The Daily News . . . 9 A Deal of Importance , Scrar lit fc k f' .mage! m iMIMCmf pwwnwiro m mhr tart MOM prmw !tatiz a4 Mr. f DiR mere emcemM, k wa a frmim pmfrtx. kit Brkfefc eapi-tal waft wwffaerf Uiac it wa a .ift bnrftwtit awl aar raimstol Hh t raa tfctf ta Caaaan Flh & CUM 9s& Ca. UA. into TV tmAnm f wijrisai v pvm m em, prwm met the pwfe4 d thirty crW ars Utat it aa fi m mmtnmtAM zrA mete&-fA mefMim sflft a4 t SUPPORT THE I.O.D.E. BOOK DRIVE J. M. S. LOUBSER f)C U K. CHIItOPKACTOR, Phone MO J. L. CURRY CHmOI'KACTOR Bmlth HUck Qrta MS tr palnChlroptwtlcl U nerve doubly ol Delraort Ttwxn FrulU And VfKftablen ItiuipberrleAj Bcrawberriei, Olicnd I'cachei. EntcrpriHc Fruit Co. WIONK 34J fee sates aT vaanr take met Priw Bnqtrfi wajnc prim- Militia Rangers ! earn in. 9wr same (jtecssaae. ft M flH aer aniwi 1 1 if eo&eesai Is rsaasar From fsfanrii On Timely Topics from Terrace I r-rwet-r in eaaaa dtac. to is aa Se eiawt flWIfl SB W' rrfri-rn rinr- t Turn rsmnrcc (LffI n. it -vmaht 5 x 3T M SV MM HUM wjmm wmfrf B c te try tu. x cr WATER SUPPLY MATTER TO FOREfTw a tmtnm. mo T& VZtri Vr&VHMjC awre a mWfr jcm 2aaai tea Quaes . fftirt n & wttJE" 2 !!? i?fe2lf: ZJSZZ race dfetnet akkeek Ja-ary t jfec.goc tte ;raeWe im. t'SrS; warm d hrfac eock dayefru, - - - .s r". 7- , . JLnienstt izut , a- fl ' Clsr!flCZSU aac W aatui. r .-.j - ' rtMii at r no- nm. w. jtvk fin. m t uhl lb. luid irtrr ir khoaw ,vr vsrtuvint - Sow ch if7 arfi Prme Stftrage that we maj ieA jttft a ittie aunul aboa aay pert -f lmurancc. A?amat BjC. PadoQ hv&ever, caa feei that pwraj&k- 'mTMOMMA in the talifofc- ffay about tweacy-fHe jean j mem rf imp vXerpni-e 2 a jamg Eagfemaji f efferre- tmt vdn&ri&m aurl Mfftflfr f jgej wh ha4 fcm a staff jttKer1 tl ffc to fe aofht tiut tenrrmg war ad w1 eae t Ca- vat MMKjjrw lt raiwwy to h4 Snajr at wfcere fcej tnMM4 B4tt f Prfw RfrL Hav- waat imo btReM wkk folded f in RMttkfl ffVn4a, CoCaw ranfaH4 a lonlr aarf anrnzig to f-r tt Atlm CAiwtrtirtwiB Ok tA fejSt bpai, bnzai fax tfce DaHy 3fewr th rwtffmaJ oH torafr ptenc at ?al fw wa afcfe to omftftce Cwr ta m4 utm the hrf&t fiefc evM H. F. Folkft taat ae was fwelf ftoraf plant m tit wacto. of a aurar& ai eoevyj ztxl eaOHKKissa Ai far as ik AUm (,wtrwctin i. for newDGxr teeneaa that emr sofcsntiy barf the wk awl apftrfcfct thrwirh rhmpM awi tarwW iK laa Utat WeKb ofi to inject ia it with 1 tfme awf le "i,M htorajc Vwt .vree of the 5d tker wWteet iwt m witkmt inmiwtwa, bfiHrSin? a hooehoM wrd on a fwh xmam txt&ntzznrm. txu-m Hu.ue-.zz. We rere aM sorry wfeen MT an rr tne eommeiK va uft for Krwrtac4 oa arnt of Kattrftr, it m a xmXf-x of saaxr fnUrr to afi Priw Rfert ft?e awf of fcwt eawwrw to roacy t&at a ihip aw eoRftroi of t&fe frwjMmot &)aJ irnoVr tw nwjgfesft tor manty yar of T. IJbrnm xrA mtre rt eentiy td Cat X W. N'kJst, the rrfa-tkft of iw CamzHivn Ptb & Cold Stor-mre lAA wftfc k wni roany m-jkff perwmrflty znA vfrM tfee m-mtmiiy in general barr z)wzy len ourtiuA mAhstrrtumUtm. The ctfifyemy ww ajrrfife and MfftH m Ue on hand awi Uk- mmrnvky ha Urn XtialM- r. 2nd (Xytqt'xuijwk on the isrfe fatfeert Obie and tad hce.4 fee imiit