r ! I '-St . ; THE TRUTH "'FDR ONCE PAGE FOUR THE 'DAILY NEWS Wednesday.'May 16, 1945 :. A Wedding; Write-up .As the Editor, Driven Desperately, Saw It Every editor is castigated for -telling the truth or for not telling ft. Neter do his write-ups .please everybody. One likes this .and one likes that .Very few people like the .truths about themselves. An editor somewhere decided to write the truth about a wedding according to his own lights and here is what he wrote: The groom, is a popular young bum who hasn't done a lick of work since he got shipped in the middle of his Junior year at college. He manages to dress well and keep a suuuly of spending money because his dad is a softhearted old fool who takes . up his bad cheques instead of '.letting him go to jail where het belongs. The bride is a skinney, fast . little Idiot who has been kissed !lliand handled by every boy in town since she was 12 years 4. old. 'She paints like- a Sioux Indian, sucks cigarettes and drinks mean corn-liquor when fhe, is out joy-riding In her ilad's car at night. -She doesn't know how .to cook, .tew or keep house. The groom wore a rented dinner suit over athletic un- derwear of imitation silk. His v pants were held up by pale green suspenders. His number eight patent-leather shoes matched his state of tightness and harmonized nicely with the axle-grease polish of his hair. In addition to his jag he carried a pocket-knife, a bunch of keys, a bottle-opener, a dun for the rented suit he was wearing and his usual The How to her Taqslsjtance but the huge seas prevented them from coming alongside. At three o'clock in the morning, Lieut. J. Tate, R.N.V.R.. from ILM.S."Baldur II, reached the ship in a landing craft but, unable to get aboard, was forced to work around to the lee of the island. There he was piloted to a cove by an Icelander. Einar Sugurdsson, who had followed him In a second landing craft "with a rescue party of 30 Royal Navy ratings. Sigurdsson led the party across the island to the stricken ship and at dawn the work of rescue was gotten under way. At 7:40 .am. xi line was .shot across to Skeena from Coston gun, a heavier line was taken bapk and the men were hauled ashore in Carley floats. At 8:30 all those who had stayed in the ship, Including the captain and his officers, were safe on land. The hours between midnight anil daylight were a period of extreme trial. Every officer and man was soaked to the bkin. The battered, helpless ship never ceased twisting and grinding the rocks. She was holed in her forepeak, Itoiler rooms and engine rooms, and oil from her fuel tanks flooded her -decks. Bad as their condition was. Skeena's officers and men bore up superbly. With the arrival or the rescue party the strong assisted the weak into the floats and then manned the lines leading from the ship. A number toiled with that courageous Viking, Einar Sigurdsson; neck-deep in water, dragging shipmates to safety. From the Jee of the island, the men suffering from exposure were rushed to hospital. Those who had not been severely af fected by wet and cold were taken to Royal .Naval foarracks and United States Army camps. The funeral of the Skeena's dead on October 28 was the most N AT I O N A I S E C U R I DISTILLERY CO. Impressive ever seen In Iceland. The men. were. burled .viih full Naval honors In the-WarOraves Section of Fossaiburg Cemetery, Rejkjavlk, a while! cross with 'the name and number of each man a: the head of his grave. The cemetery slopes down :to a quiet buy and in the near distance are the snow-clad mountains which hold Reykjavik in their clasp and which blaze like ..white lire on a sunny day. Vice Admiral B. C. Watson, C. B., DSO., R.N., admiral commanding Iceland Command, and senior Royal Ha vy. United Stales Navy, Royal Marine, Royal Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force officers were in the funeral procession The - captain of H. :.M. C. 6. Skeena, his officers and ratings followed their shipmates to the grave. Present were Commander J.' D. Prentice, D.S.O. and Bar, R.ON, .senior officer of. Skeenafs group, and Captain of HM.CS. Qu'Appelle, the .captains of H. M.C.S. Chaudiere. HAi.CS. St Laurent, and H.M.C.S. Asslnl-boine, together with . their effl-otrs and detachments of ratings Men of the Royal Navy. Royal Marines, theRoyalAlr Force and the Royal Canadian Air Force marched in the solemn proces-si.'in. ria? Draped Indies Buried. The bodies of the victims wran-ped in Union Jacks -were carried !) thir cravi's "by '-shipmates. Others of Skeena's company bore the wreath that were plac-, ed on each man's resting place. The funeral services were conducted by two Royal Navy and ne Royal Canadian Air Force chaplain, Chaplain (C. of E.i J. Dyson. Chaplain R.C.) T. Byrne, and Hon. Squadron Leader Rev Prince Rupert, B.C. Duncan Teacher Is Suspended . DUNCAN, May 1C W The interim academic certificate of S. Harrison, former high school teacher here, has been suspended by the .provincial Department of Educatloh.-the Duncan consolidated school board is advised. Harrison allegedly left his post to accept a position with another school without first obtaining permission from the Duncan school board. look of imbecility. The bride wore some kind of white thing that left most of her legs sticking out at one end and her ebony upper, end sticking out at the other. The young couple will make their home, with the bride's parents, which means they will sponge until he dies and then she will take in washing. The happy couple anticipate a great event In about five months. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music i4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30-Alouette Quartet 5:00 Music America, Loves Best 5:30 Sports Roundup 5:45 Supper Club 6:00 Comrades in Arms 0:30 Information Please 7:U0 CBC News 7:15 Victory Loan 7:20 Victory Loan Reporter 7:30 Victory Loan 8:30 This is the Story 9:00 Kav Kyser 9:15 Globe Theatre 9:30 Special "V-E Day" Program 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News Roundup 10:30 Intermezzo 11:00 Silent Allied Freighter Incident PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF THE BRITISH COLUMBIA Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Ache all over? Stiff and eore In )ointind muscW Get quick relief with Templeton'i T'R-C'. a proven remedy gratefully used by thousands. I'ut yotir trurt In T-R-C. ((ircially made to relieve Rheumatic Pain and Stiff ne Let them help you find the fast relief you want. Get a box today 50c $1 at druggist everywhere, T-27 T V - B Y: LTD. An Allied freighter was stopped off the Pacific Seaboard by a Japanese submarine and boarded by Japanese sailors. Two Allied officers were asked for by name and taken off. The ship was torpedoed. Other ships in the area at the same time were allowed to go their way. did they know? SKEENA ( Continued -from Page 1) Enemy agents ashore obviously had been in contact with the submarine. These agents must have received inside information; someone had talked. This should be a warning to all of us to watch every word we say, for enemy agents are everywhere. erend R. II. N. Davidson, R.CA. F. JP) MisslnevPresumed Drowned Blals, Joseph Frederic Andre, lending seaman, R.CN.VJl. Mr. Aime Blals, father.. 4082 La-fontalne Park. Montreal. Que. -Died Due to Drowning or Exposure (Bodies liecomed) APOSTOLOS. Archie, steward, R.ON.V.R. Miss Parsofonos Apostolus, sister, 118 Montreal St., Kingston, Ont. Cook, Desmond Bert William, Cook iS) R.CN.VJt. Mrs. JUllie Cook, mother . 1G39 Francis-St., Vancouver, B.C Davidson. Gordon, able sea- ! man,; R.CN.VJl. Mr.. Herbert C. Davidson. father), 5253 Greater Ave.. Montreal, Que Ellis, Melvin .Newton, able seaman, R.CN.VjR. Mr. Alvin Ellis. father , Bex 78, B. RR Vo 1 Eathurst, NU. GABOURLL, Iivd Austin able yenmsn. -R.C.N Vil Mr Erna G.efaourel. ijr.othei 497 Lauder vve.. Toronto, Ont Hancopk, Ralph Gardiner leading signalman, R.CNVJl Mrs. Bessie Elizabeth Hanc . :k (mother), 1402 Rctosen St.. Vancouver, B.C. Janos,;Joejih Frank, able tea num. :RCN. .Mrs. Agnes .Jsu! (wifO. Bx 103 Out!" " ' . Jahn'to". Jj's'.h ' V, seaman, R.C.N.V.R Mr- Jiau Johnsjen. (.wife'. Hudsan Ba:' Junction. Sask Pressner. Edward Julian, s ;ew Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) INCOME TAX Returns Prepared--See R. E.. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 COAL and WOOD HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Meet Me at . . . JOHNNY'S JOHNNY'S SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) POULSEN'S Grocery and Lunch Phone Red 441 FREE DELIVERY 0th Ave. E., beside Postal Station "B" "As Good as the Best Better Than the Rest" nrd, R.CN.VJl. Mrs. Victoria Pressner, mother), 1592 Centre St.. Montreal, Que. SEAT II, Ritchie Oulton, coder, R.CN.VJl. Mr. Andrew Seath. (father), P.O! Bx C7. St. Lambert, Que. ' Silk, James Ernest, leading teaman, R.CU.VJt. Mrs. lata'. I f-X( KU f l I ""I EdmMSJlk. wHe,3G06 Mulferd Court, Windsor, Ont. J Stewart, Kenneth William. ble seaman, R.CN.VJt. Mrs. 'Helen Stewart, (mother), a ChestnufSt., North, St. Catherines, Ont. I Unger, Abraham, able seaman, jR.CN.VJl. Mr. Jacob Unger, (iatheri, MsMahon, Sask. I Watson. Leonard, able seaman, R.C.N.V.R. Mrs Edith Watson. 1 (mother , 253 Gibo Si Oshawa, Ont. W B. 4.1 W.th R.o h mo. Pi(tefMIl L n ic,; (AA Cfl SwpUlilv f.nf Infrff. f AT fin (jiUinjwiJiad m JOHN BULGER Limited JEWELLERS Third Ave. Pr. Rupert GREEN SPOT TAXI 65 TAXI KWONQ SANO I11NO HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 I INDUSTRIAL & MARINE REPAIR WE REPAIR ANYTHING General Repairs to all Automotive and Marine Equipment Rody Work and Painting Agents for X Cummins Diesel Engines Forest King Power Saw Wlllard Batteries Raybestos Products ACETYLENE AND ARC WELDING MACHINING Phone 459 004 First Ave. West Box 1388 ! todkingjbr a Sun j Call me "BILL" I IZZZZ aieek-I.tt:,., ana a rii - rm9 H "( trunks , your aquilk Kir Made by SKIKTITll " ""'" oi new sprl .F.Sio "Clothe of DL.3-J 24 th of MAY CELEBRATION We have plenty at 5C 75c THE VARIETY S TORI -Where Your Dimes Are Little DollarT Dibb Printing Compai OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY II I It T II I) A Y AND K VERY AY C'l WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN P1 Resncr Block, 3rd Street Lumber Wc now have a slock of good frrcide FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand FLOORING Wc have a limited quantity of 1x3 Maple Flooring on hand. Call and see It. Phone 651 or 652 for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. rbonl FOR vanI and WwP Tuesflay-SS ( Friday- SS W Sailings for Qif il'l Island." every tn Further WformaBJ and Rcservatw FRANK J. SKIN: Prince Rupf'1 Thira a'c. stock of See our unre and nv j. H. MM FURNlTURt " AUCTION Phonf 032 Third Ave.-