Dily Edition THK DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Wednesday, July 4, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Clty'Carrler. per week 15 Per Month 65 ........... . - - " 1 f - . The Borneo Campaign The Australians are finding their landings on Borneo almost unopposed which is not surprising as the Japanese, having lost command of the sea and air, are condemned to a role of completely passive defence. In so vast a space their garrisons of men must be thin on the ground. Considerable Japanese strength was absorbed on the island at Tarakan off the northeast coast of Borneo, where organized resistance has been over- i : K - TAKE A DEEP BREATH Illustration 'shows Industrial worker preparing' for a chest x-ray In one or the two "mobile germ-hunters" operated In British Columbia by the Division of Tuberculosis Control, Provincial Board of Health. The patient, stripped to waist, Is being placed In correct position by skilled technician Mtss Mary Harrison, while being Instructed to hold his breath for the second required to take a picture of the chest. The vehicle and x-ray equipment was purchased at a cost of $20,000 from funds raised in British Columbia from the annual sale of Christmas Seals. The Unit is being sponsored in Prince Rupert by the Kinsmen Club and the Health Unit. that can Take It' Including such well known makes as "G.W.G.", "Headlight" and "Treat-Em Ruff." Bib Overalls $2.25 to $2.75 Jiffy Overalls (zipper Front) $3.50 UJue Overall Pants $1.75 to $2.50 Black Overall Pants $1.75 to $2.75 Khaki Coveralls $3.95 to $1.75 Work Shirts $1.25 to $2.50 1 H llil Wi Tii'.iiimni MEMBER ABC. come. By landing first on Tarakari, then at Brunei and now at Balikpa-pan, on opposite sides of Borneo, General MacArthur effected surprise. A sound course for the Japanese forces in Borneo to adopt would be to withdraw into the interior of the island and retain their mobility. So long as they exist they cannot be written off as a potential danger to communications and the oilfields. However, the enemy on Borneo likely to be left alone. have shown themselves masters in the art of offensive patrolling in the jungle. The now have on their hands in four separate areas: New Britain, New Borneo. The last of these is commitment, the other three from General MacAr-thur's operations in . . . Allied are not The Australians past Australians operations The Solomons, Guinea, a new are legacies earlier AND r A- CM i4V wmmMMw "THE MEN'S SHOP " m Murray Oliver 65 TAXI Jack Caron FRED'S RADIO SERVICE FORMERLY SPEEDY RADIO SERVICE We guarantee the best possible service Hours 9:30 to 5:30 PHONE GREEN 217 HOLD IT" LETTERBOX ALASKA KOAI) Editor, Daily News, The people of Northern British Columbia and Alaska have been harping for roads ever since I can remember so I" suggest a project that is practical as well as necessary. The people of Alaska and Yukon Territory surely deserve an outlet to the outside world with the shortest rouie possible. This route should start at Terrace and go up the Klt-sumkalum valley by way of Stewart (or nearby) and reach 'Ketchikan, Juneau, etc., where the most people live. I think the idea of building roas hundred? of miles through wild forests and mountain divides Just to boom some old-established centres is ridiculous. The people of Alaska and the Yukon should urge the governments responsible to 'act in a more practical manner and put roads where the people actually live. RALPH HEPPELL.. Terrace. Whifflets From The Waterfront J Indian Department's power cruiser Naskeena left on Sunday morning for Vancouver where certain overhaul work Is to be carried out. Going south with the vessel are Indian Agent James Gillett and Engineer Floyd Smith. TIMBER SALE X37052 Scaled tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands and Forests at Victoria, DC. not later than 11 a.m. on the 23rd day of July, 194S, for the purchase of Licence X37052, to cut 3.010,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam on part of Lot 092, Burnt Island Harbour, Smith Inlet, Range a, Coast Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars' of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 12D4 SHADE OF POSTWAR SLUMP UP BEFORE COUNCIL The shadow or a post-war burden which some B.C. municipalities fear may press down on them as a result of wartime centralization of population entered city, council chamber last night in the form of a communication from the municipal council of North Vancouver. Aldermen tabled the matter for later discussion. "North Vancouver has a large number of Wartime' -Housing tenants who were ordered here to work In war Industries or who migrated here because of the high wages paid to shipyard workers"," the letter states. "There is a similar condition. iX"LM ' '"I ) we understand, in your own municipality. "The prospect of having to care for these tenants of Wartime Houses after the war is a matter of mutual concern lor us both. The war industries have been operated for the mutual benefit of Canada as a whole and this city objects strongly to being placed in the position of responsibility for social assistance for Wartime Housing tenants in the future under the 'Residence and Responsibility Act.'" The letter asked that Prince Rupert city council support North Vancouver when the matter is presented to the next meeting of the Union of B.C. Municipalities. Aldermen seemed sympathetic to the idea but tabled the letter until the return of Mayor Daggett. "It's a big problem and one that we should decide in concerted action with other munl- , 1 REDDy SAYS: "Conserve money too Buy war savings stamps regularly," We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW says. Notes and Views of the Permission to hold a tag day on Octcjber 27 was granted by City Council last night to the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association. Council approved a report of the licensing committee that trade licenses have been Issued to Frank Parlett to conduct an electrical appliances service'bus-iness and to Bernard Ross to carry on a taxi business, the latter subject to certain conditions. Finance committee reported the sale of lot 24, block 7, section 8, on Frederick St. near Eleventh Ave., to James E. Stewart for $40, providing he pays' the cost of laying water pipes fom the main to his property. A rietltlon signed toy W. Bus-sey, Mrs. Jessie Findlay and A. II. Ogilvie to have sewer connections made to their homes on Ei.ghth Ave. E. from a Wartime Housing sewer nearby under a local improvement system, was referred to the Board of Works committee ty City Council las nleht. Aldermen stated that they viewed the request favorably as Dart of a project made n'of several such connections in that part of the city. clpalities," Acting Mayor William Brett said. "It is a war problem," Alderman Rudderham added, "and I think the people as a whole should be taxed to pay for it. It's the same as our streets. Thev have been damaged to further the war effort and the people of Canada should pay for It." OVEN -COOK ED FOOD IS EASILY DICESTED- Cooking tho entire meal in the oven saven power retains vitamins. Try rissole or baked potatoes with any kind of roast meat or fowl. Pot roast meat pies scalloped potatoes or other vegetables roast apples pies puddings. All can bo cookod at tho samo time at no extra cooking cost. PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Uty L.ounci BERTIE CROSS BACK IN CANADA Lance - Eombardier Bertie Cross, who went overseas from Prince Rupert In October 1940 with a draft from the old 102nd Eattery, Is back in Canada. He landed at Halifax on Saturday and will proceed to Vancouver to visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cross, formerly of this city. He may come to Prince Rupert later. He was married to an English girl at Easter and his bride will come to Canada soon. Lance-Corpor-al Cross-served In Italy and Holland with the artillery. Local Couple to Be Married in Winnipeg Miss Kay Crozier of the stores department of the Prince Rupert dry dock will be leaving this evening for Winnipeg where her marriage to R. E. Montador of the Empire Shipping Co. will take place on July 14. Mr. Montador will be leaving Thursday for Winnipeg via Vancouver. Pittsburg Hunting Party Is Corning Prominent Pittsburg industrialists, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Mellon, Robert Waters and Robert H. Rockwell are due In Prince Rupert by rail August 9 from the East and will proceed the next day on the Princess Louise to Alaska on a big game hunting trip. Their arrival will mark the resumDtion oil blr nmo I hunting expeditions to Alaska .which have been pretty well I suspended during the war. THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phono 178 Healthy young thirsts demand the best-and that's CANADA DRY, of course! Here Is sparkling refreshment at its best. The tangy goodness of cool CANADA DRY quenches thirst in a jiffy. Young and old alike .everyone enjoys its matchlessflavour. CANADA D eAMADA Vt ,: ' Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Hright Red Hexagon Asphalt Shingles. Roofing Paper. ISuililing Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. Shipment of Fir Veneer Plywood F. MURPHY l u m a i: k General Agent Ace-Tex Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 884 Jri JUST LIKE A SODA FOUNTAIN IN YOUR OWN HOME! There's practically no end to the variety of delicious drinks you can make at home with Canada Dry's SPARKLING WATER. Fruit-ades, fruit-sparklers, ice cream sodas . . . all have real soda fountain liveliness when mixed with this perfect Soda. Serve well Mil!. 74e TVttU Jla$e4t-idling ghd Soda ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS! Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC! I LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367 -320 2nd Avtl KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.-to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 217 RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND Cold. Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.