PAGE FOUR X . ating T.B. LUNGS, BONES ARE LAIRS OF THREADLIKE 7. S. MICROBES Tuberculosis is not inherited. A certain kind of germ causes tu-lierculosis. Like all germs, these are living things, tiny plants, that pre related to the family of plants rnd molds. Because they "make people sick, they are called pathogenic; because of their shape, they are called bacilli. The scientific name ,in case you're interested, is mycobacterium hsis, the . thread-shaped plant which causes the disease tuliercu-losis. When the little mold-like plants we call tuberculosis germs make n home in a human body, they usually set up housekeeping in the liings. One of three things can happen: 1. A healthy body will kill all germs, especially if their number is small. A force we call body resistance is on the job at all times Retting rid of dangeruos germs. Many people are not aware that they, have fought a round with tu-lcrculosis germs and have come out the winner. The X-ray picture shows the old scars of this battle. 2. The body is not always able to kill all the tuberculosis germs. Millions of grown-up people have colonies of living tuberculosis germs in their bodies. The body and the germs have signed an armistice. The) Iiody awaits the chance to kill the germs and the germs wait for a chance to overcome the resistance of the body. There is no way of finding out whether all the germs have been killed, go it is a good idea to talk things over with your family physician. A modern doctor will have you X-rayed. If there are spots which show old healed tuberculosis he will neither make light" of the X-ray findings nor will he unduly alarm you. You may live to a ripe old age without ever having, to fight tuberculosis again. A complete physical examination each year by your family doctor, who will advise you when to be X-rayed again is your best protec tion. How often X-rays should be taken- is a matter to be decided by your physician. 3. Real trouble begins when either body resistance breaks down or when the germs get rein forcement from the outside. Then the germs begin to multiply in number. They feed on the substance of the body and thow off poisons which make the body feel sick. After a while, the person logins to cough, lose weight, may .spit up blood and show signs of tuberculosis. But long liefore a man or woman knows that the germs are doing their work, the X-ray can show trouble in the lung. Chest X-rays are the best way of finding tulierculosis in the early stages. Under the direction of the Provincial Board of Health, Division of Tuberculosis Control, a branch tuberculosis clinic is- maintained -t the Health Unit. Cases-referred by priviate practitioners are examined and contacts investigated. The Tu!ercuIosis Travelling Clinic, under the direction of Dr. A. 'llakstian of Vancouver, visited l'rince Rupert in February and ngain in August, at which times some 500 persons were examined in 1944, at public expense. Between visits of the Travelling Clinic, an arrangement with the Prince Rupert General Hospital has been made whereby persons are examined. In 1944( 444 persons were X-rayed at the hospital as a cost of $2 each to the Division of T.B. Control. This year Prince Rupert will bt fortunate in having the visit of a, mobile Tuberculosis clinic, which will spend two months in the area between Prince Rupert and Burns Iake, making a mass survey. The mobile unit is a truck w ith modern trailer and is equipped to take and develop the new miniature films. It is hoped that as many people as possible will avail, themselves of the opportunity for a free chest X-ray. TRAGEDY .HAS STRUCK IN THIS FAMILY I need not touch yours. The De partment of Public Health, throuch their local organizer, has performed magnificent work In the prevention of tuberculosis ,and in control of epidemics. Your support in their behalf is solicited by CUT RATE SHOE STORE HAPPY FEET arc necessary for HEALTH! -oo- FOR WOMEN'S FOOTWEAIJ THAT IS TRIM AS WELL AS SERVICEABLE J- no to FASHION FOOTWEAR THIRD AVENUE REGULATIONS FOR ISOLATION AND QUARANTINE Rubella (German Measles) Feriod of communieability from onset of early symptoms before appearance of typical rash, for at least four days, but not more than seven days. Incubation period from 12 to 21 days. Isolation of patient seven days from onset of symptoms. Quarantine of Contacts none. Chicken Pox Period of Communieability from G to 10 days after appearance of first crop of vesicles. Especially communicable in early stages of the erruption. Incubation period from 14 to 21 days. Isolation of patient for ten days. Quarantine of Contacts none. Mumps Period of Communieability beginning at least one or two days before development of distinctive symptoms . and persisting no longer than the swelling of a salivary gland. Incubation period from 12 to 2H days 18 to 21 days more commonly. Isolation of patient until the swelling is gone. Quarantine of Contacts none, if inspected daily by an authorized person. Measles Teriod of Communieability from four days ltefore to five days after appearance of typical rash. Incubation period two weeks. Isolation of patient seven days end until discharges cease. Quarantine of Contacts when disease prevalent; .none. Sporatic cases: strict