ni I MJtUO IllIll 1 CILfLC ilieTC A I ' II V l I MkVk 1AVC. ASSOCIATION IS BEING REVIVED J;- Hurinc the past week included a meet- Z members of the local Liberal and Conserva-jL in line with the recent political coalition irrangw""..- . Uflrhprt nscujuu, huiuoici ui mum; vvurKS, l "w. . , . u i i n.. ccheauieu i." j ..h is being formed of the Pen- assemblies. MtthNurscs Johnson Lton ol Prince Ru- . i Tprrace on rnuq ft the health clinic In ; ,-ith the primary pv raujv - . an and rr sia" imt ui- - , Helen Forbes, moioren prince Rupert to spend a Terrace It pleasure in announc-fe have taken over the y or Evenson's Ideal and Laundry Please ir parcels of dry clean-laundry at- our store. Skeena Mercantile. (237) 1 Mrs James Parker of tupert motorea up w for a brief visit during -Jtsgivlng week-end. . i.. i John McLeod and Mr. Howard Hibbard were j Tisitors in Terrace, , to Hazelton by car. us been received by Mr. CO. Mullerpf Terrace ir son, John Marshall jj hppn made a mem- Dve-man nuuui kuiiu a! D. Eisenhower. Al- CKHEAD5 if ttniint powdr ironi nj U..1K..H.. Thfr dlmoln na o O 'ON PAINTER and Exterior Work 1236 Phone Black 823 IRP.P. T T) AT) IT? u. ln7.Ui.lj nuuuur, CIC. T Returns Compiled Block phonp 5R7 Welkins ltd. 'Mnj and Heating Engineers TTnT - P.O. Box 274 spondence Schools NADIAN, LIMTnm ;al, Canada ntati',. fboM Own 974 Cw-r,.. D0.X526 r t..t. . -"uib nances try the Mi QUINTETTE" Glance band In town fhone 65 Taxi JJ-TEACHER i&Jl 975 iiours. Cneral Construction t; "anaahs Ralsedi . Addition. S HtilU t and Repaired also :t,ns, Floors, Drlvcway3 and . Tanks 0ne Green 4ro attention though born In the States and with the American Army, John has lived most of his life In Can ada. Will Christie motored to Prince Rupert on Saturday and returned the same day with Mrs. Christie, who had been receiving treatment at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Miss Estelle Johnston, who has been taking a business course at St. Joseph's Academy, spent Thanksgiving In Terrace with her family. Mrs. iWhalen went to Prince Rupert on Friday and returned Saturday, accompanied by her daughter, Colleen, who is taking a course at SC. Josenh's Acad- emy and who returned to Prince ttuperi ioaay. Mrs. Nigel Sherwood returned to Terrace Saturday night after a brief visit to Prince Rupert. Miss Annie Lips made a brief week-end trip to Prince Rupert, leaying Saturday and returning home Monday. Sgt. Calder Is returning home to Terrace In a few days from overseas. Ills wife Is employed In J. H. Smith's general store here. The Terrace Parent-Teachers' Association, which has been In active for 15 years. Is being re vlved. A meeting Is to be held on the coming Friday evening for reorganization and election of officers. MEXICAN FORESTS More than one-seventh Mexico Is forested. Mil II .1.1 m m mm m .. mm mm mm mm AND AMUSEMENTS AINU 1J1AUJN O j ounn's Bicycle Shop) 114 6th Street ' from 0 4111 n m o n s to please everyone wo large or too small H.J. LUND Iff T3nA-1 I B t UULlllilllLlIll' "House of Better Cleaning" EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FliEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 99 HELEN'S of Studio 802 Borden St. Phone Green 511 RHETA H. MEAD Teacher of Pianoforte Classes commencing October 1st Special, courses tor oeginners, i .advanced and adult puplLj HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Oil Burners Cleaned and Repaired Chimney Cleaning and all Home Repairs Ice Deliveries Saturday Green 486 Phone Oreen 337 . BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 ' BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR Bi JChnu Late of Hudson's Bay. Vancouver JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist JOHN BULGER LTD. Third Avenue OWENS' HOME RADIO Prompt diagnosis for ailing radios PHONE RED 751 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If palnChlropractlcl II nerves doub'jr sol Smith Block Green 995 HAZELTON BOY IS DECORATED Distinguished Flylne Cross for Flying Officer J. II. Sarfent In recognition of "great cour-geand sound navlsatinnat Qhii- lty throughout his tour of operational duty," Flying Officer J. H. Sargent, son of Mrs. Barbara Sargent of South Hazelton, has been awarded the Distinguished r lying uross. incidentally, Sargent Is One of four Hsreltnn hw who have mirchaseri Nfiiiiran's casn ana carry store at McBrlde and will operate It. The citation for Flying Officer Sargent Is as follows: "Flying Officer Sargent has displayed grtat couraee and sound navleatiNnal abllltv tnrougnout nis tour of operation-al duty. During one nleht mis. slon his aircraft was attacked and damaged by a night fighter while over the target and'clurlns the next hour and a half seven more attacks were made. Despite tne ract that the navigational aids had been rendered unserviceable and the log lost during the combat, FO" Sargent navl-eated the bomber safplv tn an emergency airfield In Belgium coony warning n pilot or nign ground and wooded areas as they new in to make a successful crash landing." SMITHERS Hon. E. T. Kenney and W. J. O'Neill were the speakers at an enthusiastic Coalition Party campaign meeting at Glentanna on Saturday