WM vSllr sEcnc t THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE hilis and Gonorrhea Next Great Plagues to Go! t ! l (' :: HIS, GONORRHEA STALK onrir MATIAU AT- uAn UUnUUI MMIIUI1 Ml WAK in. Pr, I). M. Williams, . ,i nil. ' Department of .,. :r anil National Health . .,..., n mldi-pas to the II : .h Conference held ', 25, l'.U.V under .he Health League I" -i ot venereal ilis-J ir Canadian nation- ileni From Atlantic tl-.a dank mesh of syph- Mv i. anrpiMf nil Tuii.it -i'"1 a 1 "i" xmnmiinities. We Tae nal ure of vencr- ... it.... I .1,. t it Hut we want .to . : ,i ,i . frront itonl nf it. tha i ilence of venereal i t..: ula toilay in such fi .. of uh lo not rub vcr dr .ely with this I v. h the people who (um venereal (lis- i . i:;o. far as Ca-v.:t ninl, consists of two and gonorr ;a exceedingly coni- rvjt.ivcly, we have ; icrj ure today, at (10,000 people, at j. with syphilis. am! feel well, but and they don't i' . ivi I. h "0O.OO0 people that P -hi- moment in i ! " i.now it, 30,000 r? to die of syphi- :- . and of syphilis i: T will be sudden-: :c:r homes in mid-of whom will lie In. ai:e most of 1 won, and the (ov- u ra; the widows al-i i.;oU after their ' ; very erious na- i ... :x MDplc tell if they one way thor-examinution ami Mood tests. "Gonorrhea is an entirely different disease. It U like a fire. It hums uji brightly, acutely. The individual who has it knows he has it. lie has discomfort. Id the flumes of the inflammation are destroyed delicate tissues that have to do with procreation and many young men and young women are roblied of the ability of ever having children liecause of gonorrhea infection. ' Gonorrhea, the great sterilizer of our coun-try. "Can syphilis and gonorrhea be cured? "Absolutely, If we find it early, if we treat it regularly. Delay in finding the infection, irregular treatment, robs many of the chances of living long happy lives. "The great tragedy of this problem is that venereul disease is almost completely preventable. We just have to look at the Scandinavian countries to sec how they reduced syphilis to a disease of raie status. "Kvery doctor everywhere In 1 Canada has a duty to report In factions in strictest confidence to the health departments, in order that, first, the magnitude of the problem may be determined and i the trend. And most important, information should be sent concerning those who have lieen ex-posel to the infection, who should he extmined in case they are neglecting the required medical rare. "If indications In the United States give any glimpse of what we may anticipate in industry in Canada, the trend of the last five years is exceedingly significant. Five years ago in the Unitedl Stales only 17 per cent of State Health Departments were interested in Industrial Hygiene, tast year, 75 per ,cent had Departments of Industrial Hygiene. There has never gone forward recently any industrial hygiene program that hasn't featured venereal disease." ri v w w w r-, w nw & it' Ul II 'I. J I I.' L B . w I 1 B. Provisions Poultry Feed, Hay and Fertilizer SIINRKF MMPANY LIMITED vwb m m mm w w t - - For Service and Better Values PHONE 26 or 27 ''uii uiii i it i v mil. w . . . - - - - l'rincc Itupcrl, H.C. EAT HERE TO BE HEALTHY The Oyster Bar First Class Certificate IMIONK DUG ' Third Avenue West l'rincc Rupert, H C rnvt and Careful Attention Given STEAMSHIPS, CANNERIES AND RESTAURANTS RUPERT BAKERY LTD. "READ AND PASTRY MAKERS OF HIGHEST QUALITY Uox 521 1(1 Avenue Phone 643 Prince Rupert, B.C. PEOPLE MUST ASSIST IN V. D. CONTROL TORONTO, March 31 Empha sizing that venereal disease is not merely a local problem, but a national one. the Health League of Canada has distributed widely, throughout Canada a pamphlet entitled The Social Hygiene Voice" a call to citizens to' play their part in the control of vfcn- ereal disease. The "Voice" says that V.D., iit fact, is an international problem. "Your home, your community, may be free of syphilu; yet a 'carrier' may bring it from .afar into your town, to your very doorstep," thp pamphlet declares. This serves to emphasize the general contention of the Health league that health is not. a parochial problem on!y,"but that national thinking is needed where 'I t-ease is concerned. The pamphlet is designed to draw attention of all Canadians war epidemic of these diseases, j others do theirs, to control and, eupccially, prevent the contracting and spreading of V.D. Noting- that prevention is always lietter than the cure, the "Voice" states that nowhere elsu does thu dictum apply more than After describing numerous ways in which individual citizens and various organizations can help to publicize the factj concerning ven ereal diseases, the leaflet appeals to all to support the official "Four Sector Front Against V. I)." Health, Welfare, Legal, and Moral. These are the salient features of the six-point plan of strategy that the Health Department has adopted: 1. Wholesome, dignified health education concerning syphilis and gonorrhea. i. Adeo,unte diagnostic, and treatment facilities for all persons buffering from venereal disense. . The mippressioii of quackery and charalatanry in the treatment i) venereal disease. 4. Karfy adequate prenatal care including blood tests for expectant mothers to prevent the tragic infection of babies, including blood louts for syphilis. 