UT1VATI0N 'L cultivation before rTital to prepare the t and properly for nt3, But the be-I make a great mis-J stops all cultivation 6feds nave Vm nav handsomely lender vegetables and hioom if one makes L r.t a aulck going lirden with a light cul- lJPRME.COURTOF ...f OP MICHAli llyrHERWISE KNOWN A3 RmZEK i OR MOSEK, EvfiCE that by order of PU'..T viehi-r made on t;'' of May A D. 1945. I RSLnLirator of the 1- i,,,Chi Mosefc, otherwise 11 parwc Sid estate are hereby re-.b tame properly verl-,7 the 8th on or before : ID. J845. and all partiea the said Estate are re-nn tbe amount of their 1. forthwith. Prince Rupert. B.C., thl May. AD. 1945. F NORMAN A. WATT, OKlcJi Admlnlatrator, rrlnte Rupert, B.C. msH COLUMBIA J MATlfcit ur int. and tter OP THE ESTATE T) CESAR VERHEYDEN, 1SE KNOWn AO vnfeonn tvnrSTATE. 0T1CE that by Order of ur Judge Fisher, Local the supreme vouri ui imbii. 1 was on the 25Jh rti AD. Jio, appoinwa -.or oi me cauiic vi 1 r Verheyoen, omerwise cKar or Cesar verneyaen. fca the 7tn aay oi eepiem- f.li persona Indebted to the t are requires wj pjt mo I their Indebtedness to me I ind all persona having linrt the said Estate are I'.a file them with me i -rifted on or Deiorc, tne I: toy, 194. falllnK which 1. U be made having rc- to such claims or wmcn .e been notified, U Prince Rupert. B.C.. thll t! April. A U. JIMS. KORMAN A. WATT, omc'.tl Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. WANTED ) BY MAY 21st Fur- I room or housekeeping fat married man. Phone Fitws-98. (tf) ) TO BUY R.C.A. Victor player In good con-Phone Black ?4, (tf ) --Studio lounge, clean fisonable. Phone Black HELP WANTED lST (115) -Light outboard fno- : w 6 h p. Phone Am signals 497. (116) - By local garage, 1 or man for lubrication R repairs; full-time' em 1 ent. Annfv Emnlovmcnt Selective Service Office . (117) - Experienced seam- or inexperienced work ? is Trilling to learn, for luor shop. Apply Em i-M selective Service Oi " 162. (tf) Wnmnn nr Knlrtlpr'' Housekeeper for apart- oicep in. Phone Red Of) Two exDerienced losses. AddIv National I'jve Serviop a p ns. h'ORK WANTED (115) ITANT wishes evenine IMturday work keeping wr small firm. Apply News. (118) PEltSONAL TABLETS are effect Ks' supply $1; 12 in, ai rtriiirirurs AM) FOUND (117) NOVELTIES, paper haU, "jrere, etc.. now ob- 1M ... "iCill UloLllUU" D" n street, agents wovcltv hnrnnu (134) Paw811 Meat Market I'm , Apartments. Name thi, ' orison. Finder ureen 037. (114 Lnl" Plate of false "a" news Vln t . ur mis ad. ,,"0Uld the narlv who R frnr'V'Jr ana anchor : S Arabla be" t0 deck nf hrcMn Bay nrirto-o nun ... ov. ll.UI Ve ii v Keys- owner me uauy News. tlvator once a week until the garden Is growing well. This: will kill weeds, keep growth going and will conserve moisture. With constant cultivation it Is possible to grow vegetables almost in the driest weather, and it Is amazing how easily and quickly the Job is performed where one docs It regularly and the soil does not get a chance to bake and the weeds to really get established Common Mistakes A common mistake of the Inexperienced gardener is planting too soon and too deeply, A good general rule Is' never to plant deeper flfyan three times the diameter of the seed. It Is not necessary to take this too literallythe eye can Judge diamet ers ciose enougn. ims means renslve material on hand. A merely pressing fine seed Into i healthy garden Is, of course, the tne 'soil, planting peas, Deans best protection, one that Is well and corn about an Inch deep, cultivated, free from weeds and less for mellons and squash, and growing fast. Sometimes there from six to eight Inches for po- is a combination of unusually tatoesk dahlias and gladiolus. unfavorable weather, hot and On the too-early score, the full of moisture. This breeds chief danger- is running Into fungus disease, the kind that frost and backward weather, as rusts hollyhocks and mildews so many have done to their re- roses and makes black spots on gret this Spring. In most parts beans. Fine powdered sulphur of Canada one can sow and win check the first two but is should continue to sow standard not advisable for the beans. The vegetables like carrots, beets, best guard against that is beans, etc., right up to mid-July, healthy seed In the first place, but one snould not rlsic much then keep out of the bean patch seed in the ground before early u.hpn thP vinos are ' dnmn r I l . .1 a . J I , may. mis auvice, ui cuurse, uucs not necessarily apply to Southern Ontario or parts of Brit ish Columbia. Speaking generally, there Is little to be gained by planting seed In cold, damp soil. It is more liable to rot than to germinate. In which case one. might as well reconcile oneself to planting again. For Protection In a few days insects or di sease, or both, can destroy the work of weeds, and so experts advise all gardeners to be on the lookout for pest damage of any kind and to keep some de- Classified Advertising - - lined Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. FOH BENT INT - Two-room suite. Lie for sale: Phone Red Ire 5:30. (115) 1T-I.OD.E. Hall. Phone Ijuticulars. (tf) FOH SALE FOR SALE Viking 7 -tube radio, oractlcally new. pnone 032. . ..... uioi FOR SALE Small house, imme diate possession. Terms ar ranged. Phone Blue 167. FOR SALE Electric Call Dally News. (116) FOR SALE Baby carriage ind two crib spreads; baoy snow suit. 1013 9th Ave. East. (115) plate, $3.1 (115) rm rale $1200 cash buys the best available residential sue In Prince Ruoert. Lots 7 and B Block 11. Sec. 5, opposite rpsidence of O. W. Nickerson. Taxes low. M. M. Stephens. (117) for SALE Five room nousc with bath: rull-sizea Dase- ment, newly remodelled, clear erounds. centrally located. 