Daily Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Saturday March 31. 1G45 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert DaUy News Limited, Third Avenue. Prlnc Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By City Carrier, por week 15 Per Month 65 Per Year $7.00 By Mall, per month 40 Per Year 14.00 MEMBER ABC. Public Health Publicity Effort There can be no overestimate of the value of public health. Physical well-being is, of .course, the primary vital sinew of a strong, virile and progressive nation. We can truly enough boast of the efforts that have been made to promote better public health in Prince Rupert. We believe that we can set our-self up as an example to other communities in the measure. of our appreciation thereof. Good use has been made of publicity facilities to educate this community in FLASH ... Fashion-Craft cloth samples for Spring have arrived. RANGE IS NOT LARGE RUT ' QUALITY OF FABRICS IS EXCELLENT We Misgest that you order that suit NOW before cancellations are heavy. "THE MEN'S SHOP" Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES " PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIRTHDAY AND EVERYDAY CARDS W AT E R'M AN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Kesner Iilock, 3rd Street the benefits of public health. An ex- cellent moving picture film has been produced and today the Daily News is presenting a special supplement in the publication of which the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Public Health Unit have collaborated. Not onlv are these- snnnlements X" i being made available for the enlighten-' ment and information of every home! and citizen of Prince Rupert through the wide circulation of the Daily News but several thousand extra copies have been printed for wide-spread distribution from one end of Canada to the other, particularly among Junior Chambers of Commerce and public health organizations. We think that the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Public Health Unit are to be congratulated on this ambitious publicity effort with which the Daily News is proud to have been identified. We commend it to the detailed perusal of all readers for their own benefit. Phone 231 INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Body Work and Painting Agents for Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King Power Saw Wiilard Batteries Raybestos Products Home Oil Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING MACHINING Phone 459 Box 1398 994 First Ave. West Purity, Accuracy, Dependability These are our watchwords In filling prescriptions! And while every prescription Isn't a matter of life or death, we fill it as though It were. We use only the purest and finest quality drugs and compound with precision accuracy. Our reputation has been built on years of expert reliable compounding. Ormes Ltd. ZZfiA homer Druq&ists Open Dally from 9 a.m till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-B p.m. THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 LUCKY'S Light Delivery and Transfer 24-HOUR SERVICE 1341 Sixth Avenue East Phone Black 371 HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwood. per cord .. $10 Dry'Poplar, per cord ..$12.50 Sawdust, per sack .. 15c PHONE 580 I i. l . t r "You Always Hurt The One You Love" "There Goes That Song Again" Victor record 20-1G06 Sammy Kaye "Saturday Night" "I Don't Want to Love You" Victor record 20-1C35 Sammy Kaye "When the Boys Come Home" "Evelina" Victor record 20-1C21 Freddy Martin "Accentuate The Positive" "Jumpin On the Merry-C.o-Itound" Victor record 20-1C12 Artie Shaw McRae Bros. LIMITED SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday S3 Catala. Friday SS Cardena Sailings for Queen Charlotte Islands every ten days. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 508 rmiYiVwii Advertise m the Dally News for Results. HIGH SCHOOL FOR'NATIVES Should be Located in North Salmon Price Negotiations KTTWANGA, March 31 to the Daily News) A resolution recently passed In Van couver by the executive of the Native Brotherhood of B. C. that a native high school be established in the northern part of the province was warmly supported here when W. B. Morgan, north-em interior vice-president of the Brotherhood made his report of the executive session to a meeting of the Skeena district people. However, the meeting narrowed dawn the proposed area of lo-caUon by passing a motion that the school be set up away from the coast district and in an area where agriculture could be carried on. A site In the district between Kltwanga and Itazelton was favored. Mr. Morgan said that the Un-ted Church of Canada had de-fintely promised to back every effort to have a native high school established in this dis trict, either near Prince Rupert or in whatever part of the interior -was found best. He reported that a letter had been sent to Prime Minister Mackenzie King urging the removal of taxation and conscription of natives on the grounds that since they are not granted the rights of citizenship they should not be asked to share in the burden of maintaining the war. Reporting on salmon price negotiations, Mr. Morgan said that a negotiating meeting would be held at Cape Mudgc on May 21 with cannery operating committee members ant cannery managers. The meeting chose Harold Sinclair as delegate to at tend the conference. In a brief speech following Mr Morgan's report George H. Moor urged that no salmon fisherman begin operations until after prices for the year had been settled. Methods of sanitizing eating snd drinking utensils will show tirast'e improvements after the war. Chem'.cal cleansers develop ed for use of the Armed Forces, where hot water for sterilization was unavailable, will find -wide spread use in eating and drinkinjr places with tonsequent reduction in the spread of moutMwrne r.seases. War bring epidemics protect your children. TERRACE 1 Harold Whalen ol tne Canadian Infantry Corps at Calgary. Alberta, is home on leave and will be returning on Saturday to I his headquarters. He Joined up I in October 1944 and has had six months basic training. Late Saturday night, Corporal Parks received word of the sudden death of his father at Edmonton. Alerta. He jind his wife and little boy left on the midnight train. Corporal Parks has been granted 20 days leave anl it is not likely that he will come back to Terrace until he and his family come back to take up residence on their ranch. Corporal Parks was well known for his paintings of local scenes and the townspeople have extended their sympathy to him in his bereavement. Mrs. P. V. Tallon and young son, Larry, left on Wednesday night's train for their home in Endako. BOB WILLETT LEAVES RUPERT Announcer Bab Willett, who has been employed by the Canadian B-jadcastint Corporation at CFPR for several months, left last nijht Tor his home In Victoria where he will spend a few weeks before entering the freelance Held of radio. Bob is featured in the current eppy of TUNE IN Magazine. Do you know th'at your child should ic immunized at the ag-.' (I six months? See your doctor cr the Health Department m m it 10 "Drop into your nearest rVIarshall'Wells paint dealer and get your free copy of "Planned Painting." Tells you how to finish floors, walls and furniture . . . how to choose the right colors and get the most out of painting. See finished paint SSI jobs in natural color. Learn about beauty by the gallon. MS'S PHONES 110 117 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER and - VALUATOR SALES CONDUCTED TO SUIT YUUR CONVENIENCE FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS PACKED AND SHIPPED Estimates Phone for Free Appointment Phone Red 127 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY FOUR OFFICERS ARE PROMOTED Promotion from second to first lieutenant for four officers of the Prince Rupert sutf-port of embarkaUon have just been announced by the commanding officer. Those promoted are John M. Davis. Robert I. McClaughry, James L, Richardson and Wllma J. Fite. mm t v... fMsndoche Pain Atpirin Eases Headache Amosf Immediately Genuine Aspirin's new prices nw maVe it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from headache misery. WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST I See with your own eyes why Aspirin I takes hold of pain n few minutes ! after taking. Drop an Aspirin TaMct I into atlasi of water. Almost instantly i it begins to dissolve. And that same ' fast action takes place in your ' stomach. That's why Aspirin relieves ' you so quickly. For years Canadians liave relied on Aspirin for fast relief, for efTettive relief almve all for dependable relief. Get Aspirin at your druggist's today 1 NtW HCDUCtD prices PorWt loa of II m 1I Economy Iwlll of 24.. ..... .now 2 familf iif of IQO. now 71t Aspirin Th Bayer crotl on ch UWUt It your cjuaranlo I hot M't A loir in ASTHMA Donl Gasp for llreaili Sold on Money illicit Guarunteet ORME'S Ltd. Telephone 81 or 82 r 'iA. m yellow ptjei is$f W pt,w "JETV inow r- lajim V B M.r.h.ll-Wellt SOLO BY KAIEN CONSUMER'S CO-OPERATIVE We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW 111 THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Reef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 Announcement., After serving the public Kenney Limited has decided t "(itii, ness handling hardware tf and allied i n H Johnstone and Michiel hn.in nM -tojhJ on April 1. '"ia"wop At this time we wish to extend thanks to our many patrons who ha?e ii? whole-hearted support during the vMV passed, and to also hope that the jam. be accorded the new owners ,Uppo,tt V. T Tfnmiov T Imtt.j ...n . I . ..w...w u...uix-u wn conUnu t I public as Real Estate brokers, and 1 H allied lines. The new office win L E. T. Kenney Limited Building kH on K.1 Just around the corner from the M E. T. Kenney Limite TERRACE BriUshrJ ''Strap Strategy" We are just a little proud of this nev.cst arrh,il. A real addition to , . . 1 i'-. ...,-,.1.. 1.. 1 1 87.45 CUT RATE SHOE STOR BULKLEY VALU COLLIERIES LI llcg to adviwi that having comHM War Priority Contract?, are prepared to supply the DOMESTIC M A Ii K E T with high quality, Iojj lasting BULKLEY VALLEY COAI Phono votir dealer and save. RUPERT BRAND 'SMOKED :: :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish ritone liiarK 3(7 NOTICE - AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, HC. MOTT ELECTRIC LIMIT! Electrical Contractors COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL & ' ELECTRICIANS and M Electrical Supplies-Home Wiring VVtS''"ln''it'r nfflpM In Vnnenuvr-r and NfW J. H. MAIR has been appointed sole representative of NATIONAL MONUMENTS for this district. The business has been purchased from A. Welxl by W. Yule. Janitor' Floor soap Sweeping CJJ " Drooma- p (1 Paper 'i".tSfl Hotel and Wjja IMMEDIATEI ...... ifiioertl ,nmi'lns(