i Cut a ater. tastier bread JH"" with FLEISCHMANN'S 9 This fr fresh' yeast goes right to work, gives you full value because it's full strength And bread made with Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast tastes sweeter, is lighter, more tender. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Canada's dependable yeast favorite for over three generations. UffA AIM""' MADE IN CANADA i wm GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU . . . Come in and sec them JOHN BULGER LTD. JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) HAVE YOUK PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN' Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. VAxZVi inches passport or identification size. "CURLY'S" '2X6 ii for .- 6th St., Just north of 3rd Ave. nnettes Retiring from Business CONTINUES TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF STOCKING UP ON FALL AND WINTER APPAREL AT STOCK REDUCING PRICES ; Quam, wpalrs at Economy Prices pRINCE RUPERT REPAIR COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable home In Trlnce Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 Local News ews It items... Mrs. Louis Edgar is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. T. D. Pattullo was on a trip yesterday to Porcher. Island points in connection with his independent candidature in today's provincial election. Frank Ryan, who has been stationed here for some time in the Y. M. c. A. war services, will leave next Monday night for London, Ontario, to resume his civilian work with head office of London Life Assurancs Co. Lieut. Col."R. R. Mutrie, recently discharged from the Royal Canadian Medical Corps and now visiting here with his wife's parents, Dr. and Mrs. L .W. Ker-gln, left yesterday afternoon for a brief trip to Terrace whence he will return to the city by car. Don Forward, who has Keen area supervisor of Y.M.C.A. war services here for the-past coupie of years, leaves tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to take over new duties as assistant British Columbia supervisor. He expects to revisit here monthly in that capacity. NOTICE Oliver Santerbane is leaving tonight on the' Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. A Election results, MIckleburgh headquarters tonight. Phone 150 for transportation. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Robins of Port Edward are- sailing tonight' on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Gordon Alleyne leaves tonight by train for Vancouver, where the will Join her husband who has recently received his dich'arge from the army. They will make their home in the south. CAR LUBRICATION service again on an efficient basis. We have secured a competent lubrication man and offer' you prompt and efficient service. S. tonljrht, on- a trip to- Vancouver. I ? l? Earned ,frtm .JAt United Manse Aeronautical Lodge, Vancouver, who has been' In the city-spealc-ing on behalf of Labor-Progres--s'iv candidate Bruce MIckleburgh, leaves tonig'ht on the Prince Rupert to return to After a week's visit to Prince Rupert where he- was formerly rector of St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, Major R. C. H; Dumford, DJS.O., Seaforth Highlanders' padre, is leaving tonight on the Prince Rupert to return to Vancouver. F. J. Lynn, assistant supervisor of the Royal Bank of Canada for British Columbia with headquarters in Vancouver, arrived In the clity yesterday from the south in tne course of an official tour' and will leave on this evening's train for Smithers, Burns Lake, Prince George and E. PARKER LTD., Ford Service tl?r lnterior polnts' Station. (252) Miss Engina Christiansen R.N. arrived in ithe city yesterday frcm Vancouver to Join her father, H. K. Christiansen, who is resuming operation of his Chris Mill Bakery here. Mrs. Christiansen and another daughter. Miss Margaret Chris- All members of Greenville Vansen R-N- will be returning Band arje requested to be at their village by November 5 for statutory laoor. Anyone falling to return will have to pay for the days absent. Greenville Council. (254) Announcements Ml advertiwciejiM n mis column will to charged lor a full month at 25c a word. Annual Rebekah bazaar, I.O. O.F. Hall, Oct! 25, 2:30. W.A. Canadian Legion Bazaar and Tea, October' 26. Jobs Daughters fashion display, Masonic Temple, October 26, 8:15 p.m. Valhalla Whist and Crlbbage, Oct. 27, 8:30 p.m. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, Mrs. G. E. Moore's, Oct. 31. Little Norway Tea; Lutheran Church, Nov. 3. 'Women of the Moose bazaar, noveniDer a, uaaieiiows' Hail. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 22. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 22. Lutheran Ladies' Aid sale, .Nov. 24. in a' couple of months Col. C. C. Ferrie, former offi cer commanding Prince Rupert defences, who arrived here Wednesday to inspect the Prince Rupert Regiment MG). in com pany with Capt. James Hall, ttaff officer, leave tonight on the Prince Rupert on their re turn to Vancouver. Rev. Peter Kelly, missionary In charge of the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby, with headquarters at Ocean Falls, and Dr. J. Whiting of the mission hospital at Bella Coola, will leave tonight by the Prince Rupert to return south after attending a one-day conference with Rev. Dr. George Dorey. secretary cf the United Church board of home missions, Toronto. , On discharge from the Royal Canadfart Air Force-,. Leading Aircraftsman Herbert Morgan has returned home from Eastern Canada by way of Vancouver. Herble, who is Identified with the mechanical department of the Daily News and Is a promi nent local athlete, is being wel- corned back by his many friends, Films supporting the current Ninth Victory Loan drive were shown by W. . Lambie of the citizen's war finance committee at the regular luncheon meeting of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in the Commodore Cafe this afternoon. President James Thompson was chairman and there was, a good attendance of members with, a few guests. Mrs. Chubb Is Mr. Tubb's Bride Last Saturday afternoon at the, Manse of. First United Church the marriage of Mrs". Gertrude Chubb and Ernest Frederick Tubb of Prince Rupert was quietly solemnized. Witnesses of the ceremony were Mrs. Helen Palmer and Ronald J. Tubb, the latter the brother of the groom. LONDON, (Reuters) The wife of MaJ.