quarantine of immediate contacts. Scarlet Fever Period of Communieability a minimum of 3 weeks from the onset of the disease, and until all abnormal discharges have ceased. Incubation Periods 2 to 7 days. Isolation of Patient a minimum of 3 weeks, and until discharges cease. Quarantine of Contacts children: ,7 days. Whooping Cough Period of Communieability particularly communicable in the early stage before clinical diagnosis possible to 3 weeks after onset of typical cough. Incubation Period 7 to 10 days. Isolation of Patient for 3 weeks after appearance of typical symptoms. Quarantine of Contacts infants and preschool children: 2 weeks. Others: none, if inspected regularly by an authorized person. Diphtheria Period of Communieability variable until organisms have disappeared from the secretions. Usually two weeks. Incubation Period usually 2 to C days. Isolation of Patient 2 weeks; and until two nose and throat cultures negative, 24 hours apart. Real Estate Houses - Insurance See H. G. Helgerson Limited 21G Gth St. Phone 00 JONES NEWSTAND Magazines Stationery Novelties Oet your home-town paper here. Phone Red 808 210 Sixth Street R. E. MORTIMER Representative MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA 324 2nd Ave, Prince Rupert TIIE DAILY NEWS A Deadly Public Enei Three Functions of Provincial Board of Health Are Outlined (By DR. G. F. AMYOT, Provincial Health Officer) The functions of a Provincial Department of Health flow along three main channels, namely, (1), the provision of specialized, and consultive services which cannot bi developed economically on a local basis; (2), the stimulation of the development, maintenance and expansion of adequate local health services, nnd (3), the provision of sound advice and co-ordination in all matters related to the public health. In regard to the first of these functions, the Provincial Board of Health in British Columbia has already provided for the people of tho Province a broad and well developed series of technical and consultive 'service. These are provided through Its Divisions of Tu-vereulosis Control, Venereal Disease Control, laboratories, Vital Statistics and Environmental San PROBABLY... NO .ONE ELSE WILL THINK OF IT So We'll Suggest'It . . itation. However, because these FCivices are organized on a Provincial basis, it is necessary to have some outlet in the local communities of the Province to bring these specialized services' to the people and also to tap the services It; the most effective manner. The local outlets are best provided through the medium of a Health Unit. This is the second function of the Provincial Board of HealtW nnd has been an expanding one in British Columbia until today there are six full-time local Health Unit;, in the Province outside of the Greater Vancouver Metropolitan Health area. A Health Unit is a modern, full Jme local health department, staffed by full-time trained public health personnel, and is accepted by public health authorities as the most effective answer to the problem of providing adequate lo- FINE HOSPITAL BEING PROVIDED .FOR TREATMENTS TUBERCULAR NATIVES A fine 150-bed hospital for the treatment of tuberculosis among Indians of northern and central Uritish Columbia will shortly be in operation ner l'rince Hupert. Thereby the already hard-pressed general hospitals of the area will be relieved of a considerable number of cases, and .there will be a more co-ordinated and specialized type of treatment accorded for the ben efit of the sufferers from this particular malady. The Department of Indian Affairs has acquired a hospital which was built at Miller Hay, near Galloway Kapids, a few-miles out of Prince Rupert, on the Skeena River Highway, by the Department of National Defense, during the Pacific war emergency of 1912, and for which it 1A now felt there will be no need from a defense standpoint. The hospital will le used primarily as atsanitorium for the treatment of tuberculosa among the natives, and will serve the northern portion of Britih Columbia. One wing, howeu-r, Ik being renerved for the treatment of general medical and surgical rases from Prince Kupert and district. Quarantine of Contacts 5 days find until nose and throat cultures negative. Placards are posted for Scarlet Fever and Diphtheria, not for German Measles, Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox or Whooping Cough, except under special FKWKR DEATHS FROM T.B. Since J901, there has been a steady decrease of all deaths (per population) in Canada. Tuberculosis deaths have decreased even more rapidly. In 1901, every 8th death was due to tuberculosis. In 1!)21, every 11th; in 1931, every 13th, and in l'37, every 17th. You can fool yourseit about TB ty making believe that all is well You can fool your doctor by with holding information. But, you can not fool with TB. You have choice. .Either you learn by costly experience or you learn by good advice. It is up to you. TB may strike at any age. Oet your ches X-ray now. Besner Block, 3rd St. TRY GOING TO CHURCH SUNDAY As a Rule for Better Living. THE EVENING EMPIRE "Prince Rupert's Oldest Newspaper" G. H. WOOD & COMPANY LTD. co-operates with the Health Department Largest Manufacturers In Canada of SANITARY PRODUCTS used by