to jfeggg El 111 -- i the statement that n i nroduct to the ; . u fce boxes," Mrs W ..i-ncr writing about t rmess and flavor said, : Pacific which seems ' J. , much British Col- J . t l-i a nolle " .Haa en l"v . W v anrl thank '!" ,.-r the observation. ACIFIC MILK 4. Vacuum Packed Steamship Service from Prince Rupert to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER hursaay ai ,j.ih. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight . KrmrK itrTnvr. it CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue J DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Local News It Mrs. A. R. Nichols left the latter part of last week for a trip to Vancouver. A Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, monthly dinner meeting, Reid's Cafe. 6:15 J: Q. Pearcey, Premier mine superintendent, and Mrs. Pearcey, were here aboard the Catala Sunday night returning to Premier after a trip to Vancouver. T. D. Pattullo, former Premier and local M.L.A. and lndenpnl dent candidate for re-election, returned to the city by aircraft yesterday afternoon from a ten-day trip to Queen Charlotte Islands. Lieut, Sam Bohlen, who, has been located here for three years ai executive officer with the transportation division of the United States Army, left on the Catala this afternoon for S3at-tle to which city he has been transferred. Mr. Bohlen left Prince Rupert with many pleasant memories, particularly of the hospitality of the people here. Miss Georgina Patterson, who went to Atlantic City from the Prince Rupert Civic Centre Carnival as "Miss Northern British Columbia" In the "Miss America 1945" Pageant, arrived in the city on Sunday night's train from her home in Prince George. Events In her honor are being arranged and she will be the special guest at the' annual dinner meeting this Thursday night of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of NOTICE From this date 1 will not be responsible for any accounts incurred In my name by any person other than myself. J. H. COMER. Prince Rupert, Oct. 6, 1945. (234) What is LANTIGEN? I.anllffii U a itpetiully prepared dlssoltrd mm Hue and lia been used Mirt-r-Kkfiilly in the treatment of various dlseiin-s. I.antlgen Is not a patent inedirlnr. l.anllsi'ii N a batterlal vaccine In a dissoUed ktate, H devoid r dniRS and safe to take, '.antigen h a natural aid. It U produced from the bacteria which are peculiar to the particular iIIm-am requiring treatment. In the preparation of (.antigen the organisms are destroyed by a process of dissolution thus releasing the active principles from the bacterial bodies. Ilelng In a completely illssiilted state the vaccine Is operative locally by absorption Into the tissues of the tongue, tonsils, throat, anil the Intestinal trait and Is further operative by means of Us distribution throughout the system. More than 150,4100 people in Australia have enjc.jed relief from the distressing- affects of catarrh and allied conditions. A Dissolved Vaccine to be taken by mouth MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY i;,"''"".1' 'ilable from DRUGGISTS onlf-If uoobiiia-, I l ' coupon direct to: LABORATORIES. OR sn fHPn81"' E- Room SJ I. TORONTO 1. ONT. S60 CAMME STREET, YANCduVER, li.C, end m bottles of LANTIGEN for the treatment of "me. Addrs Car or Town,..., "!!"!"!!!!!! name of my uiu.l Druii'lrt it '. If Hu want further Information write us. RUPERT BUTCHERS e se"e you nothing- but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. CATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL 11;30 P.M. lct Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, CJ7 and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you 0ntDese dlshes-Chow Meln, Chop Suey, etc., to take Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! ' 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel ems Elmer Clausen rptumpH tn city on the Catala Sunday night irom a Dnei trip to Vancouver. John Haahtl Jr. was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday night returning north from a trip to Vancouver. Malcolm Montgomery, who has been acting as a fisheries overseer In the Namu district, returned to the city on the Catala Sunday night from down the coast. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Busslnger Miss Betty Busslnger, Mrs. J. H. Thompson and Miss Beryl. Bates, all of Telkwa, were visitors in the city since yesterday, Br. Bus-singer being here on business. They travelled by car and left today on -their return, to. the. in-, terlor. - Sgt. T. E. E. Meehan, who has been orderly room sergeant of the Prince Rupert Regiment since Its Inception nearly three years ago, returned to the city at the week-end from Vancouver, where he went to be boarded for discharge from the Army. In about a week's time he will leave for his home in iXew Westminster where he will go into private business. j Announcements. All advtrtisrir.etiwi ti tmir column will bs charged tor a lull month at 25c a word. Thanksgiving Supper, United Church Hall, October 18, 6:30 p.m. Eastern' Star Birthday Dance, October 19. Annual Rebekah bazaar, 1.0 O.F. Hall, Oct. 25, 2:30. ' W.A. Canadian Legion Bazaar and Tea, October 26. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, Mrs, G. E. Moore's, Oct. 31. Little Norway Tea, Lutheran Church, Nov. 3. Women of the Moose bazaar, 'November 8, Oddfellows' Hall. Price $6-00 PER BOTTLE MUNICIPAL VOTERS! The list is now open for registration of voters, ,1s your name on? It Is the duty of eygry-one qualified to vote to see that his or her name Is on the list and to exercise the franchise In support of the municipal candidates who'wHl best represent them in the management of city affairs.- All property-owners by agreement of sale and Licence Holders assure yourselves, that you .are on the list before Oct. 31st. Non-Partisan Association Huso Kra,upner left Saturday afternoon on a motor trip for a few days as far as Hazelton. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mis. Howard Hlbbard and John McLeod. William Goldbloom returned to the city at the week-end from a two months' trip to Vanccu ver, Toronto, Montreal and other cities. The" health of the 87-year-old pioneer fur dealers 13 now much Improved. Sgt. Montgomerie Leaving Rupert Well known for his radio work here during the last three years, Sgt. Walter D. Montgomerie of the U. S. Army Information and Education branch at Acropolis Hill left the city Monday nieht for the United States and dis charge from the army. Sgt. Montgomerie, whose home Is at St'. PaulMinnesota, has partici pated actively In local radio work and was also editor of the Acronolls News, U. S. Army.paper published here. His broadcasts Included many athletic events and sports news broadcasts. He was also announcer for the U.S.O". quiz show and later the weekly mystery play, "Whos Guilty?" Included In hi activities were dally news broad casts-to soldiers over the Acropolis cantonment loudspeaker sys tem. He was also manager of the U.S.O. bowling alleys. Mistress: "You place a finger bowl at each corner of the table, Mary. I suppose they used finger bowls at your last place?" Mary: "Oh; no, muml They always washed' before they came to the table." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Lady cook for local hotel. Good wages. Apply unemployment Insurance Commission 358. (tf) FOR RENT Housekeeping room suitable1 for couple. 650 7th Ave. East. (236) u II WINNIPEG GIRL IS SERGEANT'S BRIDE Miss Agnes Kolpak and Walter Walter Klinke Are United at Acropolis Hill Chapel The Post Chapel on Acorpolis Hill was the scene of an International wedding last Saturday! morning when the marriage of Staff Sergeant Walter E. Klinke of Bronx, New York, and Miss Agnes Kolpak of Winnipeg, was splemnized at High Mass. Captain John J. Fleming, chaplain of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation, officiated. The bride wore a full length white satin gown and carried' a bouquet of pink and white carnations; Mrs. Joan McKenzle, wearing a full length gown of powder blue and carrying pink carnations, was matron of honor-Sergeant Lawrence Wlese of the Port Signal Office was groomsman and Sergeant Harry Pecor-aro gave the bride In marriage. Accompanied at the organ by Sgt. Thomas Maloney, Sgt. Warren Sweeney of the Military Personnel Office sang "Ave Maria." Following the wedding a re ception was held in the Rand Apartments. Staff Sergeant Klinke, who has been attached to the Signal Office for more than three years, as wire chief, left Prince Rupert Monday afternoon aboard- a special troop train which carried more than 200 soldiers of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation to Seattle for .discharge from the Army. Mrs. Klinke will Join her husband in New York in the near future. Buy War Savings Stamps SCIATICA SUFFERERS r4cs stabbine. cicrclne oaln of Sciatica In your hip and thigh make life a misery? Do as thousands have done. Get quick relief with Templeton's T-H-C's, and lead-the normal, active life you long for. Don't suffer another day. Get T-K-C's-i and," Stop that miserable pain nowl 50c, $1 at druggists everywhere. T-26 BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, ANTRUM, SINUS ALSO CATARRHAL AND BRONCHIAL COLDS! Organs. Affected by Catarrhal Poisons AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN Writing iri the -'British1 Medical Journal," speaks as follows in the issue of January 15, 1936: "In my experience, the oral antigens have been mostly employed for cases of Catarrhal infections, rheumatic conditions and catarrhal enterocolitis. Clinical response has been quite definitely marked." This important statement, however, heralds the dawn of a great release for Catarrhal sufferers.. DO THIS TODAY! Go to your Druggist and get details about the LANTIGEN treatment which will be most effective in your case, and which will help to prevent a recurrence of this complaint. DISTRIBUTORS! MALTBY BROTHERS LTD. 5 Boon Aw., Toronto BARHAM & SANDS 560 Camble St, Vancouver J. L WASSON Box 656, Saint John, N.B. CUT RATE CUT RATE CUT RATE . Comfortable n Stylish g Reasonable 3 New . , . MEN'S MOCCASIN VAMP SHOES Just the thing for Men a coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE CUT RATE CUT RATE Thor Jonascon, Fisherman! Dies The death occurred In Prince Rupert General Hospital last night of Thorleifur Johnasson;1 718 Thompson Street, pioneer fisherman of Prince Rupert and ; Osland. Seventy-six years old. Mr. Johnasson had been In hospital for the last three weeks. Born' In Iceland, deceased' tame to Canada at the age of j 13 and1 spent a number of years in the Icelandic colony in Manitoba before coming to the coast in 1914. He came to Prince Rupert ten years ago from Osland. He was an active halibut fisherman. Surviving are his widow and three daughters, Miss Johanna Jonasson, Mrs. W. Tippett and Mrs. B. T. Way, all of Prince Rupert. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. KIN OF THE VIOLET One of the oldest flowers In cultivation Is the pansy which belongs to the violet, family. Pajamas for LOUNGING and SLEEPING Largest and Finest Stock in Town! See some of them in our windows and many more inside the store. ANNETTE'S Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT. IN THE DISTRICT (II. SMITH) P.O. Box 167, TERRACE ANNOUNCING . . . CORNER SNACK BAR At-TERRACE (Mrs. Flossie Lambly) '. prince Uupm Daflp JUctos . . Tuesday, October 9, 1945 ? e Harsh purgatires only offer temporary relief. Eat Kellogg'i All-Bran cTtry dajr. Nearly one oul of etery two Canadian families now use All-Bran 64 for over five years. No wonder vie believe you will benefit from AU-Dran. Prove it at our risk, not yours. U ..n n rail I 4, 1 aiz..,. w OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . ism . jtow.amyi. f Hers It our guaranfMt EatanounctoAUBrtontrrJaf. 1 ajltr finishing just out pacltgt you do not sgrtt its carnitine J hh is timplt, pleasant, daily precaution to help you ieep regular, u t will refund you not only what you paid eut UUUUL.L. your money tact. Your (rocer has All-Bran ia 2 convenient sizea. Made h Kellogg in London, Canada. INTERNATIONAL D.D.T. Specially Odour Refined THE FAMOUS QUICK-ACTING, SLOW EVAPORATING BUG KILLER FOR EXTERMINATING HOUSE FLIES, WASPS, MOSQUITOS, AND WINGED INSECTS FOR BARN AND GENERAL USE Now Available Stocks On Hand Manufactured and Distributed by INTERNATIONAL VARNISH COMPANY LIMITED (Pilkington Brothers, (Canada) Ltd.) 102 Powell Street : Vancouver, B.C. A. Mackenzie Furniture ' "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FALL IS HERE WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER WITH IT COLD WEATHER . . . Our Fall Bedding Has Arrived SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES All sizes and grades BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES Also in stock. Standard price $42.50 Mall Orders Shipped At Once j Phone 775 327 Third JA venue F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex LUSTERITE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens, In 8 colors plain and blocked. Pyrallte-Plastlc Moulds In various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-Ply Waterproof Fir and Birch Veneers Ruberold Roofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Roofing Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors KWONQ SANO HINQ HOPKEE' CHOP SUEY HOUSE I 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome ' t Open 5 pjn. to'2 ajn. Outside Orders from 2 pm. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W. C. Osborne V. Imhoff Ay ft Williams Expert Repairs on all .makes of cars Reoonditlonlng Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 203 TERRACE, B.C. 1