night. The Woodmere C.C.F. Club held a rummage sale at the school house on Saturday for the purpose of raising funds for the election campaign. Barney Mulvany of Burns Lake takes strong exception to a Brit ish United Press dispatch which Nine Reasons for Buying the forthcoming Ninth Victory Loan Bonds suggests a connection between the central interior and the A1-. aska Highway by way of Prince George arid thfe Peace River. In stead, ne advocates a route by wav of Ootsa and FranrnU Talrpst and Hazelton and Klsplox. A. O. Montgomery has been appointed CJN.R. station agent at Houston, Roy Lancaster going to New Hazelton. Mrs. O. Carlson has returned to her home at Haney after a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dimock. She was accompanied by her brother, Arthur, who will attend the University of British Columbia. Ted, Dick and Bill Cook have left for Vancouver to resume studies at the University of Brit ish uoiumoia. Mrs..K. G. Houghton is paying a visit In Vancouver. s Percy Morln Is paying a visit In Smlthers with his uncle, Ernest Morln. Ggt. Donald Grant is paying a visit here with his brotherrln-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Len Evltt. Lieut. Pat Downey has been paying a visit here with his father, James P. Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Syrnyk have arrived In Smlthers to take up residence; Mr. Syrnyk having Joined the staff of Walls's Garage. Mrs. J. H. MacLeod of Prince Rupert has .been a recent guest at Lake Kathlyn of Mrs. Olof Hanson. Mrs. A. L. Ford of Prince George Is paying a visit here with her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford. Stern Parent: "Now, Willie, I'd like to go through a whole day without once scolding or punishing you." Wijlle: "Well, mummy, you I have my consent." jPrfncc Utiyctt Daflg-j3Wjei Tuesday, October 9, 1945 School Children At Terrace Are Healthy Reporting a decided Improvement In the general .health of the school children of Terrace, Miss Helen Etherlngton and Miss Olive Johnson of the Prince Rupert and District Public Health Unit returned to the city by car on Saturday from the Interior town where they had spent a few days examining the children. One thing the nurses noted, however, was the need of dental attention. Coming In with the nurses were Miss Annie Lips, principal of the Terrace Public School, and Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, who spent the week end In the city. The word parliament Is derived from the French "parler," meaning to speak. Our First Victory Loan slogan was "Help Finish the Job". For eight successive Victory Loans Canadians have saved and bought Victory Bonds for that purpose . . . but the job is not yet finished. To finish it Canada must 2 3 ' 8 BMMMMaMMMMMMMMMMMMm nMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX&Saa wtwl9"mwmmz Maintain and pay our Army of Occupation in Germany. Bring our boys home. Provide the best of medical and hospital care for the sick and wounded until they are restored to health and employment. Pay Service Gratuities. Pension dependents of those who died On Active Service. . ... - . ...... - Ji4to, Rehabilitate and nelp returnea men 10 re-establish themselves in civil life. Help to provide essential food and medical supplies and other goods and services necessary to prevent famine and pestilence in liberated countries, and the dangers that would follow the world-wide spread of post-war diseases. Co-operate with our allies in bringing essential help to liberated countries. Production for this purpose together with production on the back log of. home requirements will help ensure a high level of employment. Q Prevent inflation by continuous saving and restricting unnecessary spending. The Ninth Victory Loan will-be the real test ol Canadians' determination to finish the job. The tendency to relax after Victory is natural enough; but there are many tasks still to be completed .... and obligations to be fulfilled, otherwise the sacrifice of our men and the thrift, industry and resolution which inspired us to save and lend during the past six years will have been in vain. This will be the only Victory Loan for a year. Therefore continue to save at the same rate per week or month as you have been doing and buy twice as many Victory Bonds as you bought in any previous six months' Victory Loan saving period. You have a year to save for them and a year to pay for them. Buy on the Payroll Savings Plan or buy them through your bank, loan or trust company. There is no better security than Victory Bonds. Yous can always "d borrow on them or they are readily saleable. Get Ready to Buy Victory Bonds RMitaiy Orders 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Rest. (MO) C. J. Toombs, Maj. Commanding Parades Due to Monday, Oct. 8, being , a holiday, the battalion parade scheduled for thls'nlght Is postponed until Wednesday, Oct. 10. All ranks will parade on Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. Dance A dance will be held at the ' Armories at 9:30 Friday evening, Oct. 12. This dance is a farewell dance for Prince Rupert Buy War Savings Stamps mm NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE'