IPrfnrc Uupcrt Daily ftcuis Friday, September 7, 1945 FOR BOYS' WEAR RUPERT MENS' and BOYS' STORE FOR GIRLS' WEAR WALLACE'S and RUPERT PEOPLES STORE LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street TERRACE SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT G. L. Brooks, Proprietor When In Terrace let Skeena t Motors take care of your transportation. The best In transportation for less. Specializing in service to Lake-ielse Lake Agents for cabins, etc. All-night Coffee Bar TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors' Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS "SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE ... j J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 367326 2nd Ave. ANNOUNCING CORNER SNACK BAR -At-TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) A. M. Williams TERRACE, B.C. In Terrace . . . THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, Prop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern DeptStore WE WELCOME TOURISTS AND WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. ArrLY Canadian Fish Gold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Today in Spoi'ts Baseball Scores National League Boston 9-3, St. Louis 1-7. Pittsburgh 17, Brooklyn 5. Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 1. Chicago 6, New York 1. American League Washington 2-3, St. Louis 0-2. New York 14-2, Detroit 5-5. Boston 9, Cleveland 3. Philadelphia 6-1, Chicago 5-2. American Association Milwaukee 8, Minneapolis 3. Indianapolis 11, Columbus 1. Toledo 8-7, Louisville 7-5. St. Paul 7-2, Kansas City 6-6. International League Syracuse 12, Jersey City 3. Newark 6, Baltimore 2. Buffalo 7, Toronto 2. Montreal 3-13, Rochester 2-4. Pacific Coast League San Diego 4, San Francisco 2. LOOKING OVER BALL LEAGUES In the international circuit, the Buffalo Bisons took the measure of the Toronto Maple Leafs 7-2 while the Newark" Bears mastered the Baltimore Orioles 6-2. The Montreal Royals took both ends of a double-header from the Rochester Red Wings 3-2 and 13-4. The Syracuse Chiefs whipped the Jersey City Giants 12-3. ASTHMA RELIEF A Modtrn Inhalant Method for luvlng th Symptoms of Ailhma el Non-Cardiac Nature and Hay Ftvtr finecdlie&Uj, k CAUTION: Read littrotur Thoroughly and Ut Only At Dirsctvd. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DRUGGIST BE WISE TODAY AND BE WARM THIS WINTER ORDER COAL TODAY! PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 BACK TO si.' tm Everything in SCHOOL (Except Dibb Printing Company Bcsner Block, 3rd Street BENGALS BEING HARD PRESSED But Detroit Tigefs Are Still Game and a Half Ahead NE WYCRK, Sept. 7 tf The Detroit Tigers were torn to pieces 14-5 by the New York Yankees in the opener of a double-header yesterday but came back 5-2 in the afterpiece. In Boston, the Red Sox trounced the Cleveland rndians 9-3 and the Chicago White Sox and Philadelphia Athletics split two games. Philadelphia won the first 6-5 and the Chlsox took the second. The Washington Senators turned back the St. Louis Browns twice 2-0 and 3-2 to move to a spot one and one-half games behind the Bengals, who are leading the league. In the National League, the Chicago Cubs beat the New York Giants '6-1 as the Cincinnati Reds downed the Philadelphia Phillies 4-1. The Pittsburgh Pirates scuttled the 3rooklyn Dodeers 17-5 while the St. Louis Cardinals and the Boston Braves split a twin-night double-header with Boston taking the opener 9-1 arid the card3 coming back to win the nightcap 7-3. Here is today's schedule: National League New York at Chicago, Brooklyn at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia at Cincinnati (2-. Boston at St. Louis. American League Detroit at Xew York, Cleveland at Boston, Chicago at Philadelphia (2), St. Louis at Washington. The league standings to date: National League' W L Pet. Chicago 82 47 .636 St. Louis 8278 53 .595 Brooklyn 72 58 .563 New York 71 61 .538 Pittsburgh 72 63 .533 Boston 53 74 .439 Cincinnati 51 77 .398 PhiladelDhia .... 39 92 .293 American League W L Pet. Detroit 75 56 .573 Washington .... -76 58 .537 New York 69 61 .531 St. Louis 69 2 527 Cleveland 65 62 .512 Chicago 65 65 .504 Boston 62 71 .466 Philadelphia .... 41 88 .318 SHORT SPORT Magistrate W. D. Van, who is an ardent sot tball fan, likes all ball games but gets particular enjoyment out of watching the Juniors play. "These 'men who have been coaching the Junior teams this summer deserve credit," said he. "Boys, should be encouraged to take part in athletics for sports promote healthy bodies and keen minds." Softball, basketball and other fast games teach boys to think quickly and that Is a quality that always proves useful, he pointed out. When the Fortress team takes the field tonight for their second game of the Senior Sote-ball- League finals with Port Edward Americans, the Canadian line-up will include Lou Mc-Corkell, second-baseman with Fortress earlier tn the season, who has returned from the south. BURIED ALIVE Sheep have been known to exist for weeks while burled in snowdrifts. SUPPLIES Text Books) Phone 234 SPORTS PROGRAM Friday Second game of Senior Softball finals: Fortress vs. Port Edward, 6:30 pjn. at Gyro Park. Sunday Third game of Senior Softball finals: Fortress vs. Port Edward, 2:30 p.m. at Gyro Park. Softball Champions Get $25 in Cash Champions of the Junior Softball League will collectively receive $25 cash In lieu of the proposed trip to Terrace, which proved impractical, it was decided at the Kinsmen's Club meeting Wednesday. The Terrace trip was called off because the interior town could furnish no opposition for the Prince Rupert Junior champions. The Junior finalists, Wartime Housing and Knights of Columbus, are to play a