wiane day return. tlsi feapr, ineideatry the only remaiav mg rexzuttr af the itaff wfco was ao- i cmtrl a fetter frri Eo$dac4 Mm$ tiat bad died in London aWt a l- - ... Cijl J i- fSt mtmvn zsw wa a imn xkvu .i Ut work mtitft cfceerfel, so fu&Br, veretk tfeat k wa a fan kfb-etl for u to get the new. The fOfM a - w a r a around tovn woo Tttnemt-r rm vvm may not be o mnterm now fcwt afl who do rfcmfeT3ter hu wiH Hirely aert with any e.xrremtm of eseem v- m affjxtMmaUfy exyrtm for an oid col-t'jiu( ixxA Ib&xt with o the sorrw we feel that he is no roore. miles A riflti&r .t sl iuM (dub oxM IM j It-t utA flz4 up a xflAU-Ji. At tbe sutmS eompiiMUny mrnrtl the ;i thing Z (rtiTMl it x1?lt at . t.Urt ThM crw it M aac im Uwtr than Ifc on I UMiiUy pU.y on." A f until thwlAgUn namd TiMtt TltrluvQ. U Accept W dfgrr, Tor," wW he, tt' nmtfi u Viltum frtoz riddk; I), D." "I eon t-fl by Jum, ntkin Into Hockey Score MMtireai 11, VsMtm 2. n.t lttmi I. CltvtUid 1 'tie.. ttUstatrzti '? Indtansftoll 2-SIJVfiAV Vtwnal Iae" Montreal 4, lioston I Totobuo 7, JJev York 0. DrtroH 4, Chicago 2 Ame-eiran Jraju rrwlOew. 2, CUri-lmA 0. BaffaJo 3, Jltrnhty 2. IndtanapoSta 4, fit. Loirt 1. IK THE RCTItKMr fifnTRT Or KMTOH tXtUJUKlK IU KKOBATK rul IW THE MA7TEK THE nriuufiTiiA.'no Afrr Iff 1r. MATTTOi OF VILUAU , ' a rlrl'n iojct vftiil be UiinkMw wthokh. ik;rakcd, imtkstatb ' . TAKK KOTICE that tyjr orar f ' miaA rr. ii.. V. w.trrai. I tti ilr1 lav (jf JanuarT. AX W, . ,k i"w r'tl Wmlototrat of th Pour tn&rlnt wat Ue VufMc. iiudtlenly aiwther jfiattMirnedc burxt lnU the room and xhouU-d: "Ihe Jarw are landing a force ,( atmt Wi men dfwn on the beach!" The four marine looked at one another wearily. Finally one ald: "111 z I'm dummy thl hand." "I caught my boy friend flirt- nz," "1 caught mine that way, too,' Excited W,hC: ".Officer, j)kae help me. I've Uwtiny aunt' pay. Cop: "Stop talkln; pic latin and maybe we can get dome-where," Many a man ha left the ,ntralKht and narrow for omc excltlne curvet, I aixi all unifli l&iiiir. ciunuc kkkuim nurv. All. IMf. una fell Mrtlm In- tfa amount ot twit ixtaniu-atum K rnr frthwlth. IMTKI at Prior jtuirfm, b; uiu 24th aajr ff January. A n 7tH. Aduiinuuator of tti KMate of WllMam llawtriim Ml THE HtnttSMK COTJKT OF HKITIKH tXAAIUMK 111 I'ltOfcATT. IW TIW. MATITTt OP THE "ArJMIffljmiATIOJI ACT" arid Iff THE MATTKIl OP CHARI.EB WAUlCE. WXX.AHED. 1KTEHTATE TAKE JIOTICK tfiat jr owir m Ills Honor W E. 1nT, mad on tb AZta day of Januarr, A D. IMS, 1 win aptHjlntd Admlnlatrator uf Mtau of Chartm VBllawt. arl, rid a)) partle harlne clalrn acalnut tri ali Etate are Tieri-by rqulrrd to furuitn name in on or iMifutf Robot Bomb Attack I prtwrly ycrifiMi, to I tint Milt day "f ren ruarr. A.D. IMS. and all tart In- dtid U ttK! Kotato ar rqutrrd to' lf trw arruiunt oi tor ti with. DATKU at lUniw lturin BX! JUi day of January, A D HOHMAH A. WATT of CharUs Vatlc, thl I Administrator of th Katatc &jse t& hrmK sencerafflrea ICaa di litrSe xstt lm raiawem. at Battmi Se- g'jBLi Gck& affirr apeatiifH; tfgcg y set &at can 4sae tea aft sa-i&iwe gone- a junerai r Section 14 "Ertry pence fsbfect to