t-1 ' .1 id 2 a Mil :i ' ' : u ,i ;i if n ii i n ti n n u ii ti ISrinrc Rupert Dailp J3cto5 Saturday. December 8, 1945 FURNI HERE WALLACE' Your Favorite Store For Mother Sister, Sweetheart And Baby, Too Steamship Service from Prince Rupert to- OCEAN FALLS POWELL RIVER VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. to KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE PHONE 543 PHONE FOR . . . . . - H. Letourneau Expert Plumber, Tinsmith and Roofer Take Invigorating steam .baths and massage to relieve that tired feeling. R.Y.WALKER Graduate Masseur ( Reducing, Facial and Genera) Swedish Massage Phone Green 507 evenings for appointment 937 THIRD AVENUE WEST TURE Always 'Acceptable.. . What could b lovelier than CHESTERFIELD SUITE? You are invited to tome in aml make selections from our ! stock of I EVERYTHING bYm rmp n,, K ii rf R a K A X X X X A X X X X X X X X X X X ti X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X BETTING AT r. RACE TRACKS X X X X X X X X X t ti X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Gordon & Anderson 1 LIMITED Electrical Goods, Hardware, Furniture Federal Block Prince Rupert Third Avenue Over $I!,000,000 Was Wagered In Canada During Year 1915 I During the 1945 horse racing : season in Canada a total of $42,- , 193258 was wagered through the ' pari-mutuel machines. This was ; $5,12o,059 more than was wager ed in 1944 and the largest amount bet since the record amount of $45,580,845 in 1929. In 1945, the Dominion Department of Agriculture supervised parl-mutuel betting at the tracks of 26 racing associations, which held 35 race meetings for a total of 307 days' racing, nine more days than there was racing in 1944. Trotting or harness racing do not come under the supervision of the department. Supervised horse racing is held In six provinces. Ontario, with 98 days racing accounted for a total of $25,907,764 wagered, at which $17,459,110 was clicked through the windows at four tracks in Toronto with 55 days' racing. Hamilton, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls and Ottawa absorbed the balance of $8,448,654. British 1 Columbia watered $6,859,334 dur- .at four tracks. About 80 per cent ing the 56 days the horses ran of the total was bet at three tracks in Vancouver in 42 days. I and the remainder at one track in Victoria which had 14 day's racing. In Manitoba S3.869.183 was wagered in 28 days at two 'tracks in Winnipeg. Money waged in Alberta totalled $2,667,823 in 39 days. 19 at Edmonton, 19 at Calgary and one at Claresholm where a one day meet rang up $1,279 in bets. In 70 days racing In Quebec $2,179,529 was rung up in the oari-mutuels at four tracks in Montreal. The largest amount wagered at one meet was $2,419,059 at the soring meeting at Woodbine Park, Toronto. During the 1945 season, $1,588.-345 was paid in prize money to the owners cf winning horses. Government Takes Big Cut The Dominion Government takes five per cent of every dollar wagered on race tracks, the provincial government takes five to 10 per cent five In Alberta and Saskatchewan, five and one-half in Quebec, seven in British Columbia and 10 per cent in Ontario and Manitoba. The racing association takes seven per cent on the first $20,000 bet on each race, and one per cent less as the total bets advance by $10,000 with the minimum at three per cent. Advertise in Ths Daily News. I CHRISTMAS Specials ai ine 11. C. CLOTHIERS Fine, Assortment of Ties In very nice patterns. From 50c $1.00 Men's Silk Scarves In very nice patterns. From $1-25 to $2.00 Men's Pyjamas From S2-50VO$3.50 Men's Dress Shirts From Men's Blue pecial at Overcoats S19-50 Men's Waterproof Rain-coals