ILL. '- Daily Edition THE DAIL?' NEWS Prince Rupert Thursday, June 14, 1845 Published every afternoon except Sun-lay by Prince Rupert DaUy News Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, per week . .15 Per Month .63 Per Year 7 00 By Mali; per month .....40 Per Tear $4.00 The New Bishop The Synod of the Diocese of Caledonia made a happy choice yesterday in its selection of Very Rev.. James B. Gibson, Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral, as Bishop succeeding the late Rt Rev. George A. Rix. It is understandable that, .in the face of other strong and able nominees, he should have been the overwhelming choice of the delegates assembled. Dean Gibson, Christian gentleman, able apostle and highly esteemed citizen, is possessed of the qualities necessaiy to administer the diocese which was directed since its pioneer days by such illustrious clerics as DuVernet and Rix. He takes oyer at a difficult time due to conditions which have resulted from war, but his diocessan constituents may be confident that the ecclesiastical confidence which has been imposed in him shall be worthily justified. John R. Mitchell John Reid Mitchell, whose passing many will mourn, was a kindly, unassuming man whose acquaintance enriched many friendships. He was a resident of Prince Rupert for no less than 35 years and, while he was not a .joiner or a seeker of position or honor, there was probably no man in Prince Rupert who had a YOUR HAT, Let It Be A Stetson If you want STYLE Matched with Comfort and Serviceability The Stetson 'Medalist' $ 7.50 The Stetson 'Premier' 8.50 The Stetson 'Royal' , 10.00 The Stetson 'Imperial' 15.00 "THE MEft'S SHOP" Announcement Our store will close June 18th to July 14th inclusive, and we trust this will oc- , casion no inconvience to our customers. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE MEMBER A.B.C. greater number of sincere friends. A good workman, successful in business and possessed of every upright virtue, he. was one who had often been sought for positions of leadership and influence in the community but he resolutely and modestly refrained from accepting all such solicitations. Nevertheless in his quiet and kindly way he exercised much influence for good in the community through his cheerful geniality and unostentatious generosity and we can agree with all the others who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship that the community is the loser in his passing. The Senatorial Appointment There may be some justification for disappointment that Prime Minister Mackenzie King did not see fit to fill the British Columbia senatorial appointment from the northern or central part of the province which had candidates possessed of the capabilities and qualifications needed to enhance the upper chamber. Possibly, the cases on their behalf were not pursued consistently enough from this end. We might, therefore, consider the importance of being more active in matters like this on future occasions. As for the appointment of G. G. McGeer, we can expect that he will lend color, vigor and ability to the office backed up by long experience in public affairs. He has served as municipal, provincial and federal legislator and has a wide and intimate knowledge of the affairs and problems of this province. He is also a comparatively young man and may be counted upon to stir things up and keep them moving in the august chamber of politicians who have obtained their final reward. SIR!! PIIONES 116 -117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 Comedy Caravan 5:00 Blondie 5:30 Remember ' 5:45 Supper Club 6:00 John Charles Thomas 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 To be announced 7:00 CBC News 7:30 Prom Concert 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Music or "the New World 9:00 Music Hall 9:30 Alan Young 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Mystery Playhouse 11:00 silent FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Marek Weber 10:15 Lynn Murray 10:30 Melody Roundup Oyro Club of Prince Rupert DOMINION DAY Week-end CRUISE TO Stewart, B. C. And Hyder, Alaska SS"Catala" Leaves C.N.R. Dock Sunday Evening July 1st Returns Tuesday Morning, July 3rd Full information and tickets at UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Accommodation Comfortaly .Limited Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices in Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. GYRO WOULD TURN OVER PLAYGROUNDS The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, which since Its inception more than 20 years ago has taken the lead in children's playground activities, having established and regularly operated several such grounds in various parts of the city, yesterday agreed to the idea of the newly established Prince Rupert recreational council taking over and operating the grounds in future, the club to make a monthly grant of $50 to the council toward financing the operation of recreational activities in the citv on a co ordinated basis. Already this year the Gyro Club has expended a considerable sum of money on improvements of its playgrounds and had been making plans for again operating supervised activities durinz the sum mer thereon. The Gyro Club named Maurice Brydges and W. D. Lamble, chairman -of the playground committee, as per manent Gyro representatives on the recreational council. It was the regular monthly business luncheon of the Gyro Club yesterday. There was a letter from the Kinsmen's Club expressing appreciation of Gyro assistance in connection with the recent Victoria Day celebration for children and offering Kin assistance to. Gyro under circumstances of similar nature. The club authorized the mak ing of Improvements to the Gyro ward In. Prince Rupert General Hospital. The club ordered that appro priate greetings be sent to one cf its eatly presidents, R. F. Mc- Naughton, who is seriously ill at San Mateo. California, where for :everal years he has resided. Business and Work to please everyone No work too large or too small H. J. LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION PAINTER Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tac Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 I Whifflets From The Waterfront J No boats being in with catches, there was no sale of halibut here yesterday. ANNUAL PARTY OF SERGEANTS Jolly Affair by Senior N.C.O.'s of Regiment with About 70 Persons Present Sergeants of Prince Rupert Reghnent and their ladies had a happy evening last Saturday when a party of some 70 in number gathered for the annual sergeants' dinner and dance the dinner in Reid's Cafe and the dance following later In the Armory. Sergeant Major Pat Carr presided at the dinner which was preceded by the pinlr? in nf all present by Sergeant Major Rc&ertson. The feast to the Kins was observed in the usual manner and oth?r tnasK Included thJit to the ladles, fittingly proposed 'by Regimental Serieant Major E. R. Macdonald, and that to the Regiment which wd.s'sDo'k-en to by Sergeant Baker. Major C. J. Toombs, officer command-in.?, and Capt. 3. R. Hall, training officer of the unit, were also heard from 'briefly. Dancing featured the nro-ceedinss at the Armory which occupied the latW narr of the evening. C. A. Davis orovlded u'ano musb while reant Majo' Rhlmon nlaved the pipes for the square dancing. Among the ctuets were Corp. Sumter , of the United States Armv Air Force and Mrs. Sumter: Advertise in Th Dallv News. Professional EVENSON'S IDF.AT, CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING Late of Hudson's Bay. Vancouver REC COUNCIL CONSTITUTION IS DRAWN UP A tentative constitution has been drawn tip by the pro lem constitution and budget commit tee of the Prince Rupert Recrea tional Council and the 14-clause document will be submitted to a general meeting "of the newly formed Council on June 28. It outlines the structure of a proposed permanent organization to bring a program of recreation to Prince Rupert citizens'. Framework of the proposed constitution contains the required elasticity to make the council a truly community body by allowing provision for the entry of any organizations or Individuals interested. will also be submitted for approval of the general meeting, and has asked that organizations proposing to send permanent delegates consider $30 a month as a minimum contribution to the organization. Nineteen organizations were represented at an organizational meeting on June 8 and at least that many are expected at the next meeting. This would give the council a monUily working budget greater than that proposed, allowing it a healthy start in life. The proposed constitution states that the objects of the council "shall be to promote, supervise and direct recreational activity in the city of Prince Rupert without regard to race, color or creed and to become an operational body In co-operation with the Civic Centre Associa tion." Administration of the council will consist of an executive of seven elected members, and the finance committee will be composed of four members, three Neville Gerrard, manager here for the B. C. Packers, and C. A. Berner, divisional superintendent, Capadlan Natioanal Railways, gave autobiographical talks at today's weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in which they are recent new members. President A. S. .Nickerson was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. NEURALGIA Are NEURALGIA and the jiamirtfrini lleadarhen It causes blinding you with cruel jiain? Get fast, sale relief f. other! have, with Templeton's T-R-C's. Don't delay another day. Start novf to relieve that iain with T-R-Cs the remedy enthusiastically praised by thousands. At all drujgists 50c. SI. T-22 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 f ' i i "V 1 ILiiiW HTi ITT f l I L ' m budget of $500 a month which ine commiuee has prepared a elected from contributing bod-i les and one appointed by city uouncn. -me nnance committee would have power to authorize or veto all expenditures recommended by the executive. Paid officials of the coimoii would be under the control of the executive and receive their instructions from only one ev- ecutive member. Also proposed is the ment of those using" the coun cil's recreation facilities of not less than 25 cents a year for Juveniles ahd $1 a year for adults. 1 $i H fhjJjr W repair VjU all makes Iti of electric ihaveril Ronton Lif'ittr .Service Stitiott 719 DUNSMUIK STREET, VANCOUVER See our stock of household furniture and novelties. J. H. MAIR FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER 632 Third Ave. Phone Blue 69 Fro Prlnr, w Ocean fa,, calls Powell riv; Wednesday - ty FARES and ivrnn.... nt MTV . "11 - ill n i r - (in and DEPOT Trr-vm,... Mil M. Floor Sandlni "epairs anA A1,, Val Spidel ARCHIE! SERVICE House Plans and Atten Kemodellinj PHONE BLACK Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE I SHOE REPAI jru at. twear ;ne rau Phones 81 ml in?-. 2f Prescriptions.. From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druqgtots THE REXALL STORE M VMVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV v v -n- - Dresses Crisp cotton prints ?k Mi i -j- 'i.. .tt V down the back and front with self ruffle trim. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR " WE LEAD... OTHERS FOLLOW " 0 0HOfHMiiiSiWii W WiJ00