MORE FIRE IN PULPIT NEEDED .Churches Dying of Dignity, Declares Rev. Cob Munro Appeals for Practical Religion "Many churches are dylngiof dignity," declared Rev. Bob Munro, rousing travelling evangelist of the Soldiers' and Air men's Christian Association, In speaking .before a large audience at a good old-fashioned gospel meeting in the Y.M.C.A. War Services jHall Sunday night. "What we have got to do Is get the Gospel out In the open and religion in the streets. Like the Egyptian mummy, there is all kinds of dignity in a lot of our churches but very little life." , A cross-section of Prince Rupert's religious life leaders supported the trumpet-playing evangelist on the platform and the audience was representative of all Prince Rupert's congregations and some people who are not seen often around any of the city's churches. Mr. Munro's 40 minute discourse was a stirring oration replete with personal experiences In the salvation of souls. At the close, he appealed for members of the audience to give themselves to God and several responded. Cecil Carter, local representative of the Soldiers' and Airmen's Association, presided and there was opening prayer, by Chaplain Lyle Robinson of the United States Army. G. R. S. Blackaby read the Scripture. Giving Christian testimony were Supply Assistant Richard Hay-hoe, Canadian Navy, Staff Sergeant Harry Graham, United States Army, and Staff Sergeant Bryce Farrow, Canadian Army. Bombardier William Nelson. gave a vocal solo appropriate to the occasion. Miss Laverne Linney was pianlts for the tvenlng. One of the features of the evening was the hearty, singing of Gospel hymns. Cure Church Of Triviality The church must be cured of triviality and get down to the 0 At . Mwm, ifL m- - ; a r -v :wv-.v..-...v. r-;. essentials of Christian conversion and living, declared the pastor. One heard a lot these days about Juvenile delinquency. "I would say a lot of it Is really parental delinquency," declared Mr. Munro. "What we need Is more magistrates with red blood In their veins who will discipline the parents when juveniles come before them. More religion Is wanted in tne ncmes." Warning students against the "monkey work" of some professors who put science above re-illglon and philosophy above the CFPR s: y 6. T N Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles TUESDAY PJ.L 4:00 Worcs WUn Music 4:15 G. I. Jive , , 4:30 Great Moments In Muiic 5:00 G.I. Journal 5:30 Remember 5:45 Supper Club 6:00 Roy Shields & Co. 6:30 Fred Waring 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Dr. G. G. Sedgewlck 7;30 Classics for Today 8:00 Premier John Hart 8:30 CBR Concert Orch. 9:00 Fibber McGee and Molly 9:30 Mall Call 10:00 CBC News m-in MiTslpnl Tntprlude 10:15 Philharmonic Forum 10:30 Suspense 11:00 Silent WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical ciock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10 :00 Homemakers 10:15 Raymond Scott 10:30 Melody Roundup 10:45 Announcer's choice 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrap Book 1 1 : 33 M essage Period 11:35 Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Swing Time P.M. 12:00 Guy Lombardo 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Spotlight Bands 1:00 One. Night Stand 1:30 Re'cast Mall Call 2:00 Silent s-, 1 . V We have one - quart Pyrex measuring cups, perfect for mixing baby's formula. Baby's Own Soap liaby's Rubber Sheets Baby's Oil Baby's Night Gowns Baby's Bottles and Baby's Booties Nipples Baby's Cups Baby's Rubber Pants Baby's Sweaters Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some :asual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage -COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS OOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (!S) LTD. 326 Second Avenue ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS Phone Black OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER 367 word of God, the evangelist gavV the "Bible as the rinal word of appeal. He decried such' preaching as that of evolution although he , was, ready ,to,admlt that. even monkeys would not be guilty of the dereliction .which was to ;be found among some humans today. Only by conversion to God could life be made worthwhile. Going on to give many personal Incidents In the salvation of souls, he declared that "saving of souls.was the only fruit worth picking." The only way.ln which any nation could remain great was if more attention was given to spiritual Jlfe. Unfortunately, that attention was not being given today. "What weaklings we have become spiritually! What we need is more fire in the pulpit Grain Inspectors "Visiting Elevator Four grain Inspectors of the Canadian Board of Grain Commissioners are in the city Inspecting the local elevator. All from Vancouver, they are Ronald Battensby, John J. Manson. Ned Wilson and Malcolm J. McLeod. The local elevator at present contains about 900,000 bushels of No. 1 and No. 2 Northern wheat, the last of