At LDrinrc Uuprrt DaHp I3cuis Thursday, October 25, 1945 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Has the Honor to Present for Job's Daughters Their Third Annual Fall Fashion Show MASONIC TEMPLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 8:15 pjn. Qf Course You Can Get It at THE . . fli VARIETY STORE Looking for some new novelties for your home? Come in and see the fine suggestions at the Variety Store . . . BAMKI 1.60 SHY LAMB . . "FLAMINGO .... 2.?5 POLICE DOG LARGE SCOTTY 4.25 DASCIIUNI) BOOK-ENDS Mussallem's Variety Store "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 2.25 2.75 3.50 Good News for Trappers... providing they bring their furs to Goldbloom. 10'x higher than last year. Also have large stock of Fur Coats, 20' lower in price than anywhere also. W. GOLDBLOOM "THE OLD RELIABLE" A. MacK crzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 10 BEDKOOM SUITES In four pieces vanity, chiffonier, 1 bedstead, upholstered bench. Walnut veneer and burl. Waterfall design. Priced, per suite as stated $(Hl.r0and .SUo.OO. 6 DINETTE SUITES In six pieces, in walnut and natural shaded finishes. Buffet, four upholstered chairs, and fllpleaf tabic. Prices per suite as stated, from $00.00 """ Watch our windows. Wc appreciate having your mail orders. Photic 175 Ptincc Rupert 327 3rd Avenue OPEN FOR YOUR APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL C A.M. to 2.30 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. FOR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . quality foodstuffs are carried at all times. If you want the best, you will find it on our shelves. You are invited to inspect our stock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Phones 18 and 19 P.O.. Box 573 ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLING Schedule for the Mixed Five-Pin League is announced as follows: Oct. 31 Midgets vs. C.Y.A.; Malkins vs. McMeekin's; Stone's vs. Fraser & Payne; Post Engineers vs. Imperial Oil. Nov. 7 Fraser St Payne vs. Post Engineers; Imperial Oil vs. Stone's; McMeekin's vs. C.Y.A.; Midgets vs. Malkin's. Nov. 14 Post Engineers vs. McMeekin's; Stone's vs. Midgets; C.Y.A. vs. Imperial Oil; Malkin's vs. Fraser St Payne. Nov. 21 Fraser & Payne vs. C.Y.A.; Imperial Oil vs. Malkin's; McMeekin's vs. Stone's; Midgets vs. Post Engineers. Nov. 28 C.Y.A. vs. Post Engineers; Stone's vs. Malkins; Imperial Oil vs. McMeekin's; Fraser & Payne vs. Midgets. Dec. 5 McMeekin's vs. Fraser & Payne; Midgets vs. Imperial Oil; Stone's vs. C.Y.A.; Malkin's vs. Post Engineers. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "One should follow his best Judgment." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "really"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Aparel, apathy, apostle. 4. What does the word "sanctimonious" mean? 5. What Is a word beginning with nu that means "insignificant"? Answers 1. Say, "One should follow one's, best judgment." 2. Pronounce re-al-i, e as In me, a unstressed, 1 as in It. 3. Apparel. 4. Making a show of sancity. "He was an sanctimonious hypocrite." 5. Nugatory. WALLPAPER AGAIN LONDON 6) The first sup plies of wallpaper made since the, war began will reach shops In November. For fast, easy shaves that are smooth and refreshing, it ptys . to use the "blade with the sharpest edges ever honed.. Blue Gillette Blades For extra shaving luxury prepare your beard with Gillette Shaving Cream ...33P Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling and Billiards Recreation and Rest Rooms Hall available for banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Erneweln PHONE 810 Hours 1 p.m. to 12 p.m. daily Fresh Local Raw nd Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR H pain Chiropractic! If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green SOS SHORT SPORT Highly-touted lightweight Ous "Pell" Mell of Montreal- -was knocked out In the third stanza of a scheduled 10-rounder Monday night in New York. Mell's opponent was a comparative unknown, Ellis Phillips of Ger-mantown, Pennsylvania. The Montrealer was far out in front in the first round, having jarrea his foe repeatedly. However, the last of the round saw Phillips unleash a roundhouse right which' spilled the surprised Canadian to the Canvas for a one count. Mell, who was a nour-to-one favorite, won t he second round handily. He was handing hi? onponent a boxing lesson in the third until tough Phillips let loose a terrific left hook that caoght Mell on the neck and put him down for the count. It was the fourth defeat suffered by the 21 year old Montrealer in 44 professional bouts. He was drawn in two contests. The Boston Bruins' club physician, Dr. Thoma-i Kelley, says that defenceman Pac Egan will have to remain out of the line-up for at least ten more days because of his injured loft Knee. However, Dr. Kelley says' that Esan can forego an operation for the present on the injury which 110? been diagnosed as a chipped bone about the size of a nallhead. The Bruins have arrived In Beantown from their Quebec City training camp and had FOR RENT Upstairs unfurnished suite, private entrance, close In. Phone after 6 p.m., Green 717. (247) FOR RENT Suite, furnace. 