l7' prince 'Rupert Dailp mm Tuesday, October 9, 1945 Smart, New and Very Becoming RUPERT PEOPLES STORE We can say this in three words . . . BUY : COAL NOW PnONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY j Good News for Trappers... providing they brine- their furs to Goldbloom. 10 higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fnr Coats, 20 lower in price than anywhere else. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" CHARTS Are Essential to all Boat Owners Dominion Government ,Or United States . ."Of 'to $1.25 Admiralty $1.15 to $2.75 B.C. COAST PILOT Vol. 1 $1.50 Vol. 2 $1.50 , TIDE TABLES Trinec Rupert Harbor 10r Pacific Coast 25c1 PILOT HOUSE LOG BOOK Protractors, Dividers, Hanson's Hand Book $1.00 FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times, you want the best, vnn will fwi If UU1 our ' i r .. iuu lb ju shelves. oli are invited to inspect our stock. "MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Tod - - -. .-av.ij Phones 18 and 19 Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 611 ELECTRICAL GOODS Lamps Sllex Batteries P.O. Box 575 YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets, Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Green 974 Fifth Game HOW TIGERS WENT AHEAD Newhouser's Steady Pitching And Greenberg's Hitting Spelled Ruin for Chicago CHICAGO, Oct. 9 A record-breaking post-war crowd of 45,-000 fans which absolutely Jammed beautiful Wrigley Field In grand sunny fall weather was on hand Sunday to see the home club tripped up 8 to 4 by the Detroit Tigers In the fifth game of the Word Series.! The victory gave the Bengals a three to two game edge over the Little Bruins. The Tigers scored the four winning runs which started the tide turning In their favor In the sixth inning when Hank Borowy went to Pieces bv vieldln? fnnr safeties to Detroit stick-hand lers. It was a sad rout from then on for Charlie Grimm and his men who tried to stage uprisings m seventn and ninth innings tout had too much against them by that time. Grimm nspri flvo pitchers in the .game and a near record number nf 17 nia vprc fnr a single World Series ramp Bis Hank Greenbprir unc a era In wie nero oi ine Bleachers along with pitcher Hal Newhouser as the Bengals settled well behind the courageous pitching of Newhouser who was particularly good in the pinches and fannprf nine Cub batters. The heavy slugging of the Tigers was featured by three two-baggers by Greenberg: and Roy Cullenblne's great double, the longest hit ball of the series which became stranded in the Ivy above the stands. Pafko's speedy, fielding In the centre earden featured Chicago play although It was his error In letting Doc Cramer's sinsle pass between his legs- and go for a double that started the disastrous scorlne narade nf th Tigers in the fatal sixth Inning. ii was men mat the big guns of the Tiger battln? truer Cramer, Greeniberg and Cullenbine clicked for successive hits to pile iid the hits and runs which drove Borcwv from the box and niirh confounded succeeding relief nitrhers' Hv Vandenburg, Boh Chinman. Paul Derrinpr nnri' Frank Secory. Winning pitcher, Newhouser; Icslne pitcher, Borowy. Summary: R Detroit r Chicago 4 Detroit First. n Rornnd o Third i fourth n Fifth n eixth 4 Rovpjith .1 roshth a Ninth 2 Chicago P'rst. ft ",nnd A ThirH Z-ZZ'ZZ'.A '"th .... To Mflh 'n sixth Seventh 2 Flo-hth o H 11 1 1 .0 o 1 Ninth l 2 Score by innings: ' 123456789 Detroit 0 0 10 0 4 10 28 Chicago 00 1 00020 14 Scoring Plays Third Innings, Detroit Newhouser struck out swingine. Webb walked. Mayo singled. Webb to third. Cramer's lone flv to left field was taken but Webb scored. Greewberg's long drive to centre was taken with a wonderful running catch by Pafko. Third Innln.-r, Chicago Mickey Livingstone was tageed out by NewhouFPr. Len Murillo (relieving Hughes at short for the Cubs) swung out. Hank Borowv doubled into left field with hot line drive for first extra basP hit of game. Stan Hack's single SI With Minora Blades! Greater comfort, ptui economy that'i the lowdown on Minora. It'i the quality blade In the low-price field. FITS you DOlBlf.fDGE RAZOR LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and ,stcam pressing while you watt. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street to short scored fast-moving Bor-' owy. Dn Johnson hit Int rinnhio ' play, pitcher to first to third. Sixth Inning, Detroit Cramer hit to Pafko and went to second when the centre fielder let it go between his legs. Greenberg doubled to left field and scored Cramer. Cullenbine swieri. Greenberg to third. Rudy York's clean single to centre field scored Greenberg. (Borowy pulled, Vandenburg takes' over). Outlaw sacrificed, Cullenbine to third, York to second. Richards walked, filling bases. Newhouser walked, Cullenbine forced home, 'wr.hh sacrificed to drive in York. (Chlpman now nltchin? fnr Chi cago). Mayo walked. Cramer nut second to first. Seventh Inning, Detroit (Derringer Dltchlnir for Chlca an) Greenberg's high fly to left field went for a double. Cullenbine bunted safely. Greenbere to third. York filed out tn Pafko. Outlaw was out, centre field to GRID GAMES OF IMPORTANCE IN WEST SATURDAY TORONTO, Oct. 9 W Three top games were played on Canadian gridirons Saturday. In Big Four circles, the Toronto Argonauts swamped the Montreal Hornets, 21 to 4, and the Ottawa Rough Riders battled through a hard game with the Hamilton Tigers to win by a score of 19 to 10. In the O.R.F.U.play, Toronto Balmy Beaches swamped the Windsor Rockets, 20 to C. WANTED Janitor for part time work, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Position open for good girl or married woman for ready-to-wear store. Good salary and permanent position for right party. Apply' 86x16 Dally News office'. ' ceased. (238) WANTED Pressers, silk .pressers, full or part-time. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. ((233) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished suite or room. 1264 Beach Place, phone Black 618. (235) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 224 5th West. (239) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Box 17 Dally News. (238) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, ladies only. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (234) FOR RENT Unfusnlshed apart ment. Apply G. P. Tinker Co. Ltd. (tf) TO RENT House to party buy ing some iurnuure. zi29 Graham Ave., or phone 434. (234) FOR. RENT Room for single girl. 324 7th Ave. East. (233) FOR RENT Furnished cabin. near Cold Storage. Phone Blue 825. (233) FOR RENT Sleeping room for rent. 801 Borden Street, (tf) MONEY TO LOAN WHERE CAN YOU BORROW at Lower Rates . . . on Fairer Terms? ' Whether you borrow $50, $1,000, or even mnrr thp snmo irm. the same fair terms prevail, at wie cans oi Montreal, personal loans, renavable In mnnfMv in stalments, cost: '2 of 1 INTEREST per Month Ymt repay by .Monthly Instalments iCnsli pay- pay- pay., pay- pav-yoii mt'n mi mis mj, 'm'tg get INCH IIIXCI 1XTKKKST I BOS H.48 .',.(.!($ 4.301 I 751 12.721 8.S1 loo; KI.9K 11.39 ISO 25.41! 17.08 30O .10.88 31.17 R.lill 14.90'$ 8.731 23.81 17.4 K$ 13.28 .100 .100 81.79 8I.,9 5B.. SB.IM 43.0- '29.10I 22.11 7."in;i27.1 5.4 84.S3I 43 in 13 "n I OlllM.S8lll3.8o! 8.01 sSlisj All Largor loam at proportionate cost. For anv roasonnhip noon ... glad to advance money to people with steady Incomes. Endorsers are not necessarily required. Consult the manager or accountant of our branch in your dls- BANK OF MONTREAL Hramlies Everywhere C14 Are you entertaining out-of-town house pnpst-s? Vnn nn n.ti doing j i 4i them an honor by having us publish a personal note about their visit. BURRARDS TWO GAMES UP NOW VANCOUVER, Oct. 9 Vancouver Burrards took a two game to nothing lead In the senior Canadian lacrosse championship finals last night by trouncing St. Catherines Atlhetlcs 18 to 7. Vancouver had' won the first of the best out of five series 12 to 6. first, but Greenberg scored. Paul Richards grounded out. Seventh Inning, Chicago Don Johnson struck out. Lowrey safetied to left. Cavaretto walked. Pafko safe on first, Cavaretto out at second. Nicholson's hit to third base scored Lowrey. Livingstone's flying double scored Pafko. Dewey Williams, pinch-hitting for Murillo, fanned. Ninth Inning, Detroit Paul Erlckson pitching for Chicago. Cramer hit by pitcher. Greenberg doubled (his third two-bagger of the game) to right field, Cramer to third. Cullenbine hung a long two-bagger In the Ivy of the stands, scoring Cramer and Greenberg. York lined out, Outlaw grounded out. Richards fielded out. Ninth Inning, Chicago Cav-aretto's high fly between centre and right went for a two-bagger. Pafko swung out. 