmon Gold 17 Vi Sheep Creek 1.65 Taylor 'Bridge 82 Whitewater 04 Vananda 48 Congress 12 Pacific Eastern 10 Hedley Amalgamated 07 Taylor Windfall 07 Oils A. P. Con 19 Calmont t 41 C. & E -'. 2.00 Foothills 1.40 Home 3.75 Toronto Beattle 1.35 Buffalo Canadian .39 Cons. Smelters 82.50 Giant Yellowknlfe 8.25 Hardrock .. .95 Kerr Addison 16.50 Little Long Lac 2.80 Madsen Red Lake 4.10 Macleod Oockshutt 3.20 Donalda 1.26 Moneta .70 Pickle Crow . 4.25 Jollet Quebec 66 San Antonio , 5.90 Sherrltt Gordon 79 Steep Rock 2.89 Senator Rouyn 1.36 Homer .30 Jacknlfe .32 Bobjo ,.. .21 God's Lake 58 Lynx 33 HITCHLINO, Norfolk. Eng. CP) Percy A. Perrln, 69, famed Essex cricketer Ad for" years a member of the English test match selection committee, died nere. FLOWERS FOR "UNCLE ADOLF" This photo was among several effects of Eva 'Braun, reputed .to have been Hitler's mistress. The child giving, the flowers to the late, unlamented Fuehrer is believed to be the daughter of a sister of Eva Braun. IMPROVEMENTS IN New Post-War Services Heing Kapidly Put Into Kffect NEW YORK, Dec. 12 The Bri-1 London to Edinburgh by 50 mln-tish railway? are off to a good utes and from Edinburgh to ' start in putting into effect their London by 45 minutes, according promises for imoroved nost-wnr I to T- D- Slavery, general traffic services: faster schedules; more comfortable and attractive pas- other spectacular acceleration is senger cars; restoration of some the London, Midland, and Scot-restaurant cars; speedy, resump- tish London (Euston) -Inverness tlon, as conditions allow, of the j train, which arrives 1 hour. 43 former convenience and luxuries ' minutes earlier than formerly, so highly valued by the pre-war ( This company has added 4 traveller. , trains to its services. m. mayuc unnec rnceec c ft- ymnm DMiwn ) W 1 KIHinMlliMli I KWONG SANG H1NO HOPEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tail All your patronage welcome Open a pjn. to 2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 p.ni to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION IN, CHRISTMAS GIFTS We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRITISH TRAINS The London and North Eastern Railway has reduced the time of the "Fivlns Scotsman" from manager of British Railways i headouarters In New Ynrk An. SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA HLACK COD SMOKED MILD CURED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, j PRACTICAL GIFTS This year, with so many items unobtainable, an excellent solution to your gift problems Is to give practical gifts. In our stock you will find many very acceptable Items. We suggest: For HF.U Superhealth Cooking Utensils. Pyrex Ware. Dishes Lamps. For HIM Tools. Shop Now I while Gord on's McBride Street r.)....;.9.,i!X.s.,s..ls,,..3i.,l,,2,,l,3. BRAND LETTERBOX HAS HOTEL PLAN Editor, Daily News: There recently appeared !n your columns a letter suggesting a new hotel be built by local Interests. This Is a good idea and should be applied to other things as well. Unless we are ready to help ourseives and have sufficient faith in our. proposals we can hardly expect outside interest! to enthuse over them. The impending lay-off6 at the I dry dock would seem to provide a timely opportunity. From re marks made at the industrial relations meeting last week one can assume that employees affected are for the most part carpenters, plumbers, painters, etc. and can be gainfully em-ployeyon general construction. Why not build a hotel now to , take up a portion of th; n?ici-j pated slack and keep these wo.- b.t? M W WW- '. I V- IIU1,11 j Ml ,east? By then we hope a nationwide program will permit more .suitable re-employment. Also this will give the CNR. further time they claim 1$ necessary to reach a decision on their ship construction. As a sign of good faith the C.N.R. should be ask9d to grant those laid off and remaining here certain privileges during that period. No doubt also the C.N.R. could be Instrumental In obtaining material that might be required to keep thrse men working on other construction. The supply situation might well be solved with both provincial and Domfnlon government co-operation and aid. Regarding finance I believe there wou'.d be little difficulty and suggest the following: Let us suppose we decide on a 2C0-room. hotel. A. reasonable estimate of cost would be $1,000. rer room with $250 for furnishings etc. total, cost $250,000. From the outstanding record of dry dock purchases we may assume that practically every em- n the selection Is largerl Hard ware Phone 311 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 H A & CUT RATE LOCAL MEN: HOME ON ELIZABETH The local Red Cross has been advised of tho landing last week from the Queen,Elibeth at New York enroute home front overseas of Lieut. Qeorge W. Minns, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. O, Minns, formerly of this city; Private J. A. May, next-of-kin J. May of this city; Lance Corporal Alike Montesano, son of Mrs. A. Mon-tesano, Prince Rupert, and Private M. Larsen, next-of-kin, M. J. Robertson, 113 First Avenue, Prince Rupert. ployee has some Victory Bond3 and if 250. persons put up $500 each to form a company for the undertaking half the required capita) would be obtained. Surely an equal amount In shares could be subscribed by other citizens! Properly directed there should be no depreciation on investment and shares should be readily negotiable at full value for those wishing to sell after completion. A' an added '.n.-ucement to facilitate construction now I think the city might exempt the property from taxation during construction. Here's hoping some responsible grouR of Individuals will get busy on1 this Idea before It Is too late; CITIZEN. .ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYERS Phone Red 296. after G o'clock. We will call for them. ' -Jwift- MUFFS . . . to complete the little Miss's Christ m,a s wardrobe. Many styles and colors to choose from. WEE TOTS' SHOPPE Take Invigorating steam baths and massage to relievA thnt t.lrprf fppllnir r v I: R. Y. WALKER Graduate Masseur 1 Reducing, Facial and General Swedish Massage Phone. Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST m STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage lor a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is, con venient. and inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving,, storage and shipping, PHONE no LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue Quality Style ARROW SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at the SHOE STORE IT- ,. n "eating engineers OIL and coa?. STOKERS Dorr An?JA urn I &HIIUBr$0 LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Stm Phone Red 389 P.O.Box INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-- K. E. MORTIMER d Zlin AVP bl. --.. ri nna u II GEORGE DAIS AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT xuun CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED csumaies Phcr.e fcr Free Appolntr.ru Phone Red 127 Lumber See Us for your BUILDING NEEDS 9 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 ' W&XLT " ' J:rL. mi m 'm it i i mm m ii "-Ss. . rwm mi i a i tip j DICKENS "ArrnimTMAsa 4. Jk ' lives for you on, Vlom r OTHER SELECTIONS FOR CHILDREN: THE SHEEP AND THE PIG WII0 SET UP HOUSEKEEPING - rM bf CuJrun jTioineTliomKii. PINOCCHIO (VPalt I)i)ntr)-A' OrJgiollr Sung In the Picture. Album P-IS .... 2,7 PETER AND THE WOLF (Pruk; f S.fe KouKvlkr Symphony Orch. Alkum IJA.J THREE niLLY GOATS GRW' & ANSWER THREE QL'ESTIO IF YOU CAN -Told b, Gudrun rhorn-11iomfn. CtnlMHtr V-8 DRAMATIZED FAIRY TAtB-Ulltcn Crow with ihe CK I'"" "Th Irit Neit Doot'-. JC Ctnltmn UC-4 NUTCRACKWl SUITH Owly)-Lcopold Sloko..l l dclphia Orclitr. . Album DAI26J . . . ' M McRae Bros. i