la ' 5. f I f.P TAOE FOUR Tin; DAILY NEWS Trlnce Rupert, D.C. Saturday, March 31, 1945 With Minora Blades! Minora has a real "edge" over other low price blades. In fact, it's the sharpest. double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. fits rouK DOUBUfDCt tAZOR flip?1 RUPERT Tomorrow's Store Today oilers . . . . f Reid's Cafe I - DINING ROOM NOW OPEN Lunch 12 to 1:30 Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Salads, Sandwiches, Chili Con Came, Chicken Spaghetti, etc. 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Old Prince Rupert Club Building 2nd Ave., next to Bank of Commerce Take, the short cut up the steps behind Watts & Nlckcrson's ., Store. TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WHO SUFFER WITH THEIR FEET You will be Interested to know that there Is a man in towiiwho has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also In charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. For a Good Meal, Visit . . . THE Victory Cafe All White Cooks 25 Years' Experience i Give Us a Trial and Convince Yourself EIGHT NORTHERN B.C. MEN LISTED IN CASUALTIES Eight northern and central B. C soldiers are recorded as casualties In recent casualty lists ot the Canadian Army. Two have been killed in action. Killed in Action Ptc. Arthur Waldcmar Nylund, serving with a B. C. regimen?, whose father, Alex Nylund, lives at Bella Coola. Gunner Edward Gilbert Mc-Lcod, R.C.A., whose father, Jack McLeo'd, lives at Fort St. John. Died of Wounds LCpl. Isaac Cornelius Middle-ton, Saskatchewan r e g 1 m e nt, whose father, George Ernest Mid- PEOPLES (.001) IUKNITUKE AT LOW PRICES! Used Bedsteads Special $:t.(j( Used Springs Now at, each $5.00 Fancy New Mirrors With nice design; big selection ....$1.00 to $:i.00 New Mattresses Good size $ New 3-piccc Chesterfield All-spring built. Special $110.00 New Couches To make Into beds. Clearing uw at $05.00 B.C. FURNITURE Black 231 Canada's five fooj rules call for milk, fresh fruitj and yejje-tables, whole grain bread and cereals eggs, meat and fish. Eat these protective foods. You can cat then whatever else you like- dleton, lives at Smithers. Missing Ptc. James William Collins, whose father, George Collins, lives at Port Essington. Wounded Pte. Paul Dvorneki B. C. regiment, whose wife, Airs. Mary Dvomek, lives at Prince Rupert. Pte. Ian Allister McRae. B. C. regiment, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McRae,, live at 230 Eighth Ave. V, Prince Rupert. Slightly Wounded Pte. David Robert Alec, B.C. regiment, whose lather, Peter Alec, lives at Telkwa. Pte. Samuel Edward Wills. Alberta regiment, whose mother, Mrs. Annie Wills, lives at Smithers. STORE business an d Work to please everyone No work too large or too small II. J. LUND Painting Papcrlianging Interior and Exterior Work UNION PAINTER P.O. Box 1280 Phone Black 823 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 171 P.O. Box 274 "Largest Organization of Its Kind in the World" MUTUAL BENEFIT Health and Accident Association J. WRIGHT, Spec. Representative 330 9th Ave. W. Red 693 PAINTING AND PAPEIUIANGING For Good Work That Lasts! JERRY VREBOSCII Phone 372 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "House of Better Cleaning'' Authorized "FLEXFORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Guesses. Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 8S8 Mall Orders Box 99 13 TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE Stand: Next to Royal Lunch oommoF - MODERN FRANCE Till We Meet Again- at Capitol with Barbara Britton and Ray MiUand "Till We Meet Again" arriving at the Capitol Theatre on Mon day and Tuesday, Is a story of present-day France. It tells of a little French nun, wno leaves the sheltered convent gardens to join the underground movement in order to help an American make today's headlines come true. Beautiful Barbara Britton and Ray Milland co-star In this love story which takes place In the midst of all the terror and horror behind the liberation of France. Barbara Britton, .who plays Sister Clothllde, is said to give one of the most poignantly delicate portrayals. Faced with a dangerous assignment in a worra she 1m never known, she lays aside her convent rubes and in peasant dress, Joins the strange American captain as his wife Working with the French under ground, their every step takes them nearer danger. The little French nun, whom Milland knows only as a member of the Maquis, feels the weight of her responsibility as she strug gles to fight for them both with only her faith to help her. Their relationship becomes a strangely beautiful thing as Milland talks of lils country and his life and the convent girl pretends to understand. A delicate, unfathomed love develops, of which neither of them speaks. Her love Is not for any man and his belongs to an other woman, yet each knows that it might be otherwise. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER Of THE ESTATE Of ANNIE FLORENCE BRADLEY, DECEASED. INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by ordtr of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 28th day of March, A D. 1945. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Annie Florence Bradlcv. de ceased, and all parlies having claims uKHiusi mc saia estate are nercoy required to furnish same, properly verified, to mc on or before the 30th day of April, AD. 1915. and all parties Indebted to the bald Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me fnrthTrltii DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 4tfiu uajr ui jviarcn. A.Li. NORMAN A. .WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. Profi essional R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Phone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W. FRENCH LESSONS Mr. L. P. Beaubien, the teacher of French language, has re turned to the city, and has re sumed his classes. His address Is Postal Station B. . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 200 4th Street : Phone 655 April 1, not responsible for any personal theft prior to October, 1914. FRASER HOUSE E. II. HICKS BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 370 1431 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYKR EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYI.INn Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver R. HUNDEIDE WATKINS DEALER 337 Seventh Avenue West Phone Green 973 FIND IT with a Want Ad I Sell it with a Want Adl Buy it with a Want Adl Dally News class! -fled section gets results. ANNOUNCING . . , EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L. D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 6:30 ajn. to 1 a.iri, II' Klemtu Prepares Easter Program KLEMTU, March 31- Sacred music, which the native people were given toy the white men is to have a large place In this community's celebration of Easter. The Klemtu Community Church choir, which Is to celebrate Its twenty-fifth anniver sary tomorrow along with the celebration of Easter, will pres ent Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" and Haydn's "The Heav ens are Telling" at a special service. The Bella Bella choir will also spend Easter here. Chief Moody Humrhitt and about 40 Bella Bella people arrived today. In spite of the fact that Klemtu has been without a missionary since the start of the war, the choir has continued to be active and regular church services have been held by Chief Arthur Ncasloss and Chief Philip Brown who are determined that Christian teaching will be carried on In the community. Rev. P. R. Kelly of the United Church mission boat Thomas Crosby Is to conduct the Easter service. Classified Advertising - - - - Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. WEDDING NOTICE NOTICE All friends arc Invited to a wedding party at Kltkatla after Easter celebrations in honor of Lawrence Innls and his bride, the former Margaret Lewis of Kltkatla. PERSONAL YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and appearance ot hair yours again, with Angcllquc Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormcs Ltd. (77) FOR YOUR DECORATING needs, anything mats done with paint. I do it. Call Red 444 or Blue 378. (80) ARE YOU particular about purchasing fresh eggs? Call at Dc Jong's, corner 5th and Mc-Bride or phone 250 and ask for Leroy's eggs. Lcroy's Ranch, Kitwanga, B.C. (81) GIVEN AWAY by Kinsmen Club, In aid of Milk - For - Britain, year-round stucco home at Sylvan Lake, popular Alberta summer resort. Screened front and back verandas. Complete itimisnings include encstcr-field suite and electric washer. 1 block from lake front and business section. Tickets, 3 for dollar, or get 3 free for selling book. Draw July 25th. Write, Kinsmen Club, Box 53, Rocky Mountain Hous-e, Alta. Registered under War Charities Act. FOR KENT FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) WANTED WANTED Single girl desires bright furnished room. Apply Box 972 Dally News. (78) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Nobl-ston. WANTED . Furnished house keeping room or apartment, urgently wanted by naval officer and wife, no children. Reliable tenants. Local references. Box 974 Dally News. (81) WANTED TO RENT Small house or rooms or room, furnished or unfurnished, by nuict couple. Box 975 Dally News. (82) WANTED 4 or 5 roomed, ciusc in. Apply Box 970 Dally News. (CD WANTED Small boat, 15 or 10 feet, suitable for Inboard motor.. Phone Black 399 after 5. (77) MACHINERY FOR KENT FOR RENT Heavy equipment power snovei, ibuidozcr, com-prcsscr. Chuck Vlcrs, Atlas Boiler Works. (101) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Board- of School Trustees and marked "Tender for Roofing" will be received, up to noon of April 4, 1945, for the renewing of the roof of the Booth Memorial High School, replacing necessary wall flashings, waterproofing top of parapet walls and outside eves of parapet walls, and supplying and Installing caves-trough and necessary down-drains. Tenderers to submit manufacturer's specifications proposed to be used, and form of manfacturcr's bond or guarantee for the roof for a period of 15 years from dale or completion. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information apply to the Secretary, Board of School Trustees, city Hall. (78) SCHOOLS AND COIXE (JES BTENOS, TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government war work. You can train at home. Free-information, M.C.C. Civil Service Schools Ltd.. Wlnni. MONTREAL AND DETROIT WIN MONTREAL, March 31 fc Montreal Canadlens returned to the form that made them cham plons of the National Hockey League this winter to give the Toronto Maple Leafs a 10-3 beating in Montreal Thursday. Leafs still lead the eight-point series 6-4. Detroit Red Wings edged Boston Bruins 3-2 to take" the lead In the other Stanley Cup semi-final. Detroit now leads the 8-polnt series 6-4. Consult Jour family physician! or Health Department albout immunization . . help prevent com- ( municabi.! j USTIN6 YOuV fABRICS Hkj&l TAILOR FOR SALE FOR SALE Typewriter, Underwood No. 5, thoroughly overhauled. $75. Owner leaving. Apply Box 973 Daily News. (76) FOR SALEIJluc vclour chesterfield and chairs; bedroom suite; dinette. Used 4 months. 1437 Piggott Place. 179) FOR SALE 9-room house, partly furnished. Will be vacant before May I. Call and sec it at 709 8th Ave. West. Price $2,000, half cash. (78) FOR SALE Fishing boat, 'Wren', length 28 ft.; beam 9 ft. C ins.; depth 3 ft. 6 Ins.; 10 h.p. Frisco standard. Good condition. Sec Bill Mahony. boat 'Calestr, Fishermen's Floats. (77) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes at 10c and 15c. The Variety Store. (06) VOIX SALE 'Furnished seven-room house, on 8th Ave. West, Price $1,500. Apply City Rest T7nnm I 'HI FOR SALE 2 houses on one lot. Big house has 2 furnished apartments upstairs, 3 rooms each and bath; living quarters downstairs. Cottage In back. Extra lot for garden If wanted. Apply 616 6th Ave. West, or phone Green 698. (81) FOR SALE 9-tubc radio. 1910 8th Ave. East. Phone Black 495. (80) PORTABLE SAWMILL for sale 1937 2-ton rord truck; 1 team horses, 7 and 8 years old, 1400 lbs.; logging equipment, camp, timber rights etc. The outfit Is complete and is selling at a bargain price. John Carlson, Pcrow. B.C. (80) FARM FOR SALE 165 acres, a acres under cultivation, 10 acres cleared ready to break. Good slol, excellent water, pump and sewage installed, house, outbuildings. Close to highway. Selling at a bargain price. John Carlson, Pcrow, B.C. (80) FOR SALE-85 h.p. Bulck en gine witn cictachea 27-lnch pan. One gurdy. one steel reel for gurdy. Official administrator. (C3) MACHINERY TOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, DC. (tf)' INVENTIONS INVENTIONS Patented, un patented, needed by Industries. What have you? Write Invention Promotion Bureau, Cornwall, Ontario. HELP WANTED WANTED -Girl or woman, sol diers wife preferred, to care for two children, Room and board. Phone Blue 169. (80) LOST LOST Inside of a lady's Wcst- flcld wrlstwalcli, valued as a keepsake. Finder pieasc leave at Dally News. (77) LOST Man's brown billfold, Name Iilwood Marks. Finder please return same to Dally News office. Reward, $5.00. (70) LOST Between dock fire station and T95 barracks, 1st Ave., gold rim glasses in red or brown case with name James Shaen on cover. Finder please leave at Daily News, or phone 8. Wlshart, Amer. Signals 227. $2 reward. (77) LOST Rassla shopping bag, """tu tv. ncasc rnone 355. (76) Today Only: complete &. .. Spencer Trac, V "THIRTY SECONDS OVER Tnl, Tttlj Their glorious adventure flames behind the thrill ing news that FRANCE IS FREE e Meet .....leal". 1 111 1 t:Vfa IN I'UIH.IC EYES" SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Tom Conway 'The Falcon hi Hollywood" plus Preston Foster, Victor MrLagleit "Kogcr Touliy, -i Woller Slczak btiJ from the thrifty shoppers and co:ix 'it 'J Our store Is filled with cveryda.v need gcstlons with sparkling new Spn.-- to- A4" will please your budget Come In o;:d tae ' i 1:00 i:Ql 40. I ZJ 3 J4 i J.I SUTsDAY ; "30 Scrondi fal FREE SERV1 Co TAKE A IIP , 'Mi Liiiifl We now hH of I FIR, $ AND CES .1 Lumber o 11-3; HUT-"'!, .M l) CUB11 Phone 651' for P&W 4011 THE VARIETY STOI "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Do 1944 INCOME TAX Returns Forms now uvallable. R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Th.beot;M,.o76UA J ond o lovely French f'encK rA girl A , I furft hrhirwl I- . . RAY mill BARBARA BIT A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEW-