PRINCE RUPERT Honour Roll rot responsible for some-AW.I name not In this Hat? lA enTry torra elsewhere, ARMY .-hard Aau ' T.,7 " Hurtou '' v j H jBeenin K. McCTlmmon Beynon J- C. McCubbln nBird N. McGlasnan . ...aril uirLCii a. n raftiuuitpiu -..irer Bira i&n wmcuutmiu Blackhall Jack McEvoy .,ih make AUX McFarUne vi Bowes Ian A. MacRae '.niH Rrnreweu Leo Micnoiux (inm Brass victor Miner w Brtddon D. Montgomery ' i. upna ILf Tl Mnnlann it-p Rrvant Clvde Morara u a v f'nriP .inrir Mnrnn .ri r"olHirririi .Tampi Mnrnn rtmntjnnli Ottn Mruttari .hn CamDbeu John K. Murray :irC L-UVriluiltr UHift 4Uliriuci41 H. Chasteney .vseon wayior M. Coinn Jiooert Orme (mf W Collins Robert Parks lip, i inim rnuriw j. i uook waiter reruns van Cootfn Ernie Prltrom nomas uennis i,u.n Ran bp 'i1' -r urn IiliIUUI U ni iivnrnoir Air if ni...t C H. Dnrnford N. A. PavllkU Valcolm Elder James E. RU Whitfield Elder Carl Reich laua, kiiiuvv riruun ixricn era r sen a ay n ni R. Finer R, O. Roblnsnn iHOrPfl MPWin Kf Hllrtriao hum nomas newin Kaare Rudsvlck ICK TUIlIf - I nniDQ a tf Uttan mpi f la r Mr ir nlau u ioa4 ohn Gates Fred Simonds nKpnn 11. in 114 it j NrriAftrrAv : "nm nnmav 'I nnmn Kullv irrrw itranpz duo anruDRa 1 till UUIUUll JiWIlim wiuicj mi HnrHnn Tl filmimrlonn W Oraham Hugh J. 8m!th N. Greenfield J. S. Smith imM Hn1fkn .1 A Ktnutaft J. K. Haynes A. L. St. John . C W. Haynes Alexander Storrle H. A. Haynes .tick Rtorrle D. Head Nell Stromdahl ;ll Hemmons 'James Suden H. Hlnton Richard Sylvester red Hunter Arnold Tweed )ld Ivarson Omar H. Tweed ftltpr .Inhnftnn A Ttllll VanM 11. jonnston s. vicKerman D. Johnston Robert Vuckovlch n ..... m m" .tames weir A. Lee Islle West -'-ii. n. ici-k IJRT1 WICK Mivcr R Ilqhton William White m-iKiiion r. j. Williams ii-im i,ritoss .lames wonff M. Itnes James Wood ""w lovin ti, R. rrsthal n.-Mpi K T,ove K. F. VVnthsll P Lyons T M. Wrlaht I Women! -illll-r riHl'ldH IjHrKfH '"'Is Bird With HHt.rle ."" Irene Pnllv llR F 1Tnn1ilnnAH . nn -- iiiiMjii .I'll. inr iwaae Hnpreme Sacrifice NAVY iinn irlco Ijv Richard Ilhton nurle Anderson .linto't Inland ri"i nnprsnn Fred Lewis Tiiw P Mnvd Armstrong Jr. Bfnce T,ove ArmsiTonit tnT T.nndqulst '" . Hartier Ted Mil's Arnpv Hnrr" Mnnkley Amev "e Bnushaw T A, Mi'lhern Lumber We now have a stock of good grade FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING We have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand, call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. THIS IS FIRST PHOTO OF BALIKPAPAN INVASION A Coast LCVP, snaps Aussie troops as they storm ashore in the first a Borneo. Heavy black smoke from burning oil well rolls over the and air. W. a. Barker William Murdoch Emlle Blaln William Murray John Bowman Wm. II. Murray Arthur Bredeson W. M. Murray William Bremner Daniel McDonald wernard Brldden Jack Macfle F. H. Brouksbank Robert McKay Oeorge J. Brown Robert McLean James Bryant E. (Ned I MtLeod Tony BtisHanlch John McLeod Harold Bunn Norman McLeod John Bunn Dnvld McMeekln Hugh Burbank David McNab O. Calderwood Robert McNab Richard Cameron John D. McRae Russell Cameron Harold Neville Edward Capstlck John O'Neill Robert Capstlck R. K. Olsen Doug, Chrlstlson Churles Ormlston Vernon C. Clccone P. E. M. Palmer Wm. J. Commons Frank D. Parker Allstalr D. Crerar Gordon Parkin Sydney croxrord O. H. Parsons Spencer Davles Douglas Payne r:award uawes Peter J. Peterson Oeorge Dlbb A. M. Phllllpson A. F. Dodd C. J. Phllllpson Vincent Dodd Bud Ponder John Dohl N. C. Powell Maene Rahben Donald Eastman David Ritchie Elmer Eburne Jack Ritchie Melvln Eburne Robert Ritchie John Eby Horry Robb Robert L. Eby J, II. Robinson William Earl Eby Robert Roy Robert Elklns Arthur Saunders William P. Elklns W. J. Schee'fer Leon Enns'.rom H. M. Scherk Martin Erlksen Stanley Scherk James Feusby J. D. Schubert Bernard Fortune A. Slmundson Terry Fortune C. R11vrsHes Onrdon Froser r1. J. Sims Mitchell Oay M. Skalmerud Efner Oreen F. W. Skinner .