505 7th Ave. East, after 7 p.m. u:b i FOR SALE Approximately 250x 150-ft. bottom land on good rrppk. two miles from Prince Rupert. P.O. on highway, suitable market garden or auto camp. Taxes less than $10.00 per year. Price $250.00 cash. M. M. Stephens. (117) FOR SALE 30-foot cabin boat. Armiv owner. 513 Herman ot. m4. FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morris Centrifugal pump, 2-mcn intake. IVj discharge. Inquire at4 Hnwkinson's Laundry. (115) FOR SALE One Engusn siyic baby buggy, pracucauy new. Phone Black 392. (114) FOR SALE Boat Gopher. 30 feet long. 8V2 loot Dcam, jv2 io"H ripnth! 8 h.D. Clay engine. RlRgcd for trolling. Apply on hnnt at New Floats. tin) FOR SALE Regulation overseas cartons. 5 ids. ano.11 ii. At 10c and 15c. The Variety Stoic FOR 6ALE Furniture, like new; garden and nousenoia cmcim, chesterfield set: rfinntfp spt' washing machine: tvucwrlter. etc. 944 Hays Cove Ave. "IBI FOR SALE One six-hole kitchen range. 317 oth Ave. MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more iotiir ivcp the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver FOR SALE Kitchen table and 4 chairs: single bed, comp etc. Practically new. Phone Black COFFEE GROUNDS In Arabia the refusal to sup ply a wife with coffee was suf ficient grounds for divorce. PRINCE RUPERT'S VICTpRY LOAN PARADE United States military police guard of honor In lead. Scene on Third Avenue. Healthy seed will also help to guard against rot in potatoes and other vegetables. For most bugs, a good commercial spray or dust, easily applied with a cheap sprayer outfit or shaken on from a porous bag, will soon bring things under control. The Important thing, agree those that know, Is to get the counter measures started at the first sign of trouble. FIRST IN Ufi. The first local society of the Red Cross In America was or ganized at a Lutheran church In Danville, N.Y., in 1381. LOCALS Mrs. E. M. Mlnaker of Massctt and Miss M. Dyson of Port Cle ments sailed yesterday on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. having arrived from the Islands earlier in the week. Lt..EIgood Stephens, United States Army, who returned re cently from overseas duty in Europe, arrived today on the Prince Rupert to spend leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens. He was accompanied by his sister, MLss Laura Stephens, of Vancouver, who will also visit at home, Tacoma Girl and U.S. Officer to Marry Tonight Miss Leona Merkle, of Tacoma, Wash., and Major Donald M. Hughes of Seattle, will be married this evening In the Post Chapel of the Prince Rupert Sub-Port of Embarkation. Lt. Wilma Fite will be the maid of honor and Capt. Louis D. Maguolo the groomsman. Following the ceremony, a reception with dancing -will be held at the American Officers' Club. The couple will leave later in the evening for an eight-day honeymoon in Ketchikan. Major Hughes Is .food service supervisor for the Sub-Port. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. When giving a theatre party, with supper following, must the host or the hostess fur nish transportation to the theatre for the guests? ' A. This Is not at all obligatory. Q. Is lt correct for a girl to drop the prefix "Miss" on her cards? A. It Is being done by some modern girls, but the more so cially correct use the "Miss." Q. When making a social call should a woman remove her wraps? A. Not unless the hostess in sists upon It. For Results try a Classified. Prince Rupert, D.C. A THE DALLY NEWS Wednesday, May 16, 1945 1 T May 16, 1041 German tanks planes and war materials were moved across Syria to Iraq. Bri CIGARETTE FOUR YEARS AGO IN THIS WAR I By the Canadian Press tish Admiralty announced that all Eastern Mediterranean areas except Turkish territorial waters were dangerous to shipping. PAPERS PAGE THREE. Chantecler JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to Ormc's LIBERALS AND LABOR-PROGS . A correspondent of the Dally News on the Queen Charlotte Islands, saying that the political pot has commenced to simmer there as the federal election approaches, declares that lt appears the contest will be ber tween the Liberals and the' - ' d "Some-day .2! ' M I'll own a fe " ' In rcconl years, Canadian farmers have overcome a multitude of difficulties. Despite labour shortages, storm and weather hazards, they have consistently increased production, and harvested the record crops so vital to a nation at war. They have been handicapped, by lack of proper distribution facilities, in who realize the time and getting produce to market, farm-fresh. Many labour a General Motors truck would save, look forward hopefully to the time when they are again available. That time is coming . . . The time when Victory signals a General Motors change-over from war to peace production ... the time when all the experience, engineering skill and productive power now being used by General Motors to fashion tough, durable armoured vehicles, will be directed towards the production of sturdy, General Motors trucks dependable, great hearted trucks that will mean less work and worry, more leisure and prosperity for farmers and producers everywhere. 'U1 C"EVlo,tr -.s tUiiu-..T", co'iuc."N:"" AND "vies CHEVROLET AND GMC TRUCKS CM-145 i 4