6. (Jcnernl health examination, including blood tests for syphilUl before marriage.', C. l.ffoctiv'e measures to deal with persons and community con ditions associated with the deliberate spreading of venereal The basis of the six-point strat egy of the health department rests upon the axioms that syphilis and gonorrhea, in common with other communicable diseases, arc vul- EAT WELL and Keep Well with Healthful Foods FAIR WAY FOOD MARKET 3rd Ave. Phone 434 U:i n,sti VM A r-saMuffii H ROk Wfi r ii- 'flHtti ill VVV"M,iV..BlWr.- Is ' to the fact that despite all the nerable to the weapons of public , "Front Against V.D. iff oris put into nationwide anti- health and thereby may be cured V.D. campaigns during the past and prevented. Canada has reduc- tif! rn V 'flr, venereal diseases are as ferious a problem today as ever. And, this situation is aggravated by the added threat of a post ed smallpox typhoitl fever ami diphtheria to the status of rare diseases. Tuberculosis is licing overcome. Venereal disease is the next great plague to go! The back "ne 01 lne ncan Pgram u. The pamphlet calls on all citi- sent to do their part and to help I l lnal syPnl"s anu E"" are curable and preventable fact that cannot be ignored. These Are Iteing Stressed 1. The nature of the venereal disease, how they are acquired, how they are spread through the community, and how they may be in the case of venereal diseases-! Pevenie.i i.y avoi.nng exposu.e. ! The Practice of high standard of i.ml advises "don't allow yourself to become exposed to it." moral conduct 2. According to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics it is estimated that at least 40,000 new cases of venereal infection will lie reported in Canada in 1945. 3. Of all new cases of venereal infection, 75 per cent will -occur between the nges of 15 ahd 30 years. 4. According to. the Vital Statistic Report for 1941 (published !944(, syphilis caused 913 deaths in Canada for that year. Of these, 117 were babies under one year (think of these 117 tragedies) anil .".(15 were men lietween 50 and 70 years of age, and 79 were women of the same age. Man's inhumanity to woman cost a heavy price. 5. Taking nine hundred deaths r.s an average death toll, syphilis would cause between 13,000 anil 14,000 deaths in the next 15 years, a population equivalent in Canada to that of a small Canadian city. Can we afford to wipe out a small Canadian city every 15 years by this foul disease? And this, in the' opinion of competent authorities, is very much underestimating the case. ti. ' "Syphilis the most formidable enemy of the race an enemy entrenched behind the strongest of human passions and the deep est of social prejudices." Poverty, poor housing, crowding, careless living, are excellent breeding spots for tuberculosis. The disease spreads easily from person to person, where there is crowding and poor sanitation. Hunger, worry, overwork, make it easier for the disease to develop once it has nttacked. Prince Rupert and area has the- largest TB rate and mortality nite for tuberculosis in the prov- I ince. This is believed to be attrib-I uied in large measure to the open infectious cases not under super-' vision. The DAILY NEWS Northern anil Centrhl British Columbia's Newspaper Has been glad to assist the enterprising Junior Chamber of Commerce and Public Health Unit In this ambitious effort to promote Better Health. DISCOVERY, TREATMENT ' IMPORTANT A point in the health sector of the "Front against Venereal Disease" involves effective measures directed toward seeking out and treating those persons who are wittingly or unwittingly spreading infection, and closely related there to and equally important measures to deal with the facilitators directly and indirectly associated with unsavory community conditions which make it easy for highly diseased persons to spread their infection. Reference is made particularly to houses of prostitution itnd other less obvious places of fucilitatioh. This problem is best .outlined in the words of Dr. W. Clarke, executive director of the .American Social .Hygiene. sAsocia- tion, in urging that people be edu-ci-.ted to the problems created by prostitution: "They must feel sure that prostitution cannot be made safe and sanitary; that it spreads disease; that it corrupts the morals of young people; breaks up families; demoralizes public officios; provides a haven for petty criminals; and is constantly associated with inebrity and drug addiction. In short, if citizens are sure that 'there is nothing good about prostitution and that it is entirely undesirable, they will favor its suppression, both during and after the war." ELDERLY MEN'S HOME (Continued from Page 3) tag 'points where the gjorious Irince Rupert sunsets may lie witnessed in all their colorful splendor .Ii short, no happier selection of site could have been Made. The Home, 'measuring 87 by 40 feet, and of a storey-and-a-half size, will have comfortable accom modation for 16 persons, in three dormitories one with capacity for six, and two holding four, in addition to a two - bed sick bay. There will also lie dining room and kitchen, as well as living ! quarters for the attendant and storage space. lUtts for the Home are returnable April 20. Townley and Matheson of Vancouver are the architects. V.D. NEED NOT EXIST IN CANADA Can venereal disease be more than controlled? Can it be wiped out? Yes, other countries have done it by taking strong measures and by proper, dignified adult and youth education. Sweden has brought syphilis and gonorrhea almost to the vanishing point within her borders. Russia has wiped it out almost jcorapletely. Yes, Canada can wipe it out. But it needs the help of you and your family. A branch venereal disease clinic of the Provincial Board of Health, Division of Venereal Dis ease Control is maintained at the Prince Rupert Health Unit. A total of 194 persons were admitted to the clinic for observation. 