rriKtary Jair t.o rTarrti asy cC tbe IcBtTairf: cecea; that is to tiy, (1) Aatsts acy pence xr;t to fzMixrj tenr to desert Ha ilajesty service; cr (3) Eei crgit ut of aay desertion cr tstraded deser-ticc c a person sc)ect to rafcary Ia-r, does sec fortb-vith cjve cccice to hU rrrrr.aftdia sjcxxx, at Taire asjr steps ia bes power to csiae the deserter cr traTirg devter to be apprebeaded, 1 we nae- wm """" jaee taainea bs boanan? ' Jfarser ase 1 T voATnr&M- m-Pmc rrs- 4t ofcv m a- EiwtlAB to i, .,r . .ru. mw wi 1 nsfflteT T TEsat iMfinA Uot point J smraT . , raris kirr.u, un, v r " un mmDrui . w 1 1 it ieia uu m wimt w - - prt to wt me m the Daily Mtw ataff. Thejoang wiom wbrt tknt jawet Ddt wa SM yfehb urfeo mub ltsme very web and favorabiy fcnown as aa atrer- t&m safeuwan anrf geaeral beiniai- jgetttr. Hfe grs-JMHtng- achievfeaK9t. jMrVfever, wa the iasoforatMii of tct -Waferfrfttsi Wferffa aectkw of tae pa$er winch ban teen am mffftatwo' with m (er state' akhocgfe ft aetr is Hsoied. fis SI per i i a. HAL MO0I SNAC Public Announcement Tbe fcILcvijg extracts arc takers frctn the Statute Ls-r aad Refiilatkms ia feres rdatgg to DESEHTIOK acd ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE frees the Carina Army and are pchfahrd fcr tLe izfccTr.ticci c the pdbSc azd perscsad cf tbe Arrzy. Offences against Military Law which are dealt with by Military Tribunals ARMT ACT S-ezZan 12 "(I) Everr perjen Ritject t3 notary Irsr bo errjr.:ti ay ef the fcEcwiz( effifrxra; ttsz a to jay, fji) Onesci cr attrr-.i to tiesert Ha iLajecr"! fterricc; cr (ft) Penuadet, ezieaccn to pezscate. prcczrrs cr tezti to pecczr, a7 pence aibft to r.ffiTy law to desert frets. KIs iLtyazj't terries. La3, en c&CTXtica by cocrt-carriaJ if be txrirrstted seek cfirtxr -sben co cth service cr crvder crdert cr actiyr serrtcs. be Eatte to fr.rr pesal serrstie cr rrxh Jexs prrir- rrr as is sh3. ca cccvicrica by court -jcartiai. be tr:';r iiscryyg, cr tach Irs paasbzsest sa Series f J "Every person sdbfsce to raafcary lav- pbs i EaKe to tfe ii ia list ai any cx tse iic2ciEe cce&ees: that is to say, (1) Absents besseif itboc: leave; LaS. ca cormcti by crxst-sartsal be fable, if aa crBcer, to be cashiered, or to su6er sacb less pemisbx&zDi as a a this As sergjgyd. asd if a soldkr, to safer kcpri-zezs, cr ssch ksa pcatsbaea as is ia tha Act csciooed" MILITIA ACT Stciiati 7 HI) "2. Any ccer cr ssaa cf the Ulitia ruy be tried by ccurt-GArtial (cr the crkae of desertion t asy tiny. -itbout rrfrrrace to tbr k&cth of ticze stich has elapsed since ha desertioa. Sectiem 72 72. Every mrrr.ber cf the MJftis caEed out fcr active service bo absents hgrwetf sritbeut ieave frora bis corps, fcr a looter pexkd than seven days, may be tried by coct-cartial as a deserter." ' Offences against the Criminal Law which. are dealt with by the Criminal Courts CRIMINAL CODE OF CANADA Stcticn 12 Ioctrsg to desert. "tl. Every one k pIry of en oSence perishable ca ia-dicuteiit, cx an remmary ccovicticci before tsvo justkrs, vbo, xbei&gsearcaain His Majesty's naval service, an rrJisted acidier or ainr-an in Hit Majesty's Service Co) by words or