peacetime economy. ' Ijt strikes in the early ( part of ne year had been low for the Ntfl AND from ml OCK nTTAWA. Dec. 11 CCIM Canadian InW nvranl a new year in somewhat anxious but ne Mrfanf Less determined mood. The Labor movem(A ,u,uul,k marced from the war with its membership at & $.v. xtirnc high with new legislation favorable to laboi ind with a iirm uulmummi in Keeping in peacetime tne llto5 made on war production j h ...... ..u. , LAoUKl l E M.P. "tSUiirciilS FOUND DEAD unions at tm,vw, aouDie tiixir , nre-war figure. The ques- - .... trst eight montns tne time loss ,t a nerccnt lower than In lae same period of 1944 but to- Itrds the end of tne year tne Lures soar, largely as a result if the Ford Motor co. waixout Lt Windsor, Ont. The main Issue In the Ford ismit" is union security the Unand of the United Automo-t- Workers (CI.O.) for a union Lop and check-off. The com pany opposes that demand with Em argument that a union shop taiwment, requiring every cm-Uyce to Join the union, and lh( comnulsory deduction of Lion dues from payrolls, are tndemocratic. I While statements from both Ijm emphasize the union se- arity issue there is evidence oi feeling in the' minds of lit ordinary worker walking the pket line that other securities Lre involved, too Job security l.uid wage security. Ilsk Guaranteed Iw'ate Per Year A euaranteed wage of $1,800 la ytar Is one of the Issues bc- l:wtn the company and the union. The average Ford work- Icr admits that he received a wad hourly rate and. that h? Iiad worked steadily while war production was at its peak but I w is nervous about the future. Aujust Wallin was chairman of the mer-tin??. Cltv rinrif ti n Thnln. who Is '''o returning officer, explained the method of the Hunter ballot hlch is to be used for this !'Ws voting. Mayor D.i?5ett credited tne 1913 ennnMl nmnrspd laricly ' Labor members, with estab- shing trust funds for the citys Wcphonc and waterworks utilities. From this policy of "salting "ay 25 per cent oi tne proma 'i Doth utilities, two funds, containing a total of some $43,000 have been set uu. The telephone "serve now contains ii,i. 'hllc the waterworks reserve 'und has about $32,000. in addition n third fund, com posed of receipts from the sale TO REPRESENT ALL THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME VOTE T. Norton Youngs LONDON. Dec. 11 A Laborite member of the British House of 1 50 0f L'LSin : Parliament has been found dead L .w that membership loom, to after M , u mU ase as tne year slnce nid was found new strength reunions whUtaker. Th, British 1 war and unskilled S ilr work-; ; css Association said that Whit-ni-skllled ntarneu a u ." , and aDDarentiv died of exDOsure. ret time; but many of them l, to change Jobs to fit Into ! CONDITION CRITICAL Famous American Central is, However, Comfortable aud Completely national HEIDELBERG, Germany, Dec. 11 Pi The latest reporl concerning General Patton says the two-gun general remains in a critical condition although his physicians state he Is "quite comfortable and completely rational." He Is suffering from a broken neck and partial paralysis as a result cf a motor accident Sunday. Mrs. Patton is on the way to the side of her husband. Weather conditions pre vented her plane landing at Paris this morning and it is now believed heading for southern France. It is disclosed tnat a British specialist In neuro-surgery has been flown to Heidelberg to ex- . amine Patton. Fluctuations in peacetime em ployment are not peculiar to the Ford Co. They have been lairiy common throughout the auto mobile Industry. The Windsor workejs who during thp,.sjtrike have gone forVccfcs wittrtheirl only income from union relief I (Continued on Page 5) Labor Presents Civic Case MAYOR, CIVIC LABOR CANDIDATES MR VIEWS AT PUBLIC MttllNtt Civic Labor Federation's seven candidates; for Irivic office took turns in speaking before an audience of about forty in the Oddfellows' Hall last nigiu ami III , . . . V II 1 1,.. oonnnll UT iVl'lVm" oriel taiKs were louoweu u.v a sfioi j .v. Iuieir H. M. Daggett in which he concluded a summary of the work dnno bv citv council this