mi It 'ISrinrc Rupert Dai sSeUis Monday, October 15, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally Newi Limited, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. aThuNTER, Managing Editor. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y City Carrier, per week 18 Per Month 6S Per 'Year 7 00 By Mill, per month 40 Per I Tear $4.00 SEASONAL I i ! ! WEAR . . . I'! , Jdeajackets The latest in a loose-fitting coat-style leisure Jacket, styled by Deacon. Virgin wool In shades of yellow, grey, oatmeal and checked heather ..$5.0." OUTING' SHIRTS KEKSEY SHIRTS Heavy wool, grey only MXMBER A3.C. The New Japanese Premier j The nomination of Baron, Kij-uro Shidehara as successor to Prince Higashikuni places the Japanese premiership in the hands of an eminent and able liberal, perhaps the most eminent and most able in Japanese politics today. More important stjll, Baron Shidehara is not a mere armchair theorist. When in office, h applied his liberalism in the very-field which is of the most concern to British and other foreign countries -4the field of foreign policy. With regard to Manchuria, when Japanese policy stood at the parting of the whys, Baron Shidehara advocated a policy of peaceful penetration by economic development. He was overruled by the militarists, and fell from power in 1931, and withdrew from 'public life. He made no attempt to stem the surge of aggressiveness which swept Japan during the next ten years. To have fought such a battle against such odds would doubtless have demanded a degree ofr robustness which Baron Shidehara did not possess. But at all events, he never made any compromise with the militarist clique and he now emerges from retirement with clean hands. I Baron Shidehara faces a difficult task if he is to carry out the policy of reconverting the Japanese Nation to the principles of liberalism and-democracy. His natural supporters n Japan would be those victims of militarist repression who are to be emancipated by General MacAr-thur's latest order. But in Japan, he apostles of liberalism and their proselytes are, in contrast with the victims of the Gestapo in Germany, insignificant in quantity and for the most part undistinguished in 'quality,. However, Baron Shidehara has declared his principal objective to be the most complete co-operation I J WINCEY FLANNEL SHIRTS Fine wool flannel, made by Deacon. t i "THE MEN'S SHOP' with the occupation authorities. If Baron Shidehara fulfills that promise and ensures a like "complete cooperation" of his ministers and their subordinates to the same end, he will have gone a long way towards strengthening the otherwise weak position of any liberal government in present-day Japan. Milestone In Municipal History It will not be so long before another civic election will be upon us. And it will be the most important civic election we have had in many years since we shall be choosing then who are to be custodians of one of Prince Rupert's most important business organizations and one in which all of us have an interest or a stake in one way or another. The mayor and aldermen whom we elect in December will be charged with the formulating of policies and carrying out of acts in the period of reconversion and rehabilitation during years which will be both vital and epochal in the history of this city. Good acts or bad acts committed during their years may be reflected indelibly in benefits or handicaps sequel for a long time to come thereafter. We would be very well advised, therefore, to start considering witfiout further delay what is to be done about it and to be actively canvassing the talents. By O.W.O. Heavy wool in fancy checks of grey, red and blue. Two pockets. A warm, rugged garment for the outdoorsman $0.25 In our own business affairs, if we nave important decisions to make, appointments of directing personnel to decide upon, we consider carefully 1 'l-l- 1 T M l aim wun uen Deration, in tne impor tant business of public affairs, how' ti ii ever, we semom, n ever, take an active interest beforehand and often end up by committing our important community affairs to the hands of people who have little real compel ence or interest. At this crucial time, it would well behoove us, if we ever did, to take a keen interest in our civic affairs. During the past; few years things may have pretty well run themselves and there was little ve could rln about it. The time is now at hand, howeyer, when it will be up to us to . do, some real planning, .and be really for decisive ( and effective action. This will be the job o'f those who we choose at the next civic $5.25 Grey only .... '$.'1.05 jCOMING SOON . . . j Sensational New Insecticide ; International D.D.T. n Spray lOne application to walls and windows effective for three Smonths. Kills flies, moths, wasps, mosquitoes and other ; pests. ..Per gallon , S2.00 '. Dealers and others interested send your order or write for particulars to ;PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE ;P.O. Box 772 : Prince Rupert, B.C. .WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE I FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE E L 1 0 FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MANY HEAR BOB MUNRO Tells History of Soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association An attentive congregation In the Salvation Army Citadel Friday night heard the highlights of the work of the S.A.C.A. in wartime Canada from Rev. Bob Munro, Dominion .supervisor of servicemen's work. Cecil Carter, supervisor for Northern British Columbia, out lined the work of his associa Hon for the past two and a half years In Prince Rupert-Prince George area. Mr. Munro then gave an in terestlng account of the history of the S.A.CJV. In the 34 centres which stretch right across Canada, many thousands of men, he said, have found spiritual help and blessing. The work is carried on strictly on a faith basis without solicitation of funds or public appeals. Mr. Munro then gave a brief summary of the different branches of the work "which included hospital visitation, open air preaching, tract distribution, ship and camp visitation, comforts for servicemen and women, as well as refreshments, recrea-tiona land devotional activities. The Sunday night service in the Y.M.C.A. auditorium will bring to a conclusion a campaign in which Rev. Munro has fulfill ed over 30 preaching engage ments during his 12-day visit to Prince Rupert. Churches in California and other parts of the United States and Canada are already writing to secure his services lor meet lngs to be held In the summer of 1946. OFFICIAL FILMS REVIEWED LONDON, Ch Film censor ship officials of the ministry of information have reviewed 15, 000,000 feet of film since July, 1940. Altogether 36,264 films were examined, including operattonal pictures from all the battle fronts. Their lengths varied from 60 feet to 20,000 feet. Daily newspapers go Into 94 or Canadian homes. ELECTION TALK With an election pending A spate of words -well hear In ever-growing volume As the fateful Day draws near. Those of the government retiring Have done an excellent Job; Now they and others who're aspiring-Await the electors' final nod. If you one of the contenders belt you're In on the gamble-State your case with brevity, FORBIDDEN CITY Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is known as "the Forbidden City," because it was closed to European travellers in the 19th century. 1 And without a long preamble. ( ' " ? Don't dissect your "platform" bit By bit, down to theJast silver; . And If your arrows have a poisoned tip , Keep them In your quiver. " Some men' can't tell gold from dross Yet they would fain dicate; But It's the ladies' little penciled cross Which will oft' decide your fate. - - So treat them all with deference , I Especially those of over twenty-one For If you win their preference Your victory's half way won. But 'don't resort to the practice now outmoded Of kissing Baby's face; For you may with germs be loaded, Which wouldn't help you win the race. Some of more social legislation talk; But where'd you, get a better break, From your first tiny squawk ., . Till your final bow you .take?, Othere call for state control of industry; But haven't we controls enough? I'm convinced you will all agree " That we don't like that sort of stuff. Wages, youll admit, are fair, With living costs' kept down? Extremes may your cause impair, And won't add to your renown. Both major parties have their merit Though their views are quite diverse I concede them all due credit As I pen this verse. ' We hear threats of utter chaos Upon us all decending ", But I'm entirely at a loss To know why this dread fate Is Impending. So, I'll support the ones we've tried, For it's no time for innovation, . With ..weighty post-war plans to be appled Throughout almost every nation. L. O. SKINNER, Copper River, B.C. POKER 1830 STYLE Full deck poker with 52 cards was not played until about 1833; "draw" poker didn't come into existence until the Civil War. POLICE FINES TOTAL $1 ,375 A total of 82 cases were dealt with in city police court during September, 81 being convicted, according to the monthly police report presented to the city police committee by Sgt. O. L. Hall at the week-end. Fines, levied during 'the month totalled $1375. with an additional $20.50 in court costs. ' During the month, 78 complaints under the criminal code were received, 12 of which were prosecuted, convictions being obtained in all eases. Complaints under Dominion statutes totalled 44, with prosecutions resulting In all complaints. There were 19 'prosecutions under Provincial statues and two under city bylaws. Police fines for the nine-month period this year total $12,038. Total for the same period last year was $16,634. Total fines for September last year was $1,410, about $35 greater than September 1945. Miscellaneous duties performed by the police during the month ranged from putting out small but dangerous fire in a lane to quelling domestic Value of articles reported as stoleri 'was $2,752, of which $475 was recovered. Most of the ar ticles were such things a s watches, binoculars and marine equipment. Cost to the city of maintain ing the city Jail for the month was $143. Miljtary Orders 1st (R) Btn. Prince Rupert Regt. (MG) C. J. Toombs, Ma J. Commanding Parades Bn. Parade 1930 hours each Wednesday. Offrs and NCOs will parade 2000 hrs Fridays. Band 1930 hrs Tues. Transport 1930 hrs Wed, ;" This schedule will be maintained until further notice, (tf ) RICE-GROWINO AREA The monsoon lands of southeastern Asia are1 the earth's great rice growing region, producing 95 percent of the world's supply. I The house f0M I 'that Jack - didn't build j 'VE ALL HEARD of the house that Jack built, but nobody hears of the houses that thousands of Jacks haven't built. They've existed in dreams, or they may actually have been planned, but for one reason or another they have failed to materialize. When you see 'an old weed-covered plot transformed into a street of cosy homes when you see old tumble-down barns replaced by fine new buildings on prosperous farms , . you can usually figure that a mortgage loan has helped these people to realize their dreams. M 6 It is good citizenship to own A Mtiiag from tht Lltt lniynct Companlei in Ctmda. L-74SX In old-fashioned melodramas the mortgage was a threat to family security. Today it is just the reverse. Thousands and thousands of families live in peace and comfort in homes they own themselves because of mortgage funds made available through the Life Insurance companies. A portion of every dollar invested by Life Insurance com panies has helped finance town and farm mortgages for solid thrifty borrowers all across Canada. The balance is in government and municipal bonds, Industrial securities, etc. Life Insurance builds prosperity at the same time that it stands guard over the homes and loved ones of four million policyholders. Eyestrain picks its victims voune! Remember this and see that your children have plentiful, soft light for study and reading. And remember General Electric Lamps ?Stay Brighter . . . Longer". GENERAL I B MADE IN CANADA usmess an SERVICING, SALES, RENTING AND AMUSEMENTS GADGET REPAIRS, ETC COOK AND DIXON'S ' CYCLE SHOP (Formerly GunrTi'Blcycle Shop) 214 6th Street Open dally from 9 a.m. till 2 am. Work to please everyone Network too -large, or too smalj H.J.LUND Painting Paperhanglng UNION' PAINTER Interior arid Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers' Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 INTERNATIONAL Correspontbiue Tchoo's CANADIAN, LIMITED Montreal, Canada a P. I.OVIN, Phone Green 974 Representative Box 828 117 2nd Ave. W. Opposite YMCA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 65 PHONE 65 For your future dances try the "SWING QUINTETTE" The finest dance band in town Phone 65 'Taxi PIANIST TEACHER with concert and radloex-perlence will take pupils. Phone J. FRANKY, Green 975 during business hours. For General Construction Houses, Verandahs Raised, Alterations, Additions, Steps Built and Repaired also Cement Foundations, Floors, Sidewalks, Driveways and Septic Tanks Phone Green 482 Immediate attention J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic I If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 095 ELECTRIC d Prof, esstona If it's a Rock Job- I 1451 Call AT S ATTNflF.nf? Blue 666 do myself. Studio 802 Borden St. Phone Green 511 ItH K A H. MKA xeacner or Pianororte I , -a QrlvanpoH arm arinlt. nnrv T t a i-v r -a r a t ti A XM U 1 11 A IN in mmprs i prtipd ai Repaired rhlmnAir PlannintT a Tin a Home Repairs A 1 1 J 1 1 n III wv EVENSON'S ill u n i f'i h ii ij tv r. AND LAUNDRY Authorized "FLEX FORM SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses t V 1 L-Vl IJk UUiUig Wr" PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving i . i n nii ite nrnr. 1J1 LII OLlCCb BERT'S TRANSFbn MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Green 955 NEW LOCATION: Green 1363 6th Avenue East nnmnnn CV A MVF, . Tt?MT WAV AND HAIR STYLING- Late or iiuason s oa . - TATTlt TT TTTT CV Optometrist n TT JOHN BULUfift Third Avenue Prompt diagnosis for ; radios phone RED 751 i -n.T. on i 1W" . rf Pncrwirized MI VALENTIN DAW CT PHONE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING