ally Edition THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert Monday, June 18, 1945 ibllshed every afternoon except Sun-y by Prince Rupert Dally News ml ted, Thlrtt 'Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' City Carrier, per week 15 r Month 65 Per Year 7 00 - Mall, per month 40 Per Tear M.OO MEMBER A.B.C. landling the Germans . . . There have been reporcs that the tussians were fraternizing with the rermans and letting them have con-srtsand entertainments. On their ide, the Russians have been having rouble understanding the "Flens-urg Government" and the hand-haking with" German generals. Mos-ow may have heard also that Brit-jh and American authorities are aying that German industry must e rehabilitated even before 'rench, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian r Greek industry. It would be unfortunate if the lilies began competing either in jniency or harshness. But some dif-erences in the zones will be inevi-able. The wise course will be to get s much co-ordination as possible nd then as rhuch tolerance and mu-ual understanding of natural and egitimate differences. It is safe to say that the Western Allies need have little fear that the Russians are going to be too "soft" not the Russians who suffered iirect invasion and despoilation of so much of their country. The British and American peoples will better exercise their concern in watching that their own officials deal firmly, justly, and practically with Germany. The Merchant Navy . . . The welfare of our merchant seamen is something that should give deep concern at all times. The war has brought sea-going activity into greater prominence but in times of peace we should also be alive to the fact that, day after day, through fair weather or foul, in season and out of season, freighters and coastal tramps, flying the old red "duster," carry on, thus enabling folks ashore Th LOAFER COAT Just the thing for casual wear . . . for sport, outings, or just 'lolling' around. In, two-tone shades . . . In varied combinations. 65 TAXI Jack Caron ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE House Plans and Alterations Store and Store Front Remodelling PHONE BLACK 9G9 to work and live in relative comfort and luxury. Without the capacity for endurance of their crews, and their willingness to face the natural hazards of the sea, there could be no prosperity in the material sense and, certainly, our standard of living would be seriously affected. Our merchant seamen have done a magnificent job during these war years. The risks were great; the losses have been heavy but unfailingly they carried on. We hope that from a national point of view some recognition will be shown, even beyond the granting of a war service medal. Certainly, we hope .public interest in the welfare of the personnel of this great service, our merchant navy, will not be allowed to die down after the war is ended. Rev. E. W. Scott . . .' The impending departure of the Rev. E. W. Scott from Prince Rupert where he has been rector of St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove, during the war years, is a circumstance which many people will regret. A young man of great energy, he has taken a responsible part in the leadership of young people in the city at a time when such leadership was of premium value. In addition to his regular church duties, Rev. Mr. Scott found time to be chaplain of the Prince Rupert Corps of Sea Cadets, president of the Parent-Teachers' Association and an active guide and leader in innumerable other activities directly concerning youth. Not the least of these was his vigorous leadership of the Anglican Young Peoples' Association. Among the first to recognize that parental and community preoccupation with the war, coupled with the inherent confusion of wartime living, was leading to a condition where many young people were not getting proper guidance in their leisure time, Rev. Mr. Scott strove mightily to offset that trend. His work was a dynamic blend of vigor and ideals. His many friends here will wish' him success in his new work as director of the Student, Christian movement at the University of friced at $10.00 'THE MEN'S SHOP" Murray Oliver CHIMNEY SWEEPINQ OIL BURNERS CLEANED AND REPAIRED New equipment and help assure you of a clean Job Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Whiff lets From The Waterfront Thirty-seven halibut boats landed fish at Prince Rupert Saturday and their total of 556,-500 pounds almost swamped fish buyers. The closing of Area Two on Friday night sent all boats In the area scurrying to Dort with their catches, making Saturday's landing the largest of all days of the season. Saturday's landings brought to 7,347(000 pounds the total from Area Two this season. Only one American vessel ar rived here Saturday. The Bonanza brought In 32,000 pounds. i Packers experienced difficulty because practically all the fish were earmarked for freezing under the 'federal government or der which requires that half of the total landings must be frozen. During the season local freezing plants worklns at cap acity were unable to freeze half the incoming fish, so those which arrived Saturday are practically all destined for freezing. CLIPPER'S CLOSE CALL GREENHITHE; Kent, England 0) The famous old clipper ship Cutty Sark, now used as a train ing ship by cadets of the Thames Nautical College, was nearly destroyed by a flying bomb, It was disclosed recenUy. .The bomb swerved, however, arid did damage. Buy War Savings Stamps and comfort no NO DOCTOR AVAILABLE Difficulty in Obtaining: Successor to Dr. Knipe, Director Of Public Health Unit The Prince Rupert and District Union. Board of Health .has so far been unable to obtain the services of a full-time health officer to fill the vacancy which occurred through the resignation of Dr. R, O. Knlpe. The assistance of Dr. O. F. Amyot, provincial health officer, has been sought and word Tvas received from him to the effect that he is contacting eastern authorities with the aim of obtaining a suitable man. - If no one should become available by July 31, the Union Board has made 'tentative arrangements for a part-time service. NORTHERN MEN ARE DECORATED A supplementary list of decora ted personnel of the Royal Canadian. Air Force includes the names of Pilot Orricer J. V. Bou-zek of Prince Rupert and Flight Lieutenant R. L. Simpson of Skldegate. The former has been awarded the Distinguished Fly-lug Cross and the latter has been mentioned in dispatches. FORMOSA'S FOOD CROPS He main agricultural crops of Formosa are cane sugar and rice. An airy, ankle-fiatterlng addition to your summer wardrobe. In velvety black suede; D'orsay cut for style KIN OF BRITISH ROYALTY FREED Lieut, Carl Blbers (right) of San Antonio, Texas, chat with relatives of the King and ! Queen, who were released from a prison camp in the Tyrolean Alps by American Seventh Army. The Britishers are captain ! the master of Elphlnstone, nephew of the Queen (left), and J Lord George Henry Lascelles (centre), nephew of the King. FOSTER COMMUNITY SPIRIT I BUCKINGHAM, England P) Th be: ', war memorial will be the erection of a club or public hall in every village, In the opinion of Buckinghamshire women's institutes. NAZI QUARTERS IN SAXONY Plauen was the first Nazi party centre in Saxony. The Hebrew University was formally opened at Palestine in 1025. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I keep parsley all winter? A. If a good sized flower pot 1. kept filled with growing parsley in the kitchen during the winter months, it will always be ready and convenient for seasoning and garnishing Q. How can I make the step-ladder safer? i n., maA.i; mc aurjj-iauuer salt er by fastening rubber or' fell ' pads to the feet of the ladder, ; and also strips of rubber to the steps. ; Q. How can I avoid having soggy pie crusts? A. The bottom crust of a pie will not absorb the Juice of the fruit if It is brushed with flour or the white of an egg. , More Babies Die Than Soldiers Since war began two babies have died for every grown-up Canadian killed In trie war. The figures: "4,000 babies dead In the last five years; 37,000 war dead. Ana an the oabies less than a year old. According to Dr. Ernest Couture of the Department of National Health and Welfare, 'V 1 n 'one hard battle yet to be fought against Infant mort ality, and proper medlcal'care for both mother and child is the first big step to b3 taken to win that battle. The Incident . . . A year or two back, a crowd of hundreds of people gathered around a dock and along the shoreline of a Pacific coast port, awaiting the arrival of one of the world's largest ocean liners, the Queen Elizabeth . . . The name of the vessel and the time of arrival were-an official secret 1 How did they know? There can be only one answer: SOMEBODY TALKED 1 This was valuable information for the enemy which could have resulted in disaster loss of many lives, loss of a great ship. Any information whatsoever about the movements of ships, planes,' men and materials is a military secret. If you have such information, whether it seems important to you or not,' DON'T. TALK ABOUT IT! Enemy agents are everywhere! PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY BY THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. TTTTTTTVTVTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTVTVTTTTTT? $0.45 CUT RATE SHOE STORE AAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAU3 "S-P-E-E-D-Y" RADIO SERVICE Under New Management 00 We guarantee the best possible service Hours 9:30 to 5:30 PHONE GREEN 217 IP! Just Arrived . . . 20 Squares Briiht Red Hexagen Asphalt Shingles. Itoofing Paper. Building Paper. No. 1 Clear-finish Lumber. Ship Lap and Dimension. F. MURPHY LUMBER General Agent Ace-Tex. Products Tile Flooring Felts and Cement 1st Ave. E. Phone Black 884 SAILINGS FOR ""Point, ST- g for 0lln i-'r information "'uonj K J, sj Prinpo d ulrt Agent neuairtt Ann ot Val Spidel Green 186 Box most BARR & ANDERSON LIMITED Plumbing and Heatin Coal stokers Corner 2nd Ave. and ft Phone Red 389 P.O. Marine Electrician Electrical Supplies Home Wiring and ReoaiB Villi I M I 4 I I VI LIMITED Offices in Vancouver is! New Westminster v none uiacit Mimus . . 1 J I I I A Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAM PHONE 857 The Seal of BRITIH COLUMBIA'S v FINEST SALM01 Lumber have a m We now of jjood KraJf FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR Lumber on hand rrnORlNG limited ql .We have a of 1x3 Maple hand. Call and see It. . cCI or 652 rnone for particulars PHILPOTT, EVITI & CO. LTD.