year with an ap- I'lteal for a solid Labor vote. Speakers were the four labor tandltinlM for the two ar term J. S. Black. Iildfrmanlc John Mulroney, Harold A. Pon der and Alderman George a. Ruddcrham the one year aldcr-manic candidate, Peter P. For- man and the two labor scnooi board candidates. Mrs. Pearl H. I Howe and Mrs. Mvrtle Rcpcr. nf ritv-owned lots now contains more than $20,000, the Mayor said. Negotiations for the city to receive compensation for the wartime damage to the city's streets and utilities were pro-nroojiiir favcrablv. Mayor Dacset said, and, in addition to expecting payment by the federal government of Its part of the lotal rehabilitation cost of $311,000, the city is seeking to obtain Its portion from the (jovernment by way oi a ww-intercst loan. vtavnr Daisctt took Alderman T. B. Black to task on two counts. "A'.dcrman Black gives tne impression that in his three months of office he has acccm-plished more than other members of the city council have done in three years. I would remind Alderman Black that many of the things for which he, ap-rarcntly, Is taking credit were done by the council as a whole. Mayor Daggett said. Mayor Daggett was eongratu-(Continued on Page 4) .cement Soviet to Co-operate in Giving Control of Manchuria to Nationalists CHUNGKING, Dec. 11 (CP) The official Chinese news agency reports today that China and the Soviet Union have concluded an agreement whereby Chinese Nationalist forces will be flown into Manchuria to take ever such important cities as Mukden and Harbin. The report says agreement also har been reached on the procedure to be followed for the Chinese Nationalists 4o take over local administrations throughout Manchuria. The Itu'.sians are said to have agreed to protect the Chtnesc Nationalist troops, presumably against the Chinese Communists, whenever they land in Manchuria. STARTING JAP TULALS TOKYO The acting commander of the United States Eighth Army, Lieutenant General C. I. Hall, announces the first war crimes trials in Japan will start a week from today in Yokohama. WAR CRIMES PICTURE NUERNBERG, Germany A four - hour motion picture documenting the evil history of the Nazi party will take up most of today's war crimes court session in Nuernberg. Two United States Naval officers assembled the film in Berlin from the confiscated libraries of the enemy. : i as w "To" SET STRIKE DATE PITTSBURGH A spokesman for the CI.O. Steelworkers Union says the union's wage policy committee will meet today to decide the date of the industry-wide strike in the United Stales. The committee's decision is to be announced sometime this afternoon. The walkout will affect C50.000 American steelworkers. INCIDENT ON GUAM GUAM It is revealed that three United Slates Marines have been killed on Guam after being ambushed by Japanese mho were well aware of Ihe war's end. Another American marine was wounded in the fracas which occurred PRIORITIES FOR BRIDES PARIS The Canadian embassy in Paris has announced lhat French brides of Canadian soldiers will be granted free transport to their new homes. They will also be granted priorities on Canadian troopships and planes. Frcnchwcmcn engaged lo Canadian servicemen will pay reduced fares enroutc to Ibis country. tlngxpower of the Prince Rupert station has been asked and now a booster station at Terrace Is requested. WASHINGTON ii is an-announced that all American forces in Iran will be withdrawn tills month, NAZIS WATCH SELVE5 STRUT NUERNBEBO. Dec. 11 0 - Twenty-one German leaders on I trial for war crimes gazed with mixed emotions today at a mo tion nicture re-enacting their struttlne years as self-proclaim ed supermen on the march ; which led them to ruin. The j Nazi chieftains watched the familiar scenes from German films flashed across the screen. The documentary film of Nazi accession was shown as evi dence before the international military tribunal. Weather Forecast SulletiHA TO NATIONALIZE MINES LONDON British Fuel Minister Shinwell has announced that a bill to nationalize Biit-ish coal mines will be presented to the House of Commons by the Labor government within a few