with money, or by any other iscac whatsoever, directly or indirectly, persuades or procures, cr goes about or endeavours to persuade, prevail on cr procure, any such seaman, soldier or airrcan to desert from cr leave His Majesty's cavaL military or air service; cr (b) conceals, receives or assists aay deserter frora His Majesty's naval, military or air service, knowing ban to be such deserter; and is liable, on conviction under indictment, to ne and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, and on summary conviction before two justices, to a penalty not exceeding two hundred dollars, and not less than eighty dollars and costs, and in default of payment to irrrprisonment for any term not czceedir sLz months.' Section B3 Resisting execution of search warrant. "t2. Every one who resists the execution of any warrant authorizing the breaking open cf any building to search for any deserter from His Majesty's naval, military or air service is guilty of en offence and liable, on summary conviction before two justices, to a penalty of eighty dollars.'' Section 64 Enticing militiamen or mounted police to desert. fc4. Everyone k guilty of an offence and liable, on lummary cpnviction, to six months' imprisonment, with or without hard labour, who (c) persuades aay maa who has been enlisted to serve in asy ccrps cf milrt-.a, or who k a member of or has esaged to serve ia the Royal Canadian Mounted Pcce Force, to desert, or attempts to procure or persuade aay such man to desert: or (o) kaowicc that any such man k about to desert, aids or assist him in desertiof; or (r) kaowing that any such man k a deserter, conceals him or aids or assists in his rescue." DEFENCE OF CANADA REGULATIONS 31A (1) Any person who by any means whatsoever Or) procures or persuades any member of His Majesty's forces to desert or absent himself without leave, cr attempts to procure or persuade any such member to desert or absent himself without leave; (b) knowing that such member is about to desert or absent himself without leave, aids or assists such member in deserting or absenting himself without leave; or (r) knowing any such member to be a deserter or alaentee without leave, conceals such member, or aids or assists him in concealing himself, or aids or assists in his rescue, ahaS be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. (2) Any person who () wilfully produces any disease or infirmity in, or maims or injures, any person whom he knows to be a member of His Majesty's forces with a view to enabling such person to avoid service; or (i) with the intent of enabling a member flf Hk Majesty's forces to render himself, or induce the belief that he is, permanently or temporarily unfit for service, supplies to or for such member any drug or preparation calculated or likely to render him or lead to the belief that he k permanently or temporarily unfit for service; shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon aum-mary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months." NOTE:- .Every day of absence without leave adds tp the ratify of the offence Minister oj National Deftnct. Chop