Dally Edition -THE DAILt NEWS Prince Rupert Wednesday, July 25, 1945 Published every afternoon except Sun-f?T..by J?10" Rupert Dally New. Umlted. Third ATenSef pr Rupert British ColumbUu ' O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. 8UBRCT?TPTTrw dit. v . . 1 j , gj City Carrier, per week Per Month . --Per Year By Mail, per month ...'.'. Per Tear 4.00 4 MEMBER A3.C. ' Art Influential Advocate . . . I It is gratifying that such a ' healthy interest should be taken in the northern transprovincial highway, of which the Prince Rupert Highway is an important part, as ' indicated in a statement from Hon. Herbert Anscomb, provincial minister of public works, published in the Daily News today. We have a strong and forthright advocate in Mr. Ans--comb who has promised to take up the matter on our behalf at Ottawa next week and who further express- es the view that this development should be "No. 1 on the list of post-. war problems" in this territory. If . anyone can get action on the matter-he should. iMusical Feast Local Girl Acclaimed A delightful hour-and-a-half's revel In Interpretations of the masters by Marie Balagno Lund-qutst, Prince Rupert girl, who now lives in Seattle where she has been accepted as one of the Pacific Northwest's leading pianists, was enjoyed last night by an audience of lovers of the better things in music which We CANT tell you when we will have new cars. We CANT tell you what the price will be. We CANT tell you on what basis cats will be allotted. HUT, we CAN tell you that when new Ford cars are available for delivery, they will be as satisfactory and economical as in the past and that the price will be as low as present conditions permit. We are now listing customer's orders to be filled In rotation when cars are available and basis of priority or essentiality announced. Light and heavy trucks are now in production and are available upon Truck Controller's permit. S. E. PARKER LIMITED Ford, Mercury and Tractor Dealers Phone 83 170 E. Third Ave. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 032 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Iff. MAIR Auctioneer PHONE BLUE 0 Final Fight 'Against Inflation The danger of runaway inflation, which might easily put the cost of Jiving out of all proportion for many people, may be even greater during the coming few months than it was at any time during the .war. Even now millions of dollars in liquid assets are threatening economic stability and, unless price controls of basic commodities and that means rents, clothing, food and other essentialsare faithfully observed, the whole fight against inflation might be lost. It will be important that prices should be established on items which are now going into peacetime production for the first time in three or four years, making certain that these prices are fair to the- public and fair to the manufacture. Firmest possible control will still have to be maintained on the black markets which have been a practically inconsequential problem in Canada thus far. Controls must be controlled for a time, no doubt, but, as supplies gradua ly come into balance with demand, it will be possible to drop controls at a faster and faster rate nearly filled First Presbyterian Church. It was a treat which was deeply appreciated and which at the conclusion brought an ovation to the charming artist. Last time she was heard in public recital here, she was a shy, somewhat timid girl. Since thpn hp has developed a pleasing poise to complement her talents which have long been recognized and have now matured to a stage attained by only the persevering few. Superb interpretation displayed by Mrs. Lundqulst was matched by technique of the most accurate quality and re- PURE WOOL K E R S E Y COATS and JACKETS Made of a light-weight, pure wool material, Kersey Cloth garments are ideal for fishing or hunting and extremely practical as a working garment. Our stock consists of three different styles: The full-length shirt, the short zipper style and the full-length cruiser coat. Keep dry and warm with a Kersey Cloth Garment. "THE MEN'S SHOP" J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., B.A. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) markable control. It was a flawless exposition In a repertoire of wide range and discriminating selection. The program opened on a hih plane with Bach's "Partita lnB Flat Major" followed bv fnnr i. orful little Scarlatti sonatas. A group 0f Chopin numbers "Impromptu in G Flat Major" "Etudes In p Minor and G Flat Major" save full sonno fnr artiste's fine technique and the first half of the program culminated In a resounding "Nocturne In B Major" and the exacting "Ballade In F Major." Schumann's "Sonata No. tit in G. Minor "was divided into four well defined movements "Presto," "Andantlno." "Schprn Rondo" in which the nrtktP was given full scope for her ver satility and technical skill of keyboard mastery. Six short and pleasing numbers Vila Lobos' 'The Cardboard Cat" nnrl "Prill. chinelle," and Mompou's "Oris uanse ia Kue," "Jeu" and "Jeunes Filles au Jardin" and "Poulene's j "Toccata" brought the musical! least to an an too early end. The encore demand was met with n nit nl. i ..11.- ..... ucjigjinmiy moaern nrue uersh- i win ".preiude. me recital was under the management and direction of me artiste's father, Charles Balagno. Miss Mary Astorl presided at me floor and usherettes were the Misses Delphine and Helen uaiagno. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bala.?no wnere mends gathered to offer congratulations and express per sonal appreciation. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic 1 If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (H. SMITH) P.O. Box 167 TERRACE TOURISTS "S KEEN A' BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Ilx 13 Terrace, B.C. Vitamin Enriched Bread The Choice of Many, Who Know the Best! TERRACE BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY Home of Quality Products BOX 206 TERRACE, B.C. In Terrace . . . THE Skeena Mercantile G. McADAMS, I'rop. SELF-SERVE GROCERS DRY GOODS - LADIES' WEAR A Modern Dept.Store WE WELCOME TOURISTS CABARET DANCE HELD BY 1150 More than 200 Canadian nri J American soldiers and their guests attended a cabaret dance at the USO Club last nloht to I meet the candidates of the an nual Civic Centre Carnival Queen competition. Thu ffair honoring the four candidates! was arranged by Frank Finnerty, USO Director, and Bob Merrick, program director. The spacious ball room nt ih club had been decorated especially for the occasion Tho club had taken on a definite night spot atmosphere with tables circling the floor nnrt soft lighting. For dancing pleasure, jaque Antone and his swing quintet provided the music. Seated tit n snppini .i.u twu lyC Willi their guests and reienlntr n princesses of the club were pretty Beatrice Didricksnn mi Evelyn Bussey, Miss Lillian Knutson and Miss Ruth GLske. Representing the Junior nh. ber of Commerce, Rotary club, uyro uiud, and Women of the Moose, respectively, one of these girls will be crowned Queen of the Carnival during the evening of August 10. Included among the mipxi.s of the queen aspirants were his worsnip, Mayor and Mrs. H. M. Daggett; Alan Hurst, former British Columbia erin- cator, now Pacific Area secre tary of YMCA: Mr. and mv Don Forward and Mr. and Mrs! J. K. McLeod. One of the main events of the evening was the smart and lively floor show which was composed of the leading acts from "Camp Capers." a YMCA Show, led by Frank Scott, vet eran snowman of Vancouver for the past 25 years. Bob Herrlrk as the notorious "Mr. Dingle," master or ceremonies, introduced the show to the cabaret audience. A violin and accordian elec tion by Frank and oiadvs Theile, brother and sister, nro- vided the opening number for me evening's entertainment. They were followed by an acrobatic number by Frank Scott and his son, Norman, a young J man with a bright future in tho theatre world. A Hawaiian dance, ably assisted bv a sol- dler and coastguardsman, by J Mary Mclnnls brought round, after round pf applause. The show closed with a toe-tap specialty by Frank Scott, his son, Norman, and daughter. Ruth. This entertainment was provided through the efforts of Bruce Mclntyre, and Don For ward of YMCA. "Camp Capers'; nas piayed to thousands of soldiers, sailors, and airmen, in the Vancouver area for the past four - and - a - half years. The show Is composed completely of voluntary performers. Several had to quit their jobs in Vancouver in order to make the trip to Prince Rupert. "Camp Capers" is scheduled to play eight more performances in this area prior to returning south. Following the floor show, the four attractive queen candldatas. who had reigned as princesses of the club, were Introduced, in dividually, to the cabaret audience. Immediately following her Introduction, Frank Finnerty presented each girl with a beautiful corsage. j To climax the evening's entertainment the four queen can-, didates were askeu to judge and select, in the Joviality of tht occasion, the queen for the "USO entry." Then, three sol- ' dlers and a USO worker, garbed In various Bits of feminine apparel, one smoking a cigar, came on to the floor. They were "Miss Out - of - Bounds," "Miss Representation," ".Miss USO,"-and "Miss Off-Limits." The four girls selected "Miss Out-of-Bounds," a 240-pound soldier as Under Instructions from the Secretary of State of Canada, acting In his capacity as Custodian, under the Revised Regulations Respecting Trading with the Enemy (1943), J. H. MAIR Wll Sell by Auction various household goods, including: china, kitchen utensils, lamps, 'beds, dressers, aluminum pans, axes, saws, sledge hammers, toys, etc., etc. Sale will be held In the Japanese Association Hall, 621 Fulton Street Saturday, July 28th at 2 p.m. mf "7 W cash values