- - IF This CHRISTMAS may we suggest a smart pair of Shoes for the appropriate gift. Our Gift Certificate idea solves the problem of style last and fit. "CALL ME BILL" VISIT WILLIAM F. STONE "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" SUPPORT K A I) I O AUCTION Monday, l"Ui, Wednesday, 19th, Saturday, 22nd ? LAKLi run. uivai Q1L.UZAJ 1 hjii ir unuioiivmo uit 10 W ROYAL HOTEL Home Away From Home Rates 75c up Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRIWF. RUPERT. R R. m Mt PO Roy 10ft Chris' Mill Bakery announce they will be open for business on MONDAY, DEC. 10 WE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN Five minutes from the time you pose until you have your picture. 2J4x2',4 inches passport or identification size. "fllDIV't" 2 FOH 'A-if tUKLY J 303 THIRD AVENUE BONDED ROOFERS PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. and Sheetmetal Works ttcermetal work of all kinds Air Conditioning fankj sinks - Eavestrougn & Furnace Work Prompt attention to outside orders FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Co- 7th St. & 2nd Ave. W. P.O. Box 725 Phone Blue 80 APPROVAL . . . Pall Mall Cafe AND CHOP SUEY at CENTRAL HOTEL 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. We specialize in tender, juicy steaks and Chinese dishes. --rS. I0UNAIID LENT11EKIC LEIGH WtOTHY GRAY VITA KAY CHANEL AUKTH AKDEN 'U).ux t'r-i.,.. These are now In stock lilP EARLY FOR ADRIENNE riNAUD IJATCHELOIt HARRIETT HUBBARD AYERb . . . others arriving shortly A GOOD SELECTION MRS. LUCY RYAN IS LAID AT REST Prince Rupert and Metlakatla People Join in Funeral Service at Neighboring Village Friends from Prince Rupert gathered with the local village folk at Metlakatla 'on Thursday afternoon when the funeral of the late Mrs. Lucy Ryan was held. Mrs. Ryan died early ln.the week at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Rev. Gordon Smith of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove, officiated at the funeral which was held in St. Paul's Church at Metlakatla. Mrs. William Campbell presided at the organ to accompany the hymns which were "Ahidp With Mp "Safe In the Arms of Jesus, Interment was made In Aurlol Point Cemetery. Many beautiful floral offerings testified to the esteem In which deceased was held by many friends'. Among those sending flowers were: 1 Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mclntyre and family, Mr. and Mrs. Georje Robinson and family, Mabel Parkinson and the Miller Family, Mr. and Mrs. G. St. Clair and family, Tom Lee and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Farley, Mrs. Peggy Johnson and family, Louis Anderson, Alex Murray. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mor- daunt, Fannie Skog and Allen, Margaret and the Family, Mrs Betty Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wouden, Mrs. Christine Leigh- ton, Mrs. L. R. Cretney and fam ily. Mrs. E. Steele and family, Tommy Kenney and Lorraine and Louie, Mrs. Arthur E. Brown Mrs. E. Leighton, Oscar Hanson Mary. Myrtle and Sonny Boy and Emily. Will and Donnie. Metlakatla Dora, Robert and family, Cecil. Dorothy and fam ily, George. Beatrice and family Henry, Thelma and family, Rob-' ness- ert Dorcas and family. Edward Lelghton and Lizzie Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. William Leask and family, the Metlakatla Council. Mrs. Alice Leighton and family. Young Men's Benevolent Association, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lelgh- IN THE SUPREMC COURT OP BKIT13H COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTfcK OP THE 'ADMINISTRATION ACT" nnit IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP ERNEST NOEL VALENTINE, DECEASED TESTATE the 23rd day ot November, A.D. 194S. I was appointed Administrates (with Will Annexed) ot the Estate of Ernest Noel Valentine, deceased, and all parties having claims against the Bald estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of December, A.D. 1B45, and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 27th day of November. A.D. 1945. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 288 n I 21 MOST POPULAR FINE WATCH! 1 i m in i in mi-- - 2 iHw r JOHN BULGER jewelers' Third Ave (Opp. Post Office) Plumbing, and Heating Engineers OIL AND COAJ. STOKERS B a rr Anderson Local News Items . . . A Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Aid. W. H. Brett has left for a business trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Gordon Kerr left by last night's train on his return to Terrace after a brief visit to the city. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, Dec. 7, 8:00 p.m. sharp. Installation of officers, silver march and social. (283) A CLIFF JIAM for alderman solicitsTour vote over station CFPR Monday, Dec. 10 at 6:55 p.m. Be sure to listen In. (2t) Tip Top Tailors are pleased to announce that they are again Jesus Lover of My Soul" and ttU,c 10 "J"- u'us ior civilian suits and coats for ladies and gentlemen. Eight or twelve weeks required for delivery. Pete Cra- vetta, Sixth Street. (284) COVENTRY, Eng. Grey hound racing at Coventry sta dium had to be held for a time when dogs became hysterical and collapsed. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "She is great on bak ing cakes." 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "athlete"? 3. Which one of these words Is misspelled? Abdomenal, arsenal, diagonal. 4. What does the word "in itiative" (noun) mean? 5. What is a word beginning with co that means "abundance"? Answers 1. Say, "She knows how to bake cakes." 2. Pronounce ath-leet, not ath-a-leet. 3. Abdominal. 4. An introductory step. "I ' am willing to take the Initiative In this matter." 5. Copions- ton and family, the Salvation Army at Metlakatla, Charles, Christina and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Leask, Mr. and Mrs. M. Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hal-dane and the Ladies' Benevolent Association. Port Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C. McKay and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. William , Alexcee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudoward and His Honor. Juctee Fisher, made on Port Edward Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. Hunt's Inlet Mr. John Suldan. and Mrs. J. H. Comer was a passenger today for Vancouver on the Cardena. Fisheries Supervisor Frank Warne left today on the Cardena for a" trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Elsie Thompson wishes to announce she Is returning to her practice at the Modern Beauty Shop. Breen Melvln, field worker for the Extension Department of the University of B. C, left at noon on the Cassiar on a trip to Massett and Port Clements. A The Deep Sea Fishermen's Union will hold regular meeting, Sunday, December 9th, at 2 pjm Members are requested to attend this meeting., D. McMillan, and daughter of Terrace are returning to the interior on tonight's train after a brief visit to the city. Mr. McMillan Is in charge of the military hospital property at Ter race. Cardena Wears Peacetime Color The peacetime atmosphere along the coast was bolstered today with the return of the Union steamship Cardena to her regu lar run garbed In a coat of fresh paint in pre-war colors. Fresh out of dry dock after her annual overhaul, the steamer Car dena, Capt. A. C. McLennan, ar rived in Prince Rupert this morning proudly wearing her company colors after throwing off the anonymity bestowed by her six-year old coat of wartime gray. Old friends of the Cardena gladly greeted her as she returned to the harbor after three weeks absence once more familiar in her black suit, white upper work and orange and black funnel. While she was in 1 dry dock, the Cardena's run was taken over by the Venture. The Cardena arrived at 1 :30 a.m. and sailed south on her return later In the morning. NEARLY 50 YEARS AGO Becquerel discovered radio activity in 1896 when 6ome photographic film was blackened accidentally by uranium miner als. SPANISH TIES BROKEN The independence movement began in Chill In 1910, with the ousting of the Spanish ruler Captain General Antonio Har-cia Carrasco. UNITED CHURCH HOLDS BAZAAR Fine Affair by Women5s Auxiliary Thursday Afternoon The Christmas bazaar of tfie Senior and Junior Women's Auxiliary of the First United Church was held Thursday afternoon in the church parlors which were beautifully decorated with seasonal colors