-mprvr, -lister Jteury Hklnner Orlmble John Skog Terry Orlmble Ole R'atto Imi Urlmssotj cart Smith Bovn Ourvlch Jerir F.. Smith John Orlmsson Me'eolm Smith "i ,1 nuftfson Rilnh Smith George D. Hague waiter Smith Haaen Hanklnson nine "nlllen Matt Harris F. II. Stephens, Jr. Glen Hemmons Carl Strand Trevor Hill John Strand Raymond Hougan Jack Storrle Bill Hunter Orme Stuart Foster Husoy Charles Sunberg Peter Husoy James Taylor James M. Irvine Inge vaien Tom Johnstone Btan'ev Vcltch Rodney Jones Sid White Jack W. Jov Robert Whiting L. (Sonnv) Keavs Carl O. Wl'son I'arrv I.. Irnutson Oscar Wlmham Percy Knutson neorpe Yule James n. Laurie Jack Yule Jack R. Ijiurln (Women) Lavlnla F.xley F. M. Thomson Dapane Hemmel U.S. NAVY (Men) C. J. Robertson Howard' Frlzzell U.S. NAVY (Women) Viola M. Dybhavn AIR FORCE Ronald Allen "Mike Hudema Harry Astoria John P. Johnson Alex uauue Duvld L. Jones Howard Beale Sam Jurmaln ' Marcel Blaln Robert Kelsey wL J. F. Bouzck Oliver J. Keays J. J. Bouzek Francis W. Leask J. V. Bouzek Kam Y. Lee Peter Brass Alan Lelghton Wm. M. Brown Harold Leverett Alan Burbank Donald Llewellyn' Alfred E. Burnip John Lindsay Denis W. Burnip Albert Man Wt C. Cameron Cedrlc Mah Peter Cartwrlght George R. Mayer Rene Cavenalle Henry Mayer Victor Cavenalle II. w. Macdonald Elmer Clausen Don McCavour Jack Corbould J. II. McLeod Eddie Crosby Gavin D. Mead Ray Crosby John J. Miller James Currle Richard Mills Arthur Davey Herbert Morgan John W. Davey Ralph Mnrln Pat Deane Erie Orme Victor Dell Ed. M. Ormhelm M. J. Dougherty Robert L. Peachey Jock Eastwood p..i Pnstolu Donald Eby Olor Rudsvlck Thomas J. Evans Tore A. Selvlg Jack C. Ewart Ken Schubert Victor Field Arne J. SelvU Clarence Flnley Wm. Shrubsall Albert Flaten Robert SUversldes C. E. Flewln Eddie Smith Hugh L. Forrest James D. Stuart Thomas Forrest Robert Taper Rupert Fulton J, J. Thompson Tiuls Orlln Olav R. E. Tobey William Hadden D. C. Tumllson . Harry Hamilton 'Vernon Quinlan Elmore Hanklnson Robert Tur":eon Arvld Hansen John A. Walker lawrence Hansen 'Rudolph Wirne Harold HeUerson Wm. H. Wilson Helge Holkestad flenry Worsfold Onore Zbura (Women) Betty Barber Molly Mackenzie Jean R. Cameron Kav Nickerson I'ls Corbould Lilian Croxford Isobel Mackenzie U.S. ARMY (Men) Chester B. Clapp Terence Ormn George A. Glay Thomos W. Pierce Olenn Ooodllve K HnnMirbane Richard J. Moore Elgood E, Stephens U.S. ARMY (Women) Mary McCaffery C.N.R. Trains For the East Dally except Sunday 8 P From the fcust . .. Dally except Monday 10:45 p.m. Buy' War Savings Stamps CARNIVAL PRIZES sure appreciate iCltr". Hall commented as he received-the berlb- boned envelope. His ticket had been drawn from the revolving j barrel by Prineess Lillian Knut son. Carnival Chairman T. N. Voungs visited Mrs. Brett, winner of the $1,003 first prize bond, yesterday at her home, 1G32 Sixth Ave. E., to deliver the security personally. "It is the first time I have ever made such a winning1," Mrs. Brett said happily, "ll's going to ro right into savings," she added thriftily. Mrs. Brett's family includes a six-weeks-old child. The ticket, which won the $1,Q00 prize for Mrs. Lois Brett, was drawn from the barrel by Queen Beatrice and, appropriately enough, it was one which had cast ICO votes for her in the Carnival Queen contest. Mrs. Brett wa&jint on .hand to .claim her prize. Neither was the cryptic McRiley from Boulder, Colorado, winner of