leading hotels, restaurants, hospitals and modern business houses. PAPER TOWELS, CUPS, TRAY COVERS, LIQUID SOAPS, DISINFECTANTS, FLOOR WAXES AND FINISHES, INSECTICIDES, DEODORANTS, STERILIZERS. Complete Stock Carried at PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE C. G. Ham, Manager Phone G32 cal health service within the means of the local taxpayer. It hould be pointed out that a health unit is not a branch of the Pivjncial Health Department, and is, as has been mentioned above, a local health department supported by the taxpayers in the area which it serves. Toward the cost of the Health Unit, substantial grants-in-aid are provided by the Provincial Board of Health. The monetary contributions required frcm the local communities to provide the full-time Health Units an in most instances very little more than that previously spent to provide inadequate and antiquated part-time health services with which these communities had been served in the past. The health program available under the Health Unit is so far in excess of that provided by the former type of service that many times the value is received for the money spent. Because a Health Unit is a local department, it is obvious that the effectiveness of the health program carried on by the public health personnel depends in the final analysis on the support and the co-operation given by the peo ple of the community served. This i requires and demands an appreci ation and understanding on lie- half of the people of the health problem in their area as determined and presented by the Health Unit Staff, followed by a desire and willingness of the people to work together toward the solution of these problems for both the direct and indirect population and rect and indirect protection and improvement of the health of their community and its various components. This requires an enlightened public pinion, and for this reason one of the chief activities of the Health Unit staff is public health education in order to acquaint the people with 'their community's health problems and the simplest and most practical method for their solution. TB can attack anyone it NEED i.ot be you. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Business and Social Stationers , Phone 234 BICYCLE HIRE REPAIR Gunn's Bike Shop Sixth Street HEALTHY REST stop at the Commercial. COMMERCIAL HOTEL 1st Ave. at 8th SL CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O. HAVEKOY Local Representative Phone 741 PRINCE RUPERT IS BAIIlwr, SABOTEUR OF NATIONAL 1 What is it? -Who has it? What 1 What is it to, me? Tuberculosis is a deadly public enemy n out. tin onlint nil f in Vv-jt U . l. . J' it ouuwi. ouMuvut iii wunts against n ilk audi, rmimuucKniuii, .mm men more pnmoa lioller. i You do not notice it at first. Then you start to feel tired .all the time without any particular reason. Colds are caught easily. That cough hangs on. You see a doctor, perhaps, and then, withhold some information .from him. He gives you a tonic for a .rundown condition. The mental suggestion may temporarily improve the situation. You feel better for a while. Then one Cay yoirre sick, and you know it. The doctor orders a tuberculin test or an X-ray, and you are told you have tuberculosis, in an advanced stage. "ere in Prince Bu vi we Digged j casef and moruiit, Province, for Whites. The Indian J my raw, , lpf, times greater tki, , You may have it The way to fmd Mtj complete ttamimtict i wnerc, is clearly t;her column. , What are the I the early and tt. , ; the answer is XOXE; advanced sup; ally a feeling of fcttfc I lievcd by reit. i xou are mrougn wonting, jou pf j tmlt, , , loses pep. feels tired all the time, j,aDgs on, are through enjoying life as a ting of blood ind '. healthy man or woman should, j These iigm hutou You are another caiualtjr in the due to TB. A con? long list of. tuberculosis. will always invert It may be years before you are What's it to jk t lack on your feet. You can do fjrst place, have TtK little to help yourself. Little , for ; rayed? Youurw other, it, But do yon REAU: That s tuberculosis and the result. Who has TB? Frankly, the health authorities don't .know. That is ,not until they examine you. lcturw and up-3-i. p:ture propisu i-arty organ': tio: tc 1 fk health. Your Druggist . . . Guardian of Community Healtl Through the years 0RMES . -Limited has fulfilled this .function efficiently and faithfully. 0RMES LIMITED TM E PIONEER DRUGGISTS Thone 81 .82 PnnH OURWISH FOR That Good Health Remain With Y Throughout the Coming years . . . And you will SOON enjoy the pleasure of drivWJ Ford. .Mercury or Lincoln car . and jet tt service at your -"110016 of .Friendly Service. S. E. Parker Limited Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors - Firts Ford Parts and Accessories Kaybcstos B"" 170-E. 3rd Ave. The BELMONT invites you "A Home Away from Home" QUIET COMFORTABLE COSY BELMONT HOTEL LTD, 725 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. For Your . . . Prince Rupert, B.C. V LING THE Ii BighCW Men's and I jailorty Boots and & sold and re 220 Sixth St, Ff phone it Favorite Fash'd ALWAYS SMART AND STYUSH You'll "find it Pleasant and Pr to shop here 0 JtUPIRJ PEOPLES W ... .. of course1. PH0SJ 1 X III I V4 AVbHUU