I THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREE UNENDING FIGHT AGAINST COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 4 ' . f-m wit w "I'm immunized!" r.!: agair.:it tuborculo- The new miniature X-ray has i :' r affair; it be- placed in mankind's hands a meth-p entire public," od by which whole populations can I C ::r be examined quickly and cheaply. I JmCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S D-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Dealers in Fish and Fishermen's Supplies Iky, Piincc Rupert Phone 761 Headquarters for . . . porting Goods and Supplies It PAYS to PLAY and HEALTH results AIFN HARDWARE J. H. MAIR Auctioneer and Appraiser 'n . . PHONE 3 & URRY A LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND USED FURNITUHE AND HOUSEHOLD MERCHANDISE OF ALL KINDS s'c us for jour Home Furnishings Avenue Phone DIuc G9 res Meat-in this one . . . -OO- GOOD HEALTH to you with Good Meat from -oo- ES FAMILY MEAT MARKET rd Avenue Phone, 057 Communicable Diseases Curbed by Immunization Elsewhere on this aj;e, is a list of the number of cases of communicable diseases reported in Prince Rupert during 1914. The figures make interesting reading. For example, they show that there were no cases of whooping cough during the year. And yet just two years ago, this city had 31 cases in the 12-month period. Wiped out? No, just controlled, and it can remain controlled so long as you and I do our part to become Informed on what whooping cough is and how to protect against it. It is the same story with diphtheria. There were 44 cases in 1K42, none in 1944. Again we controlled it. And when we say "We," that means You and I in co-operation with the local medical practitioners and the health department. Without your help and mine, the doctors could not have done it alone. These diseases could break out again if we do not remain alert against them. Here are some of the well-known and more common diseases and bow to protect your self and your family against them. Whooping Cough Of all communicable diseases, this one is most likely to affect the youngsters of the family, Many cases occur in infants of six months of age or less, while the largest proportion occurs be Jween the ages" of one and three years. In older children, while the disease may not be as severe, there is still the long drawn out convalescence, with its nights of coughing and wakefulness which are perhaps harder on the par ents than on the child! Prevention Most recently added to the list of preventive measures agairfst communicable disease is whooping cough vaccine. It provides immunization in over 80 per cent of the children and if the disease is contracted it is much milder. Whooping cough vaccine is under the skin like diphtheria toxoid. It should be given be twecn the ages of six months and one year. It is usually' iriven in three visits to the doctor, who gives two injections' at each visit. There is a preparation used in Prince Rupert which combines whooping cough vaccine and diphtheria toxoid. This is proving satisfactory and means that immunization against diphtheria and whooping cough can be carried on with the same injections which saves manytrips to the doctor or cHnic. Scarlet Fever And what about scarlet fever! It is a communicable disease, too. It can cause heart conditions or deafness or kidney disease. Many cases occur in Canada each year. And yet there is a substance which gives 80 per cent protection against this disease. It is known as scarlet fever toxin. Protection Scarlet fever toxin is given in five doses, a week apart, and many health officers .advocate a sixth dose to ensure protection. It is THOMPSON HARDWARE Company Paints and Household Hardware 3rd Ave. Phone 101 given under the skin just like diphtheria toxoid and causes very little pain or reaction afterwards. It should be given between the ages of one and two years. Scarlet fever toxin has not been perfected as has diphtheria tox oid and since so many doses are required, some health departments do not plan campaigns, but they give informatin in regard to scarlet fever toxin and distribute it to physicians who wish to immunize patients against this disease. Diphtheria Diphtheria, too, is a "germ'1 disease, which spreads very rapidly from one person to another, either by direct contact or by mean of "carriers" and infected Mothing, dishes, common drink- ing cups, etc. Poison from the germs spreads through the body. It is a killing disease, though, at times, it is deceitful by its very mildness. In the old days before the discovery of antitoxin and toxoid, it wiped out whole families and even communities because of its severity. It was dreaded al most as much' as smallpox. It attacks all ages, but is much more apt to attack young child ren, especially those from six months old up. It is also more se vere in these younger children and causes more deaths. Even when apparently mild, it leaves or may leave, serious heart and nerve complications. Treatment Antitoxin is of great value in treating diphtheria. If given early enough, and in large quantities, it will save life and help prevent complications. But there is the problem of finding the disease early and getting the antitoxin in time. Surely we do not want our children to be sick with the dis ease, let alone die of it! Protection And here TOXOID comes to the rescue. Toxoid will protect our children against taking the disease. It is usually given in three small doses under the skin. The doses are spaced about three weeks to a month apart. Each dose hurts only about as much as u mosquito bite. There is no "tick" reaction to it when given at un curly age. It is best given Irom six months to nine months of age. A fourth o r "rcinforcingw dose should be given when the child starts to school, or even earlier. There is a test known as the Schick tesft Which tells 4f the child has been protected against diphtheria and whether further injection are necessary. Toxoid, is NOT a treatment for Third Avenue at Seventh Street Phone 52 Chevrolet Service Goodyear Dealer GAS OIL REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES persons sick with diphtheria. It is a preventive against diphtheria. It acts by buliding up a person's resistance, to diphtheria germs and their poisons. Diphtheria can and has been wiped out. United effort has done this. Smallpox We all know what smallpox is, though many of us have never seen a case. Perhaps that is why we forget that smallpox is a killing disease. We forget how disfiguring it can be. We forget that it was once the most dreaded of all diseases, and that it wiped out a tenth of the population at a time. It used to be that lack of smallpox marks was used as a means of identification people wha were not pock marked were rare. Yet smallpox is still here, and there are cases recurring in Canada. Protection There is no natural immunity against smallpox. Anyone who 1942 Diptheria 44 mmmmmmm Whooping Cough 31 1943 Diptheria 7 Whooping Cough 25 1944 Diptheria 0 Whooping Cough C Diptheria and Whooping Cough are serious but preventable diseases. They can be controlled! The picture-graph above shows the number of cases in Prince Rupert in the past three years. has not been vaccinated may catch it. It attacks people of every age Vaccination is the only protection we have against it. Every child should be vaccinat ed before he is 12 months of age, Smallpox is caused by a "germ" so tiny that it cannot be seen by aa ordinary microscope. Smallpox vaccination protects against smallpox. Vaccination is usually done(on the outer part of the upper left arm. Modern meth ods leave only a small scar no longer' than the end of a lead pen cil, in young cnuuron mere is scarcely any "sick" reaction. A vaccination scar is the badge of immunity against smallpox. Vaccination should be repeated every seven years, or uunng an epidemic. ONTARIO PROVES (Continued from Page 2) cases of the above diseases orig inating through the use of milk. 18.82 rer cent of Prince Rupert's milk is pasteurized. Germs Carried by Raw Cow's Milk Careful experiments have con clusively proved that here is no raw milk free from germs, even when obtained under sterile con ditions. There are known to be bae tcria in milk when it leaves the udders of healthy cows. If milk is not kept very cold these bacteria first change its taste and color; then cause the milk to sour or curdle. This pro cess continues in the stomach, causing indigestion, in babies par ticularly. In addition to the organism in the milk of healthy cows which causes the fermentation and put refaction of the nutrients in milk many diseased cows carry germs in the milk which produce very Number of cases of Communicable Diseases reported ia Prince Kupcrt in 1911: . Meningitis...., . 3 - Chicken Pox 32 HBHH Diphtheria 0 Gonorrhea IliHHHiHMHi ' Measles . - 2 1 Mumps .. 2 Paratyphoid Fever 3 Rubella 74 a Scarlet Fever 17 syphilis.. 56 wmmmmmmmmt Tuberculosis 30 Typhoid Fever 1 l Whooping Cough 0 Diphtheria Wiped Out A marked decrease in the number of cases of diphtheria in the Prince Rupert area during the past two years has been one of. the most gratifying results of the program of the Prince Rupert Health Unit. The fact that there have been no cases of this malady in the past 17 months, is ample tribute to the success of the immunization program. In Prince Rupert no less than 77 per cent, and in Terrace, 8C pro cent of the elementary and high school children have been imimnv ized. Approximately 800 adults have been immunized, to say no thing of many children of pre school age at the clinics for pre school children. The diphtheria situation on the north coast of British Coilumbia in recent years, might be summar ized as follows: Diphtheria was unknown in the area in the years immediately pre' ceding the war. In 1942, a total of 47 cases or 73 per cent of the total reported provincial incidence occurred in this area. In 1943, 43 per cent of a total of 14 cases occurred in adults. No cases occurred in immunized individuals. ' Sulphathiazole powder 30 per cent in magnesium carbonate was effective in treating a virulent carrier state of probably one year's duration. There has been no diphtheria since 194X How docs the food you cat compare -with Canada's official food rules? lAre you getting sufficient of the protective foods ito supply the necessary minerals, vitamins and good quality protein?. dangerous diseases in people of all nces and ages. Disease - producing germs in milk have their origin in diseased ci.ws, milkers, milk handlers, car riers or people who have recover-. c'd from' infectious diseases, but still carry the germs in their bod ies., and at times from contaminated water used in the dairy for washing utensils. Milk--borne diseases arc bovine tuberculosis, undulant fever, diph theria, scarlet fever, septic sore throat, typhoid fever, paratyphoid and dyscn'try. There are also a number of food poisoners found in raw milk. Dr. J. R. Frascr, dean of the McGill University medical faculty, states that possibly infantile paralysis is a milk-borne dis-cr.se." The communicable diseases mentioned also may be conveyed in the various fresh-milk prducts such as cream, ice cream, cheese, butter, and buttermilk. Proper pasteurization of raw milk destroys disease germs. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LIMITED Coal Builders' Supplies Phones 116 117 Prince Rupert, B.C. ELDERLY MEN OF PRINCE RUPERT TO BE PROVIDED WITH FINE RESIDENCE In development of social welfare and health services in Prince Rupert the respected elderly men of the city have not ; been fonrotten. The city corporation is now calling for ten-; ders for a fine Pioneers' Home building in one of the best ; residential areas where these men will be able to spend their j declining years in the case and , comfort which is their due. A federal priority has been re ceived authorizing the city to build up to a value of .$18,000. Fi nancing has been achieved as a result of a public subscription campaign, in which the citizens amply demonstrated their sympathy with the project, augmented by a civic grant. The building site boasts one of the finest harbor views in Prince Rupert, being near the west end of the city, and just inside the entrance of the harbor. It overlooks the point where beautiful Metla-katla Passage runs off to the west through a myriad of islets. In the summer, it is one of those van-i (Continued on Page 5) FRED SCADDEN PAINTER and DECORATOR Phone Green 92 It's Smart to be Healthy . . j AND THE SMARTEST PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY WILL LOOK SMARTER WITH CLOTHES from . . LLIAM F. STONE THIRD AVENUE AT FIFTH STREET PHONE 23 Variety . . . is the Spice of Life Enjoy life to the full ... Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise and shop often ' at the VARIETY STORE Third Avenue You'll get it at FRASER AND PAYNE'S If you can get it anywhere 0 Men's and Women's Clothes vi Quality Drygoods 3rd Ave. at 6th St. Phone 376 v.. . If 1 at 1