is THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 13, 1945 JOHN MITCHELL PASSES AWAY Highly esteemed pioneer building contractor of Prince Rupert, John Reid Mitchell passed away ihortly after l o'clock this morning at the Prince Rupert General Hospital after an illness of several months. The funeral will take place Friday afternoon from First Presbyterian Church of which he had been an active member from the early days. Mr. Mitchell had been in failing-health since last October, his condition graduaHy becoming worse until two weeks ago when it became necessary to re-rrlove him to the hospital. For the past few days it had been fully realized that the end could net be far rejmoved. Born in Orange, Banffshire, Scotland, Mr. Mitchell would have been 87 years of age in October this year. He came to Prince Rupert from the Old Country in May 1910, his wife and young family following about a year later. Soon after arrival here, Mr. Mitchell went into partnership with John Cur-rie and James Watt to form the building contracting firm of Mitchell, ;ourrie & Watt. Mr. Currie is Mil with the firm. Mr. Watt, after serving in the last war, later returned to Scotland to reside. Deceased, besides his widow, is survived by three sons-James of West Vancouver and Prince Rupert, B.C "Music and Muskeg" Back From North After playing three engage ments at Ketchikan and one at Annette Island, Pete Wambach of the United Services Organi zation and his "Music and MuS' keg" show party returned to the city yesterday. The show received a great reception and played before large and enthusiastic houses. One of the performances at Ketchikan was in support of the Seventh War Loan Drive and admission was by purchase of war bonds of no less than $100 denomination. One of the patrons bought $1000 of bonds. George and Alex of Prince Rupertand two daughters Mrs. W. D. (Caroline) Lamble of this city and Mrs. David (Irene) Mitchell of Courtenay, Vancouver Island. The last-mentioned Is at present here. Another son, William, was drowned several years ago in Shawatlans Lake. Mr. Mitchell belonged to the Masonic Order in the Old Country. He had a wide circle of friends and there will be general regret at his passing. Sympathy will be felt for the surviving members of the ABERDEEN, Scotland, KB Aberdeen and. Montrose claim to have had the last air-raid warning in the- United Kinsdom. The iplames were friendly. YOUR HAT, SIR!! r- Let It Be A I tet son you want STYLE Matched with Comfort and Serviceability FU The Stetson 'Medalist' . . . $ 7.50 The Stetson 'Premier' . . . . . 8.50 The Stetson 'Itoyal' 10.00 The,.Ste(son 'Imperial' 15.00 "THE MEN'S SHOP" R STORAGE ' 1 5 Valuation ! Sp P Protect your furs and prolong their life by sending them AT ONCE to the specially-constructed refrigerated vaults of R, J. Pop Ltd., Vancouver's finest storage plant. litre your furs will be handled by experts and will 'benefit from the thorough cleansing they receive from the circulating dry cold air. FULLY INSURED AGAINST FIRE, , THEFT and SUMMER DANGERS Send your furs by Express or Mail. Low summer rates on repairs and remodelling. J. POP LTD. FURRIERS AND FUR STORAGE Granville at Fifteenth VANCOUVER, n. C. ; Announcement ..Our store will close June 18th to July 14th; inclusive, and we trust this will occasion no inconvie.nce to our customers. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Timely Topics from Terrace REMARKABLE CHANGE IN TERRACE WEATHER RAIN LESS WELLS DRY There has been a remarkable decline in the rainfall in these parts if credence is to be placed in the figures supplied by Weather Observer N. Sherwood of lerrace. 1 he fact that several local wells went dry during the past winter and which wells are not yet 1 coming back seems to -indicate that some profound change has occurred to the 1 j weather. Oldtimers here keep ! closes that the total precipi- on telling about tne great tatlon for the two years 1943 blizzards that used to bury the I and. 1944 was 14 inches less than fences hereabouts and the tops! the average precipitation de- of the apple trees. However, duced over the past 31 years that may be Mr. Sherwood d is- which was 47.26 inches. In 1943 4 i there was 40.34 Inches of precipitation, which means rain plus snow, and in 1944 there was only 40.72. Neither Is there any sign of improvement In the first five months of 1945 which show three inches less than last year up to May 31. I G. E. Brown, J. R. Robertson, I A. Ashworth and Mr. Hargrave of Vancouver were In Terrace during the week. Dr. A. L. Prltchard of Na-naimo was In Terrace on C.N.R. Trains l"ir thf Hast Daily except Sunday 8 p.m. From Hi I'jKt Dally except Monday 10:45 p m. HILL SIXTY IN MEETING Tea was Success To Support Recreational Association At the regular monthly meeting of Hill 60 Chapter, I.O.D.E. on Monday at the home of Mrs-. J. A. Frew, Borden St., the regent, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod, repoited the "Victory" tea, had been a success. If was decided to donate $33.35 to the adopted frigate JI.M.CS. Prince Rupert. Delegates, reported on. the recent Recreational Association dinner meeting and the chapter expressed -willinsness to contri bute $5 monthly towards the op. eratlng expenses. 1 The Jessie Burke Memorial I Cancer Fund was discussed and stamps will shortly be sold in aid of this cause. Meeting will be suspended during July and August but members will continue sewing and knitting. Dc-coratlon Day services will take "place on June 24. Buy War Sayings Stamps Floor Sanding and Finishing Repairs and Alterations Val Spidel Green 130 Box 1430 St. "B" toSH Let your (mp wmrf $ dealer help you Save Mat Car ' A 4 l Ad .La V . - 0' ,.t ew- c The chances are you won't be able to get a new car for a long time yet. That's why it is important to take the best care of your present car . . . and that's the job your Imperial Oil Dealer can really help you with. He'll lubricate your car thoroughly, check the crankcase, transmission and differentia), test the battery and lights; flush out and rust-proof the radiator, carefully inspect your tires for safe, trouble-free hot weather driving. .He'll do the thorough kind of job youx car needs as never before. v IMPERIAL DEALER '"'"Wo B ,ji wwm SHAVI 'l 7 DOIlhU.-J . "I the ouolih.i.i.j '.'Woo JW HoiikL . . PopJ .Stea: rrom rrinre EuW to - Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday - Satnn Thursday steamer al calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Fr'J TAItES and INFORMAtJ at C1TV TICKET OF 52S Third Ave and DEPOT TICKET C ARCHITECT!! SERVICE House I'lans and Altfralij Store and Store fmi Kemodellin; I II ONE BLACK il Quality Repairs ' at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPEl SHOE REPAlJ 3rd St. (Near the Post Oil Here to serve the paw YORK CONSTRUCT! IJuilding, Materials, Estimates General Bwl& Nothing too big or too s PHONE BLAUi i THE REX CM Opening Hours 3 p.m. to 2 ajn. CHOP SUE! CHOW ME1- 2nd Avenue (Acraa prince Rupert Ho" phone 173 GEORGE DAW AUCTI0NEEEB ana - VALUATOR V SALES CONDUCTED Y.UUR CONVENlKft1 FURNITUBEAND PACKED AND SOW Estimates Phone ea phont 1 Appoint Commercial, industrial' Marine Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRA Electrical and Supply BePJ Home Wiring M MOTT ELECTR LIMITED 0'cesnVancouS New "" . Phone Black 307