HI a a prince Rupert Dailp J3clus Tuesday, October 16, 1945 "Mom sure knows her Raincoats!" Wall ace s of course! We have one -quart Pyrex measuring cups, perfect for mixing baby's formula. Baby's Own Soap Baby's Oil Baby's Bottles and Nipples Baby's Rubber Pants Baby's Rubber Sheets Baby's Night Gowns Baby's Booties Baby's Cups Baby's Sweaters Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars- Good News for Trappers... providing they bring their furs to Goldbloom. 10r higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fur Coats, 20' lower in price than anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" DIBB PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY g BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS g WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. .You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 and 19 (Opposite Canadian Legion) - F. MURPHY LUMBER General Aent Ace-Tex LUSTERITE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, in 8 colors plain and blocked. Pyralite-riastic Moulds In Various colors, to trim table tops, sinks,, bathrooms, etc. Three-Ply Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberoid Roofing Slate-Surfaced .Mineralized Roofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors P.O. Box 575 & isesner iiiocK, 3rd Street I'honc 234 J KWONO SANG HINO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tat) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pan. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 PR. GEORGE MAN ' RETURNING HOME Leading Aircraftsman O. L. Webber of Prince George Is among Royal Canadian Air Force personnel arriving at Hali-bringing 149 of Air Force per-fax aboard H.M.C.S. Puncher tomorrow. In all this transport Is sonnel enroute to homes In various parts of Canada for Tony Lazzeri, in big Ume baseball 12 years and batting hero of the 193' World Series, was given his unconditional release by New York Yankees cl the American League eight years ago. He became manager of Toronto Maple Leafs of the International League in the middle of the 1939 season but was let out at the end of the 1940 campaign. New Westminster Salmon bellies defeated Mimico-Brampton Combines 22-7 to take the best-of-five series three games to one, two years ago. The Salmon-bellies won back the Mann Cup, representing the Canadian senior box lacrosse championship, for the West for the first time New Westminster won from St.-Catherines in 1939. The popular notion that only properly calcified brains are capable of playing chess is going , by the boards, says kenneth j Harkness, managing editor cf the magazine Chess Review and the man who set up the Amer- lean end of the recent U, S.- Soviet Union chess tournament, i Among the hard facts that nourish his conviction is the brisk sale of a book, "Invitation to Chess", which Harkness wrote in collaboration with Irving Chernev, associate editor of the Review. Published three months ago 28,000 copies have been printed. Also in defence of his belief he points to Russia, where a government official, the Chief Chess Inspector sees to it that all Sood Communists mind their pawns and queens-and to Amer ica, "where the game is taught! in the public schools of Milwaukee, and they have civic chess centres." Something like 13,000 volumes on chess are at hand in the Clev-1 eland public library, Harkness says A Chicago manufacturer i "one of many" wrote him asking for a promotion pamphlet on his book to include in the 50,000 chess sets he planned to make between now and the first of the year. Harkness says the combined output of U. S. manufacturers in that same period will probably amount to 400,000 or 50,000 sets. Chess Review it self, the oldest of America's 3 learlng magazines devoted to the game, suggests the rise in chess's popularity. When Hark ness became managing editr in 1941 the circulation was about PIAYER'S MUD Plain. ho v "Wttproof" paper hlch do 1 not ttick to th llpk ELECTION FIGURES HON. R. L. MAITLAND Attorney - General R. L. Maitland, K.O, better known as -Pat," Is one of British Columbus anest orators who has won high honors in his profession of the law. He was born in Ongersoll, Ont. moved to Vancouver when he was one year old and received his education In the coast city. Two years after he was called to the British Columbia bar In 1913 he was named Vancouver city prosecutor. Mr. Maitland first offered himself as a candidate in the provincial field in 1924 as a Conservative and was defeated. Four yeas later he tried again and was returned. He retired from political life in 1933 when Premier S. F. Tolmie formed a union government but came back again in 1937, heading the poll in Vancouver-Point Grey. It was with Maitland that Premier John Hart negotiated to brin? about a coalition of Liberal-Progressives and Conservatives when no oarty received a majority in the 1941 elections. 