2 5 V Ldrfnrc Rupert DniTi? J3cuj0 Tuesday, December 11, 1945 RUPERT PEOPLES wWe 06. 1 STORE ft D R E S S E S F O R Y O U R P L E A S U R E RUPERT PEOPLES STORE CHRIST, by... MOLINAM) I.ENTIIEI5IC LEIGH DOROTHY OKAY VITA KAY CHANEL ELIZABETH AKDEN ADKIENNE PINAUD 1IUDNUT UATCIIELOK LUCIEN LELOXG HAKKIETT IIl'IilSAUI) AYEKS These are now in .slock . '. . others arriving shortly SHOP EARLY FOR A GOOD SELECTION Ormes ltd. Tiia Pioneer Druqgiats THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 !.lM.5..Jl5.J..S.a5.5ll3,S.S..,5,S,,5iJi.5., J. .,, iXSll COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Bu; i stove and Furnace are in good order -also cheel; you- Water Pipe insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service 7-1:1 Help Re-build Prince Rupert Better For strong Independent action that will embrace the whole community. Vote CLIFF HAM for Alderman This space voluntarily contributed by NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. Your FAVORITE Book Store RUPERT TOBACCO STORE Also Carries CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTIONS Christmas Cards I'ANCV WKAITINCJS. ' STICKLKS, LTC. Besides Your ! Newspapers - Magazines - Tobaccos - Candy ; OPPOSITE ORMES DRUG STORE IT CHILD DIES IN SHALLOW WATER A two-year old Metlakatla child died of suffocation on the waterfront near her home late yesterday afternoon after she had apparently fallen on her face In a few inches of water while playing at the water's edge with another tiny companion. The child was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson of Metlakatla. According to p. police report the child was found lying face downward in the water, and when efforts to revive it failed, a boat was sent o trie city to bring medical hc'p. Dr. J. A. Macdon-ald and J. A. Findiay of the Indian Department were taken to Metlakatla on the P.M.L. 15. arriving about 5:30. However, the child did not respond to treatment. An inquiry Into the tragedy Is being conducted by Coroner M. M. Stephens today. IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Finance Minister Ilsley notified Vancouver city council Saturday that the federal government will not participate in any scheme for the joint operation of the old Hotel Vancouver as a hostel for rr turning servicemen and their families. Jonathan Rogers, 81, pioneer building contractor, died here oh Saturday. He was responsible for construction of many of the city's best buildings and was a member of the Parks Board for more than 20 years and an alderman twice. VANCOUVER; Fifty veterans a day are applying for out-of-work benefits from the Vancouver office of the Department of Veterans' Affairs it was announced Saturday. On December 1 there were 4.850 veterans un-employedln Vancouver. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it good manners to recognize servants when one meets them on the street? A. Yes, by all means. It would be rude not to do so. In some Instances servants are more worthy of recognition than many people they serve. Q. What is meant by the term "resident chaperone?" A. This is a person, usually a matron, who Is employed by a girl to live in her home, and act as her social protector. Q. Is it appropriate to have an afternoon reception for, introducing a debutante? A. Yes. LEICESTER, Eng. (Reuters) Fitting rooms where woman hose buyers wfruld be measured for stocklngsjas they now are for shoes were suggested by A. W. Elcy. a hosiery manufacturer. THIS AND THAT Th? Ce4trgMali1tw AUm ?inic. In. "But, Mom, they're all goin' to the war effort!" Sea Cadet Orders K.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' TUESDAY, Dec 11 Parade Schedule 18:45 Duty watch to muster on main deck. 19:05 Band and markers to muster. 19:07-Hands fall in. 19:10-Officcrs' call. 19:15 Prayers, colors and divisions. 19:20 Inspection by Commanding Officer. " 19:35 March past. 19:45 Stand easy; requestmen and defaulters. 19:55 Hands fall in carry on classes. 20:40 Stand easy. 20:50 Hands to classes; carry on classes. 21:35 Secure. 21:45 Sunset. Training Schedule Class A First period, boat-work examination; second period, boatwork examination. Class B First period, compass and helm examination preparation; second period, lecture, training officer. Class C First period, Rules of road examination preparation; second period, lecture, training officer. : Class D First period, gunnery (F.T.); second period, lecture, training officer. Class E First period,' gunnery (F.T.); second period, lecture, training officer. Band First period, band practice; second period, lecture, training officer. Wrennette First period, gunnery, F.T. and lecture; second period, no training. Tender First period, gunnery (F.T.); (F.T.); second second period, period, lecture lecture ta T ... v...i a MS ivit? James, tfauiis, Naval r.uvui terms. ii-uii.i. I I i I I II I im N- S 1 This CHRISTMAS may we h f suggest a smart pair of Shoes I Q i V 'Si fr e aPl)rl,"ate ift- 0ur Ij7 II Gift Certificate idea solves the K j Am 1'i'oulem of style last and fiU , Ij I'U I WILLIAM I) m 1pTt f- I V J DISTINCTION" jbS V XFA 5 "CALL ME BILL" .6 mb S L QJ$& 5 SUPPORT RADIO AUCTION f ' 4. jttjptc! Monday, nth, Wednesday, 19th, Saturday, 22nd . RYDE, Isle of Wight f Mrs Tate Maud Butler, formerly Miss Maud Mitten, a star of the Vic torian stage, died at 90 years of age. O.O.D. (Acting) AC.P.O. Wilson. , Duty Petty Officer AP.O. Skog. Duty Division Hood Division. Quartermaster-. AL.S. Nord-i gaard. IN THE COUHT OP BUITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ERNEST NOEL. VALENTINE. DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judge Fisher, made oc the 23rd day of November. AD. 1945. I