sudden-death game to decide the winner but the date hasn't been set yet. WESTERN GIRLS PLAY SMART BRAND OF BALL OTTAWA, Sept. 7 W Western girls are keen softball enthusiasts if the record of civil service girls from the prairies and beyond in Ottawa's women's soft-ball leagues means anything. The girl's brand of ball can be Judged by the Naval Central Registry team all employed In a branch of Naval Service Headquarters and nearly all from Canada's wide open spaces which finished the season in top place after winning evry game they played. The team is coached and managed by a westerner, Lieut. Les Monk of Reglna, well known In football circles of his home town and In Winnipeg. Calgary dominates the western group in the team with Ethel Anderson, first baseman; Beverley Smith, left field; Margo Papp centre field, and Helen Schanz, second baseman. Pauline Forget of Winnipeg holds down third base; Bernice Johanson of Moose Jaw, Alta., presides on the mound and Mar-Jorie Schlosser of Re?lna, com pletes the team's outfield. Sask-u,ouii nas a lormer resident In the catcher's place, Edie Thompson. The team's western members Joined Ihe civil service to work for the navy during a recent civil service recruiting campaign for stenos through-out the western provinces. PROTEST DISCONNECTION SYDNEY O) Thousands of galahs perching on telephone wires In the Wongabinda dls trict in north-western New South Wales are' breaking the wires by their combined weight Then they all talk at once. m Pmscm JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 a.m. REQUEST LOCAL INSPECTOR FOR SMALL VESSELS Representations to have a resident inspector of small vessels In Prince Rupert to facilitate fishing boat construction in local boat yards are bein$ made to the federal Department of Transport by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. At present, boat builders here must wait to have their construction Jobs inspected by a Vancouver Inspector whose visits are made at uncertain Intervals or else complete construction without the required inspection. The latter course contravenes the Canada Shipping Act. "As we understand It, there are often major delays Involved In waiting for a visit by the Department of Transport inspector. This could easily be eliminated by the appointment of a Prince Rupert man as part-time inspector who could be called by boatbuilders when an inspection of a new hull was In order," secretary of the Chamber of Commerce George Rorie said. "There are at least two men in the city who are qualified to fill the Job." Conversations with boatyard operators reveal that the usual course at present Is to infbrm the Department of Transport office at Vancouver when they have a hull which is required to be inspected. "Usually they tell us that it Is Impossible for an inspector to get to Prince Rupert Immediately and to go ahead and complete the hull pending his later arrival. The permission has always been yerbal and leaves us open to costly changes In construction if an Inspector should so decide later," a boatyarti opera tor said. During the war when the dry dock was in full operation the Transport Department Inspector visited Prince Rupert about once a month and the present condition, consequently, did not arise. LAND REGISTRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 22752-1, to Lot 161, Queen Charlotte District, said to contain 23 acres, more or less, except a strip of land one chain in width measured from high water mark and also except Part lying South of a line being the production West of the North boundary of Block "A" of District Lot 160 to high water mark of said Lot 161. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued in the name of James Barratt Gillatt has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, issue a provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of said lost certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C., this 31st day of August, A.D.. 1945. ANDREW THOMPSON, Deputy Registrar of Titles. GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LFIND GIFTS HERB TO SATISFY YOU . . . Come in and sec them NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 TODAY and SAT. K 1 wawimBaMMi SamuelColdwvk BOB HOPE Wtltlt WUTU ICtOI SIEZAK BRENNAN McLAGlEN ON THl SAME PROGRAM SPORTS REEL DONALD DUCK CARTOON NEWS SATURDAY 10:30 a m IDDIE MP western rum L U B r pi k a . . 1-1 K IVliifri ) i OFFICES IN IIEILHRONER'S JEWELRY 'STORE Complete qualified optical service. Phone It - - PAPERHANGING SIGNS AND SIIOWCARDS YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Ruildin? Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and, Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets, Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Green 974 For BABY Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is ' enough to help baby develop. Baby needs jk wise and careful selection of the best tolleto usea on his tender little body, in masmsj purchases here, you are always assured of the btf NOTHING BUT THE BEST FUK Ormes ltd 37us JHonter Druggists THE REXALL STORE INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave, phone 88 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Box 1321 313 3iU Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone Gil ELECTRICAL GOODS Lamps Sllex Batteries M 1:00 -2:54,, l:58.9:0o' HU null. rieart of k w "W II rius selected sw t.i oiiu W IULI IK.. fffljffff'l Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUP SHI IK RFP 3rd St. (Near the Pus l lit. for coffet Will P ai MM IV rmnnps oi Frpsli Local . . ..TTMV II PHONE 651 PHONES ALBERT AND McCAFFf! i nviN el CAB1IN&1 - PHONE GRE ' Cabinets and order JfV tt,,re R Minister? w .. - ti'-0lf 117 2na nvc-