1142 Park Avenue. (247) FOR RENT Two cottages, Salt Lakes: runnintr u-ntir fnil Reasonable. Apply Box 31 Dally News. (247) HELP WANTED WANTED Clerk-stenographer. w. ii. muiKin uo. Lia. Phone 72. (tf) WANTED Experienced stenog rapher, sieaay work. Apply stating qualifications to Box 32 Dally News. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper for board and good wages. Other iKip nepi. rnone Ked 879. (ti) WANTED Janitor for part, time work, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper, for apartment; downtown location. Would consider married coupie. pnone 674 or Red 878, (tf) their first home practice session yesterday at the Boston Garden. Officials of the Montreal Canadiens have announced that Bill Durnan, the Vezina Trophy goal tender, and Toe Blake, captain of the team, have signea contracts for the season which opens on Saturday In Montreal. The Habitants also have announced that Legs Fraser", who was expected to understudy Durnan as net-minder, has accepted a civil service job In Ottawa and will play for the Senators r t the Quebec Senior League. Fraser will remain on call for the Canadiens. The veteran Cincinnati outfielder, Gee Walker, has applied for his unconditional release from the Cincinnati ball team. Walker, says the Red-Legs asked him to stay with the organizl-tion but promised him the release if he desired it. Walker says he will seek a posltlo with another Major League team. Takes Up Cudgels For Scotch Whisky LONDON, Oct. 25 0 The Scotch Whisky Association says the whisky it is turning out now Is better than ever. The Association, representing 95 percent of manufacturing, protested against the remarks of Alderman Sir George Aylwen when he fined a pub manager for selling whisky containing 3.5 degrees more water than it should. Sir George said: "Considering the price they pay for whisky and what poor stuff It Is when FOR SALE 6-room furnished house, 742 7th Ave. West. (251) FOR SALE Play pen and waterproof mattress; toidey seat, new; full-size bed, spiro spring; bureau. 952 Ambrose Avenue. Phone Black 480. (251) FOR SALE Kindergarten set as good as new. Phone Black 393. (248) FOR SALE 'Anyone planning to buy a house the end of February may be Interested In this one. Five rooms with bath; furnished or unfurnished, fvur blocks from Post Office. Good buy for cash. Phone Red 240. (248) FOR SALE Club rung roller canaries, good singers. Box 315. Phone Blue 519. (249) FOR SALE Four room house, 2 bedrooms, fully modern, con crete basement and sidewalks, hot air furnace, electric stove, hot water jacket, electric light fixtures, Venetian blinds, ano leum, all newly fenced. A REAL BARGAIN at $3,000.00. See Collart St McCaffery Ltd., 353 Third Avenue W. Of) FOR SALE 32 ft. trolling boat, new engine and equipment. Apply Central Hotel, Room 1. (248) FOR SALE Living room, bed room and kitchen furniture. Phone Green 257. (248) FOR SALE Wurlitzer. Box 24 Daily News. (252) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until noon on Wednesday, October 31st, for the purchase of Lot 42, Block 7, Section 6, City of Prince Rupert, together with two-storey,, 6-room frame building located thereon. Separate sealed tenders will also be received for the furniture contents, Inclusive of electric range, washing machine and fireplace heater. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms strlctljr cash. Premises may be viewed by arrangement. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased. (251) FOR SALE High grade office and store fixtures, bought from U.S. Army Officers' Club, Port Edward: big size rugs, desks, electric fan, big tables, high grade solid walnut chairs, big size mirrors, electric fixtures, high grade pool table, solid walnut smoking stands, cash register, Selling at the lowest passible prices, B.C. Furniture Co. BOXING AT EAST END Prince Rupert Recreational Council Organizing at Seal Cove At a meeting of fooxiag coaches held last evening at the Seal Cove School, Recreational Director McGregor outlined the plans ior the winter boxing season. "We do not Intend to specialize" dur attention on developing championship fighters," he stated, "rather we wish to provide a centre where young men may keep In good physical trim by boxing conditioning exercises, and learn the basic rules of self-defence." It was decided to hold classes again nexc Wednesday evening at Seal Cove with, the stipulation that, if the attendance dqps not increase, boxing .Instruction In this section of town would tie discontinued. The meeting was attended toy two boxing coaches. Messrs. Beggs and Stanton, and boxers Leo Adolph, Joe Warne and Don Lelghton. they get it, the public must be protected." Philip Gee, of the S.W.A. said: "We know that the