-Gen. Daniel Charles Spry aged 32, Canadian Army, has given birth to a son. Gen. Spry Is believed to be the youngest general in the Allied armies. Mrs. Spry before her marriage was Miss Elizabeth Forbes of Halifax, N.S. SCIATICA SUFFERERS Ufees stabbing, piercing pain of Sciatica In ytmr hip and thigh make life a misery? Do as thousands have done. Get quick relief with Templeton's T-R-C'b, and lead the normal, active life you long for. Don't suffer another day Get T-R-C's1 and ftOD that mUprahlp Train n.iurl 5ue.$l' -at druggists everywhere T-26- WmmmJmimmmmJLSmmmM mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmM The marriage' took 01 ace quietly at the Manse of First United Church recently when Mrs. Elizabeth White and William Thomson, both of Prince Rupert, were united. The bride was" attended by her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Carroll. The groom Is employed at the dry dock. SIGN OF' BACHELORHOOD" Bachelors at one time wore bachelor's buttons in their lapels as a symbol of their independ ence. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Restaurant business and three houses on two lots; also green house. $3500 takes the lot. Furniture $500 extra. Apply Lone Star' Hut, Exchange Block. (252)' CERTIFICATE OP' IMPROVEMENT Par Fractional. Eve No. 1 Fraction' al. Eve Fractional. Atlln Fractional, Polaris No. 5, Polaris No: 0. Polaris No. 7. Polaris No. 8. Polaris no. a Polaris No. 10, Polaris No. 11, Polaris No. 12 Fraction. Polaris No. 13 Fraction. Polaris No. 14, Polaris No. 15 And Snow No. 9 Mineral Claims. Situate in the Atlln Mining Division. Where located: Tulsequah River Vallev about 8 miles above Junction with Taku River. Lawful holder: Polarls-Taku Mining; Conv pany Limited. Number of the hold er s iree Miner s cerimcaie; oiootir.. TAKE NOTICE- that James T. Un derhlll. F.M.C. 2311 F, Agent for Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited, Free Miner Certincate' No. 67689 E. Intends, at the end of sixty days but not- later' than one' year from' the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. And further take notice that action, under section 83 of the' "Mineral Act." must bo commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this 15th day of September, 1945. (OU-18-25 N2-9-16-23-30) NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENSE NOTICE U hereby given that ort the' 5th day- of November, next, the undersigned intend to appiy w mt Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of beer license No. 6837 Issued In respect of premises being part of a building' known as Central Hotel, situate at' the corner of 1st Avenue and 7th Street, Prince Rupert. B.C., upon the lands described as Lots- Numbered 11 to 14. Block Number 10. Section 1, Map No. 923, Prince Rupert' Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, from Norman A. Watt, Administrator of the Estate of Cora Elizabeth Brack, deceased, to Albert Dixon of Prince- Rupert, B.C.,- Harold Oarforth Dixon and Sidney water-field of the Municipality of Court. enay, British Columbia, the trans. ferees. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 7tn aay or septemDer, a.u, iuio ALBERT DIXON. HAROLD OARFORTH DIXON, SIDNEY WATER FIELD, Applicants and Transferees. i i i mlffll "HR UN 6- (0-261 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STELLA DONET, DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 16th day of October, A D. 1945,: I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Stella Doney, deceased, and all parties navine claims against the said estate are hereby required to xurnisn same, propeny vermea, to me on or before the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1945. and all parties In debted to the Estate aie required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 12th day of October. A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. PRIZE for THINKING Entries are wanted for a suitable name; and emblem for the Prince Rupert Recreational Council local activities. Get thinking how and win a PRIZE Contest Open to Everyone.-Entries to Miss F. Parker, P.O. Box 38, City, on or before' November 4. k'V ' Imkhu.llmmWF v'''" f iS A PHONE 649' 220 Sixth Street The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON PrfiifC ttipcrt DaHp J-Jctos Thursday, October' 25, 1045 You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend T E5 kAL Fair Way Food Market FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES QUALITY GROCERIES PITTED DATES Fresh and Moist, A Jp 1-pound bag Tt FIRST GRADE BUTTER Swift's Brookfield, POUND 39c Coupon No. 127 Now Due STOKELY'S PEAS Fancy Honey-Pod, 20-oz. tin STRICTLY 19 c FRESH EGGS ARRIVING SATURDAY MORNING I mm ff -iifwa. TERRACE CELERY Crisp Utah, all sizes, Qr PER POUND Q FRESH GREEN SPROUTS PER POUND TERRACE 25c CAULIFLOWER 10c 15c 20c CHICKEN AND RICE SOUP Campbell's, "iitf per tin J.Q' AYLMER CORN Fancy Quality, "i7n 20-oz. tins i SUNLIGHT SOAP Regular Bars, Q C FRESH-KILLED BOILING FOWL LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY! TERRACE CABBAGE Hard, Green Heads, PER POUND FRESH LEEKS LARGE BUNCH 7c 9c FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET WE DELIVER SAANICH ENGINEERS PLUMBING and HEATING WICK AND POTBURNERS COPPER COILS RANGE BOILERS GENERAL REPAIRS Box' 1158 Station B Phone Black 9C2 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW SWEET POTATOES POUNDS 27c PHONE 434 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE, 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tall All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am. Outside Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 PnONES 116 117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC (2E) LTD. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 328 i Phone Second WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS J Black Avenue 367 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER