Prince Rupert Dafli J3etos Thursday, October 25, 1945 PnBMshed every afternoon except Sun lay by Prince Rupert Dally Newa UnfltM, Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, t British Columbia. c A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By tlty Carrier, per week IS Pert Month v 63 Per Star 17 00 By Mall. per month 40 Per Tear 14.00 IT'S UZMBEB A3 a Nova Scotia Election) . . . Not surprising was the return to power in Nova Scotia of Premier Angus Macdonald and his Liberal government. Uniqup, however, was the fact that it should have been iwept back into office by a majority fcven greater than it enjoyed at dissolution. This is something unprecedented in post-war politics and can jie regarded as a great testimonial and appreciation of a good administration.' ' As significant as anything was ?re reduction of the C.C.F. strength 3R these, days when socialism seems 22 be1 so. much on the make. S Here in British Columbia we have 3l2d a gpod and efficient war admin-jiitrktion. We shall know after the votes are counted tonight whether it has a measure of appreciation com-! parable to that which the good war I governhjent of Nova Scotia was ac- corded. Of course, we must realize I ttfat political conditions are differ- ent in this Pacific maritime prov-j ince than they are in the Atlantic'; Watts & Nickerson FOR Radio Batteries This is the season to lay in a stock of EVERREADY BATTERIES. Everready the dependable They last longer. 4No.; 3S6 $3.95 i No. 770 3.20 ;No. .385 2.55 I - No.' 748 AB Pack 7.50 - No.?2600 1000 Hours 7.50 No. 13001500 Hours 3.25 ANNOUNCEMENT s m The British Budget . . . iAGGRESSIVE If Britain expected anything i"j rw A kirri irKJ -the way of an immediate new uto-! fcVANbtLljM pian era from its new Labor govern-! ment the budget of Chancellor of the g" 'S n Exchequer Hugh Dalton once and for Constituentt to Become More all dispels any such anticipations. In- Efficient stead Mr. Dalton, frankly and honest- lf gcod lst0 trlumph over cvll ly, tells his people, as any conscien-in the VOTld the forces of g00d tious chancellor would, of course, , ' wiU have t0 b made more-emcl. 1 1 1 1 L il ? X 1 nave 10 UO, tnac mere is to ue "'orient than deforces of evil; Major and tighter belt fastening and tnat it is going to last for a few years too. Despite that, there are gratifying features notable among them very substantial relief in income and corporation taxes. We can but hope that Britons will accept the situation reasonably and patiently. No other government could have altered the situation or to have done much differently. Neither had Britons any good reason to expect that a Labor government would have changed the facts that were to be faced or the manner in which they were to be dealt with. Fashion-Craft TOPCOATS See. the new arrivals in Scotia Hand-wovens English Coverts and . Gabardines Domestic and Imported Tweeds ... Smart in appearance 535 THIRD AVENUE Comfortable to Wear . . . $27-50 10 $52-50 "THE MEN'S SHOP" Economic improvements must al- PHONE 345 William M. Phelan, fully qualified and registered pharmacist,, who has been in the armed services for five years has lolned our staff. We are fully equipped to fill the most exacting prescription requirements. Quality, purity and accuracy assured. ' McCUTCHEON PHARMACY Third Ave. at Sixth St. Phone 70 STORY OF "Y" WORK IS TOLD Don Forward, area surjervlsor of the YAI.CJV. war services here I tended. was the speaker before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at yes-1 terday's regular weekly luncheon. He gave a review of exten sive Y.M.C.A. activities here dur-. ing-the war, tellirig of hunters and .tragedies in a widespread and' liolated area. Dr. J. J. Gib son, president, ,was' in the chair and" there was a good attendance of members with a few guests including Rev. J. H. Myrwang of Paulsbo, Washington and Sam Julius of. Vancouver. David Allan was welcomed as a new member and farewell was- said to Frank Ryan who is leaving here for London, Ontario. C Reopening PACIFIC CAFE Saturday, Oct. 20 6:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Special Chop Suey Noodles BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Automatic Sprinkling and Coal Stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Phone Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 R. C. II. Durnford D.S.O., chaplain of the Seaforth Highlanders, told a meeting in First Baptist Church last night. His subject was 'The Church and the Changing World." Before che war, the overseas padre declared, "the forces of evil had been so efficiently organized that they made the forces of good appear pathetically futile. They had made possible the overrunning of Ethiopia and China. Family life in Germany had deteriorated and disintegrated. A philosophy had been developed which condoned cruelty and atrocities. The defeat of Holland, Norway, Denmark and France had been made possible. The fact was that the sup- tVin mt fnMn. ntara ... 1 il I UUX LCI 5 III kllC CVil wtii. ways come gradually and they will . prepared t0 make sacriflces such surely come in that manner. The Labor government is showing that there is no magic way of suddenly bettering the lot for all of us. And even here in British Columbia there is nn usp for ns tn think that anv Aggressive evangelism should " L i ) U .......... rfe.lf1im government we put in office WOUld He saw the church as a field for be able to, do so. as the forces of good were not. Padre Durnford. called on the church and Individuals of the church to organize strongly to combat for good against evil. He emphasized the. Individual,' evangelism at, this time rather than a force. "We must measure up more aggressively to Christian standards," the padre asserted. "Wc have the seed for good. Let us see to it that the soil is good." P. H. Linzey presided over the meeting which was well at- Classifled Advertising Pays! GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEEER and VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YUUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED rRTNCE RUPERTS rTJTURE (Continued from Page 1) it nd It doesnt want to sink back Into the desuetude of the Twenties and Thirties when Its wharves saw only coastwise ves sel and when gras and seedling trees grew In its elaborate dock yard. . Prince Rupert wants a permanent naval station. It wants to be part of the peacetime establishment of the Royal Canadian Navy. But mainly it wants to be a port of frelght movement between Canada and foreign countries an ambition never realized in peacetime despite installation of a fine grain elevator and all the physical equipment essential to such va traffic. With very few exceptions, the bulk cargoes from Western Canada moved from Vancouver. Ocean freight rates ; favored such a traffic and Prince Rupert just did not get into the picture competitively. The highway connection with the road system of British Columbia via the Skeena and Bulk-ley valleys was something long desired but scarcely expected by Prince Rupert people. But it was built In a hurry as a war measure. Not yet a first class road,' it is nevertheless a highway link over which traffic can move and it will undoubtedly be improved. That is expected to alter for the better Prince Rupert's local transportation set-up of peacetime and to give her a place on the motor tourist map of North America. The war changed Prince Ru pert, lifted It right out of Its slough of despond, confirmed its claims for recognition, gave it vastly improved and expand ed freight-hauling facilities. Now Prince Rupert is trusting that with the expansion and the security of the great Northwest of North America in mind, it will not be allowed to lapse to the pathetically small fractional use that was made of it by the transportatlln interests in the days before Pearl Harbor:, f ABOUT THE IV t FOR this Blue Persian as for every member of the feline family the traditional ninth life is just as much a matter for purring as any gone before. Investment-wfse Canadians feel just the same about the, 9th Victory Loan . . . they are just as keen about the investment value of Victory Bonds' as they ever were. With each new loan, they realize these thoughtful Canadians that they have made about the finest investment in the world. Dollars you put into Victory Bonds are Bank of Montreal DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO UY iONOST . . . With a small dowil-pymwt, you can tmf rnge to purchase your bonds throuch our Time-Loan Plan, and pay the balance In easy monthly Instalments over the neit year. Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 ."ANDY" RODDAN COMING HERE trusade for Christ to Be Held at First United Church Word has been received that Dr. Andrew Roddan, well-known Vancouver minister, will be in Prince Rupert on Novembsr 4 to be the guest speaker at a special rally to "launch the crusade for Christ and His kingdom In Prince Rupert. (' Dr". Roddan is president of the British Columbia conference of the United Church of Canada. His visit to Prince Rupert forms part of a presidential visitation ,'of United churches along the coast. LONDON; O' Field Marshal Montgomery,- hew colonel-com mandant of the Royal rank Regiment, revealed the secret ol his famous beret in a message to the regiment. He said it was given him by a sergeant com manding his tank during the the Battle of Alameln. KEEP YOUR RONDS SAFE 1 Your Victory Bonds are as valuable as cash'. For 10a PRINCE GEORGE to VANCOUVER 2V2 HOURS Leave Prince George Daily 10:20 p.m. Good connection with eastbound train from Prince Rupert HO niOUTlES KBQVMO For further Information, Cn.di.rT Pscifie Rsilwsy Office, Prince Rupert. V43-12A WILL YOU JXWg i,TOO...? double-duty dollars . . . tfiey work for you, the investor and for' your-country' in her reconversion from' war to peace bringins home our fighting men,' taking care of the wounded, aiding in their, rehabilitation plans. These dollars are an investment in Victory itselfi Make the mosrof this ninth opportunity ...make your dollars work for you and for your Canada; Draw on your savings accounton your' future earnings . . . SIGN YOUR NAME FOR VICTORY BONDS TOO A Y. ill per $100 per year (minimum charge 2oc.) we will place your bonds In our vaults for safekeeping, clip the coupons and credit you with the proceeds. DI6B PRINTING COMPANY OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS W'A TERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Besncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 BOYS!! GIRLS!! sell KINSMEN HALLOWE'EN SHELL - OUT TICKETS entire proceeds will be spent on your Hallowe'en Weiner Road Tickets and information can be obtained at the City Fire Hall, Fulton Street COLD WATCH BIKES - Other Prizes fn best collectors of tickets- Hallowe'en Ev but you must have been one of the seller -V. WREN olJ sre comes v. ill yon be able to iwnd the remaining yean o( your life free from financial worry? Will you be obi to provide for yourself or will you be a burden on your children? Victory Bondt ean provi'de security and happiness in the twilight years of your life. Uecause a Victory Bond 1( the safest investment in Canada. So buy Victory Bonds at a guarantee of freedom from want and worry in your old age. This time buy two instead of one and "Sign, Your Name For Victory".- PIONEER CANADIAN LAUNDRIES LSUHWC W A LLP APE See us for your wallpaper rl quirements. You will find tj selection of patterns exctlltj and the" prices very reasonatj BUY VICTORY BONDS Gordon's Hardware McRride Street phont . ''! Keep Him Smiling r... iiwiiv fv thP Ninth Victory Lan'' .uvint!it nn aim thereby assisting in the enormous rea""" conversion problem. S. E. PARKER LIMITED FORD AND. MERCURY DEALERS 170 EAST THIRD AVENUE pH0N's