1.000. Now it is up to 11,000 and struggling hard against "paper restrictions. ' The game's infinite possibilities account for the fact that intellectuals held it as their special property for thousands of years, Harkness says. In the middle ages it was patronized like art, a noble jealously clothing, fering and pampering the chessenhis who might reflect some glory on his title. "But the mistake the get all your opponents pieces. In chess you're only after one piece the king. Ycu've won when you can capture the other fellow's king and he tan't keep yon from doing it" Despite its apparent growth in popularity, he doesn't think it will become a mere fad. "Chess isn't like that," he says. "Once you take it up you've taken it up for life." Military Orders 1st (R) Btn. Trince Rupert Regt. (MG) C. J. Toombs, Maj. Commanding Parades Bn. Parade 1930 hours each Wednesday. Of frs and NCOs will parade 2000 hrs Fridays. , Band 1930 hrs Tues. Transport 1930 hrs Wed. This schedule will be maintained until further notice, (tf 1 -- Classified Advertising TERMS CASn Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our gratl-tude to our many friends for their kindness and sjmpathy extended during our recent bereavement Our especial thanks to Dr. W. S. Kergln, the nurses and staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital and to all those who sent the beauti-ful floral offerings. MRS. S. JONASSON AND FAMILY. WANTED WANTED To RENT or lease-Shed on waterfront suitable for boat building. Apply Box 1351 Postal Station "B." (240) WANTED 4 -room house or apartment, preferrably close in. Permanent tenant. Apply Box 21 Daily News. (239) WILL STORE PIANO in good home for use of same. No. 4, Mussallem Block. (239) WANTED Room and part board by tingle respectable middle-aged business man. Perman- ent Bex 20 Dally News. (242) WANTED Piano in good condition; will pay cash. Mrs. Jack Mould, Ross Lake, B.C. (240) WANTED Domestic oil burner, and play pen. Phone Green 327. (240) WANTED TO BUY Good used trunk. Box 22 Daily News. (240) FOR RENT FOR RENT Housekeeping room suitable for couple. Ave. East 650 7th (243) ROOM AND BOARD Near Cold Storage. 1865 7th Ave. East, Phone Green 482. (244) average person always makes." j FOR RENT - Furnished cabin, because chess really is a game! 1144 7th Ave- East Blue 822, with problem Incapable of solu j 243) tion. everyone had to play it on ; FOR RENT-Housekeeplng room, the abstract level that the dod-1 suitable for couple. 650 7th dering old men and child pro-j Ave East. (239) dlgies have always played it. As a matter of fact chess is as simple as you make it. The average player who takes it up just for the fun of It never ihinks ahead more than two moves. You don't have to." The Eiffer-ence between amateur chess and amateur checkers, says -Harkness, Is mainly "In the way you win. In checkers you're out to J FOR RENT Furnished 3-room camn, summit Ave. rnone Blue 698. (239) FOR RENT Furnished room. 909 1st Ave. West. Phone Green 959. (240) FOR RENT Room and board for single woman who would help with housework. Phone Red 165, between 5 and 6 p.m. (240) FOR RENT Piano, small, modern, with bench, at 212 4th Street. (240) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 224 5th West. (239) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Box 17 Daily News. (238) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room. 221 5th Ave. East. (240) PERSONAL ROOM AND BOARD for single woman who would help with housework. Phone Red 165, between 5 tnd 6 pjn. (240) YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and appearance of hair yours again, with Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (243) Are you entertaining out-of-town house guests? You will be doing them an honor by having us publish a personal note about their visit MILD or MEDIUM HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for small family. Private room, board and good wages. Other help kept Phone Red 879. (tf) HELP WANTED Ward maids for General Hospital. Apply Matron, General Hospital. (242) WANTED Lady cook for local hotel. Good wages. Apply Un employment Insurance Commission 358. (tf) WANTED Reliable woman to care for two children and home, by month. Blue 561. (239) WANTED Janitor for part time work, apply Catholic rectory. FOR SALE (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for apartment; downtown location. Would consider married couple. Phone 674 or Red 878. (tf) WANTED Woman to do altera tions. Apply at B. Lamb, Tail ors. (241) FOR SALE Small, 3-room house with bathroom, semi-furnished including crrAm enamel oil range, immediate possession. 808 Alfreo St, Phone Green 252. (240) FOR SALE 6 -room furnished house. 