loca 't..i II ui i Churches ilcd Church venue West A .. v. a Minister CarreU, A'' find x n m .1 . 17 ID. T.. in Hr I1UU1 nun Ave. I1C in w Worship. LA I EK5 the ifJ'LJC tiv . ilC O iJiv - 1 . n CO. younn rcopies Prayer ana iiidic :)jdially Invited f .illiiivnn S I ill I III: I ill! humi i nd McBrlde St. i r Anderson. Pastor 1 ... I v scnooi, i the Way to trie, jft'ti in a series or i r .:d the Grave." ; wriname to all. j iii'r iimmi i m..i ni'i i :iihi ii.ii i(- i Ave West L.. ney Pastor. I Mast Destructive ! Sunday School. -Evangelistic : Con- he Height of Car- I. .a. S11 A ?.m 'Origin of ! u.iii rruyci on yjcc. i pcuple ..re invited. omen and Girl 11 r ( t nrc ""--' - 1 1 Wool Jumpers Alpine Jumpers Elaborately Embroidered First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, BA, Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader 11:00 ajn, Morning Worship. Mr. Howard Collins. 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 p.m, Evening Worship. Anthem: Senior Choir. "God Give Me Grace." A cordial Invitation to worship with this congregation is extended to all. St. Andrew's Cathedra! Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien S.S. Supt., F. J. Skinner 9 a.m. Holy Communion. (Kindly note change or hour. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 12:30 Sunday School. 7:30 pjn. Evening Prayer and sermon. The Confirmation class will meet In the Cathedral Hall on Monday at 7:30 pjn. Mid-week Lenten Service on Wednesday ai v:3u pjn. Regular Baptist Services I.O.D.H. Hall (5th Ave. and McBrlde St.) We preach Christ . . . c RUCIFIED ROWNED OM1NG 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Service. Speaker: .Mr. G. K. S. Rlat kaliy. Topic: "Till: LAND OP ISC-GINNING AGAIN." ( SPECIAL MUSIC Cpl. Arnold Nruinan. Solo: "Wonderful." (Steel guitar accompaniment). If You Pnjoy Hearty (iosel Singing Come! Wed., 8 pm Prayer Meeting. at 424 Dunsmulr St). Thurs. (I.O.D.E. Hall). 3:30 p.m. Mission Band. 0:30 pm. Children's Hour. 8:00 p.m. Young People's Society. THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD. nette's Ladies' Wear H A I I N I IX I OTP I KT-t h . "J OANU IIINQ HOP KEE PSUEY OUSE to King Tal) patronan ipimm 5 n.m n n vj a raers from 2 w 2 am. p.m. DINING ROOM HOME COOKED MEALS Open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. ALL WHITE HELP PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY All types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled 0Un CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS ! CANADIAN By MARGARET WOODWARD We are pleased to welcome a new imemiber to our area surf. Miss Margaret Large. Margaret arrived last night from Toronto and will spend a few days here in the Red Triangle before leav ing for her new posting m the area. Friday night'. Sing Song was particularly well attended with the guesti of the evening toeing the members of the order ol Joto'g Daughters. Later in the evening Lois Vaughun took over at the piano -with her pleasina way of playing anything you request whether it be old or new. Winners at the bingo were: scarf, T. MeFee of the Service Corps; Pencil, R. M. Taylor, Navy; cushion cover, L. Denault, Engineers. 5 Tonight's movie in the auditorium will be "See Here Private Hargrove." Under the direction of Guy Noakeg the Sunday Band concert will be heard from the auditorium stage. In the common lounge Alan Crawford will be on hand for the Sunday Sing Song. Announcement Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 20. Oranee Ladles' Sale. March 28. Basket social, aid of Norway, March 29. Oddfellows' Hall. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Easter Monday. Anglican Easter sale, April 5 C.C.F. Bridge Drive every W.O.T.M. Sale and Tea In Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday April 5 3:00 to 5:30 pjn. Easter Dance. Friday, April 6,1 Local News Items PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS A St. Patrick's Dance, Eagles' Hall r.OX).E.), Saturday March 17. Auspices LPP. (65) Vwdens Concert, Anglican Church Hall, Friday, at 8:15 pm. THRILLING WAR FILM March 23, (66) RjC. St. Clair, transferred irom here to Nelson as district forester, leaves an this evening's train via the Interior for Vancouver enroute to his new post where he will be later Joined by his wlje and daughter, Mrs. Betty Davey, who are at present In Hollywood W. M. Watts and A. 8. Nlcker- son are leaving on tonignts train for Smlthers where they will spend the next week in connection with the opening of their new men's furnishings and hardware store. "The Fighting Lady," techni color production portraying the exploits of an aircraft carrier during battles against the Japanese in the South Pacific with Lieut. Robert Taylor of the Uni ted States Navy making the commentary, Is the main feature of a double picture bill being presented at the Capitol Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. Flaming Jap Zeros and bombers" plummeting Into the sea, enemy vessels loaded with TNT explod Ing, ammunition dumps going up in smoke and ruin, planes straf ed on the ground and bursting into flames, ack-ack fire split ting the skies, valiant Navy airmen stepping uninjured from their planes after crash landings on deck, gunners In action all contribute to the wartime drama. Battles of Marcus, KwaJ-alein, Truk, Guam, Saipan, Tinl-,an and the Philippines Sea are to be seen. "Sunday Dinner for a Soldier," A: ,wV.,Bn' 1rlnce Uuperteay and odd romance starring! I J AH1 T inn I T 1 I mk 'v.. 4r.no Ttn vo- onrf JrvVln Unf air Presby tprlan Spring Sale, April 12. St. Peter's Sale, April 28. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows Hall, 9 to 12. Swing Quintette Orchestra. Ui i ited Spring Sale, May 3. Delmort Frozen Fruits' and Vegetables Raspberries, Strawberries, Sliced Peaches Enterprise Fruit Co. PHONE 343 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly so! Smith Block Green 995 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 54 ERASER STREET, prince Rupert SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala. Friday S3 Cardena Ballings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 lit) 111 is the other end of the double bill. It Is a simple yet unusual story of a family living on a houseboat In a Florida lagoon who entertain i soldier at Sunday dinner, a warm love story commencing thereby. ii : I I The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YUUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and ' Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 "For Your Parties at Home" Chow Mien :: Chop Suey We'll Prepare It . , . You Call For It PHONE BLACK 9C9 Half Moon Snack 1 George Lum, Proprietor Corner of Cth and Fulton Open 4 p.m. to 3 a.m. A Cash Jor old sold. Bulger's. AMn Daly, having gone south to enlist but being rejected on medical grounds, returned to the city from Vancouver at the first of the week. Mrs. C. F. McCarthy returned to the city this week from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver, having been, called south on account of the illness of her mother. Valhalla Whist And Crib Party Thirteen tables were In play when Lodge Valhalla held a very enjoyable whist and crlbbage party Wednesday night. Mrs. V. Peterson was convener and had charge of the crlbbage tables with Mrs. Lykegaard looking af ter whist tables. Prize-winners were: whist, men's first, K. Delhi; second, M. Peterson; ladles first. Mrs. S. Klldal; second, Mrs. Johnson; crlbbage, ladles' first, Mrs. C. Johansen; second, Miss Leona Nursey; men's first, A. Anderson; second, Pte. M. Kekalainen. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI CHIMNEY SWEEPING OIL BURNERS CLEANED , AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PJione 281 P.O. Box 196 IDRYD0CKC0UPLE iBRrDEAND GROOM i Miss Faye MacPherson and David Nigrych are United A quiet wedding was sol emnized In the manse of First United Church when David Nl- grych and Faye MacPherson re peated nuptial vows before Rev. J. A. Donnell. The bride looked charming In a floor length gown of white sheer and a finger tip veil. She carried a beautiful bouquet of pink and white carnations. Attendants of the happy couple were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stevens. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. McChesney, 613 6th Ave-. W., when friends gathered to extend their best wishes. -Mr. and Mrs. Nigrych are both employed at the local dry dock. They will continue to reside In the city. PIDGIN ENGLISH Pidgin English :s proDabiy spoken as a second language toy more people than any other tongue with more than 300 dialects In the Pacific Islands alone. IWore wndlne In ynat r.1r Torti for drew, foundation arnintN, rnntH, or utile, look wvll m .vcmr fisur. rvnult the flKUie chart Riven cm Vff Sllfl ot your EATON f'ataloirue. freler whl-h of the hIk HaanlnVatlnm' do you come? We Hat them briefly for you here: (a) Junior' Figure A youthful ficure 6' 3" and umler In height. (b) Minn' Figure A youthful figure 4' " to 5' " In helftht. (C) Little Women The well-developed Miort tlg-ure, 6 3" and under In height. Ui Regular Women The normal av-erHre fleure. V 3" to 6' 8" In height. ft) Short Full Figure The short full-ImMtert flKUie, t' 3" and under In height. (o) Full Figure The laree, erect, full-I.UKted tlffure. fc' 4" to " in height. Tor the tetter appearance resulting from properly tlli.nK rarmenta he flgure-oonaWoub U-fure placing your order. T EATON Cc UMITCB Prince Rupert, B.C. I hear that... By BROWNIE) THE DAILY NEWS Saturday,. March 17, 1945 ALOIS KNAPP, president of the American Sunbather's Asso ciation and probably the No. 1 nudist in the world today, came up with an easy cure for -war. "Want to know how to win the war? WelL" he smiled, "Just strip all the soldiers, then none of them would know which one to shoot. Perhaps we should even send a delegation to introduce the Idea at the United Nation's Conference In April." He added that the nudist philosophy has been gaining headway with; men in the services and It bodes for a wholesale discarding of ctoth- inz after the war. His- associa tion has received letters from soldiers all over the world: and they say they're going to take It up when they come nome What bothers me is, where are they going to pin their ribbons! TODAY is "Stamp Day," I hope you remembered. Qoodnight now and have a good day GIVE! your dollars generously in response to the 1945 Red Cross Appeal. JONES FAMILY MARKET Purity, Accuracy-' Dependability These are our watchwords In filling prescriptions! And while every prescription Isn't a matter of life or death, we fill It as AND 0 though It were. We use only the purest and finest quality drugs and compound with precision accuracy. Our reputation has been built on years of expert reliable compounding. Ormes Ltd. TTtm Pioneer Druggists Open Dally from 9 ajn till 9 pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 12-e pjn. and 7-9 p.m. THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 PAOE THREB Relieve Jteadache Pn Aspirin Eases Headaehi Almost Immediately Genuine Aspirin's new prices now make it easier than ever for you to eet fast, effective relief from headache misery. m WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST 9 See with your own eyes why Aspirin-takes hold of pain a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a glass of water. Almost instantly it begins to dissolve. And that same fast aetion takes place in your stomach. That's why Aspirin relieves you bo quickly. For years Canadians have relied on Aspirin for fast relief, for effective relief above all for dependable relief. Get Aspirin at ycHir druggist's today I new erouorj pskxs rockx Soicof 12 now 11c Economy tottlo of 24 now 2 family til of 1 00.. .now 7c , A BAYER E A SPIRIN Tht Bayer cro on tach fobl.t it yur gvaronto- that Ht Aspirin- Large Stock of Mirrors from $1.00 to $..00 Gurney Kitchen Ranges all-enamel, for coal and wood from $.".00 to $115.00 3-Piece Chesterfield Suites- all springs, In very fine tapestry. Special $100.00 12 Dressers with round mirrors. Price $2.".0f 4 Studio Couches with green chair to match. can be made In double-bed storage for blankets; Priced from $100..00 to $115.00 B.t. FURNITURE Black 234 Lumber We now have a stock: of Rood grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand YF.S! We have NO BANANAS BUT We do have . . . KFI CHIMNEY BRICK Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth. Avenue Esut Phone Black 371 V. 1 rim 5. j iff. v