y y y y y y y y y y ..y y y y y 'y y y y y y V y y y y y y y y V y y y -I y M iff V. 4 prfnrc Rupert Daflp jrclus Saturday, December 8, 1945 v . f . F w aterrront Whiffs George Anderson Reports On International Fisheries Commission Conference Hair Sear Proving Valuable. In all kinds of Women's and Girls' CLOTHING A VISIT WILL WELL REPAY YOU! liX...JiJ(SiiiJ,JllJ,,iSiiJ.1.il.3i,ji5,13ij,5lJ,J.5.3iXXa,ii,ii1Si;J,5, YUE KING'S CAFE for coffee while at NEW IIAZELTON Lunch Counter for Meals 0. R. MUTRIE Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 . G. R. MUTRIE REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Now located in Room 1, Stone Block Optometrist PRINCE RUPERT needs your support Help make 1946 the turning point in Civic Progress and Improvement. VOTE CLIFFORD HAM INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR ALDERMAN We serve you nothing hut the best-Special Red Brand neef, Choicest fresh Vegetables and Fruits Complete line of Groceries OUR DELICATESSEN, DEPARTMENT OPEN DURINQ REGULAR STORE HOURS Choicest Cooked Meats, Meat Pies, Roast Chickens, Fish and Chips dally. We are ready to serve you Chines? dishes Chow Me In, Chop Suey, etc., to take out. Cooked wilh delicate taste and quick service. TRY US! RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West Next Royal Hotel While results of the conference between representatives of the fishing industry and the International Fisheries Commission at Seattle last week cannot be guaged at this early date, the meetings did indicate a fairly clear division of opinion between members of the halibut fishery and the bottom trawlers, according to George Anderson, men was the extension of auth- delegate of the Prince Rupert Deep Sea Fishermen's Union. Mr. Anderson returned Wednesday from the south. At the conference vere some 75 rep- ority of the Commission to give it jurisdiction over all types of coastal tisheries, wuh particular regard to regulation of beam trawling activities, which hali- resentatives of fishermen's or-1 but men fear is causing damage ganizauons ana nsn products to the halibut grounds. dealers, who presented their views to the International Commission. Prime concern of the halibut Mr. Anderson said that a proposal made by him to trawlers' representatives that scientific Information in regard to both OF MISCELLANEOUS LADIES WEAR at the STONE BUILDING (Next to W. P. Stone's) Exceptional Values' types of fisheries he pooled under authority of, and lor use of the International commission received an indifferent reception after trawlers delegates had said that independent scientific research sponsored by them had been under way for some time. Following the general confer ence, the fish products dealers conferred with, the Commission. and it is on the results of the representations of all groups that the Commission's actions will depend, Mr. Anderson feels. He Is firmly convinced that the future welfare of the west coast fishing industry will depend largely on the extension of the authority of the International Fisheries Commission to cover all lypes of fishery, instead of Just the halibut industry as is now the case. Union steamer Cassiar arrived In port here this morning from Vancouver and left again at noon for Massett and Port Clements. She will return Sunday, then leave for Vancouver by way of the south Islands. A sure sign that the fishing season is closed Is seen In the hordes of gulls and crows which are haunting the city and waterfront with their "sliver cries." After having spent the summer around the canneries and fishing camps, they have now returned to winter in the city. Skins of the hair seal, .once considered worthless, now have a market value considerably above the bounty value of $5 a seal, paid by the Dominion government. Bounties have been paid this year in British Columbia for 1,500 seals. Market for the skins is in Alaska and Yukon where Indians make them Into parkas, moccasins and fur clothing, both for their own and tourist consumption. Black and silver furs have a higher market value than yellow ones. Baby and unborn seals are also in demand. TETNEY, Eng. D Four hundred Anglo-Saxon coins hidden 1,000 years ago have been unearthed, in this Lincolnshire .CHRISTMAS IN BRITAIN London Stores Have Tew Presents Not Made of Wood or Paper for Shoppers LONDON, Dec. 8 AP Britain's first peacetime Christmas in six years will be a wooden and paper one. Toys, .trays, and book-ends of wood are about all crowds thrognlng through London stores can find to fill their Christmas lists. And for tree trimmings-scraps of colored paper and white or yellow candles. Since housewives know that sparsely filled shelves are bound to empty quickly. Christmas shopping started early. Most of the stores made some effort to decorate. One has bits of red and green paper around pillars. Another, one of the more exclusive, has found scrubby little trees to set up In its toy