the $500 bond. McRiley's ticket was pulled from the barrel by Princess Evelyn Bussey. Prior to the prize drawing, Queen Beatrice distributed prizes to the captains of the winning team and the rurtners-up in the tug-of-war contest, the . only sporting event, in connection with the Carnivalfcelebratlons. Tug-of-War Teairi Receives Cash On behalf of "Thomson's Beef Trust," the six-man aggregation which pulled a Navy team in two contests on Monday night and acaln on Saturday night, Gus Leigh ton, teanjcaptain, received a $60 prize for distribution among team members, while Cecil Brooks, skipper of the Navy six accepted a $40 pjize for his team. During an interval In the prize aisuiDuuon, master oi ceremonies T. N. Youngs express ed the thanks of the Carnival committee for the help given by the various armed services In putting the Carnival over. He also made particular mention of Alex Armstrong, Carnival committee treasurer, for his work in handling Carnival funds. Attractive mementoes of their campaigns for Carnival queen were distributed to two of the three princesses by Queen Beatrice during the evening. Sterling silver compacts were given to Princesses Evelyn and Lillian. Princess Ruth Giske, who was not present Saturday night, will Returning Service Personnel Records Are Being Sought The Dally News is anxious to completely record the arrival of all service men and women returning home from the war. Accordingly, it Is requested that information be made available to this office regarding the date of arrival home, the service with which the veteran has been identified, in what theatres of war, if wounded, ill, etc. If inconvenient to call at the office, the information may be written or telephoned in. Pictures would be particularly welcome. Street and Postal addresses and telephone numbers are also requested. Guard combat photographer standing erect in the stern of an ssault wave to hit Balikpapan on the southeast coast of oil-rich beachhead, shattered by pre-invasion biasing from the sea. DRAWN Continued from Page 1 also receive one. , Mrs. Jessie Harvey, winner ofj the five-by-seven foot children's playhouse, found herself in a quandary because of her luck, 'j "I really haven't a place to, put It, but my little daughter r Ho m&ve - OTTAWA HULL No person may move to and rent or becupy family quarters in any o these congested areas without a permit from the Administrator of Emergency Shelter. Before making arrangements to vacate your present home, be sure that you have other accommodation and a permit to occupy it. Applications for permits should be addressed to the Administrator of Emergency Shelter in the area to which you plan to move. (Issued under the authority of the Emergency Shelter Regulations, Order-ln-Council P.C. 9439, December 19, 1944.) BONDED 'ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds ' Tanks Sinks won't hear of me selling It," she mourned. Prodigious efforts on the part of five-year-old Vernon Haley, who, as a disinterested spectator, was called to turn the handle of the revolving barrel before each of the ticket drawings, were a source of amusement to the audience. Fascinated by the public ad- Zo acts tewoftfr VICTORIA VANCOUVER NEW WESTMINSTER Every person who rents or occupies family quarters in any of these districts contrary to the order, commits an offence and, in addition to other penalties, will be required to vacate the shelter and the district at his own expense. Air Conditioning Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7th St. 