SI'IRKTIIE CITY COUNCIL!! 1 VOTE T. Norton Youngs jk For ALDERMAN HOP EARLY FOR BEST 6ELECTI0N IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Pljone Blue 864 COLD WEATHER AHEAD! Make sure your Oil Burner, Stove and Furnace are in good order also check your water Pipe Insulations. FOR CLEANING AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS N. T. HANSEN phone home service 74.1 Sleeping Pajamas rrrt Printed Double-Spun Two-Tone Lounging " Pajamas Made of Heavy Satin. Ideal Christmas Gifts Don't delay your Christmas Shopping Local News Items A A A A A A A A A A, ANNETTE'S J EE:LADIES 'WEAR J A OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL G:30 A.M. lo 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. by. . . JJOLINAUI) LENTIIEK1C LEIGH POKOTIIY GRAY VITA KAY CHANEL ELIZABETH AltDEN UtDNUT "A'CIEN LELONG These are now In stock SHOP EARLY FOR ADKIENNE PINAUD BATCIIELOU HAKKIETT HUBBARD AYEUS . . . others arriving shortly A GOOD SELECTION Ormes ltd. tta IHoneer Druqguts ttJE REXALL STORE Ph?nes 81 and 82 George Little arrived in the city on last night's train and will be here bver the week-end. Mrs. Elsie Thompson wishes to announce she Is returning to her practice at the Modern Beauty Shop. Mrs. Ernest Ratchford left Tuesday afternoon on the Catala for a holiday trip to Vancouver, A Public Dance, St. Peter's Parish Hall, December 7. Jean De Carlo's Orchestra. 9 o'clock. Bus service to city after dance. (283) Olof Hanson, who has been In the city for the past few days from Smlthers, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Van couver. Mrs. A. E. Falconer of Hazel ton arrived In the city on last night's train from the Interior and will sail tonight for Van couver enroute to Duncan, Van couver Island, where she will take up residence for the time being at least. NOTICE A meeting of the Committee for continuance of work at ihe Prince Rupert Drydock will be held in the Council Chambers,. this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grainger .f Terrace arrived in the city on six x" Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, Dec. 7, 8:00 pjn. sharp. Installation of officers, silver march and social. (283) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith of Terrace arrived In the- city on last night's train for a brief visit, returning to the Interior f nignt's train from Terrace I are leaving tonight on the fee Rupert for a month or weeks vacation in Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Public Meeting, Friday, De cember 7, 8 pjn., Oddfellows' Hall. Films "Valley of the Tennessee"; "Great Lakes." Speaker, Breen Melvln, Extension Department, U.B.C. Spon sored by Prince Rupert Fisher men's Co-operative Association. Gordon Kerr, who has been operating the light plant at Terrace, and two sons arrived In the city from the interior on last night's train and will jail' this evening on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where Mr. Kerr is to lo cate In future. Flying Officer Tom Haw thorne D.F.C., who has been overseas for two and a half t naay,; December 7th, at 8 pjn. years with the famous "Ghost" All organizations interested sauadron. arrived In thp ritv please send one or two repre sentatives. H. M. DAGGETT, Chairman, Industrial Development Committee. (282 yesterday to take up residence' with his brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Allen 665 East Eighth Ave. He has been in Vancouver for the past month since arriving on the NIew Amsterdam. TO THE ELECTORS M ft m m uAtia int? 5A7 R j ) 'TAITNEfCH! I if, ' ) I Which lo canny shoppers who m j know the best, it simply means m DELICIOUS! I ( ' CANNED FOODS J I : " i OF PRINCE RUPERT I am offering myself again as a candidate for election as Alderman. In 1943 and 1944 elections you consistently elected me and during that time I have been a member of the Health, Police, Relief and Licensing Committees, for two years member of the Finance Committee and have been the City Council representative on the Union Board of Health, the Recreational Council, the Public Relations Council and many other special committees. I have been, a member of the Library Board for twelve years and chairman in 1945, and citizen's representative on ,the Civic Centre Association executive, for three years. In asking for your vote again, I wish to be Judged solely on past, performance and if you thin'k my services have been a useful contribution I trust that, you will again favor me with your vote. . I represent all classes of voters .ana am guded only by my desire to serve the best interests of the city and its citizens. ALDERMAN NORA E. ARNOLD. A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 20 QUINLAN HASSOCKS They are lovely Hassocks; you must see them to appreciate their worth.. Priced from 1 20 HASSOCKS Some are made in triple tone and are very serviceable for every-day use. Priced from $:J.r0 15 END TABLES Inlaid walnut tops. Priced $7.."0 6 CHESTERFIELD TABLES Walnut, inlaid tops. Priced at $lo.50 A shipment of Doll Carriages will be here this week. Mail Orders will receive our prompt attention. 'HONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE G. R. MUTRIE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Now located in Room 1, Stone Mock G. K. MUTRIE - Optometrist VICTORIA GIRL MARRIED HERE Miss. Barbara Dawson Becomes Bride of Warrant Officer Brown The altar of First Presbyterian Church was bright with pink, white and gold chrysanthemums last night during a marriage ceremony In which Miss Barbara Dawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dawspn, of Victoria, was united to Warrant Officer Gilbert L. Brown, R.C. N.V.R., also of Victoria. The rite was performed by Rev. A. F. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a floor- length gown of white chiffon with fingertip veil and Queen Ann headdress. She carried a bouquet of red and white roses with streamers. Matron of honor was Mrs. Es ther Restall. of Victoria, who wore a gold stain floor-length PASSED AWAY ABOARD TRAIN William S. Anderson, Esteemed Resident of Terrace, Succumbs Following; Heart Attack While being brought to the city with a view of being placed In the Prince Rupert General Hospital after having been stricken with a heart attack at his home at Terrace Tuesday night, William S. Anderson well known and highly esteemed citizen of a quarter of a cen tury's stranding In the Interior town, expired aboard train at 8:30 last evening. His wife and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, acting as a nurse-, were with him at the time. The end came while he was sleeping comfortably in a compartment. Born in -Scotland, sixty-oe years ago, the late Mr. An- derson, before leaving the Old Country, worked on the estate at Glamls of the Earl of Strath-more, father of Queen Elizabeth, where a daughter-was born who was named after the Queen. Mr. Anderson had been a resident of Terrace since 1920. For years he was In charge of the provincial department of public works shop. He also had a fine farm on the Bench where he specialized in raising of bees, the honey he produced, being popular on the market. He re cently sold, the farm and took, up'resraence' in Terrace town. Two years ago his health began to fail and he had lived in retirement since that time. Deceased was a past master of the Masonic Lodge: at Terrace. Besides his widow, Mr. Anderson is survived by a son, George, in Prince Rupert, and a daughter, Mrs. George (Eliza beth) McAdams of Terrace. The remains will be taken on this evening's train to Terrace where the funeral will be held. Lumber Sec Us (or your BUILDING NEEDS PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 LING THE TAILOR We are taking; cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street gown with matching Juliet cap and carried a bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums. Groomsman was Lieut. Frank Pidgeon, R.C.N.V.R. Art Ogilvie and Bill Jarmson were ushers. During signing of the regis ter Mrs. Yvonne Schaefrer, solo ist, sang Greig's "I Love Thee." Mrs. E. J. Smith was accompan ist. A navy cutlass was used by the bride to cut the tVo-tier wedding cake at the reception at Reid's Cafe following the ceremony. More than 100 guests attended the function. The room was decorated with pink and white streamers and wedding bells for the occasion. Toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. A. F. MacSween and was ac knowledged by the bridegroom A bright feature of the re ception was a vocol solo by the bride, who sang "Because." Following the reception War rant Officer and Mrs. Brown left on the Prince Rupert on a honey moon trip to Ketchikan. For travelling the bride wore a dress of pale blue wool with match ing had and veil. They will live in Prince Rupert where WO Brown is posted with the navy Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 CHRISTMAS Specials At The 15. C. CLOTHIERS Fine Assortment of Ties In very nice patterns. From 50c si.oo Men's Silk Scarves In very nice patterns, From $1.25 10 $2-00 Men's Pyjamas From $250 .$3.50 Men's Dress Shirts From Men's liluc Overcoats P-'al 19.50 Men's Waterproof Raincoats Priced $7.00 $9.50 Boys' Suits From $7-50 1 $8-50 Hoys' Suits Sizes 23 to 34, in fine wool tweeds. From $14.50 to 816-50 Hoys' Pants In cotton mixtures and all wool $2-50 10 $4-50 Boys' Shoes From $3-50 $3-95 Boys' Sweaters In line wool. From 31.65 ,,$3.00 B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West ot Sixth Street Prince Uupctt Daily jSeUi Thursday, December 6, 1945 MODERNIZING OF ELEVATOR Improvements which it was felt should be made to the local grain elevator to bring it up to date and permit of more efficient grain handling were discuss ed at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night. An inconvenience which the war had brought to the elevator dock was the Installation thereon of fuel oil pipes by the Navy. The question of improved sacking facilities was also mentioned. The outcome was the sending of a request to the government that steps be Now sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S J1 YEAST Barr&Anderson LIMITED Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 taken to modernize the plant. The whole Idea was that the house should be put In shape so that fuller use of it might be made in the shipment of grain through the port.' , LONDON 0 The Indian Army's part in the victories which led to the Japanese surrender Is acknowledged In news-reels being shown in the United Kingdom. The commentator pays a fine tribute to men of the veteran 5th Indian Division, which was the first to land in Malaya. s so easy to bake delicious, smooth-textured active fresh Yeast. aves if you use Heischmann's This fresh yeast is jull-strengtb. It goes right to uvrk to help you get best baking results every time. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-insist on Heischmann's active fresh Yeast. The cake with the familiar yellow label! Dependable Canada's favorite for over 70 years. f V MADE IN CANADA Plumbing and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAT. STOKERS Quality GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR 'SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment . Phone Red 127 Style ARROW SHOES FOR MEN We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Quality and Style at Popular Prices Now Featured at the CUT RATE SHOE STORE LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA EMPIRE CAFE (Fo..ciiy L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 am. PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY -J i if ,i't P I