'Nicholson's sharp clean single to centre field scored Cavaretto. Livingstone filed out to Cullenbine. Schuster (playing short for Murillo) fouled out. Light, radio, x-rays and other electric - magnetic waves are caused by atomic disturbances. - - Classified Advertising - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. WANTED HELP WANTED care for home, by Reliable woman to two children and month. Blue 561. (239) GRADUATE NURSE for McBrlde Red Cross Outpost Hospital for general auty. salary $75.00 plus $15.00 War Bonus and full maintenance. Apply Su pervlsor Red Cross Outpost iiospuais, oia west Hastings oireei, Vancouver, u.u. (233) PERSONAL PAIN KILLER for corns. Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt v sure relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (238) MYERS STUDIO Special Offer 8x10 colored photo, $1.99. Phone. Black 103 for appointment between 9 and 10 a.m. (233) WANTED Dress making, alterations, fabric bags made to order; 20 years experience. Phone Black 687. (236) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C, (tf) LOST LOST Black Ronson lighter, lniuais a.b., near waterfront. Phone SSgt. G. Appleyard, Fortress 76. (234) LOST Umbrella at .U.S.O. Sat urday night. Heavy brown silk with green mottled centre. Practically, new. Valued at aDDroxlmatelv $10. Bpwnrrf Finder please leave at Dally News. (234) LOST Nnrsp's whltp Watir. man's pen, between Hospital ana zna Ave. sentimental value. Finder please phone . ureen i. (233) FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern 2-piece bedroom suite with mattress, kitchen table and chairs, maea- zine rack, double Simmons spring mattress. 1436 Plgott iJiace. (234) FOR SALE More YMCA furniture will be on display next to Coca Cola plant, Wednesday and Thursday. (234) SNAP 16 -ft. motor boat, In excellent condition. Must be sold. $150. Apply Box 6 Dally News. (334) FOR SALE Shrubs, perennials, water lilies, etc. Mrs. Pullen, 229 3rd Ave. West. (tf) FOR SALE Three-piece bed chesterfield, bleached walnut bedroom (sulte, boy's wagon, baby buggy, floor coverings and other furniture. Apply 202 6th Ave. East. FOR SALE Slightly used furniture: 1 Gram globe; 3 rugs, 12x12; 2-12 alrcolator . fans; .1-16 alrcolator fan; 1 punch bowl and plate and spoons; 8 Bar'l genuine oak chairs; 9 trlllt lamps; 2 writing esks; 9 coffee tables; 6 hassocks; 1 record cabinet; lot of records, 25c each; 4 mirrors and frames, $1.00 each; 1 Edison restaurant hot plate; 1 $600 pool table, Just like new at a bargain: 2 Venetian blinds. Phone Black 324, B.C. Furnl- ture. (tf) FOR SALE Two-room house, cheap for cash; one washing machine, $7. Lome Cornell, Phone Blue 142. (234) FOR SALE 23-foot cabin boat, 5 h.p. 1 cyl. Marine engine. Large roomy cabin, good con dltion. Reasonable. Call American Signals 373 for demonstration. (234) FOR SALE 40 acres, about six cleared; small house and other outbuildings. Also fruit trees, lots of wood on place. Two' miles from Kltselas Station. $1200 cash. Mrs. J. Simpson, Terrace, B.C. , (234) BASEBALL CLASSIC TIED .(Continued from Page 1) every threat while Hank Borowy had stifled the Tigers from the ninth on. The game was loose all the way, the Cubs committing three errors and the Tigers two. A crowd of 41,708 watched the game. It was the longest game in World Series history, lasting almost four hours. Stanley Hack equalled the record for three errors for a single player in a single World Series game. , The series resumes at Detroit tomorrow for the seventh and deciding game. R H E Detroit 7 13 1 Chicago 8 15 3 Detroit R II E 1 - 0 0 0 v.-" Chicago FOR SALE Decorating business, full equipment. Contracts Included. Phone Blue 142. (234) FOR SALE Daffodils, narcissi, tulips, Dutch Iris' and crocus. 12 each for $3.00 prepaid. Azaieas, neatner, snrub ever greens, reasonable prices. B. D. Boden, R.R. 2, Eburne, B.C. (233) FOR SALE 30-foot fishing boat equipped with gurdies and Doles. 1-10 ton hvdraulic tack. Call after 5. o'clock, 220 7th Ave. East. (233) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, October 11th, 1945, for the purchase of the two-storey frame building situate on Lot 29, Block 35, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. This does not include lot or" contents. Terms cash. Highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. Nor man A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Charles O. iSvedmark. (235) FOR SALE New batnlnette. Red 113. (235) FOR SALE One coil spring, extra heavy, reinforced, in perfect shape; one new felt mat-ress; one rocking chair; one Congoleum rug 6x9. American Barracks T04, Room 8. (232) FOR SALE Ludwlg set of traps unu arums, one lenor saxa-phone. 225 1st Ave. East. Blue 884. ' (232) FOR SALE Girls dressing table, swing mirror. Phone Black 482." ds FOR SALE Two-room house, Including two sheds, outside cellar. Bed, chairs, table, two cupboards with or without new range. Will be sold tonight for best cash offer. Meet me at 527 9th Ave. West (pipeline) at 7 p.m. sharp, if you wish a chance at this bargain. osne Cornell, phone Blue 142. (It) EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Smlthers, B.C., 160 acres fenced land; 25 acres cleared, garden marketing land. 120'x34' greenhouse, 7 years old. 3,000 feet HV' pipe, automatic stokers on boilers. A. c. lighting plant, 60 Cy. Steel storage tanks with 9,000 gal. capacity. Coal $2.50 a ton at mine. Farm machinery, team horses, Hi-ton Ford truck. No opposition, excellent local market. $7,250.00. Rudd, Mitchell & Co. Ltd., Nanalmo, Bc- (233) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived oy the undersigned until noon of Monday, October 15, 1945, for the purchase of the gasboat "Strebor J"; dimensions of which are 29'x8'4" x3'3", powered by a 7 ILP. Vivian; fully equipped for trolling from stem to stern, Including radio and oil burning stove. Boat may be inspected at McLean's Ways, Seal Cove. Terms cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of John Roberts, de- WAN1EU WANTED Army officer and wue desire lurnisned apartment or house. Phone Green 214- (234) WANTED Fir and cedar poles aim pining, an lengtns. Nleder-meyer-Martin Co., Spalding Bldg., Portland, Zone 4, Ore-Bon. (134) WANTED Apartment or house- inrcyiHg rooms, ciose in. call Port Edward, 742 between 8 and 5 p.m. (234) WANTED TO RENT Small nouse or apartment, prefer-ab y furnished, by local couple with one child. Please phone Green 968. (233) 5 146 'V 1 blonde (Z EVa rodeos, racketeers H u . the Ziegfeld Foil 's 5' to' that bld ,a nd-It',all , Betty Hutton ) ARTURO ' de Cordmn - CHARUS (HIGGLES ALBERT DEKKfl " BARRY FITZGERALD T Mory Phillip, . Bill Coodw.Edwo,d Gons Th. Moi.llo, M0Urk. Roccc, Plim-jviA 1.. TV!. J -r of EntmainmcM from Paraniwim ON THE Umc cninnrn r..-.. "TEE FOR TWo- COMPLETE SHOWS 1:00 - 2:53 4:5(1. 9:C2 m m -m w m-m m w i ii ii iiii m - m W i' i i ii ,i ii. OFFICES IN . HEILimONER'S JEWELRY STORE Complete qualified optical service. Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied, IIAITI I 1 1 1- A .. - v General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BA5 225 First Avenue East Til nn . Fo r BABY Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABI Ormes Ud, 3?ut Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient and inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE OO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd andPark Avenue Winn III and and Way PolnU Tuesday SS Catala. 1:30 f H. i i a in n Sailings for queen w Islands every fortnlgN Midnight. Oct. 12th, 14th. 26th and runner inionimn" and Reservations FRANK J SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phne TIME TO WINTERIZE We can now supply you with Genuine TKEST0NE Antl-Freeze. IMace your order now as the supply is limited. First come . . . first served. Don't delay- We suggest you have your battery checked. Wr out batteries mean hard starting on cold moinW and frayed tempers all winter. Wise motorists will winterize with winter grade oil and gear lubricants. H Pa5, S. E. PARKER LIMITED FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS 170 E. 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. phone'