Priced $7-00 $9.50 Boys' Suits From $7-50 $8.50 Boys' Suits Sizes 8 to 34, in' fine wool ' tweeds. From $14.50 ,o $16-50 Boys' Pants in cotton mixtures and all wool S2-50 to $4.50 Boys' Shoes From $3-50 ,,$3.95 Boys' Sweaters In fine wool. From $1-65 $3.00 B.C. CLOTHIERS Third Avenue just West of Sixth Street Today in Sports National Hockey League clubs participated in two exhibition i professional baseball in 1946. Half of the expenditure Is ear marked for the promotion of town and industrial baseball. Other congress plans include publishing of 500,000 free rule books, the formation of a mini mum of 200 leagues, the awarding of 550 trophies to recognized league and tournament champions, free instruction to three thousand members of the National Association of Non-Professional Umnires and the creation of a minimum of 300 district tcurneys to qualify teams in 48 state championship meets. These will precede the twel'h annual national finals which will be held at Wichita, Kansas, on August 16 to 28. At the end of the second round SCHEDULE FOR chine, Quebec the Montreal I Ah ICC' DAUI C Canadiens trounced the Lachine LMLILj UlMiLJ Rapids 18-6. In Saint Hyacinthe. j , schedule Following for Lestear Patrick's New York Ran- sprs thumnoH t.Vi Cilnt in 1 U r-- vav J . to A U 4 ( Both the Rapids and the Saints j nounced: are members of the Provincia Senior Hockey League. In a scheduled Quebec League encounter in Sherbrookt, the Victoriaville Stars defeated the Sherbrooke Randies 5-2 and advanced into a second rlaep tie with the Saint Hyacinthe Saints. Nine points ahead, and leading the league, the Lachine Rapids. The baseball conr. ?ss. meetine In Columbus. Ohio, has approved a $150,000 budget to develon non uowiing League is the an- December 11 Lucky Strikes vs. Boom Defence, Edmunds Si Walker vs. Bankers, Moose vs. Post Office, Orange Lodge vs. Watts and Nickerson, Savoy vs. Annettes, Big Sisters vs. Variety. December 13 Ideal Cleaners vs. Boom Defence. December 18 Moose vs. K. C, Orange Lodge vs. Boom Defence, Annettes vs. Lucky Strikes, Savoy of the $10,00 Miami Open golf tourameni yesterday, the old Iron Master Henry Picard took a one-stroke lead over the defending champion, Dutch Harrison. Picard, playing his first tourney after a six-month layoff, scored a three under par 67 yesterday for a total card of 136. Harrison's 68 yesterday gave him a 36-hole total of 137. The pre-tourney favorite, Ben Ho-gan, is tied with Orvllle White Jug McSpaden, Fred Annon and Jim Ferrier at 140. In Truro, Nova Scotia, last night, the Pictou Refitters swamped the New Glasgow Bombers 13-3 in the second game of the Antigonlsh-Pictour-Colchester pre-season series for the Memorial Cup. vs. Watts & Nickerson, Big Sisters "vs. Bankers, Edmunds & Walker vs. Post Office. December 20 Lucky Strikes vs. Orange Lodge. January 8 Annettes vs. Watts Si Nickerson, Lucky Strikes vs. Savoy, Big Sisters vs. Edmunds Si Walker. Variety vs. K. C. Post Office vs. Bankers, Orange Lodge vs. Ideal Cleaners. January 10 Edmunds & Walker vs. Variety. January 15 Variety vs. Post Office, Big Sisters vs. Moose. Watts Si Nickerson vs. Boom Defence, K. C. vs. Edmunds Si Walker, Annettes vs. Orange Lodge. Lucky Strikes vs. Ideal Cleaners. January 17 Ideal Cleaners vs. j Savoy. January 22 Savoy vs. Boom ( Defence, Annettes vs. Ideal j Cleaners, Lucky Strikes vs. Watts j Si Nickerson, Bij Sisters vs. Pest ' Office,, Moose vs. Variety. K. C vs. Bankers. January 24 Moose vs. Bankers j January 31 Watts Si Nickerson vs. Ideal Cleaners, K. C vs. Post Office, Boom Defence vs. Annettes. Bankers vs. Variety. Edmunds Si Walker vs. Moose. Orange Lodge vs. Savoy. February 2 Big Sisters vs. Vt.C. ATOM BAC-IGI'OUND Three major discoveries In the fingle year of 1932 made most present-day atom-splitting development possible. The discoveries were the neutron, positron and heavy hydrogen. The Zoroastrlans oi ancient rsla built their temple. arounc" natural gas vents in what is now the Baku oil fields, and thus obtained the eternal fires which they worshipped. m$Pi&$: 1 ff OLD1! If J BURN WOOD Spruce, per cord ... Si.."0 Poplar, per cord 1 1.."0 Slabwood, 14" $10.00 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD GIFT SUGGESTIONS . . . From babes to pensioners! Baby Bathinct Baby Walker Topper's Pony Rocker Decanter Set 9 pieces (Good for double-distilled) Super Rest Mattress ..SjilO.H." .. ::.." 1 1 .50 TAFT AND ODOWES Furniture and Novelties (Formerly j. h. Mair) We are pleased to announce that conditions now permit us to place on the market again "RUPERT BRAND" SCOTCH TYPE SMOKED KIPPERS SMOKED ALASKA BLACK COD SMOKED MILD CUBED SALMON Try them today from your Butcher or at your favorite restaurant. Canadian Fish , AND Cold Storage COMPANY L 1 M I T E PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE Storage for a trunk, radio, cedar chest, piano, or the entire furnishings of your home is convenient and Inexpensive. We own and operate the warehouse where your goods are stored. For complete details about packing, crating, moving, storage and shipping, PHONE Q LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. Corner 2nd and Park Avenue Q TODAY AT 4:40 - 6:50 - 9:00 FRED ALLF.V in . ' "THE 5TH CHAIR" SUNDAY AT MIDNITp . . i It tTo rrni'if , wns atttutt AI'IEK SHOW) ANNE G WYNNE DAVID BRUCE In "MOON OVER LAS VEGAS" MON. - TUES. B. LLOVI) WM. HEXnv "SILENT V'7 jK-s i Capt. GARSON KANIN CAROL REED (lor the United Stated (fu Great Brbia) Do PARTNER" 1:00 - 3:37 - 6:11 . 8:J BRITISH AHSLNAL Or UtMULHACT "V. W eATTir OF THE ATLANTIC CONFERENCE AT TEHERAN INVASION OF NORMANDY BATTLE OF ST. L0 TRAP AT FALAISE LIBERATION OF PARIS SIEGFRIED LINE SMASHED ARNHEIM AIRBORNE INVASION BATTLE OF THE BULGE CONFERENCE AT YALTA CAPTURE OF REMAGEN BRIDGE CROSSING THE RHINE FREEING OF P-O W CAMPS ft ADDED FEATLTf Mary Beth Hughes Hugh Beaumont IN "THE LADY CONFESSES" Capital Recreation HALL 5th Avenue East NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC Bowling and Billiards Recreation and Best Booms Hall available for banquets, meetings, etc. Under management of Fred Emeweln PHONE 846 Hours 1 p.m. to .12 p.m. daily inmmirp nv IUIIIIIIV J I OA j Stand; Grotto Cigar Store Day and Night Service i I PHONE Tommy Christoft. Proprietor IIZCUTH' AT TIIE KKCHKATION DANCE CJ HALL EVERY FKIDAY A SATUKDAY FROM 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT Come along and ensure yourself of a good unit-Special attention given lo private parties, club dances and socials. 5th Avenue Last (Across from High School) RECREATION HALL FRED ERNEWEIN, Manager phone I A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 20 QUINLAN HASSOCKS They are lovely Hassocks you must see them to appreciate their worth. Priced from : ; S1 1.7' 20 HASSOCKS Some- are made In triple tone and are very serviceable for cvery-day use. Priced from ." 15 END TABLES Inlaid walnut tops. Priced 0 CHESTERFIELD TABLES Walnut Inlaid tops. Priced at .SI"--0 A shipment of Doll Carriages will be here this week. Mill ii.ja.u ...ill ..... ..... r.1 Un1inll. A.tuii vriuiis Kill itAiivi uui piuiii aui.'i 'HONE 775 327 THIRD AVENUE Help Re-build Prince Rupert Better . For strong independent action that will embrace the whole community. Vole CLIFF HAM for Alderman This space voluntarily contributed by NORTH WEST CONSTRUCTION CO.