tfas appointed Administrator (with Will Annexed) of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of December, A.D. 1945. and all parties Indebted to thc Estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 27th day of November, A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 288 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 CHRISTMAS Specials .11 ine U.C. CLOTH I Hits I Fine Assoitinenl of Tics In very nice patterns. From 50c $1.00 Men's Silk Scarves In ( very nice patterns. From $1-25 to $2-00 Men's Pyjamas From S2.50WS3.50 Men's Dress Shirts From S2.oow$2-95 Men's IIluc pecial at Men's Waterproof Raincoats Priced $7.00 Boys' Suits $7.50 Overcoats $19-50 vo $9.50 $8.50 From im Boys' Suits Sizes 18 to 34, in fine wool tweeds. From $14.50 ' ,o $16-50 Boys' Pants In cotton mixtures and all wool S2-50to$4.50 Boys' Shoes From $3-50 ,,$3.95 Boys' Sweaters In fine wool. From $1-65 $3.00 B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West i of Sixth Street AIMED AT GIBRALTAR Hitler Ordered Command With Aid of Spain to Seize It in 1940 NUERNBERG, Dec. 12 (UP) Adolf. Hitler ordered his high PAmmanH In Wnwmher 1Q10 trt entry of Spain Into the war, evidence brought to light by the war crimes trial disclosed. The evidence was in the form of a directive from Hitler to his high command. It was presented to the court by Col. H. Phil-limore, British prosecutor. The directive was issued November 12, 1940, and was entitled "preparing preparatory measures of supreme headquarters for. prosecution of war in the near future are to be made along the following lines." There were sections dealing with France, the Balkans and one headed "Spain and Portugal." This said: "Political steps to bring about early Spanish entry into the war have been taken. The aim of German inter vention in the Iberian peninsula (code name Felix) will be drive the British out of western Mediterranean." "For this purpose." the direc- tlve said. "Gibraltar will be taken and the straits closed. The British will be prevented from gaining a foothold at another point on the Iberian peninsula or in the Atlantic Islands." Hitler's directive specified that "officers in civilian clothes will make the necessary preparatons for action against Gibraltar and for taking over the airdromes. As regards disguise and co-oper ofa n wlth, the Spaniards they rush plans for the seizure Gibraltar in antlclnatlon of the com wlth thc securlty LOCAL WOMAN DIES IN SOUTH The death occurred at Princeton on Monday of Mrs. Edna Stalker, daughter of a well-knewn Prince Rupert family, and wife of Douglas Stalker, former Prince Rupert man who recently returned from overseas. Mrs. Stalker passed away at the age of 34 after an illness of five years. Born and brought up in Prince Rupert, Mrs. Stalker spent four of the last five years at Tran-qullle sanitarium and was later in hospital at Vancouver. With the return of her husband to Canada after five years overseas, they moved this fall to Princeton, where Mr. Stalker took employment in a mine. to There is one daughter. Barbara, the age 10, who is living with her grandparents in Prince Rupert. Prior to going overseas, Mr. - 1T si S3 measure, 0,the hum uonAA iiir &wjic. "Special unit intelligence bureau over the protection " u raltar nroo tln with the spaninj wmi attempts to nd" terrain r,f v.. . laei1 Stalker " uont anrt r " "w.very and tratlons of our preParation Buy more War Bavin .111 ;i(iiui..nti in u. t St.. nt :l " :ru'w a wj uvpjriment here husband and daushu- EH . vf urrp. aurvivea oy six sisters and viumcia. mey are Mn. v "" iuion ana Mr- v uitl ann Mri "i mncc tu rruitc Kupert, 'LOro Parry and Mrs. Hamw m.. 'nt:. corner m Vancouver, and brother. George Edgar, at E uemains are bt;ni? hr,nv Prince Rupert on Saturday burial. Accompanying Mr. Stnlkpr anH m. . f uneral service probably ii held at First United Churct Saturday afternoon with cemetery HUHII VsT W Mi i ALSO Latest News Colored Cartoon COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 JEANETTE lldve your LUVtU InbM IN h n ii i. u i i IIM V VII I I M M M mm mm m v RIARICI IA THEY CHARMED YOU IN- i nrrr mm a ni hujc mHiii THEIR GREATEST HIT K1CI CAM i I i v i AND A CAST OF THOUSAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DON COSSACK CH0KU1 r-ixc vm id coicMnc TurATDr tipittc crx YM SCOTTY'S Old i:n;lish rWiVwn SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Saillygs for Queen Chanotte Islands every fortnight North Islands Nov. 23, Dec. 7 Dec. 21 South Islands Nov. 25, Dec. 9 Dec. 23 Midnight, Oct. 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th Further 'Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5C8 OPEN FROM 5 P.M. TO C A.M. Fish a nd Chips Corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street FISH AND CHIPS TO TAKE HOME Phone 8G1 Dancing ly' Lb l inmmu h w j Day and Night Scrtict 77 PHONE 7 m nt.-i,.inrr tifnnrip' at Ttitf im riM'ATION DAM ai 1 II J .v, ------ M I 1111 I. I' Ikll.ll 1 1 1 1 Kli U v ----- SATURDAY FROM 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT Conic along and ensure yourself of a good time Special attention given to private parties, club dances and socials 5th Avenue Last (Across from High School) RECREATION HALL FRED ERNEWEIN, Manager phone 8J HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN live minutes the time you pose until you have your picture. t1' inches passport or identification size. rninivrrr a fok S5f " 303 THIRD AVENUI E YES EXAMINED UPSTAIRS ABOVE STONE'S CLOTHING STORE Office Hours 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. .or evenings by appointment. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 5th St.