will give us an income yi frof f"Q "But 1 also havc a voVicy on V KJi LC5 my own life, because I want him to be able to provide proper care for the cniItlrcn f anything "fVTiTTonA-vrrv H UbBAND owns three happens to mc. Our Mutual Life policies in The Mutual Life of representative pointed out that Canada,which he nas taken out Canadian government figures at various times for my protec- that in prove one case out of tion and our retirement. Two every three the wife dies before are Ordinary Life and one is the husband. Family Income. ,., . "We chose m The Mutual Life "If anything happens to him in which to insure because of the and I am left alone to bring good reputation of the Company lip the children, I shall have an for fair dealing and low cost income from the insurance, and insurance." some cash to pay the bills and a reserve for emergencies. And IlaMulualUJeRepresentalwe if he lives to retirement age the arrange jour family insurance. THE MUTUAL llfE Life Insurance in OF CANADA L I since 1809 HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONTARIO Richard Sephton, Prince Rupert, Coastal and Interior District Agent It. E. Mortimer Representative, Prince Rupert, B.C. J. J. T. Collart Representative, Prince Rupert, B.C. ,C. H. Wrinch Representative, Hazclton, B.C. h. T. Kenney Ltd. ... Representative, Terrace, B.C. U II. Kenney Representative, Smithers, B.C. Thorp & Hoops Representative, Telkwa, B C. TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE W.C.Osborne V. Imhoif A. M. Williams Expert Repairs on all makes of cars Reconditioning Motors Tractors Road Equipment Machine Work Diesel Acetylene and Electric Welding BOX 202 TERRACE, B.C. the winner. He ras then presented with a meringue pie, accidentally of course. In the face. The audience screamed. The queen candidates, their guests, and the cast of "Camp Capers" were then entertained at lunch with Frank Finnerty and Miss Eva LaPierre acting as host and hostess. BICYCLE BRAKES FAILED PAULTON, Somerset, Eng., 0! Eileen Harrington, 23, was killed when the brakes of her bicycle failed on a steep hill and she collided with a cow. Hotel. . . f arrivals Prince Rupert J. S. H. Wurtele, Montreal; R. Knight, Winnipeg; Alan Hurst. Vancouver. Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 186 Box 1430 St. "B" in iuimL i i i i ii n h ii in W M W V I I III liV k VM1 VALUATOR 8ALES CONDUCT III AUUTIONEEER HOUSEIior n r0 PACKED AND SH Estimates Free ADDoinv. NOTICE TO LANDLORDS AND TENANTS Concerning Board Order No. 537 This order and the following information applies only to self-contained houses, apartments and duplex or tripled dwellings. It does NOT apply to rooms either with or without house-Keeping privileges, nor to rooms in rooming or boarding houses .After July 21, 1915, no landlord may give a notice to vacate on the ground -that he desires the dwelling as a residence for himself or for a member of his family. NOTE: The only exception to this order is in the case of a discharged member of the Aimed Forces, uho is protected by Board No. 511 to the extent that if he desires to live in a dwelling which he owned or which he occupied under lease from a relative at .the time of en- listment, a three months' notice may be given to the tenant. All notices to vacate, legal proceedings, orders for or writs of possession outstanding as of July 25, 1915, are suspended and stayed, and a well-behaved tenant need not vacate unless a Court oi Kentals Appeals by order reinstates such notice order for a writ ot possession. In cases of extreme hardship to the landlord resulting from the suspension of the notice to vacate or the staying of any legal proceedings taken thereunder, the landlord may apply to a Court ol Kentals Appeals for an order to reinstate the notice or the fffJS8' l application shall be made in duplicate and NOT a?ti ? v CCn 1TeolVartimc Pricos and Tra' Board, VnnLH RR.J1,IAN AUfiUST 31, 1945, after which date no applications will be accepted. will !nn?nlinff4lVith tlh?.app,ication' the Court of Kentals Apnoals innnf T,rClatT n?cds,an! hips f the landlord and ,i fully ffiv the landlord's i if0 a')pl,.cat,on riwW therefore set forth clearly circumstances and the need for the dwel-liny as a rpiflnn.n r,- i.: ir r . - uunsi;,! ur ior me named relative. fpnnI,heXtCCti-n afforded' his order docs not extend to hl n Vr in "IV" "V"?8 ?f rent or who are otherwise ill-be- RENTALS ADMINISTRATION m. rr , mm ' it" Rlffli to wmm i f 1 mm tiKLjas "CHECK YOUR CHEST"... LADIES TIMETABLE AM. RESIDENTS OVER 12 YEARS 6p AGE IN THE VICINITY OF General Hospital ARE INVITED TO HAVE A FREE CHEST XRAY EXAMINATION' MON. - TUES. - WED. -THURS., JULY 23, 24, 25, 21! HOURS: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. - 2 to 4 p.m. i. urn i s kaiii,y AltE ASKED TO WEAR TWO-Pirrr n,,..., .... SPEED THE SERVICE IN THE MIMES' CHANGE ROOMS THIS V-TJAV eiTtiim., . . The PRINCE RUPERT UNIT CHRISTMAS VSLtSS&Mln I!liptr,