fit- Us, 5 PAGE SIX TIIE DAILY NEWS Sanitation-A Major Public Health EARLY DISINFECTANT, CHLORINE, STILL USED AS STERILIZER OncbX. the earliest generally osrnl' llfchifcctanU was chlorine. Aboiit'thc jj-ear 1800, de Morvcau, in France, and Cruikshank in England, discovered its value. Since that time, chlorine in varjous forms, as gas, chloride of lime, or hypochlorite,, has figured very prominently as a disinfectant. The first practical use of a chlorine gas for the sterilization of drinking water, was made in 11)12 at Niagara Falls. Here it replaced chloride of lime used for chlorination of water from the f:iagarn liivcr. With the invention of the visible vacuum chlorinator, chlorin-aton practice has become perfected to a remarkable degree. Early chlorination equipment consisted of a piece of wood, a little glass (ubing, diaphranis and pressure guagc. lly comparison, today's highly-developed ciiuipnicnt seems quite complicated. ' Essentially, however, the underlying principal of the visible chlorinator is a simple one. It is to dis!Ivc chlorine gas in a min-ji flow of water and feed the resultant chlorine solution to the desired point of application. This riethod ensures complete absorption and rapid diffusion of chlorine when it is applied to the ma-, jor flow of water. Source of the chlorine gas is steel cylinders. As the gas is used, the pressure in the cylinder decreases, as well H3 the velocity of flow if no control is applied. The visible ' vacuum chlorinator makes it' possible to secure a uniform rate automatically under SCOTT'S MEAT MARKET Our Specialty Fresh Meat 511 Fulton Street PHONE II LACK 801 varying pressures, thus doing away with waste of over-chlorin-ation, and the public health hazard of under-chlorination. The present day dosage is usually less than one drop of chlorine to one million drops of water. In other words, enough water can be sterilized by adding the amount of chlorine contained in a single handful of salt to fill 350,-000 glasses of .water. This minute iiuantity of chlorine is sufficient tu kill harmful disease bacteria without any other effect on the water. Today, over 85 per cent of domestic drinking water supply of North America is chlorinated. As a result, the lt00 typhoid fever, death rate of 30 lives per 100,000 population, has steadily dropped until Unlay it has been reduced to l s anil two lives per 100,000. In a lawsuit which arose over the method of treatment, chlorination is immediately sustained in the courts :u a measure for safe' guarding public, health. After exhaustive expert testi-nony had been presented and examined, the court's decision was that it (chlorination) is an effective process which destroys in the water the pathogenic germs, so that the water after this treatment, attains a purity much beyond that attained in water supplies of other municipalities and that the process described leaves no deleterious substances in the water. Routine daily water samples of Prince Ilupert water were taken by the Health Unit between September 15 and October 8, 11)41. UiiCterial analysis of water samples showed 0(5 per cent positive for faecal bacteria, proving that pollution was a 'definite potential danger to the public health. Since chlorination of the city's VICTORY CAFE 3rd Avenue water supply, bacterial , analysis has been constantly negative. There is no lack of evidence that tl.c water should have been treated. The teaching and practice of I faith rules arc important. Phone 422 or 423 Class Al Health Certificate Our Food is Al too! COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF '-. Eat Fresh Fruit . . . Wholesale Fruit and Produce S. C. THOMSON & SON Warehouse, Frascr Street CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. "RUPERT BRAND" i Producers, Packers and Processors of Fish and Fish' Products 'Fresh, Frozen, Mildcurcd, Smoked and Filleted Fish FISH IS A HEALTHFUL FOOD A Sanitarian at Work THESE ARE THE HEALTH PROTECTIVE FOODS For Each Person Adults Vi pint. Children more than 1 pint and some cheese, as available. Two ssrvings daily of vegetables, preferably leafy green, or yellow and .frequently raw, in addition to potatoes of which you need one serving daily. One serving of tomatoes daily, or of a citrus fruit, or of tomato or citrus fruit juices, and one serving of other fruits, fresh, canned or dried. One serving a day of meat, fish, or meat substitutes. Liver, heart or kidney once; a week, and at least 3 or 4 eggs weekly. One serving of a whole-grain cereal and 4 to C slices of Canada Approved ltread, brown or white. STUDENTS GET BENEFIT OF HEALTH UNIT i Entrance classes and those pu-! pils not previously examined with I in a period of two years are given a cursory examination by the Director. All pupils arc regularly inspected by the public health nursing staff for evidence of communicable disease, head lice, skin disorders, tonsil and dental defects, etc. Having been thu3 "screened," cases arc then referred to the Director wljo makes a more complete examination. A note is then sent home to the parent drawing attention to the defect noted. Due to the apparently very high incidence of dental caries in children of school age, establishment of a preventive den-tal service is being borne in mind for the near future. In addition to inspection and examination of pupils, the Health Unit staff acts in an advisory ca Principal Aids lo Health The only dependable source of cfilcium needed to protect bones arid teeth, the health of the nerves, and the action of muscles. Vitamin A, which protects the eyes and guards against infection. Iron for blood. Roughage for good elimination. Vitamin C, for strong blood vessels and sound gums and teeth. Roughage for good elimination. Protein, for building and repair of body tissue. Iron. Thiamin (Vitamin 111), and riboflavin (Vitamin (1), for good digestion and protection of the nerves. Calorics for energy. Thiamin and iron from whole-grain or enriched products. pacity to teachers on health luat-ters. A number of interviews nd discussions have been held with the teaching taff on numerous occasions by the director and the nurses. In February, a tuU-rculosis "patch test" survey of the high cchool was made. A total of 380 school children were tested and of thcic, 43 showed positive re-actions indicative, of exposure to tuberculosis ,Of this number, 10 showed evidence of either apparently arrested or of active dis ease. Immunization in school children jigainst diphtheria, smallpox, and Fcarlct fever waa continued during the year. Sanitation in and around school buildings received the superviol of the sanitary inspector. "FOR YOUR INFORMATION" The Health Unit has an extensive library of books, posters and pamphlets on the various com municable diseases, their prevention and treatment. These arc free for the asking. Phone 18 or 19 YOUR HEALTH DEPENDS UPON GOOD FOOD Depend upon us to supply it. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 3rd Avenue MEN'S DRESS - WORK CLOTHES At Real Prices! MEN'S DRESS PANTS All sizes, good assortment good flt- pricc $3.50 to $7.00 MEN'S WORK PANTS All sizes, good selection and good fit. Price $3.00 to $3.00 WORK GLOVES All-leather, good fit. All sizes. Prlce ,. 55c to $2.00 WORK SHIRTS Large assortment, all sizes. Cotton and wool ....: $1.25 to $3.00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUTTS-New shades and best fit. Sizes 30 to 44. A Real Bargain Now $30.00 MEN'S RAINCOATS Fawn and blue, all sizes. Price now, from , $0.93 FOR TIIE ROYS GOOD SCHOOL PANTS . AND SHOES AT SAVING PRICES BOYS' SCHOOL PANTS-Assorted shades, good make. l ; $1.50 to $2.50 BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS All-leather, sizes 11 to 5 V, Pr,ce $3.50 to $1.25 B.C. CLOTHIERS LIMITED THIRD AVENUE PHONE BLACK 321 CONTROLLING Some Points in Dealing with l'rts Insect or pest control is a problem that confronts the management of all hospitals and institutions. It is true that "control" is. about all we can expect because even though wc were able to kill all insects in the buildings today, tcniorrow would bring further in- testations as roaches come in with foodstuffs and stores; bedbugs are usually personally imported; flies get through open doors and unscreened windows; and moths just seem to recur. And so it goes' Oil. Insects are indeed the major problem for hospitals and institutions. They damage stores, foods and materials to the value of many millions of dollars each year. Of the many insects .with "which wc have to contend, the following two arc perhaps the most bothersome roaches and ledbugs, ItoarhcN The roach is one of the most objectionable of all insects, and can be accurately described as a f.cavenger, spoiler of food, and a likely carrier of pathogenic bacteria. Roaches destroy more food by contamination than by actual consumption, as they give off an offensive liquid, from their bodies which ,on contact with food, makes it unfit for use. lioaches arc found wherever there is food and warmih. They spend the daylight hours In' secluded or darkened places such as cracks, crevices, and behind water pipes, coming out after dark to feed. The roach is credited with hav ing an exceptionally keen sense of smell and, we arc told, can even smell a cream pic a hundred yards away .So you will see that your foodstuffs and stores arc never sr.fc if roaches arc in the neighborhood. lioach control is all too often a l;ngering process ,not on account of the inefficiency of the inscctl-tidc, lhat is used ,but invariably Lecause of incorrect application. Liquid insecticides are perhaps the most suitable and popular means of roach control, as most of them arc non-poisonous and invariably give spectacular results. However, it is necessary that the application