which was shipped here in the fall of 1942. and the pew and less fire in the church kitchen." Mr. Munro continues his meetings' each night this week In the Salvation Army Citadel and next Sunday his farewell mass gospel meeting will take place in the Y. MCA. Hall. LOG SCALE IS LOWER Log scale, in the Prince Rupert forestry district in September was 22,427,459 board ,feet, bringing the total of sawlogs taken out for the first nine months of this year to 147,633,970 board feet. The mqnth's total was about 11,000,000 board feet less than In September 1944, and the nlnemonth aggregate was about 48,000,000 board feet less than last year. Poles and piling taken out during the month .totalled 147,343 lineal feet as compared with 97,363 feet taken out in Septem ber last year. Activity Sn the pole, and piling industry showed an Increase over last year, the nine-month total for 1945 being 1,592,127 ,feet ;as compared with )086,325 feet for th,e same period last year. Sawlog total in August this year was 22,974,406 board feet and . the total of poles and piling was 885,374 lineal feet. Spruce logs comprised the greater part of the sawlog scale last month, 12,740,437 board feet being ,taken out. Totals of other .types logged during the month were: Hemlock, 3,634,156; cedar, 3,-314,415; balsam, ,1.427,593; fir, .680.598; .jackpine, 330,270. Bulk pf , the pole and piling cut .was made up. of, cedar. Premier Hart states his GRA Prince Unpen bnflp Tuesday, -October 6, 194$ TURF STORY AT CAPITOL "Salty ORourke." With Alan Ladd and Gail Russell, Coming This Wednesday And Thursday Based on a horse racing theme, a dramatic picture of the sport of kings, "Salty ORourke," is coming to the Capitol Theatre here this Wednesday and Thursday. Alan Ladd and Gall Russell are the stars. In the story Ladd is trying for a chance to go straight after finding that he is being put on tho ervs L . - - rJ M- Sir - wuert. 1 ...... winsome iracner.MlaitaJ; u" u,r waifn pan Bruce Cabot - racketee-lng for a mvti ..' buysahor 'i .a.!.?ls Jockey "wrcsi as trainer mil in meet iv,. j me acuon roar Cuba has inn...: it ii j 1 gar cane. EMPLOYMENT FOR A VAST ARMY OF WORKERS PLANS for SOCIAL PROGRESS and SOUND PROSPERITY Revision of Education System To relieve the school tax burden and to aid municipalities and property owners, the Cameron Commission Report will; be implemented in full, providing for: 1. Establishment of a uniform basis of taxation. 2. Abolition of the Personal Property Tax, in rural areas for school purposes. 3. Consolidation of school districts and increase in the number of teachers in congested schools. .4. Establishment of a basic education standard, higher than in any other Province in the Dominion, including: (a) Adoption of basic salary schedules for teachers, with appropriate increments. (b) Generous aid by the Provincial Government in other school costs. (c) Taking over the share of teachers' pension contributions now paid by the school districts. . (d) Bonuses for teachers in isolated areas. 5. Beyond the basic education programme the Provincial Government wiUTassumc 50 per cent of the cost of school buildings and other equipment. s . C. Assumption of 50 per cent of the cost of transporation and allied services. Housing j Low-rental housing projects and slum-clearance projects undertaken by the municipalities will be aided by substantial contributions from the Provincial Government. Municipal Reform The relationship between your Government and the cities and municipalities requires change. An authoritative body will be set up immediately to initiate necessary changes. Rural Electrification and Power The comprehensive scheme of power development by the B. C. Power Commission will revolutionize our farming methods. It will put electric light and appliances in every home and farm throughout the Province. The $10,000,000 already supplied to the B. C. Power Commission will be supplemented by greater sums for the development of this vital programme. Veterans' Rehabilitation The government will co-operate fully with the Federal Veterans' Rehabilitation programme and, wherever possible, will supplement that programme by measures which will give additional benefits to B. C. veterans. Contributions have already been made to veterans' educational and vocational programmes' ln the university and elsewhere. This government's well-planned land settlement scheme gives B. C. veterans financial help an4 opportunities not obtainable in any other province. Highways Programme The Coalition Government, through the Highway Commission it created, has a' comprehensive and well-planned construction programme providing a system of modern arterial highways and necessary side-roads to supply the needs and pleasures of all who travel, on them. As part of this programme the Malahat section of , the Island Highway has just been finlshedl.the Pine Pass and the Hope-Princelon roads will be completed in the near future. Millions of dollars have been