'St 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 964 PRINCE GEORGE A coroner's ury Monday night found jAUbert Inyallie, Fort M:-Leod native, came to his death Friday about 9:SJ jn. 20 miles south of Prjnce Oeorge on the Cariboo Highway while attempt-Jug to leave a truck when It went out of control "due to the Incompetence of the driver, An-toine Molse.and t& the poor condition of the truck. Moise is being held on a technical charge of manslaughter pending decision of the attorney general's department. Flash lightning sparked off 20 forest fires in the Fort George forest district last week to give U. C Forest Service its" first major outbreak of the season, confined chiefly to the Rocky Mountain trench. ' Major Walter H. Crocker Is back In civilian life alter active service since the start of the war in Canada and overseas and has established offices in the Government Buildins here as field representative for the Provincial Bureau of Post-War Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. After more than five years' service in Sicily, Italy, France, Belgium and Germany, Henry Hrechka came home last week. He Is the eldest of four brothers who have been overseas and Is the second to have returned, being preceded by Paratrooper Fred Hrechka. dress microphone through which Mr. Youngs was speaking, Vernon was allowed to "say a few words" asreward for his exer tion. j "Hello, Mom," he shouted ; lustily, then as his amplified treble roared back at him 1 through the loudspeakers, dashed quickly down into the crowd. REOPENING MOUSETRAP Under New Management Specializing In Italian Spaghetti, Steaks and Fried Chicken Dinners. Hours 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, AugU3t 13, 1945 -- Classified Advertising TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion, l'lease do not ask for credit. CARD QF THANKS William F. Rudland and family of Metlakatla, desire to thank many friends for assistance and expressions of sympathy extended In their recent bereavement in the passing of a loving wife and mother. 'QR SALE FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest prices. New 3-plece chesterlleld, $100; high grace all-enamel langes from 5U5; hardwood chairs: .mattresses; used beds and springs, $7.00; enamelware, plates, cups, pudding dishes from 7Vac; used enamel range (McClary) $47.50; axes from 85c. B.C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Two barber chairs; two big mirrors; National cash register, like new;- rings to $l.9a; other goods. B.C. Furniture, Black, 324. FOR SALE Victory Cafe Buildins; excellent condition. Vacant apartment immediately upon sale of same. Rents $100 month. See Geo. Ladicos for particulars, (tf) FOR SALE Twenty rugs, hook- ea and bramca; one sewing machine. 1122 7th Ave. East. (189) SPECIAL for the month of Aug ust only 3 loads dry wood, $25, regular $10 a load. 3 loads kindling $18, regular $6.50 a load. We do not guarantee any orders in winter months so stock well now. Phone 130 or write Watson Island Lumber Salvage, Port Edward, B.C. (201) FOR SALE Two chairs and chesterfield. 513 8th Ave. East. (190) FOR SALE Piano. 731 5th Ave. West. Phone Red 875. FOR SALE 3-room house, large snea at rear. Reasonable terms. Apply 137 9th Ave. West. (189) FOR SALE Elgin pocket watch, $15. pnone 32 Taxi. (189) WAR ASSETS CORPORATION, 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. will receive offers to purchase the following boats up to Saturday, August 18th, 1645: 1 MV RCASC No. 3 33'x6' x3'6". Reg. tonnage 4 tons, speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 4 32x8x32,. Reg. tonnage 4 tons, Speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. 1 MV RCASC No. 12, 32'x9'x4'6". Reg tonnage 4 tons, speed 7 kts. Engine, gasoline. Location: co Supply & Transport Officer, at Prince Rupert, B.C. (189) FOR SALE Seven-room house. Apply 315 9th Ave. West or phone Green 838. (193) FOR SALE McClary oil range, tapestry cnesxerneia suite, Kitchen table and chairs, baby buggy, strong ironing board, garbage pall. Apply 1531 Overlook Street. (190) FOR SALE Two Lifetime Parker pens, $9.25 each; two Ron-son lighters, $6.00 each: two Swiss - made watches, $6.00 each. All new stock. Apply i Box 87 Dally News. (189) HALF SECTION Over half of which is good agricultural I land; south shore Fraser Lake; , half mile of lake frontage, ' crossed by both highway and railroad. For further particulars i write Box 85 Daily News. (189) for RAi.R navpnnnrt. Anniv . . . . . . I r n n 1 n 529 Cth Ave. East. (193) FOR SALE Modern dining room suite, kitchen table and four chairs, other articles. 924 10th Ave; East. (189) FOR SALE Five-tube electric mantel radio. Greenspot Taxi, between 6:30 and 8 p.m. Joe. (189) FOR RENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) TO RENT At BiUmor, ch61ce of three houses. All or any for sale. Apply Box 84 Dally News. (190) R U P E R T B R AN D i :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Rish - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PAGE FIVE WANTED WANTED TO RENT By August 1 or 15, four-room house or apartment, not necessarily close In. Reliable, permanent tenant. Write Box 33 Dally News. WANTED housekeeping room for K.C.A.F. officer and wife. Apply Box 83 Dally News. (188) WANTED Apartment or small nouse ior couple and two chil-dren. Box 81 Dally News. (191) WANTED Furnished room with kitchen privileges, for couple with baby. Box 82 Dally News. (191) WANTED TO RENT Urgently needed, two. three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for couple with l'2-year-old child. Write Box 79 Dally News. (189) WANTED Passenger car In reasonably good condition, late coach model preferred. P.O. Box 46, Terrace, B.C. (189) " - ' " ARMY WARRANT OFFICER and wife, no children, quiet couple, desire one or two furnished rooms. Box 80 Daily News. (189) HELP WANTED WANTED Teacher for Topley Public School, capable of . teaching Grades 9 and 10 if necessary. Salary $1200 with additional $100 for each grade . taught over 8th. Mrs. Ivy Strimbold, secretary-treasurer, Topley. (192) WANTED First class, butcher to take full charge and do his . own buying. Apply National V Selective Service A.M. 186. (tt) WANTED Clerk for Stationery Store. No experience necessary. Apply at McRae Bros. (tf) SALESGIRL WANTED Apply at olflce. RuDert Peonies Store. .. (192) WANTED Four girls for general launciry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (189) AGENTS B.C. BILLIARD & BOWLING Supply Co. (Reg'd), 218 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. LOST LOST Earring, Ninth Avenue district, Valhalla Hall. Valued as keepsake. Finder phone Black 59. LOST Baby's white shoe; also shopping bag containing lady's blouse and baby articles. Finder please phone Blue 621. (190) LOST Lady's black pUrse containing glasses In case, registration card, hotel keys. Reward on returning to Box 86 Dally News, (189) FOUND FOUND In the Post Office, pair of ladies' black kid gloves. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. FOUND Outside Fair Way Food Market, man's stainless steel wrist watch. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this ad. FOUND Identification disk nrlfV n ( r-1 ' r- Moma PltMl&i. nnv. n.kii gii. u name 1'iiiuci tail have same by identifying and paying for this advertisement. (189) PERSONAL BANISH GREY HAIR Look' I years younger use effective Angelique Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (193) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf.) AND -