whisky reaching the public Is probably finer today than It has ever been. Proprietory brands are being matured from old matured stocks." I Buy War Savings Stamps I u FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse Onan electric light plants In 12, 32 and 115 volts sizes in stock. Vancouver prices. Write for illustrated folder or see W. R. Love Electric Co., Prince . Rupert, B.C. (249) FOR SALE New and used furniture at the lowest possible . prices. Slightly used,v ah mahogany coffee tables",-, chest of drawers, writing desks, Llike new, door mats at 75c,; real good tables at $3.75. electric table lamps, book caes, like new at $7.00, card tables $2.25, drapes and cushions, electric range, almost new, three-piece chesterfield suite, two new chairs going at $85.00, new mirrors at $2.50, new big size pillows at 75c, all kinds of other useful furniture at the B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE McClary range, bedroom suite, etc. After 3 p.m. - 1512 6th Ave. East. (250) FOR SALE Studio couch, camp stove, mattress for double bed, camp cot and mattress. Phone Black 614 after 5:30. (247) FOR SALE Harley - Davison motorcycle, twin -engine. Phone Blue 953. (248) FOR SALE Four-room house, flillv mftHorn notrlu vnr H lated. $840 cash. Apply H. G. Hclgerson Co. Ltd. (242) FOR SALE Three congoleum rugs, 7'2xg; cnest of drawers; one bed, complete with spring filled mattress. Call at 545 7th Ave. East. Phone Red 877. (249) FOR SALE Chesterfield bed, Beatty electric washing machine, good condition, kitchen table and cupboard. 621 Fulton Street. Call after 5 p.m. (249) FOR SALE Round centre table, two wicker chairs, flqor lamp, table lamp, two Simmons beds, small dresser, rocking chair, child's training chair. 131 1st West. Green 815. (248) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS are effec tive. 2 weeks supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at all druggists. (249) WORK WANTED WANTED Soldier wants work driving. Phone Green 257. (248) Are von tnturtalnlnir town house guests? You will be aoing mem an honor by having us publish a personal note about their visit. HALL ,OWE'EN GHOST SHn WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31st. fi;30 pj-S." I Boris Kailoff In "ISLE OF THE DEAD" ALSO ADDED COLORED MUSICAL NEWS Cm znCrt-, WEST OP Tin, 'I AniTT.T TICKETS rMiv ""riM GINGER ROGERS JOSEPH COHEN f SHIRLEY TEMPLE i u SALE CITY OF PRINCE RUPER1 Notice Re Civic Voter's Li The City Clerk's office will be open from 7 Dm J P.m. on Friday, October 26th, Monday, October 29th J Tuesday. October 30th. fnr th .... - . , 1 - - i'M'c ui receiving rtpsl trations from householders and licenseholders for the Citi voters lisi. H. D. Thain City Clerk. CUT RATE GUT RATE CUT R THE PICK OF TOBACCO Classified Advertising TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion, Please do not ask for credit. WANTED WANTED Oil burner with or without irange. Phone 66w (254C WANTED Four or five room furnished house or apartment by November 1. Phone 792 local 52. (248) WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house, close in', by respectable people. Box 30 Daily News. (247) RETAIL DEALERS Manufacturers of Approved Electrical Instruments and Appliances wish to sell and establish direct dealer contact. Toasters Hotplates and Amplifiers, immediate delivery. Box 18 Dally News. WANTED Two Railway employees would like a furnished room or 4 to 5-room apartment, furnished. Phone Green 598 and ask for A. F. .Williams. (249) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room. 843 9th Ave. West.. (251) FOR RENT Room, close in, for couple or two men willing to share. Phone Red 254. (248) FOR RENT Large comfortable room for gentleman; close in. Apply Box 33 Dally News, (tf) FOR RENT Furnished house-keeping rooms, close to Cold Storage. Apply Box 29, Dally News. (249) FOR SALE NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 100 Comfortable Stylish- Reasonablj New . . . MEN'S MOCCASIN VAi SHOES Just the thing for McJ coming out of the Services! CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE CUT RATE CUT RATtl WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. APPLY Canadian Fish AND - Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. BONDED ROOFERS RINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works Sheetmetal work of all kinds - Air Conditioning Tanks Sinks Eavestrough St Furnace Wort I Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Cor. 7tH St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue tJ INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 TERRACE Transfer Storage WE MEET ALL TMg SERVICE TO An IN THE DISTRICT it RmTH) TERP-1 o r nor 187 CORNER SNACK Bl At- m t? n I? A C E (Mrs. Flossie LamblyJj TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND W. C Osborne GARAGE V. Imhoff A. M. WUW Expert Repairs on all makes of cars w Madl ivioiors iractors rtuau fuiK" vitWl WTnrh. tm1 a Antvlana and EleCtriC