724 7th Ave. West. (244) FOR SALE Victor record player and 75 records. $30. Phone Red 241. (It) FOR SALE Cook and Dixon's-Cycle Shop, going concern. Good line of stock; also amusement games. Apply Cook and Dixon's Cycle Shop, 214 6th Street. (244) FOR SALE Double bed and good coll spring. Phone Black 876 after 7 pm. (244) FOR SALE Four -room house, with two-room cottage at rear. 208 9th East (242) FOR SALE Dining room suite. Apply 252 8th Ave. West. (242) FOR SALE Mantel radio, baby crib, carriage and high chair. Call at Enterprise Fruit Store. (239) FOR SALE Complete home fur-1 nlshings. Must sacrifice. 126 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 191. 1 FOR SALE Three-room cottage, furnished completely; refln-Ished interior. Vicinity Salt Lake. CaU American Signals 263. (239) FOR SALE-Sllghtly used furniture: 1 Gram globe; 3 rugs, 12x12; 2-12 alrcolator fans; 1-16 alrcolator fan; 1 punch bowl and plate and spoons: 8 Barl genuine oak chairs; 9 trlllt lamps; 2 writing desks; 9 coffee tables; 6 hassocks; 1 record cabinet; lot of records, 25c each; 4 mirrors and frames, $1.00 each; 1 Edison restaurant hot plate; 1 $600 pool table, just like new at a bargain; 2 Venetian blinds. Phone Black 324, B.C. Furniture, (tf) FOR SALE Split bamboo trout rod, 5-ounce, two tips. American Signals 260. (tf) FOR SALE Mantel 4-tube battery radio, washing machine and Monarch stove. 1063 7th Ave. East. (241) FOR SALE One ladiy's elastic stocking, never been worn; medium,, half price. 905 10th Ave. East. (240) j FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Onan electric light plants in 12, 32 and 115 volts sizes in stock. Vancouver prices. Write for illustrated folder or see W. R. Love Electric Co., Prince Rupert. B.C. (249) FOR SALE Piano, good condition. $300 cash. Phone 845. (243) MACHINERY ' TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern 1 and up-to-date type National I Portable Sawmills, manufac-I tured by National Machinery ' Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST ! LOST General Service button. I Finder please phone Percy Jones, Green 598. (239) LOST Bunch of keys, between I Post Office and Booth Mem-I orial School, along 5th Ave. Finder please leave at Daily News. Reward. (240) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re I celved by the undersigned until noon of Monday, October is, i4s, ior tne purchase of the gasboat "Strebor J"; menslons of which are 29'x8'4" x3T powered by a 7 H.P. Vivian; fully equipped for trolling from stem to stern, including radio and oil burning stove. Boat may be inspected at McLean's Ways, Seal Cove. Terms cash. Highest or any tender not neces-fily accepted. Norman A. Watt. Administrator of the Estate of John Roberts, de- CN.R. Trains for the !:att From the Knit y Daily except Monday 10:45 p.m. Aleut. MEMORIES As I sit here a-thinklng o' the days o' yeiten..,. i ounk awav I ran npar the thunder nf thA mm, u- ' M nnu laces ui urn cumraaes wno long since Jell I The Dicture chanses aeain thpv nrn fid 01 Wt; - " 1 1 A mighty host In armor marching thru the Perhaps this phantom army that I In fan , Is the vanguard of the Allies leading on to victory From the Jungles of New Guinea to Iceland's frif ouiiuj ui nt its me sxorv nmi u . 1 . 1... a rt .... "" u . . ..... or th v. - vju. IIIIIII 1 MA lr.1- . .MATINEE ONLY WARNEM'SMASH see. -A. McEWAN. TODAY AND WEDNESDAY fa ... v mm SHOW TIMES 1:00 - 4:00 - 6:30 - 9:05 Merric Melody Cartoon 1 mm m 1 9i in - PLEASE NOTE - THPRF Will RF MO DIPTHDr M. A. V X VJlmiA A X K M. A - A 1 1 I III ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. RUPERT BUTCHER We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL 11:30 I13U ailll USUI C KiC IC4U! IU SCIIC U LnmpsB uisnpwi.nnii .iiein. i nan mipt..pic- io hi aii rAnWH villi rlllfa4 9f an 4 milrtr crrlr TRY US! mane zi inira Ave. west next novai r. TIME TO WINTERIZE We can now supply you with Genuine PRESTOXI Anti-Frecze. Place your order now as the supply is limited. First come . . . first served. Don't delaj! We suggest you have your battery checked. Worn out batteries mean hard starting on cold morninp and frayed tempers all winter. Wise motorists will winterize with winter grade oil and gear lubricants. It pays. S. E. PARKF.R 1. 1 MITE FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS BONDED ROOFERS rKiiNt. KurtKi Kuurinu w and Sheetmetal Works oaeeimeiai worK 01 ail Kin as '""' isou tsints tavesirougn oi u.u-v. Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. .MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8b NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot, and Cold . water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 a m TPRR At r T vr ri r"Tii i v. i Storage ww urCTTT ALL TR RETT? VT (IE TO AN (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 187 ANNOUNCING rnDMCR CMAfK lAivniiii ui - At- T ERR ACS (Mrs. Flossie Lam" TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND W. C. Osborne GARAGE V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes of cars A. M. ... . -.-. . ,.,fra iv. wonc Diesel Acetylene ana box wo . TERR0