of red and green. The Christmas tree with Its bright lights gave the hall a yuletide appearance. The tea room was managed by a committee consisting of Miss M. Sharpe, Mrs. J. S. Irvine Mrs. J. G. Patrick and Mrs. Llew ellyn with Mrs. A. G. Landels, Mrs. rpivid Allen, Mrs. Martin Stuart, Mrs. E. Pedersen and Mrs. W. J. Holt acting as servi teurs. From the large table tastefully decorated with fall flowers and tapers, tea was poured by Mrs. A. R. Holtby, Miss Maxwell and Mrs. R. G. Large. Mrs. J. Krikevsky wis cashier In charge of the various booths were the following ladles: Fancywork Mrs. D. Santur bane, Mrs. E. Clapp and Mrs. T. Petroff. Novelties, and Children's Wear Mrs. Crawford Moore, Mrs. A S. Nickerson and Mrs. J. Findlay Aprons Mrs. G. Ciccone and Mrs. R. G. Macauley. Home Cooklne Mrs. R. G Webber and Mrs. A. Thompson. Candy Mrs. I. Hetherington. White EleDhant Mrs. R. Wilson and Mrs. N. M. Carter In SDlte of the Inclement leather, the affair was well Datronized and proved to be financial success. Announcements Eastern Star Tea, Dec. 12, Mrs, C. A. Berner s. Reeular Baptist Christmas party, December 20, 8 p.m. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree, Dec. 22. Legion and Aux iliary members witn ennaren u and under, please phone Mrs. Morrow, Black 752 before Nov. 30. L.O.B. A. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall. Dec. 27. Refreshments. De Carlo's Orchestra. Canadian Legion and Prince Rupert Regiment (M.G.) New Yearls Eve Party and Dance 6th Avenue Armouries. Ad mission by invitation only. HEURM.61A Driving You Fflad? T-R-C's. Specify compounded to case dull aches end nr.rp. siauumg v-' T-R-C'i are used by thousands for Ncur-nlsia. Sciatica and Lumbagn, (or Kneii; .i. a,. i, nr N'ruritic l'ain nm! L".' i'c. W 11-at drumists. ' T-20 4 58 si THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE APPLIANCES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR .' One of these days and soon, we hope refrigerators and other electrical appliances will be, coming through in full supply. Then you'll be able to get whatever you want. Reddy is waiting to go just as soon as appliances become available, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT A FEW MONTHS LONGER prince Uuucrt 'Daily Ji3cUist Saturday, December 8, 1945 PASTOR AASEN RETURNS HERE To Take Charge of St. Paul's Lutheran Church Due Monday From Minneapolis Rev. A. 0. Aasen, who played prominent part in the found ing of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Is returning to Prince Rupert to become the pastor of the church. For many years pas tor of a large Lutheran Church In Vancouver, Mr. Aasen has been more recently located in Min neapolis out of which city he has been travelling In the In terests of home missions. It is from there that he will arrive In Prince Rupert next Monday. His wife is accompanying him. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT PACK CAREFULLY ADDRESS CORRECTLY In 1934 Mr. Aasen was here for some time to reorganize the local church and he was back in 1943 for the dedication of the present building. Advertise In the Daily News SHIP TO POINTS IN NOT LATER THAN Maritime Provinces December 12 Ontario -Quebec December 14 Manitoba December 15 British Columbla-Alberta-Sajkatchewan December 17 KOTICE TO PUBLIC Cow Bay bridge will be colsed to traffic commencing 8 a.m., Monday, December 10. Traffic will detour via Hays Creek Bridge and Dry Dock road. E. A. PHILLIPS, City Engineer. Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) LING THE TAILOR We are taklnp cleaning: and pressing: and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Quality We can say this in three words . . BUY COAL NOW ARROW Style SHOES FOR MEN Quality and Style, at Popular Prices Now Featured at the CUT RATE SHOE STORE LOVE'S CABINET SHOP PHONE GREEN 974 Cabinets and Toys made to order Furniture Repaired Upholstery a Specialty 117 2nd Ave. W. Opp. YMCA EMPIRE CAFE (Fb.icny L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 an. to 1 am. PHONES 116 117 ALBERT KM &4 AND Ormes LIMITED McCAFFERY Jim Jhoneer Dmqhts S1 Corner 2nd Ave. and 4th Street M( . . .. a oo 5 Phnne Red 389 P.O. Box 1294 'REXALL STORE Phones i 01 auu u n