department. Their branches have clearly borne the joys of more than one past Christmas. Few War Toys Mostly Wooden Toys consist of wooden trucks, carts, animals, blocks and little alphabet games. There are plenty of model airplanes foi lads with their hearts on the skies but there are few model finks, soldier dolls or other reminders of grim days. There are no mechaclcal toys and very little sports equipment. Electric trains, roller skates or bicycles are out of the question. For young ladles of two to 12, there are pink and black-faced dolls of cotton. Though none have delicate porcelain noses or real golden curls, they are undoubtedly just as lovable companions. Prices are fabulously high. A tiny puff of cotton that lookr like a cat is $3. Crepe paper hats the kind that used to cost five or 10 cents each are 50 to 15 cents. Clothes are impossible to think of as Christmas gifts. They all take coupons, which are precious to threadbare Britons. The joking gift-giver can find For ACTION - NOW!! ; ... vote ... T. Norton Youngs For ALDERMAN The IDEAL PRESENT for . . . HIM or HER A FINE ' NEW ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFT DRESSINGS AND CAIIDS WE HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL SETS DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOCK, THIRD STREET (Downstairs) PROMPT SERVICE TAXI 65 TAXI Anytime Anywhere m rpnvOiOO a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Vivid Record Eisenhower Film Here "True Glory" Depicts Battle of Europe from D to V-E Day General Dwight D. Elsenhower's 'The True Glory," dramatic compilation of the invasion activities of the Allied forces .in Western Europe from the very Inception of the plan of attack to the German surrender, will be seen at the local Capitol Theatre on Monday and Tuesday. Photographed, written and a few fancy geegaws that should make for merriment on December 25, however. Pir.k and white lace garters or daring red satin ones are on sale for about $1.50. Housewives are already collecting staple rations for Christmas dinner, but there will be very few' turkeys or chickens. Whisky and gin Is likely to be just as hard to ferret out at yuletlde as it is now. But Britain is planning on a merry, peaceful Christmas. SOFT UNDERTONES "Sotto voce" (Italian) literally means "under the1 voice," that is an undertones The term is used In reference . both to music and speech. FUNERAL NOTICE MORGAN Marlon Anne, be loved wife of Cyril Morgan. Funeral services will be held at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 9, 1945, Bishop Gibson officiating. Interment will follow In Falrvlew Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Lucy Ryan wish to express appreciation to Dr. J. J. Gibson, the nurses at the Prince Rupert General Hospital and many friends for kindnesses and tributes In their recent FOUND FOUND Male Boston bull terrier puppy. 940 6th Ave. East. Phone' BlUe 257. (285) FOR RENT FOR RENT House. 751 9th Ave. West. (288) FOR RENT Two-room apartment and one housekeeping room. 221 5th Ave. East. (288) FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in. Phone Blue- 605. (287) FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Blue 822, 1144 7th Ave. East. (287) FOR RENT Five-room unfurnished suite in apartment block. Quiet and permanent tenants preferred. Box 57 Daily News. (287) FOR RENT Room. 440 8th Ave. West. (286) FOR RENT Sleeping room with kitchen privileges. 221 5th Ave. East. (285) WANTED WANTED Sewing machine, any condition. Phone Blue 884 or write Box 56, Dally News. (287) WANTED Used Guitar. Phone Red 728 after six p.m. (tf) WANTED Hotel maid, steady work, good living conditions. 714 Fraser Street. (289) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STENOS. TYPISTS, POSTAL CLERKS for Government work. You can train at home. Free information. M.C.C. Schools, Winnipeg. RADIO SERVICE RADIO SERVICE Have your raaio serviced Deiore the Christmas season. Phone 6 and a member of the Associated Radio Technicians will call at your home. McRae Bros. Ltd. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (,' LOST LOST Man's Rodana - wrist watch Saturday night. Finder please phone Green 84. (284) $5.00 REWARD, for Information of small blue with white trim tricycle taken from 440 6th Avenue East evening December 6. Phone 353. (285) C.N.R. Trains I'or the East-Dally except Sunday . 8 p.ti. Frnm tltirtfaiit Dally except Monday 10:49 p.m. produced completely from the viewpoint of the soldier in the ranks, it is said to be the most action-packed and comprehensive film of this type ever made. In this record of the war, audiences will not only see the .soldiers of the Western Allies in action from D-Day through the battles of St. Lo, Paris, Bastogne and the Rhine, but hear them talk. So while the thrilling events are taking place, there Is a running commentary In rich, realistic accents the British Cockney, the American deep South, Brooklynese, that of the Canadian and the Frenchman. Although for the most part, the picture has to do with the vast business of making war, It Is Interspersed with considerable grim humor. General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower delivers the introduction and is seen In several sequences during the film, as are Montgomery and many more of the British forces not to overlook the German commanders, Von Rundstedt, Rommel, Oper-lng and even Hitler himself. The picture was made by British, Canadian and American public relations cameramen. It Is the .vlvld official story of conquest of Germany by British, American and Canadian armies. In its taking four Canadian cam-erman were killed or died of wounds and 11 were wounded. Every returned man will want to see it and every Canadian citizen should seelt. Classified Advertising - - - - TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FOR SALE FOR SALE White tube hockey skates, size 2; white snow shoes, size' 2. 650 7th Ave. East. (284) FOR SALE One studio couch with slip cover. Phone 348. (284) FOR SALE Boy's bicycle. $15: English made, in first class i condition. 621 6th Ave. West.! (287) FOR SALE! Hot Point electric I stove, four -burner, high oven. I pnone 205 after c p.m. (284) FOR SALE 6-room furnished house. 742 7th Ave. West. (288) FOR SALE Writing desk, just! MVa via.,. tiT.nn. via... j.i... I hardwood, special, $25.50; card tables Jrom $2.25 to $3.00; oak dining room suite, just like new, $45.00; Quebec heaters, brick lined, from $22.50 to $27.50; office desk and combination for typewriter, $17.50; large assortment of chesterfields, reduced prices; bed and spring, slightly used, special values; house mats from $2.00 to $2.75; office chairs In walnut. Just like new. B. C. Furniture, Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, good condition; silent attachment, eight-inch carriage. $70. Box 61 Daily News. (286) FOR SALE Boat "Teeny Mllly II", 35 -X912X4; 20 H.P. Diesel, air start, new auxiliary plant, fire extinguishers, life-saving equipment; also gciod 12-ft. rowboat. Ideal camp tender, pleasure boat; good accommodations, lavatory. Bebullt last year. Enquire 214 6th Street. (288) FOR SALE Beautiful kitchenette suite, buffet, fancy glass doors, latest type extension table, 4 chairs, 1939 mantel radio, Winnipeg couch, all like new. Hurry! Suite 2, Mussel-lem Block. Phone Red 926. (284) FOR SALE 3-room modern house, full cement basement and furnace. Phone Green "3Q- (288) FOR SALE 3-room house on Dodge cove. For particulars phone Blue 142. (289) FOR SALE Two wood and coal rnnooo ,. i . i . i,nu cicttric ranges; radio and gramaphone. Sell or trade. 714 Fraser Street. (289) FOR SALE Hot point electric luui-uurner, nign oven. Phone 65 after 6 p.m. (285) PERSONAL DRESSMAKING, draperies and cvK-ittnuuo. mone ureen 735. .. (294)' HAVE THREE TINY PUPS to give away. Anyone desiring one call Mrs. c. E. Morrow, Black 752. DRESSMAKING Coats and ureses remoaeiea. Phone Red 773. (296) J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chlropractlcl If nerves doubly sol Smith Block Green 995 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 y y v v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y v y y y y w y y y y y y y y y y y y y Nh AP II L M l . . . lP.Jfc$HWk. Mayor H. M. Daggett Over CFPR Monday Evening Qt 6. ft.'W' City Council.: opcemwy in &ujj jun oi Labor's candid, hnth thp Pmmmi n, r, candidates Also COME and HEAR . , . - .i Mi.ItrI.11. ALL THE LABOR CANDIDATES Speak at a Public Meetintr in the rvi,i,. nan . . . same date, Monday, December 10, at 8 p.m. City Clerk H. D. Thain will explain new ballot to be used at forthcoming election. lioors open at 7:45. Insterted by CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION rKACJ 1 ICAL GIFTS This year, with so many items unobtainable, an excellent solu tion to your gift problems is to give practical gifts. In our stock you will "find many very; acceptable Items. We suggest: For HER Superliealth Cooking Utensils. Pyrex Ware. Dishes Lamps. For HIM, Tools. t (1 ,wl.,J'XV rn I X- .V "X. J Tv 1 Jk. t Shop Now! . . . while the selection is larger" Gordon's Hardware - ............. otiict mine: SEE OUR STOCK OF A..x A Automotive Accessori Cleaners and Polishes Polish Cloths chamnts nia ttrl4An. nu.H.. ...i.i. n 1 1 t - tv Jacks Seat Covers Locking Gas Caps Car Top Uti. PfirHpr Mlicf fVin thlrKr fnr ihn cnnrltml Gloat Cfenv Wheel Wrenches. Get your Imperial Oil Hockey Broadcast Schedules here. Listen every Saturday night at 6:00 p.m. over CFPR to the National Hockey Broadcast. r r ririrr i ikJiTrn 3. l. rAKlXLK UMIItU Ford Dealer Imnrrial Oil Tin Have a Made-lo-Mcasurc TOPCOAT or OVERCOA Leading this season's Fashion Parade are the Bal Types predominating wun popular double-breasted style high among the winners. . . WOT. COME AND INSPECT OUR NEW SA V llnnr r V V VI A- 1 .r lorganssr riens U CJoys I "WHERE MEN BUY'