be made properly. The best medium, is, of course, an electric sprayer. This allows the insecticides to be forcibly driven in various degress of atomization into the known or suspected hideouts. However, good hand-sprayers will also provide satisfactory usults. Hut remember that the premises to be sprayed should first cf all be surveyed in order to plan the most efficient method of at-tcck. Most insecticide sprays contain ir.gredients which activate the roaches and drive them out of their hiding' places so make sure that the sprayer is full before each room is sprayed. Most insecticide powders contain sodium fluoride, which, ax you know, is deadly poisonous. No doubt you have heard of the many deaths that have been caused accidentally through the incorrect use of sodium fluoride roach .pow QUALITY FOOD STORE. 511 Fulton St. Insist on Quality . . . It is our watchword . . . and should be yours! Your goods arc Safe with Lindsay . . . Lindsay Cartage & Storage Co. and Lindsay Transfer Co. Storage space available for large or small requirements. Rates reasonable OF INSECTS ders. In one case, the sodium fluoride was mixed by mistake with a pancake flour and' many deaths resulted. As u precaution, the Government authorities insist that this type of powder be colored blue for identification and labelled "poison." Ueforc the war pyrethrum pow-icrs always held a high place in loach control, as they were non-poisonous' and very effective. How-1 ever ...all pyrethrum stocks have Lecn taken over by the government for specified purposes and arc ifot currently available for industrial or Institutional purposes. Fumigation is an effective lit wiry hazardous way to control insects, and should only be administered by a licensed fumigator. All premises would have to be vacated for a definite period (usually IS hours). In these days this would I difficult,, However, fumigation definitely has its proper place in insect control.. Itcdhuirs Hcdbtigs require different treatment and again it is recommended that a liquid spray 1 used con taining 'one of the thiocynates, with a suitable deodorizzing agent, because good bedbug sprays should not only kill the bedbugs but also ithould neutralize and cover the very distinct and disagieeablc od or which is characteristic of bed bugs. Treatment of a b'c d or single bedroom will seldom give nutufac lory results, unless all. the surrounding rooms are likewise treated .This application must be thorough lo the point of kpraying all cracks and crevices in the walU, floors and ceilings, including all furnishing. Mattresses and blan kets should of course lc removed and thoroughly fumigated, but if this, is impossible, then wc would recommend that they be thoroughly sprayed, or in the wintertime, loft exposed to sub-zero temperatures wlpch will, of course, kill 'the bugs and the egg. The following is stressed: 1. lluy 11 good insecticide .from 3 reputable company, making sure that it is registered under the P.C.P. Act. 2. He sure that the application in each case is thorough, complete and repeated frequently. 3. If possible, have the rooms healed to 80 F. This will give faster anil better results. I. Always have a supply fin-secticide on hand. Today your good health is lioth h personal and a national awct. Help protect it "by eating the right k',r.d of food- Commodore Cafe is a good place to cat. TIIIKD AVKNUK Phone 170 Phone 60 or 68 Problei SOME FACTS ENCOURAGING Owing to the wide application of the results of scientific research: 1. The following disease bavo been, or may be, practically elini inated by scientific trcatmentt Small pox Typhoid fever, . , Diphtheria Milk-borne diseases, from raw milk Syphillis and gonorrhea 2. Since lK.r)0 the Average dui-alioti of life in Ontario'h u a increased from 10 years to over GO years .In New Zealand U IS over 70 years. . ' 3. Note this startling fact, the WHOLESOME FOODSTUFFS ami a Halatucd Diet Assure a Healthy .Mind and Hotly OVERWAITEA LTD. PuixTl's Lowest-Priced Orucctna . 3rd Ave. . Pl.:;:is 843 with Milk everyday . . . To bring up a happy, healthy child is the hope of e v cry mother. And one of the finest requisites lor Health a n d h a p p i n e s s f 4 : mi. r ... t ' a is iniiK. uur ncn, creamy milk contains I all the bodybuilding , materials your child needs to keep him on the road to a w h o 1 c s o m c, happy life. Al C LI T I II V M L L M I I M DAIRY Prince Rupert Phone 657 READ BOOK .. Recreation is essential to Health . . . McRAE BROS. LTD. Books Stationery Victor M Clothes Make the I IF the. man knows where to W ; CuUivate good liahils and be Well Dressed! STYLE ... at the Y,)lu 'USqJ l w It! It toft 1r.cre.1-Canail.i f..n. ' uiiow ir I l!'21 l!;;i 1 1 ; 7X01 i(J ft'. Mil 1 'Mnrl u P 5i 1 Tiu morlal : . si a J lurth iv, t A Hear Great Music -00 -oo- SERVICE RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' Sixth Street