tdothis at bedtime tonight I .. iWn soundly and wake ISed, clear-eyed and buoyant, the days worw r " j,ts restless and disturbed, inings spoiled by fatigue and ,e been waking tired and hr not do as thousands t doing simply drink a cup L tine warm at oeaiime. ror lit! (hree things to bring fi morning freshness. Taltn warm at bedtime, it ! that feeling ot nervous ten-k,!m the body relax for sleep drugs. (2) Processed for tion. it supplies light km to prevent restless toss turning due to digestive unit It supplies a variety and I J important tooa elements to bodv and nerve cells, re- Itiulity to meet the morning. ln furnishes not only es- lilumins, but also a combina- minerals, high-quality pro-J quick energy food elements ijtborities agree are necessary ;i sod top vitality. you sleep poorly waken Ii listless why not turn to istn aid to refreshing sleep ttar-eyed, radiant morcin ss. See it you don t r."g . "y ? each morning brighter, and oyant ready to greet the day imile. NALTINE ERIOR MILL IS DEAD 160 v Attend Funeral of "Hob" of Fraser Lake j ' the late Rob- tr.. ,.i'njfig partner in L..R. Saw Mills Ltd. 1 wuh many other that district, was -y last Service wa3 ''.a AirUcan Church at Lake the officiating truss Rev. A. W. ) i Burns Lake, People pi u a near attended the the ilctls church being i vlih many friends In -ie h jh esteem in B: ' Ste-le was held. :''rir covered the cas- f1 ivirflowed the chancel. hf or 2e proceeded to I"' t Wherp lh frravo. :'nony was in charge of ;1 the Vanderhoof Lodep A P & A M. It was at- 1 RESORTS IN FINE SHAPE Improvements Made to Jasper Park Lodge While. Closed MONTREAL, Oct. 25 Follow-ing the announcement made at Ottawa toy R, c. Vaughan, chairman and president. Canadian National Railways, that Jasper raric ixwge Minakl Lodje and Plctou Lodge would be re-opened next year, It was reported at the railway's headquarters here that the three famous summer hotels had been well maintained during the three years thev were closed and that a number of changes and improvements had been effected. All three of theso popular resorts were closed at the end of the 1942 season In order to aid Canada's wartime economy by conserving manpower, foodstuffs and transpor tation facilities. Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park, situated In the heart of the Canadian Rockies in Alberta, has bren completely renovated and alterations have been made to give added comfort and convenience to the guests. The golf course, ifor many years regarded as one of the best on the continent, has been improved by alterations in the contours cf a number of the holes and Improvement In the drainage system of the fairwavs. At the 11th hole, known as "The Pyramid," the bunkers behind the green have been rebuilt and now foyn an exact reproduction In miniature of the Pyramid Range. Extension of the landscaping in the lodge grounds is planned and will be completed when the hotel is opened to the public next summer. Minakl Lodge, In the Lake of the Woods district of Ontario, Is also being renovated and made ready for guests. Plctou Lodge, at the edge of Northumberland Strait in Nova Scotia, will also be in excellent shape when it opens its doors for the 1946 tourist season. Death of Partner Of Candidate Calls Him Off Hustings FRASER LAKE, Oct. 25 Mark M. Connelly, who has been conducting a strenuous campaign for re-election to the Legislature in the Omineca district, was compelled, to abandon his activities owing to the death of his old friend Robert Steele of Fras;r Lake. Meetings, as originally scheduled, were taken care of by his local supporters, assisted by James MacDonald of Vancouver and Fred Brown of the jsame city, who is an enthusiast in regard to the future possibilities of the tourist trade. tended by many visiting members of other Masonic lodges Worshipful Master R. J. Steen conducted the ceremony with the assistance of many members of the local order, reciting the beautiful ritual most ante Faith T"IS HANK will lend you. -..iy io Duy Victory Ilonds on icrmi . . , J llown , , . ,he "Jne repayable over 12 month J " 'he same inrrrro vnfi VciC on ih 11 I. LETTERBOX "BIG BAD WOLF' ANSWERS Editor, Daily News: As reported in the press Mr. Brett stated Monday night that, before the Co-op started, the fishermen were getting 37c a pound for their livers. I assume he Is referring to halibut livers. The facts are that they were getting 50c Canadian funds plus 1C premium. He states that under the Co-op they are getting 67c. Last year they got 55c. He did not tell you that, when the Co-op started, halibut liver oil was worth around 72c in Canada; Seattle Co-op sold theirs the year the Co-op here started at 92c. Today the same oil is worth 19c. Therefore. In stead of the 55c the fishermen got last year, they should have received about $1.37 for their livers. If, on a 7'2c price, the independents could pay 55c plus 5c a pound handling charges to the fishing companies and the Co-op, on a 19c price, can only pay 55c, it follows that the same independents should have gone broke Instead of making' the fabulous profits that fellows like Brett think they did. I admit that we made a profit. We made it, however, because it cost is about 3c a pound to pro cess" halibut while, based on the last figures issued by the Co-op, it cost them some 14c. These figures are arrived at by allow mg zc for processing dogfish which is profitable based on our operation for the Co-ops in Van couver. Again, we must have been able to get more units per pound than the Co-op is getting. It seems to me that, if I were one of the fishermen. I would be asking some very pertinent questions as to where the money goes. I write this letter because Mr. Brett Intimated that I was one of the "Big bad wolves." Thanking you, I am, O. W, NICKERSON. DRAMATIC FILM HERE Post-War Troblem in "I'll Be Seeing You" A postwar problem Is treated in "I'll. Be Being You" drama which opened at the; Capitol Theatre today. It is the prpblem that deals with the rehabilitation of the returned veteran, in particular the young fellow who is spiritually and emotionally wounded. He has a hard fight back to the normal, well-adjusted sphere he occupied before pushing into the maelstorm of modern war. In "I'll Be Seeing You" Joseph Cotten plays the role of such a warrior, a hero of extensive action, wiio is returned to an army hospital suffering a severe psychoneurosis. Rare understanding is required to help such an individual attain emotional adjustment. Ginger Rogers, co-starring with Cotten, plays the role of a charming young girl nrllK Canadian Jiank ol - Commerce has such strong faith in Victory Honds as to recommend them unreservedly as a safe investment for savings. Victory Bonds have all the advantages of a Savings Dank Account: Security for your money A steady interest yield Readily convertible into cash: CAN SAFELY INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN THE 9th VICTORY LOAN. 1E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE .jJt BOND DRIVE STARTS WELL The Ninth Victory Loan cam paign among the employees of the Canadian National of the Smithers division got away to a fine start on the opening day of the Loan, subscriptions being proportionately higher than on the first day of any previous Loan. The general spirit seem ed to be one of doubling or tripling subscriptions made to the last Loan on payroll deduction plan. Many are also taking cash subscriptions as well. The campaign is being conducted under the direct supervision of Superintendent C. A. Berner. Chairman of canvassers is W. L. Armstrong. Departmen tal canvassers In Prince Rupert are H. E. Alton, bridges and building; P. Trestain, track forces; T. H. Priest, J. A. Teng and P. A. Bond, motive power; C. McNab.- Miss M. Calne and O. Paul, car department, G. E. Peters, trainmen; W. J. Gale, stations and offices; ML Irving, traffic department, and H. R Hill, freight sheds. A bond rally was held In the station waiting room on Tues day evening when an Inspiring address was delivered by Major R. C. H. Durnford. Short ad dresses were given by Superintendent Berner and G. E. Woot- ten of the National Finance Committee. Pictures were shown showing the need of bond purchases. TERRACE A G. R. Mutrle, Optometrist of Prince Rupert will be at the" Philbert Hotel, Terrace, Monday and Tuesday, October 29 and 30. Eyes examined, glasses fitted. (247) We take pleasure in announc ing that we have taken over the agency for Evenson's Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. Please leave your parcels, of dry clean ing and laundry at our store. - Skeena Mercantile. who Is endowed with the under standing that helps bring the boy back. In the beginning they meet while each is starting on a 10 day furlough, the boy from the hospital, the girl from the state prison where she is servine seven-year sentence for man-' slaughter. The girl's young cousin. Shir ley Temple, inadvertently brings things to an almost tragic con elusion but all ends well. CFPR BE WISE TODAY ORDER COAL TODAY! THIS WINTER AND BE WARM , , PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO; LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Advertise in The Daily News. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Fred Waring 4:30 Comedy Caravan 5:00 Gypsy Strings 5:30 Remember 5:45 O.I. Jive 6:00 Magic Carpet 6:15 Viva America 6:30 The People Ask 6:45 Sports College 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Promenade Symphony 8:00 Winnipeg Drama 8:30 Servicemen's Forum 9:00 Share the Wealth 9:30 Alan Young 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Musical Interlude 10:15 Les Paul Trio 10:30 Mystery Playhouse 10:45 Recorded Interlude FRIDAY 'AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Breakfast Club 8:30 Songs of Today 8:45 Morning Song 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 Yank Band Stand 10:00 Showtime' 10:30 Melody Roundup 10 : 45 Homemakers 1 1 : 00 Scandinavian Melodies "Forgotten Women" Fight For Rights LONDON, Oct. 25 tt Miss Florence White, national organizer of the Spinsters' Associa tion, told a large meeting in the Klngsway Hall that, as a result of the war, one of every five women In Britain will remain unmarried. Miss White said lack of recognition of the need of spinsters had earned them the title of "Forgotten Women." "That name should be a spur to us to carry on the fight for our rights," she said. The meeting passed a resolution demanding reduction of the pension age of insured women from 60 to 55. 11:15 Studio Scrapbook 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:35 Miracles of Mikado 11:31 Message Period 11:36 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album PM. 12:00 Downbeat 12:15 Across the Board 12:3n CBC News 12:45 Matinee Memories 1:00 Modern Minstrels 1:15 Words With Music 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent, V IN SWEDEN THEy SAY M - (ut no mutter how it is said, m it still mcuns a 1 BEST QUALITY I BfiXALOTY ftj CANNED FOODS J WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE ! FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE ELIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ROASTED IN THE WEST TOR WESTERN USERS Steamship Service from Prince Rupert I to OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FARES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE Box 1321 313 3rd Ave. W. Expert Radio Servicing Electrical Appliances Repaired RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 614 ELECTRICAL GOODS See us about your Flourescent lighting, LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired , Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS," LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 am. i i ISrfncc tVupcrt DaUp JQctojJ Thursday, October 25, 1945 Onan Lighting Plants Rugged and dependable, with simplicity of construction for trouble-free service. 500 to 1500 watts, 32 volts D.C. or 750 to 5000 watts, 110 volts A.C. Boat Builders' Supplies We have in stock all the necessary tools, fittings and hardware igr your con Duuaing ana repair worK. YORK GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Building Supplies Free Estimates, Construction and Repairs Windows and Frames, Doors and Frames, Cabinets, Counters Show Cases of all description Also Furniture Repairs First class finishing and workmanship Phone Green 071 LI 14 RUPERT BUTCHERS We serve you nothing but the best Special Red Brand Beef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries. OUR DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT OPEN TILL 11:30 PM.r Cholcest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips daily. We are ready to serve you Chinese dishes Chow Mein, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked with delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel For BABY -1 .-. Products that are FAMOUS A baby needs a mother's love, but this is not enough to help baby develop. Baby needs your wise and careful selection of 'the best toiletries used on his tender little body. In making your purchases here, you are always assured of the best. NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR BABY Ormes lid. 'Jfis Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Any type of construction undertaken. Engineering and plans supplied. NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO. General Contractors HOUSE REMODELLING FINANCED ON BUDGET BASIS Phone Black 881 225 First Avenue East Evenings Black 9C9 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home Is convenient and inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE OO LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue Ml ll 1 SAILINGS FOR. VANCOUVER and Way Points' Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every fortnight Midnight, Oct, 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD s j 1 V si