days. BURNED TO DEATH BRANTFORD, Ont Tw'j Indian children died yesterday in a fire which destroyed their frame home on Ihe Six Nations reserve at Brantford. The children were alone in the house whe the fire started, apparently from an overheated stove. w-XHAUGES BRITAIN , OTTAWA Liberal Senator Thomas Vien of Quebec, has charged Britain with violation per house last nigm inai Canada should look after her own interests "first, last and all the lime." RIOT AT IUNERAL BUENOS AIRES Four persons were wounded yesterday in Buenos Aires during a fu neral procession. Hearses were bearing the bodies of three others killed during the week-cd political demonstration against strong man Colonel Juan Peron. TEST ATOM BOMBS p WASHINGTON The United Stales Army and Navy arc contemplating joint tcsls of atom lmbs against battleships. It has recently been suggested that captured Japanese warships be used as targets for the tests. Whether or not this plan will be carried out has not yet been Twentv-seven Are Rescued When Flames Sweep Up Elevator Shaft hospital Is valued at $20,000 Heavy smoke poured from the burning building, and shortly after the fire becan firemen- be lieved they had lt under control, but flames broke out again shortly after midnight. Those dead are all from Saskatchewan. They are: E. A. Fredrick, George Chadwick, George M. Adams, Dennis Leo Gaff, Mrs. J. Black, Leo Vlck Chow and Robert Young. d IBOR SEEKS TO HOLD GAINS IN NEW northern And cento, :al BRrrijin; WMjtiniA' fa NEWSPAPER' Local' Tides KM ACHIEVED DURING THE WAR Canadian Unions Face 1946 With Determination to Keep Progress Made During Wai By JACK WILLIAM 55 Canadian Press Stan Writer 'OL. XXXIV, No. 286. mm Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1945 oison LASKI CHARGES UNITED STATES "IMPERIALISM" . Prince Rupert Cloudy to part LONDON, Dec. 11 Q Profes-cloudy and cool, becoming fair" ssor Harold J. Laskl, chairman of this evening. Winds moderate to Britain's Labor Party, said In light, continuing fair and cool ait:address last night that Brit-Wednesday, alii in accepting the Brctton North Coast and Queen Char- Woods proposals is "aiding and I west winds. Partly cloudy and but the alterative would have drinkers. . . .fi i U.iaIt back America Amnrlitn SMI on I i cool, becoming fair in afternoon to be to "swing PRICE FIVE CENTS U lAHAUCCC C Laskl, expressing doubts about JMl MMLJL I J the wisdom of the Bretton Woods , j UIITUrff agreement, said "if there had j III Kh WIINtJJ 1 w been no siznature on this agree- i ment by the British government, the results would have been the destruction of the working pow ers of the United Nations Or ganization." RELEASING PRISONERS ATHENS An announcement from the Greek cabinet discloses that alt political prisoners will be released, except those being held on murder charges. sub-commlttec. it was Adolph Ochs, late owner of the New York Times, who pointed out that lt was advertising revenue that gave news papers financial independence on which freedom of the press is is based. Dasea "When wnen advertising auvenising re OAKLAND, Cal.. Dec. 11 Alike Hashimoto, commander of the Japanese submarine believed to have sunk the cruiser Indianapolis, has landed in the United states under heavy euard. He will testify in the trial of the i commander of the Indianapolis. Captain, Charles McVay. The American captain Is facing charges of negligence in connection with the sinking of the cruiser. Be Set Up in Old Colony of the Ottawa iraue agree- , . ... . . ,,, ments by raising what he LONDON, Dec. 11 I'rime iuinister .iem- caiied a complete embargo pnr Attlpfi announced todav that the British govern- aeainst Canadian goods, sen- 1 t -jj et ... eiected national convention in alor Vien declared in the up- . , , n tt on;fi tv.0 prmvenHmi will be established as early in 194G as climate permits. Newfoundland, the first British colony in the i i it western nemispnere, was a sen governing Dominion . from 1855 to 1933 when financial difficulties forced it to appeal to the British irnvprnment. Since 1934 renre- jsentativc government has been suspended and tne island nas been