JANUARY 20, 1945 oodvbak iEt BKLTINO 4 At tcssori" c .tock of pop- Tal ready for e delivery f.o.b. . R'lpc:- from . Rupert Supply House Mwi'f':'rs Agt. Phone 032 Good Meal, THE amy ate W. LB L UtllU Experience SUM! . V .It . n r. rm m - To Our Patrons: Since Mr. SarA Currle Sr., has severed his connection with us, on and after Jan. 8, 1945, he will not be soliciting dry cleaning or laundry for our organization, 1'IONEEK CANADIAN LAUNDRIES & CLEANEKS Horn Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone S7 P.O. Box 94. FKASER STREET Prince Rupert CHIMNEY SWEEPINO OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HOME SERVICE HANDYMAN .1 .i i can say this in three words UY COAL NOW! BtlT & MtCAFFERY 110 PHONES 117 AUTHORIZED mm Shaping Service FOR LADIES DRESSES I 3& v ( WW DP..-. -I . I I A V. mpt anil efficient service Phone 8 of 118 and one of our three salesmen will call: HKN WINDLE .,.-.. Downtown District m fiKO. .WRRAY East of Mcltride KiniAUI) IIURY West of Mcllride UFVA U J. FLEXF0RM rm newly mhUA in nt. nulnmnf. sneaks for Itself. ,Mnai message to the ladies: Harris. fortnprl nf Vanncwvfir nnrt New WeSt- - ui, y0ur service and will be glad to cuscuas jum nR problems miti, j u u Local News It Jack MaVaught, provincial police mechanical supervisor of Victoria, left Thursday night to return to the capital after a visit here on official business. CAMP FOR SEA CADETS Navy League officials an nounce that Whytecliffe sum mer resort will again be location for the summer tralnlne cairm Cadets. Last summer, 80 officers ' and men from Prince Rupert's RjCS.C. "Captain Cook" attended summer camp after completing the longest trip of any corps who attended Whytecliffe. Under their commanding officer, Lt.- Cmdr. Alex Mitchell, the Rupert Cadets proved their expertness at handling boats. While law year brought the Canadian Navy's patrol vessel H.M.CS. "Malasplna" to camp as the training highlight, already the Navy has announced that five 10-foot sailing dinghies will be ready to put to sea. This will round out the 1045 summer camp syllabus promised Sea Cadets attending Whytecliffe. Sea Cadets in British Colimv i bla have been assured every support-from the Navy League and the Royal Canadian Navy, ac cording to Lieut. Grant Hooper Sea Cadet liaison officer for the British Columbia mainland, Lieut. Hooper has just return- , ea w um.ve. "Discovery" alter attending a liaison officer's conference in Toronto In company with Lieut. Rer Gillman, R.C.N V.R.. who represented the cadet's Vancouver Island headquarters, H.M.CS. "Malahat." Victoria. ems . . . PHONE 86 TO CONTRIBUTE PERSONAL AND NEWS ITEMS Cash for old gold. Bulger's. John Curne of John Currfe and Son returned this morning on the Cardena from Klemtu where he has been supervising alterations at the Klemtu cannery. Ronald Stuart of Massett passed through the city recently on his way to Vancouver and Vancouver Island to spend a holiday. Commencing Sunday, Regular Baptist Services and Sunday School, I.O.D.E. Hall. See advt. City Fire Department answer ed two false alarms yesterday morning, one to the C.N It. docks and a second to Seventh Ave. W. where firemen were unable to locate a reported chimney fire. A Tim Buck Birthday Party tonight 8 o'clock. Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. Admission 50c. All welcome. Ut PREMIER COUPLE MARRIED HERE A quiet wedding was solem nized In the Church of the Annunciation Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Wanda Crawford of Premier became the bride of Stephen A. Watson, also of Premier. Rev. Father W. F. Lantagne officiated. Witnesses were W. G. Murray and Miss Margaret M, Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will reside at of 2000 British Columbia Sea Premier where the former is THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE mechanical superintendent of the Premier mine. Mrs. Watson has been hospital matron at the mining town for years. Quietly Married Friday Afternoon Miss Cassle Tarcha, who resides at Cow Bay, having come here some time ago from Alberta, and Seaman David James Bain of the United States Coastguard were united In marriage at a quiet ceremony conducted b Very Rev. James B. Gibson at. the Deanery, Fourth Ave. E., Friday afternoon. The bridesmaid was Lillian Hansen and the Regular- Baptist Services I.O.O.E. Hall 5tb Ave. and McBride St.) j groomsman Joseph M, Sullivan, i February 16. 'ANE OUND CRIPTURAL 12:15 pjn. Sunday School, 7:30 pjn Gospel Service, Topic: "The Greatest Question Ever Propounded Since Time Began." The WHOLE Bible for the WHOLE World. Mr. and Mrs! Taylor of Inverness were among those who ar rived in the city this morning frpm Vancouver. Funeral Notice High requiem mass for the late Angelo Montesano will be celebrated at the Church of the Annunciation, Monday, January 22 at 9:30 a.m. Celebrant Rev. Father W. F. Lantagne OM.l. Announcements Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Wednesday. January 24, 9 pjn. . Ad mission 50c. C.C.F. Bridge Drive every Saturday. Presbyterian Burn's Banquet, January 25. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall. L.O.B.A. Old Time Scotch Dance, Oddfellow' Hall, Jan. 25, 9:30 to 1.30. Refreshments. C.W.L. Valentine Bridge, Whist and Cribbage, K. of C. Hut, Feb, 13, 8:00 pjn. Tea. Presbyterian Hall, Febru ary 14. i United Church Valentine Tea. Feb. 15. St. Valentine Dance, W.A. of Machine Gun Reft., Armouries, "" ' i CHURCH SERVICES First United Church Rev. J.. A. Donnell, M-A... Minister Mr. J. S. Wilson. 6r. Choir Leader Miss Florence Connor, Jr. Choir Leader Mrs. Collin Carrell, A.T.C.M., . Organist Public Worship at 11 ajn. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 12:15. "The Friendly Hour" In the Manse at the close of the service. St. Paul's Lutheran Church Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11 a.m. Morning Worship. 12:15 Sunday Schpol. 7:30 "Great Love of the Prodigal's Father." A cordial invitation to all. St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien S.S. Supt., F. J. Skinner 9:00 am. Holy Communion. (Klndlv note chanEe or noun 11 a.m. Mornlne Prayer and sermon. 12:30 Sunday School. 7:30 pin. Evening Prayer and Sermon. A social hour will be conducted by the Young People's Association immediately follow ing the evening service. First Baptist Church Young St. and Fifth Ave. East Rev. W. W. Silyerthorn, Minister Phone Red 839 11 a jn. Morning Worship. ' Subject: "The Tares;." 12:15 D.m. Sunday School as , usual. 7:15 njn. Gosrjel Service. Tonic: "The Bear With Three Ribs In Its Mouth." 8:45 n.m. Fireside Slngsplratlon Tues., 8 p.m. Young People's Union. Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Service and Fellowship Meeting. Eph. 2:8, "By Grace are ye saved tnrougn laun. First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Choir Leader Sunday. January 21, 1945 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 12' 15 p.m. Church School. 7 30 p.m. Evening Worship. Anthem:, Senior Choir, ' A Winter's Prayer." The minister will preach at both services. A cordial Invitation to worship with this congregation Is extended to all. TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT WHO SUFFER WITH THEIR FEET You will be Interested to know that there is a man iu town who has had a wide experience in the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arch Supports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, Is now in Hill's Shoe Store, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be done in your individual case. Mr. Bill Terry is also in charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. HYDE TRANSFER Dry Slabwoorf. per cord ... $10 Dry Poplar, per cord .. Sawdust, per sack PHONE 580 $12.50 ;. 15c INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 MIP S CAFE SUNDAY DINNER 4 to 8 p.m. "T ' .Chicken Spaghetti Spanish Sauce Fried Chicken Southern Style Special Tasty Lunch Every Noon Except Sunday and Monday. 1945 DIARIES and CALENDAR PADS POCKET DIARIES, from !" to $1.75 LARGE DIARIES, from , $1A"! to $2.00 5-YEAR DIARIES WITH LOCK $2.00 SMALL CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $1.75 LARGE CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete $3.00 EVERYDAY CALENDAR PADS AND STAND, complete from - $1.75 to $4.75 SMALL CALENDAR PADS (GEM) - 75 i LARGE CALENDAR PADS (JUMBO) $1.25 Dibb Printing Company BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE I Pioneer-Canadian Laundries & Cleaners 142 East Third Avenue 1. STEAM SPOTTING BOARD AND STEAM SPRAY GUN Which will restore all Velvets, Plush, Mohair as well as Sucdc to their original lustre and newness. ...... 2. PATRICK STEAM IRON For all ladies' dresses and all other Silk, Rayon, Celanese, etc., goods. Positively protects your fine wearing apparel from any shine or scorch. 3. TIE SHAPER Brings your old tie back to life again. A. DEODORIZER A constant flow of pure air will completely eliminate even the slightest trace of odor left in garments after cleaning. We positively guarantee "ODORLESS CLEANING." 10 Point Suit Service 1. Perfect shape and snug fit of coat collar. 2. Ugly wrinkles just below collar eliminated. 3. Shoulders smoothly rounded. 4. Sleeves creased or rolled by re- quest. 5. Body of coat vest and waist of trousers moulded to fit your individual form. G. Lapels Rolled. 7. Longer lasting crease in trous- ers. Knee bulges eliminated. t 8. Trousers returned on "No Krease" protector hanger. 9. Special attention given to all linings. 10. Sundry repairs free of charge. All others for a nominal charge. We use only the finest Cleaning Solvent money can buy We Positively Guarantee the Speediest Service in the City! 1 Other Equipment (Men's Work Maximum 3 days) (Ladies' Work Maximum 4 days) FEATURING' onnuous ow crystEiIrclear solvent obtained by bigh pressure filtration and distillation. No oily residue. Garments cleaned with solvent definitely show brighter color3 and stay clean longer. Whites are a true white and flannels and woolens are soft and lovely. , . WATERPROOFING A SPECIALTY Mail Orders given special and prompt attention. Return postage paid. - Box 448, Prince Rupert