p. 3 A i 4 If It fp 4 ! i I', Dai -" Mon THE DAILY NEWS Prince Hupert tarda:- March 17 045 Published erery afternoon except Sun--y by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. eCBSCRrPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week ttr Month Per Year By Mall, per month Per Year x .15 .68 7.00 .40 400 MZMBER ABC. Dealing With Japanese . . . The federal government may not be moving as rapidly as some of us might desire in cennection with the problem of control of the Japanese after the waribut it is at least making a start. While British Columbia pedple stem to be pretty well agreed upon the advisability of getting rid of them completely from Canada if at all possible to do so, there will be at least some satisfaction in knowing that the government intends that Japanese who were evacuated from the coast at the start of the war should, if they are to remain in Canada at all, be kept east of the Rocky Mountains. It is gratifying that the intention of the government is to deal firmly with these aliens who have shown that they neither desire to or are capable of being assimilated into the population of Canada. The Terrace Hospital . . . There is an excellent hospital at Terrace which was built for the Army ata cost of nearly one million dollars. It" presently stands unused in view of the-recent change in military policy in this" area. . The big hospital is most attractively located in a section of the province which is blessed with as agreeable See our stock of household furniture 632 Third Ave. and novelties. 4 J- H. MAIR f URNITURE AND AUCTIONEER Prince Rupert ) You Can Depend On It UT. ,01' Blue 69 A. MacKenzie Furniture Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" , 15 Boys' Wagons Made from Eastern hardwood; steel wheels, rubber tires. Just the thing for a boy. Priced $(1.8.1 , COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ON HAND We appreciate your Mail Orders. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue West (TiP4 WY When the weather keeps you at home, you It-w i i M . . . . . i l.t ta" pj'one us ai in or is. xour oraers win V receive the same careful attention. Our FREE Delivery Service covers the entire city on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Leave your order before 4 p.m. on day before delivery. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED weather and delightful conditions cren-l erally as are to be found anywhere in Canada. The whole setting would appear to be ideal for the location of a rest or curative institution of almost any nature. We have thought of it. particularly as a permanent military hospital. Now one of the members of the Legislature a doctor has sug feS''" .AVVTC otle ,... 9!PV K V V 1 ar9 In.jTvany cities the yellow pages of m th phone book show MarshalNWells paint dealers A beautiful, interior, enamel like tinish to . . . easy apply by either amateur or profes sional painter. Washable and sanitary. ,V-7 SOLD BY KAIEN CONSUMER'S CO-OPERATIVE - rr ASTHMA Don I Gasp for llreath Sold on Monet; Ratlt. Kuarantert ORMK'S Lid. about their visit. Telephon 81 or 82 Commercial Janitors' Supplies Floor Soaps Wax Sweeping Compound Brooms Brushes Paper Towels Cups Hotel and Restaurant Supplies IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Prince Rupert Supply House . 330 2nd Ave. Phone C32 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now available. R. E: MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. Are you entertalnln- out-of town house guests? You will be doing them an honor by having us publish a personal note PROBLEMS OF WAR NERVES British Women and Elderly Folk Show Results of Wartime Strain EDINBURGH. March 17 0 The strain of nearly live and a gested that the provincial government 'ha,f yfars of war is banning acquire it for sanitarium purposes. jJSS mly.' Doubtless, with hospital facilities Professof d. k, Henderson, pro- already scarce and crowded, there will minent Scottish psychiatrist, re- not be long delay in putting the hos- . .. . . 1 , - i Professor Henderson has made pital at Terrace to some useful pur- a rtudy of the etfect 0I pose. i the war on the nation's nervous health and, in ah address here . recently, said some women are Most Prominent Pioneer . . . i suffering from the strain or try- -.- . . a I" to rt0 t0 much over a )on n r Of the early pioneers of Prince Ku- pp-j- pert, whose ranks are rapidly thinning -Evidence seems to"poiht to as the community now counts its his- ! ft that behaviour dlsorders" tory in decades where formerly it was queney. ,n ch"d,r'"' have tended ?n5 JVi ihrt? sv years, none was more prominent than fertalnty ln town areag. Alfred Stork whose death in Bramp- "Elderly people, a?so, are vc-ton, Ontario, it is our regret to an- tinw of present-day social cir-nounce today. The mere fact that he CHmsta"cff . ... n . Jn ,, . . "Lack of domestic and nursm? was Prince Ruperts first mayor is help m their hemes y snch iat adequate testimonial to his worth and many have tended to devclon the Confidence in Which he was held symptons requiring care and; by the citizens who took part in the;llmnthatrtstg northern' real building of the city. Yet anotherjFnf tncy8 aSr- m j tu;ii a.iwiuwirii.iiiviu was jus ciiuicc iproressor Henderson'. Tney na as Member of Parliament for Skeena they deal every month with in the early twenties. During the early f women suffering days of Prince Rupert Mr.- Stork also served the community in other Ways and took a leading part in all its activities. Himself a successful and sound business man, his advice and assistance was always in demand and much respected. The old friends here who regret the passing of Mr. Stork will also join in feelings of sympathy for the bereaved from war nerves. "I have found In recent months that th'e number o women asking treatment has Increased by nearly 100 percent." said the superintendent or a county mental hospital. "In th? majority of cases it is found that sheer monotony of rationing, queues and a thousand and one other wartime innovations are mainly responsible. "It Is perhaps harc:y credible his widow, son and two daughters, considering the V-bomb attacks " ! that the south has ejqrerlenced. but at the present time it is a mm '"fri ON Ztk "You Always Hurt The One You Love" There Goes That Sonp Again" Victor record 20-1G0G Sammy Kaye "Saturday Nishf "I Don't Want to .Love You" Victor record 20-1C35 Sammy Kaye "When the Boys Come Home" "Evelina" Victor record 20-1621 Freddy Martin "Accentuate The Positive" "Jumpin On the Merry-Go-rTound Victor record 20-1612 ArUe Shaw McRae Bros. LIMITED "Carrying On mary importance." The woman head of a Lancas-n4re p-tychiairl; clinic said: "There is no doubt that women are coming to the end of their Women of LEGION WJ. We are women who have stood behind our men through two wars. Thirty years ago many of us cheered husbands, brothers and fathers As they left to Hght for Canada and the Empire. Some did not return; Others returned indeed with wounds and scars of war To live out their lives handicapped to the end. Through those bitter years of the First Great War And the difficult ones which followed we worked and prayed, agonized and wept. With alt our hearts we hoped for a miracle which could not happen For now we are in our firth year of war again And we have given our sons. But we are not downhearted No! We have faith ln our country and ln the Empire Beneath the Flag we serve, we still stand behind our men And, with the Dawn or Victory even now glimmering in the ky, We wait" for the first day That will bring our heroes home. We have not been Idle, We have remembered our valiant Dead, our maimed living and their dependent?; On Poppy Day and on Remembrance Day our spirits have communed with them. We have sent Bundles to Britain and comforts to men ln the armed forces, We have adopted ships and sent gifts to seamen. Our children have aided with their young enUiusiasm And have accomplished much for their tender years. We arc waiting now with anxious hearts for the war's end; Then wHl come the titanic struggle for peace and prosperity. It will take long years perhaps But we are ready, As In war-time, so In peace-time, wc stand behind our men. The young veterans, our sons an our neighbors' sons will come home, Some wounded and maimed, but all with vast and terrible things ln their minds, To face a future they have won for us all; And we will help them. We are the Women of Canada the Canadian Legion Auxiliary. WINIFRED O; BRASS. ''Women whose husband's are away on war service and those evacuated owing to air raids are the main vie thru. A good deal of the others art women whose far t that more women in north- 1 -,e telhcr and one.half years wartime Jobs have made them cm. -c of strain are telling on them. feel that they are mlsflU. fatigue than in the south. The reason is without doubt that ''blitzed' people tena' to forget such things as mental ailments when protectidn of life Is of prl- CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kllocyes (Subject to change SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music j 4 15-G.I. Jive 4 ' 4:30 Jack Carson 5:00 Dinah Shore 5:30 Pete Wambach 5:45 At Ease 6:00 CBC News 6:05-N.HX.. Hockey 7:30 Organ Music 8:00- Leicester Square 8t30 Jubilee 9;00-Natlonal Barn Dance 9:30 Kate Smith 10:00--CBC News 10:15--Dal Richards' Orchestra 10:30- Saturday Night Seranade '1:00- Silent SUNDAY A.M. 10:00- Muslt for Sunday 10:30 Sammy Kaye 11 03 Metropolitan Oiera your donors generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal OYSTER BAR TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WHO SUFFER WITH THEIR FEET You will be interested to know that there Is a man In town who has had a wide experience 4n Uie correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only fpot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done ln your Individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is ateo in charge of the Shoe Repairina Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and prompUy. Call around and see him for either reason. NOTICE J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A, Welxl by W. Yule, 13 TAXI 24-nOUR SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch Genuine Ford Parts Firestone and Gutta Percha Tires Imperial Oil Products Wrecking Service S.E.PARKER LIMITED FORI) DEALERS PHONE 83 : 170 E. 3rd AVE Be Your Loveliest this Spring . . . One of our latest pcrmanents or hair-dos will do it-Make an appointment now with PEGGY SAUNDERS (Annette Powell) Fourth Street (across from Post Office) Phone Blue 917 m Reid's Cafe I Lunch 79 . . Dinner .... 5:30 to 7;3q p SiU, SandHiehes, Chill Con Came. Chfckrn sw ..u iu ii:jo p.m. Old Prince Rupert Club Bufldi 2nd Ave., next to Bank ,f c aj.ar Take the short cut up the steps behind W j, r 1 The weatherman says: AN KAULY SIfi We agree . . . so if you're ! 6 to 60 i r . . h we are ready to give you j comfort for sport or leisure I , . . . in . . . I TENNIS SHOES J Child's, MUses'. Youths', Boy'. Me , w ! CUT RATE SHOE STOI j (Across from Ormes Druj Etorc TSl We can say this In three words . . . BUY COAL NOW tiiones HC-lfi ALBERT Mrf.AF GROCERIES, MEAT, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES centre Offices ln Vancouver and New V 1 Phone. Mark 3G7 . INDUSTRIAL & MARINE WE IIFAIR ANYTHING" SKEENA GROCERY r.nn nth .Ann r.nct I1 MOTT ELECTRIC L Electrical Contractors ... . , ... Mil COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIANS . ... .... . Pi Electrical SuppliesHome Winnpa"-" and . - General Repairs to all Automotive Equipment - Body Work and Pnmmlni nlocol V.ntr IIP rou " Wlllard Datteries Rayb(K Home Oil Product ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDINO Phone 459 BOX 1398 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 857 094 First'