governed by British gov ernment commission. SENTENCE REDUCED Considering' an appeal by Rufus White, Massett native, against a police court sentence of six months in Jail, Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court Monday afternoon reduced the sentence to three months. White ' was convicted at Massett on a charge of obstructing Constabli W. Titcomb in the course of his duty. Seven Die in Saskatchewan Hospital Fire i GERMANS HAD In frame i own nospitai ouiiaing hCAhlinCT f AC At APTiE CREEK. Sask.. Dec. 11 (CV) Seven UtAULItjl UAj patients were burned to death Monday night in aj Washington, Dec. n tf--A fire which destroyed the Union Hospital in this south- United states government orti-western Saskatchewan town. It. is believed t located in me smoKe-iiueu uuiiuing wnen a iiru ., t - . as ln lhc worid.. which began in an elevator shaft at 10 o clock partial- by testing it on concentration TERRACE SEEKS BETTER RADIO TERRACE, Dec. 11 The Tzv- racc ana uisinci uoaia oi Trade Is still pressing for im proved radio conditions for the town of Terrace particularly and the district ln general. A strenethenlnz of the transmlt- i iy suinu nit uu4Mjiiai. 1 can n mmaics. At the time the fire broke out col. Bernard Bernstein, dlrcc-thcrc were about 30 patients In tor 0f the division of cartels and tne nospitai some oi vmwi external assets or tne ujuicu women and children. Those who states military government in were" rescued were taken to a.nermanv. submitted the state - nearby military hospital'. . The ment to the Senate military URGE DOCK TENDER FOR SHIP REPAIR Mayor H. M. Daggett and W. M. 3atis cf the "Prince Rupert Industrial Development Committee have sent a telegram to W. It. Devcnish, vice-president ln charge, western lines, C.N.R.. Winnipeg, urging that the Prince Rupert Dry Dock submit a bid for repair work on the damaged Texas j Oil Co.'s tanker Illinois new In dry dock here. At a Civic Labor Federation meeting last nt?hi Mayor Daggett told the audience that, after he and Mr. Watts had heard a rumor that the dry dock management would not bid for the Job of repairing the 5,000-tpn tanker which was brought here for examination, they had made enqurles at the dry dock concerning lt. "Mr. Allen, the manager, wo away, and we were given the run-around'" the Mayor said. "So we Immediately sent a wire to Mr. Devenlsh urging that the dry dock make a bid for the job. We pointed out that lt would help fill the interim until more definite word Is received about the construction of another vess?! here." At present dry dock manager Bernard Allen Is ln LONDON (Reuter) Under the title of "The Nazi Crime" the Wednesday. December 12, 1945 t High ... 7:14 18.0 feet . 19:14 17.1 feet Low - 0:28 5.9 feet 13:09 8.9 feet Promise T Dutch F No Soap Norwegians! QetermjnCC Jq Prevent vre on ii using octum There Is no soap in Norway i yet and lt is still nece?sary to use sand for scouring purposes, according to a letter received by Bert Hanson from his sister in the Old Country. Xcedle and i thread are still extremely .scarce j but a little coffee is arriving In , the country now frcm Britain. It was five years since there had been coffee in Norway where the rjeorjle were great coffee Netherlands Sovereignty Restoration Upon Java Seventy Million People Prepared To Use Lethal Means to Annihilate Invadng Forces on Indies Island BATAVIA, Dec. 11 (CP) Indonesian leaders threatened todav to use both poison and arms to resist military restoration of Dutch sovereignty in strife-torn Java. Premier Sjahrir of the unrecog-Tnrinnocinn rpnuhliV said Indonesian forces J 111UUI1-JIW1 v(7M..w " would fic-ht if the Bntish command auempieu iu France Is Between Two Great Powers PARIS, Dec. 11 Q Speaking in the French capital yesterday, General Charles De Gaulle reiterated a previous statement that France is the balance between the two great, powers the United States and Russia. He declared that France will be friendly with both countries but will keep her eyes open and hands free. NO WORD HERE OF WAR GOODS FOR VANCOUVER A report that millions of board feet of lumber as well as plumbing fixtures from the United States Army installations at Prince Rupert, are to be transported to Vancouver for disposal by War Assets Corporation was given no confirmation by I. M McKlnnon, War Assets repres entative here today. The report was carried by a Vancouver newspaper this morning. "I can say definitely that I have no information on plans for the disposal of the property, Mr. McKlnnon told the Dally News. The Vancouver report stated that 16.000.000 board feet of lumber from the American in stallatlons here, as well as plumbing equipment, would be shipped south by the Crown corporation: Source of the Information was not given. "I hardly think," Mri McKln non said, "that the1 corporation would make public plans for the disposal of the property at Prince Rupert without informing their Prince Rupert office." Anyway, he added, appraisal of tim installations here has not vet been completed and, until that Is done, the War Assets Corporation cannot be given title to the property. "The American Installations hire are still owned by the Am ericans," leans, he lie fald. taiu. the corporation, Mr. McKlnnon said that Its policy was to give as fair distribution of Its mat- ----- e- i ueiiuun wui wumo "i"""""" venue Is Insufficient, as was con-1 has been moted from Paris to erials as possible throughout the whllo Inrap hlorlt. Of spicuousiy tne case in trance uc- rici.-uu.iij uuuv ihi'" j- "- o- - - fore the war" he said, "then United Nations, War Crimes Com- materials probably might be sold watch out " mission, m places where they can be most rule of the Netherlands. From a radio station near Soerabaja. a native leader, See-' tomo, spoke of a campaign tof poisoning against uie uutcn- saying "the Dutcn are poasunu they soon will bring in thou sands of soldiers. What qf it' We are determined to annihilate them, even If we have to" poison them to death. We have seventy million people behincl .1 t ... 4..1r frtDi HO US. 11 IS an casjr iuor. iui get rid of one or two hundred thousand enemies by poison." Newfoundland V To Get Autonomy . Elected -Convention To MAURETANIA LANDS VETS Big Cunard Liner Arrives at Halifax During Night HALIFAX. Dec. 11 When the Mauretania docked In Halifax last night 14 troop trains were waiting at dockslde to take the Canadian service personnel to their homes across the Dominion. One special, with 397 men aVoard, moved to Vancouver commencing at five o'clock tnis morning and until seven tontgnt a train is steaming out oi naii-fax every hour over C.N.R. lines. The big Cunard White Star liner brought home 10 Canadian sailors and one Wren. 4735 sol-, diers and 635 airmen. In addition the Mauretania bro'ught 30 Royal Navy and 41 British Army personnel. 202 Newfoundland ratings and 72 lumbermen and their 17 Wives and six cniiaren, 112 Chinese merchant navv ratings and 100 ministry of war transport and 40 Canadian government priority civilians for a total passenger list oi ouai prisons. - To transport the passengers 145 C.N.R. cars wFre-needed. 102 sleepers, 17 diners. 15 coaches and 11 baggage cars. LONDON KPi "Burma.Victory," r.rnHur.eri hv the British Army Film Unit, is to be distributed ln Canada and the Unltecj states. equitably disposed of, Prince Rupert would be given oppbrtunlty in mirehasc the surplus Vrar I rnnlnmPllt In KUCh OUantltlCS '0.5 it i Annrnlsal work, which Is being It could absorb. done by E. E. Poole of Edmonton, - may be completed about Decern-1 'c,t,',! bcr 15, lt Is understood. Mr. v . Z Poole, the Canadian government 1 y . i , 4 V. m I V appraiser, is a mcmuer u wc i y tw, nniistriipilnn Co. of Ed- & j monton, which had construction ' contracts with the Navy here during the war. American government .appraiser Is Major Hart. U. S. Army who is at nrcscnt ln the south. "I cannot sec how the deal can be consumated until the ap- 42 I pralsal has been completed and Maximum ,,, t,,rnoj vpr n Wnr a. Minimum 34 sets by the rnrnnr!,inn... Corporation." Mr Mr Rainfall 02 inches McKlnnon said. Commenting on the policy of ADHUP Akin OMLY 1 S ' I - m fj SHOPPING DAYS 8 If mm cHR'si KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE it