I V 0 I M 1 EAQE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert. D.C. Wednesday, June 13, 1945 Today in Sports LADIES IN SOFTBALL ' When the Naval Civil Service team played their first game of the-women s Softball League last night at Gyro Park they were defeated by the C.WJV.C.'s 43 to 10, a higher score than was posted in any girls' game last year. However the C.WJV.C. nine should know how the N.C.S. players felt since they were defeated 33 to 1 by the Air Force W.D.'s on June 25, 1944, The largest score lavt year was recorded when the Hospital A'.umnae defeated Bo-JMc-Hl 37 to 18. on May 22. r. Score by innings: , Civil Service 3 4 0 3 010 C.WJV.C.'s 2 7 2 21 1143 . Batteries:' r N.S.C. Douglas and Balagno. C. W. A. C. Hendrickson and McMullen. The Allies took over first place in the Women's Softball League when they defeated the Wrens 1 f f.i LOOKING OVER MAJOR LEAGUES In the National League yesterday Brooklyn beat New York 7-4. and Pittsburgh took a 9-3 win from Chicago. Boston took a 10-0 victory from Philadelphia as the stumbling Phils equalled their own record for .straight losses. It was the cellar-dwelling Phils fifteenth consecutive loss, Hill. This game marked the renewal of a season-long rivalry between the teams In 1944 which culmlnatedin the Allies defeat ing the Wrens in the semi-final play-offs. Standings of the Women's League follows: Allies 2 Wrens 1 C.W.A.C's 1 Bo-Me-Hl 0 Dry Deck 0 Mnnsp nlnh 0 by a score of, 9 to 5 on Acropolis Naval Civilians .... 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Poiilsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk of the Town WHY? Because ... It's tlie nicest-looking place in town. . ; It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. M A a M m M W its gooa as tnc oest, Better than the rest." 1000 .500 .500 .000 .000 .000 .000 which comes up to a record the same club cstabllshtd In 1883 and which the Quakers equalled in 1936. The other scheduled game in the National League, the Cin-cinnatl-St. Louis contest, was postponed because of rain. In the American League Philadelphia trimmed Boston 7-5, and Washington beat New York -3. Chicago edged out a 1-0 win Irom Cleveland, and CJilcago took a 2-1 win from St. Louis. In the International League. Montreal split with Newark, los ing the first game of a double-header 10-9, but taking the second 6-3. Buffalo and Baltimore also split in two free-scoring contests. Buffalo slugged out a 10-1 win In the first game but Baltimore came back with an overyhelming 17-5 victory In the second. Jersey City took both ends of its double-header with Rochester, winning 2-1 and 10-3 Here are today's games: National League New York at Brooklyn, Philadelphia at Boston, Cincinnati at St. Louis. American League Boston at Philadelphia, St. Louis at Detroit and Cleveland at Chicago. International League 'Roch ester at Jersey City, Montreal at Newark, Buffalo at Baltimore, Toronto at Syracuse. PHONE 21 Baseball Scores National New York 4, Brooklyn 7. Philadelphia 0, Boston 10. Chicago 3, Pittsburgh 9. Cincinnati at St Louis post poned. American Washington 5, New York 3. Boston 5, Philadelphia 7. St. Louis 1, Detroit 2. (eleven Innings). Chicago 0, Cleveland 0.. Internation Buffalo 10-5, Baltimore 1-17. Rochester 1-3. Jersey City 2-10 Montreal 9-6, Newark 10-3. Toronto 7, Syracuse 4. American Association Kansas City 4. Indianapolis 8 Milwaukee 2, Louisville 4. St. Paul 3 Toledo 8. Minneapolis 6, Columbus 4. Pacific Coast r San Diego 5, Sacramento 4. San Francisco 2, Oakland 3. Los Angeles 4, Hollywood 5. DECORATE COMMANDER LONDON 0' Decision to risk himself and his tanks in close country and in the dark on the northwestern front is stated in the official citation to have won the M.C. for Lieut. Robert Thomas Boscawen of the Cold stream Guards, son of Viscount Falmouth. i RUPERT'S 3 - -BIG STORES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE RUPERT MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Up into the tree Jean climbs to rescue poor pussy. Fun? You bet! Susy was supposed to water the Victory Garden but she's getting pretty wet herself. She's not worried 'though. No time to think about clothes when there's so much to That's why these smart youngsters are wearing rough and ready play clothes that can take it. Pretty loo, but what Mother likes best is that, they're all so easy to wash. Everything for the Family at . . . RUPERT PEOPLES RUPERT. MEN'S & BOYS' STORE AND WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Free Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruit complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY . RUPERT BUTCHERS THIRD AVE. W. I I DRY DOCK WON OVER FORTRESS Opening Game Last Night in Intermediate Softball League Prince Rupert Dry Dock pounded out a 12-1 victory over Fortress In the ODeninz came of the City Intermediate Softball league last night at Algoma Park. Clokle hurled the victory for Dry Dock and-in so doing allowed only four hits. The score toy innings: WELCOME SIGN AGAIN SNOWDON, Wales- Snow-don has been liberated to the public and the little mountain railway Is again carrying visitors after being closed to ordinary passenger traffic for secret war purposes. Dry Dock .... 3 0 0 1 0 4 412 Fortress 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Batteries: Dry Dock Clokle and Kolls-nek. Fortress Tctob, Babcock and Le Marier. Waol Gathering ? 7m J"OW, shells and case for .22 Colt Woodsman. Box 20 Dally News. WORK WANTED WANTED-Reliable clerk would uivc pari-ume employment. Apply Box 17 Daily News. (137) WELL . . . that's not surprising, if you've been counting sheep all night! Why can't you sleep? Can it be that you're bothered by the caffein in tea and coffee? Try Postum instead! You'll love its wonderful depth of flavor not 1:1, . ii . 1 . . iim; icj, noi jike toilec, just a praml heart, warming goodness all its own. And IWuni con-tains no caflcin, nor any other drug that might whip up heart or nerves, or upset digestion. So ca9y to fix right in the cup just by add. itirr lint mSIL- ... I...! Postum with meals . . . between meals ... at bedtime anytime ! POJTUM -se------eT A Product of Gomt'ol Foodt Classified Advertising TERMS CASH Classified Advertising is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for insertion. Please do not ask for credit. FUNERAL NOTICE PERSONAL MITCHELL Funeral of the late WILL give Rood home and moth-John. R. Mitchell, whose death er'v care to infant or small occurred this morning, will child, Box 22. Daily News. (14Q) ift-ffl&stito CORNS instantly relieved with Flrit Prciby- fcriaVchS s'5thncorfy ,rnd CaIlous Salve the effective corn rcm- cdy.. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (140) FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE 1931 Model "A" For- WANTED Immediately. 2 ex-dor, A-l condition. Car 2780. perlenced fish camp men. Apply Wye Area, Hut T41. Good -wages. Apply National Room 4 after 6. (138) Selective Service A.M. 182. FOR SALE 5 -room house. Oc- ----- cupatlon in two weeks. 990 HELP WANTED Competent Ambrose Ave. (137) stenographer with business FOR SALE Man's C.C.M training, good opportunity for bicycle, almost new. Apply .advancement. Permanent po-424 8th Ave. East. Phone Mtlon. Phlipott-Evltt' & Co. Black 614. 38 Ltd, (tf) FITegulan erseas WANTED - Competent office cartons. 5 lbs. and 11 lbs. sizes i . ... , , j , workcr at 10c and 15c. The Variety with knowledge of Store. bookkeeping and general stcn- graphy' Apply 23 Dal,y FOR SALE-Victrola with rcc ords, $75. American Signals News- 479. Cpl. House. (140) " 1 - WANTED FOR SALE Four-room house. ' furnished. No. 50 Cow Bay WANTED Will pay $25 for in-(140) formation leading to renting of 2-bedroom furnished house FOR SALE House. For par- or apartment for refined Am-ticulars phone Blue 894. (137) erican contractor representa- rnrr tive and wife, to be here ap- UR SALE 7-room modern proximately one year. Wanted house, basement, hot air fur- immediately so we can send ' i ln. irden and fr our 5-months-old child in HYi'o.SH1 Bla-Ck .330 after 5 states- Call American Sig-1545 8th Ave. East. (142) nals 324. (136) FSRnSALE:,y 14'f dln8hy- WANTED-Furnished home for rto&v, Sscd ,tor. sa,H?g t" couple. Rental basis, ' Box 19 detachable rigging. Used for Dally News. . 140) the first time in May. Phone ; American Signals 470. (142) WANTED Furnished home for r -Tr z " ; 2 couples. Rental basis. No- . SALE Jenders will be re- tlfy Box 14 Daily News. (140) - ceived by the undersigned un- : til noon of Wednesday, June WANTED Housekeeping room 27, 1945, for the purchase of I0r quiet, respectable gentle- the Kitty Moen six-room, one- man- Apply Postal Station B, storey frame cottage, situate Albert White. (142) 5." City Jf2,Prince Ru'pertSs WANTED - Small chesterfield Comox Avenue, including six- Jilr ' 011 st,ove ln ood con-hole black and white enamel f"u?n Axminster rug 9x9, and Heatmor range. Highest and ''?;?,n,8 machine. Apply Box any tender not necessarily ac- '22, Daily News. , (139) cepted. Terms cash. Prem- mT ANt) and i.-nwr 10UND lscs may be inspected by ar- rangement with Official Ad- FOUND Black leather wallet minlstrator, Court House, City, containing Army Discharge (148) certificate, name John George Morton. Owner may have MACHINERY same by calling at the Dally : News and paying for this ad- TO SAW better lumber more vertlsemcnt. economically, use the modern ' r and up-to-date type National F0K KENT Portable Sawmills, manufae- n tured by National Machinery F0R RENT-I.O.D.E. Han. Ph0ne Company Limited, Vancouver, , 83 tor particulars. (tf) B C' i i FOR RENT Six-room house to swap Darty buying furniture. Am- erican Signals 479. Cpl. House. GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI LAST TIMES TODAY TniiinnnMii rt at 1:00 - 3:00 ., Join Bing In a salvo ' of songs-a barrags of beauty a broad JfiVA n side of laugh I IjF)l H IN CROSIY l'U BITTY HUTTON &rm SONNY TUFTS ilPf K. n i i - w B m m v m mm -v i. w w mm m . r " a Ennifnlt C0Ld.tD CAHTOOX MR, APPLEWHAITE'S THANKS To the Residents of Skcena Federal Electoral District; I wish to thank most sincerely all who su'DMrtm r in the election of June 11th, and particularly all those! gave so generously of their time and energy in the caj oi uoeransm. Now that the campaign Is over. let. m all unit, t J for the advancement of the district, submerging our pari umerenccs lor me common gooa. EDWARD T. APPLEWHAITE. From Now On i T'HE tee i. ROYAL LUNCH - CAFE Will be open for 24-hour service ALL NEWLY DECORATE FULL-COURSE MEALS AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certilkalc RUPERT BRAND : : SMOKED :: BtACK COD .anadian AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 100. EMPIRE CAFE ! T.D.) (Forme" - CHOW MM"' " I 11 aJn-toM"1-