appropriated for the improvement and reconstruction of our present highway system. In addition, the Government will give fullest co-operation to the authorities responsible in locating and constructing a highway to Alaska. The Reconstruction Programme Tens of thousands will be employed in the great reconstruction programme of the Government in projects which have been planned and in sonic cases already started. The construction of plants and lines for the B.C. Power Commission will run into millions of dollars during the next 5 years. The $10,000,000 Highway Programme to which ,tjie Government is already committed will provide employment .for .thousands. The Hope-Princeton Highway will be started immediately the Highway Commission awards the contract. The $0,000,000 Peace River Outlet is in process of construction. Public buildings, long needed, will now be built in Victoria, Vancouver and other centres. The $5,000,000 programme of the University , of British Columbia only awaits the release of men and materials. A $15,000,000 school construction programme is envisioned in the Cameron Report which is being implemented. 1 $1,000,000 is now allocated to new hospital construction. The P.G.E. Railway Measures have now been undertaken towards ,the completion of the P.G.E. Railway and the development of the great North land it serves. The co-operation of the Dominion Government, the C.N.R. and C,P.K has been secured in setting up a representative committee whose report will be the basis of a definite plan of action. The Act, which authorized vast grants of land, as an inducement to outside capital to develop and extend the P.G.E., will be repealed in the interests of the people. It will aggressively press for Dominion approval of a gigantic $210,000,000 highways plan for inclusion in the Federal, public investment programme,, Social Services This Government pledges itself to support every practical measure for the improvement of its social services, including old age pensibns, mothers' pensions, health and welfare services. Industrial Prosperity and Jobs This Government will continue to promote all measures helpful to the expansion of our industries and ,to the greater use of our vast resources. It will encourage new industries. Continuation of such policies will ensure greater prosperity and higher employment than any alternative government could offer. University of British Columbia The first major expansion programme of the University, including the establishment of Medical, Pharmacy and Law faculties, has already been provided for by the Coalition Government and will be speeded by every possible means: This Government will give every possible encouragement to higher education. It will seek to provide equal opportunity for attainment of University education by all. Public Utilities The Coalition Government will assist municipalities in the acquisition of the li. C. Electric Railway Company's power, distribution and transit systems, which has been proposed in the interests of the conesumer-public. British Columbia's Parks The Coalition Government has already planned and . will now undertake a comprehensive programme of park development. To complete this programme will require large numbers of men. Freight Rates Lower freight rates to B. C. mean more jobs and greater prosperity In the shipping business and the industry, of the Province as a whole. We will vigorously press our claims for freight rates adjustments at the Dominion-Provincial Conference. If we do not succeed, we will continue to fight unremittingly. The Agricultural Industry This Government will do everything In its power to promote agricultural production and to improve the opportunities and living standards of those engaged in this industry. This Includes: 1. Efforts to stabilize farm prices. 2. Improvement in the marketing situation. 3. Improvement in grading and inspecting. 4. Assistance to irrigation districts. 5. Expanding the land-clearance programme. 6. Encouragement to new industries processing farm products. 7. Increased agricultural research services. Labor Legislation British Columbia leads in labor legislation! The Coalition Government will ensure that we continue to lead! Dominion-Provincial Conference The Coalition Government will co-operate to the fullest with the Dominion .Government and other Provinces to ensure raising the standards in other parts of Canada to at least the standards of living social security, health and education so far achieved by the people of British Columbia. The Forest Industry The recommendations of the Royal Commission on Forestry will be implemented to ensure the greatest economic harvesting of our forest wealth in perpetuity. It will result in maximum continuous employment of every worker in the whole industry. The Record of The Coalition Government is the Guarantee of Its Future Performance. t On Thursday, October 25th vote COALITION Published by the British Columbia Coalition Organisation