Daily Edition THE DAIL1 jrr?T3 Prices Erp-rt Monday, An rut , 1&45 FAUtfed rrtrj aArraoca nrpt Scn- Ltatlftd. Ttklra Arcoue. Priac Basm. fcrtma CctnmUA. O. A. HCTIIR, "'-T'S Tatar. StTBSCBXPTIOX HATES: By CHr Cmer. ptr week . . ..as fr UarV , JSb 1709 .40 I40 if' Pietro Mascagni . . . If the father of Pietro Mascagni, who is dead in Rome, had had his way, Italy would have had, perhaps, just another lawyer, but the world never would have heard "Cavalleria Rusticana." The elder Mascagni, a baker, was willing to make sacrifice to educate his son for a legal career but discouraged the boy's attempts to learn the rudiments of music Pietro had manifested an inclination toward that art from childhood, but when his father's opposition became pronounced there was danger LETTERBOX UE-WiLCATING GLRMA.NY Editor, Daily News, After bearing a radio address by a professor of the University of New York on the coming education of Germany, I would say that the professor has the wrong idea of re-educating Germany so as to wean her of the warring attitude upon her neighbors. The idea of putting education for Germany or any other Leisure Clothes . . . for . . . SUMMER AN TALL WEAR More and more men are asking for the comfort land informal sma rtness of Leisure Clothes. For style and comfort in casual wear, try a G.W.G. Loafer Jacket . .$10.00 i t "MTMlnll1- BlVllT T I Prescriptions... From Rupert's Tent Days we have striven to establish a record for Reliability, Accuracy and Fair Dealing in filling Physicians' prescriptions. We believe that we have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This has been brought about not in a few weeks or- months but extends over a period of twenty years. Ormes Ltd. THE REXAIX STORE COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 Commercial, Industrial and Marine Electricians ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and Repairs MOTT ELECTRIC LIMITED Offices In Vancouver and New Westminster Phone Black 307 326 2nd Ave. of the son's musical career being ended abruptly until the intervention of an amiable uncle. The latter was permitted to adopt Pietro, who then pursued his musical studies diligently and unhampered It was in 1SS9, while thus engaged, that Mascagni composed his one-act opera "Cavalleria Rusticana" and entered it in a contest conducted by a music publisher. Italy soon lost its head over "Cavalleria Rusticana" and Mascagni was hailed as the successor of Verdi what Italy had longed for and looked for since days of that great composer. The popularity of "Cavalleria Rusticana" immediately spread beyond the confines of Italy. Opera-goers in Berlin, London and Paris demanded it. Everywhere it was presented its success was instantaneous. Italy may have been inglorious in many ways but, through such artists as Mascagni and his works, her culture shall still go down in history. A-B-C country for that matter under military dictation is a terrify-: ing one. We hare bad military dictation long enough. What the world wants now is peace. My pian would be to have the ; military personnel puK out of Germany bag and baggage and I let the German people direct their own education. Surely Germany has had Enough hard experience in the last six years to convince her that she most change her system of idealogy If Oermany of the future per-i&ts in her pre-war Naziism, her neighbors mU then act i "THE MEN'S SHOP" Phones 61 and 82 Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1130 St. "B" Here to serve -the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or too small PHONE BLACK 884 Hotel. . . arrivals Prime Rupert Paul Airazoff. Vancouver; Mrs. R. D. Simmons. Vancouver; Miss Georgina Patterson, Miss S. Mc-Kenney, Hiss Sosan Dombrierer. j I Prince George; Mrs. E. Singer,! Massett; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Had-! ley. Hazelton; Cpl. E. E. Head.1 Vancouver; J. T. Sykea, Selkirk. Man.; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bridges, ; Cordele. Georgia; C. L. Welsh, Greenwich. Conn.; S. W. Barber, Vancouver; Mr. and Mr. E. W. Bird, AKen E. Bird, Hazel-ton. : alter two weeks notice, driving in to arrest all leaders who would openly restore the Nazi doctrine of militarism. Germany can still be useful to the world without such sugges-, ! tions as this from young Ameri i can prolessors who, evidently, j have faRen heir to the Hitler idealogy of military dictation. RALPH HEPPELL. J. M. S. LOUBSER DC, BA. ! CHIROPRACTOR j 'Wallace Block Phone MO F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent ce-Tex line of products LUSTEKITE The modern finish for bathrooms and kitchens. In 8 colors plain and blocked. Pyralile-Plastic Moulds In various colors, to trim table tops, sinks, bathrooms, etc. Three-Ply IVaterproof Fir and Bireh Veneers Ruberoid Hoofing Slate-Surfaced Mineralized Hooting Ace-Tex Hexagon Shingles and Building Papers of all kinds Ship Lap, Common and Dimension Lumber available for house and general construction Ace-Tex Tile Floors TYTrTTTTyTTTYVTYTYYTYTTT The Gyro Club Requests Your Support For Lillian KNUTS0N Their Charming Little Candidate For QUEEN of the CIVIC CENTRE CARNIVAL Remember ... Every ticket you buy in support of LILLIAN entitles you to a chance on the drawing for $1000, $500 and $250 in Victory Bonds. rickets for LILLIAN KNUTSON are available at many agencies. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi Popular Smithers Couple Married SMITHERS Aug. 6 Wilfred Wilson, proprietor of the Had-job Hot: and Hiss SSeOa Mc-Intee. recenCy cirri ra Ebys Hardware store were married at Wainvrigbt. Alberta. w of ! the bride, on Tbarsday of Jut i wefc They arrived base SkBttbers on this Thursdays . train. On Trrarsday ercBlag the? ; were enthatiasttnlly ehtrira- reed by a large somber of their SHOT IT OUT AT TERRACE BaOJey Valley Pacific Coast Ranters Pay Visit for j Competition SMITHERS. Aug. C A team of j sharp-shooters from No. 32; Company of the Pacific Coast ; MUiua Rangers, eorapristng two rnembers from each of the fear detachments in this company. ttaeAe being Qziek, Telkva. Sm: ibeu and Hazelton, travettec ic : Temte by motor car to accept a challenge from No. TO C ,:r. pany of the Range f:- at Terr- -to shoot it out with :aem c.-. saiittary rsfle raaae nea; town. The boys were headed by C ' X. H. Kiipa trick and oc moraiag, they went to tae t.: . rante and met their eg:.:. poBents who were led by C.. M Oubeau of o. 79 Cuiiipi. I The men from the inter..? were rather orer-awed b impressiTe rifle range and b that were ready for their o x.u-tions but gave an exeeiler.r account of themselves and :-:c that they would have carried the honors but for the fact two of their men got mixed and fired one competition b .. on the same target which out their scores and left the Tr race boys leading at the f::.a ; count by 10 points. They were entertained at a KWONG SANO H1NO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7Ui AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 pjn. to 2 am. OaUlde Orders from 2 pjn. to 2 ajn. PHONE RED 247 I IT'S THE TOBACCO 'ery szytzesi d ser when :.'.ey go: back w Terrace and :--a:enuxed with their contem-poranes for a time before taking toe nad back heme. The Sadtbers men were Tery pleased with their expedition and :"j the fine manner in Meads vfeo ttdsapped rrr, , through torn on a deeorated i barge drawn by a car vtth ranch bonking of motor boras. The newly married couple later entertained their treads at the Hadoen Hotel where they make their home. LAKES DISTRICT BEAUTIES HERE Miss Omioeea and il'ns Tvtedsmiur Park Here From Burns Lake BURNS LAKE, Aug. 6 Miss Iris Edlund and Mifls Virginia Keefe. who will represeat the Lakes District at the "Miss America" beauty contest fa Pristee Rupert this week at the Civic Centre Carnival, left for the coast city at the end of the week. They were given an enthad-a.tie send -of! by many well-wishing supporters. Miss Ed-land, as Miss Omteeca. and Mm Virginia Keefe. as Mis Tweeds-muir Park. wtH vie with other beauties of Prince Rupert for the title of "Miss Northern British Columbia'' and a trip to At- antic ctty. The local entrant were deter - rained only alter an -tnteresUn? and exacting elimination contest. A close runner-up was Miss Dorothy Scbertc of East Ootra Lake who was, apparently, favored by a large proportion of the audience at the final. AN OLD CTCTOM The throwing fttjSjce at wed- dings, an old custcm, s symbotl- cal of the wish that the union may be fruitful. HAYEK'S MUD Plain-hav"Wetproof paper wfcidi dei not itkk to ffvt lip. THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third A?e. Phone 178 whirr, vrsey were entt'tained wb. r .n Terrace. They are look-rr.r forward to meetics the Ter-rc again when they are -Home on ihe Range," or even &f a.;-, a; Terrace the Terrace .'rel tiu: they .an yet tiJSr XI.- f t2 TC. .OCC The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S 35 11 FINEST SALMON Phone Blue us niitiTinr rAinimu 9 . PAPERIIANGING SIGNS AND S1I0WCARDS J MILD or MEDIUM THAT COUNTS" AND RUPERT BRAND :: SMOKED :: BLACK COD Canadian Fish Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANNOUNCING Opening of Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL We specialize in tender, juicy : ' and Chinese dishes. Fortune Telling Convey Your Greetings with a COUTT'S CANADIAN CARD For Birthdays, Convalescent, Sympathy, Everyday Gifts, Births, Bon Voyage, Anniversary, Friendship, Thank You, and Special Occasions. Every Coutf; Card Is plainly marked with a retail price on the tacc. Choose jour card (or that special occasion from We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW SOMETHING HAS BEEN ADDED We announce the adrent of a new SIMONIZE Wax especially for furniture It court In four colors mahogany, oak, maple and neutral. This gives lasting beauty and protecUon to furniture, woodwork, floors and linoleum. Try a agree. Motorlrt-wlse Simonlze . . . Housewives Do Lilfewia! We now have a supply of EVEREADY Flashllsht Batteries Also Tire Pumps priced at $1.2." - $:1.7" S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford and Mercurv Dealers Phone 83 ANNOUNCING RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC (Across from Canadian Legion) Open for Business August 1 EXPERT RADIO SERVICE BATTERIES SILEX LAMPS - etc. OPEN 9:00 31S THIRD AVE. WEST TT TTYYTT TTVTtTTtTTTTt TTTvTV YYT T I " Featuring Whites SEE OUR WHITE CUT RATE ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY C ajn, to j PHONES 116 117 ALBERT AND . m r r r i ii MclArrtKi Jar, ladles, and see If you don! 170 E. Third Ave A.M. TO 6:00 PJ.L : PHONE M Our white and brown Spectator Pumps are sure to please you . BABY DOLL PUM?3 SHOE STORE NEWS FOR BEST RESUj