72 were discharged non-venereal; 3'i were admitted to the syphilis clinic and fid were admitted to the gonorrhea clinic. A total of 1,071 yphilis and 117 gonorrhea treatments were given. Tulierculosis what to do about it. Stay away from known spread ere of TB germs. This is the best wiiv to avoid infection. Beware of people wh6 cough and spit, Live a well regulated life. Eat properly,- get enough? rest, avoid excesses. This helps to build and n.aintain resistance. , Only a physician is qualif'ed to I'iagnose or treat' a venereal infection. The "'Quack" who tries to (i'tgnose, treat or cure syphilis or gonorrhoea does so illegally and with complete disregard for the welfare of his "patient". Aidj to health adequate sleep anl rest, outdoor ex?rcise each day, mental relaxation-, regular elimiitiV'on, and periodic -che-ck-ups by your physic'an and Prescription Druggist ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND SCIENTIFICALLY FILLED NYAL Health Products We carry a full line of Drugs and Sundries McCUTCHEON'S DRUG STORE Mall orders promptly attended to Third Avenue at Sixth St. Phone 79 BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS Limited Canned, Fresh and Frozen Fish A' Fish 0il$ Meal UNABATED BATTLE WAGED AGAINST V.D. BY SERIES OF CAMPAIGNS-.. The battle against thfe spiead of venereal disease goes on unabated by those who know its dread results. Campaign after campaign is launched to attack the disease. Public1 assistance has been sought. But it is an uphill fight. Let's take a look at the figures for Prince 'Rupert the; town vou live in for example: , Historic Rodents- DEPARTMENTS SEEK TO END RAT MENACE As far back as civilization can lie traced, the human being has always been molested with the ro-dint pest. Governments through out the world are constantly study ing, through their scientific research and health departments, means to exterminate the Real Public Enemy. It is estimated that there are two rats for every human being in this country. In order to live, each rat must con-tvme at least $2.00 worth of food material jx year, and yet this estimate docs not take into consideration the morp important fact that the rat, being destructive by nature, will cause many times more damage to merchandise than the value of food he consumes. But, more vital than the mone tary loss, is the fact that science has traced and definitely proven that some of our worst plagues and diseases have either origin ated with, or are being carried by, or transmitted through, the rat. Being carriers or transmitters of di.-ease, they contaminate food and water-supplies. To cope with the situation in Prince Rupert, your local health department has drawn up plans for an extensive educational campaign on rat control and extermination. Special approved rat poi- Jn 1944, syphilis and gonorr- 4 ! hca" topped the? civilian list of rei a riorted communicable diseases ( There were approximately one- S fifth mure venereal diseases re- f ported than all other communic able diseases combined, including tulierculosis. Private physicians treated 57 cases of gonorrhea and the Health Unit V.D. clinic took care of Of this .4, mi per cents were persons of the white, race. ' Also last year, there were 5C cases of previously undiagnosed cases of syphilis reported, composing 41 white persons,. 13 natives and two Chinese. Contacts and sources of V.D. reported to the Health Department, between July, 1943, and Septem-l-cr 1944, totalled 134 persons. Of these, seven were men, and 127 were women. Forty-seven per cent were of the white race. And that in Prince Rupert! l.M'i tnke Canada as a whole. There are an estimated 200,000 persons in the Dominion who nave syphilis and don't know it. And of this number, .-.0,000 wjll die from, its results. What's it to you? You're not immunu amf you pay taxes, too The cost of V.D. control is paiil by you, and so is the cost in. damaged property, spoiled goods, indirect death. And that cost runs., into millions every year in this' ! country. proofing of buildings, are lieing prepared to commence the campaign soon, The department appeals' for co operation of all concerned in re- son has been purchased and suit- , ducing the rat population, by ably packaged for individual pub- I proper disposal of refuse and rat lie use. Printed leaflets on the ; proofing buildings, thus destroy-use of poisons, trapping and rat- ing harborages and feeding places. BULKLEY MARKET Prince Rupert Phone 178 Good Health IS NECESSARY : Good Clothes ENHANCE GOOD HEALTH ALLEN MORGAN LIMITED Men's Wear Third Avenue Trince Rupert 3rd Avenue West Phone 21 THE RUPERT BUTCHERS Our Specialty Good Food Groceries Meats Vegetables Our modern DELICATESSEN will delight and please you try our service.