i t ; : i i i i t PAGE. FOUR THE. DAILY NEWS Monday, June 18, 1945 DOCKET BOMBS ONE QF HITLER'S MAJOR MISTAKES IN' LATE WAR1 LONDON, June 18 The story can now be told of the failure of the V-2 offensive by which Hitler hoped to, terrorise the' people ..of, this. country, into. a. negotiated, peace. This Wellsian war, by which Germans on the other side of the North Sea killed and maimedi inoffensive civilians at a distance of, 200 miles, may, rank with Hitler's failure to invade Britain and, the debacle at Stalingrad, as one of his major mistakes of the war. It diverted an appreciable part of his manpower and material to a form of warfare which, tragic though it proved to thousands of people in London and fouthern England, made them .set their teeth and concentrate on speeding victory. In all, 1,050 rocket projectiles reached this country. They were aimed It London, but. a large proportion fell short, particularly in Essex, Hertfordshire and Kent. Others burst In tha air on meeting the friction of atmosphere after their flight. 65 miles, above the earth. Rockets killed 2,'t 54- people and ff , T hm 4 m diitinffiithed Jetigntr, thtxpet UiUiuat iuui I'fiul iiUu, clean. A seriously, injured 6,523i The avr erage resultof the bombardment was that each, of, these: 50-foot lOrton missiles, killed 2.7 civil-inns, and injured six. The bombaxdment. lasted nearly seven months. In its later- stages- a. few. flying bombs were interspersed. It was in the early evening of Sept. 8 last that the first rocket fell on Britain. It came down at Chlswlck, on the western outskirts of London; destroyed eight houses, damaged 50, killed two, people andi injured 10. The same evening, another fell In a, wood north of Epplng, Essex, uprooting trees andi making; a ltrge oraten The only casualty was a, rabbit; "Gas, Mains? Joke Although for, months there m X- Ml Would a few pound. les on your weight let joi wear, the season's top fashions like this bold, clear print? Then write for your copy of the "Kellogg Weight Control Plan," a handy punse-sized guide brimming with reducing helps and menus planned for your individual, needs. You'll see. many, of, the. menus, suggesting Kellogg'g All-Bran,. . be-cauBe it is guaranteed, on a double your-money back basis,, to help you keep regular naturally. And, because it is made- only.- from; the vital outer layers of the wheat, it is rich in certain "protective" food, elements your, body,, must have . . .. diet.or.no diet No won., der this delirious, cereal, is. served i by. Prince. Rupert. B.C, R U P' E R'T B RAN D : : SMOKED : : BLACK COD Canadian Fish AND . Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. nearly one out of every two families in Canada. Order: a. package of Kellogg's All-Bran from your grocer today. For tha "Kellogg Weight Control Plan" cut the box-top from the All-Bran package; print your name, address and request on its back and mail to Dept. ' 133,, Kellogg Co. of Canada, Ltd., London, Ontario. reducing ffiDllriH diets had been rumors of the. coming of the rocket, the first, explosions caused mystification. An early, theory, which rapidly became a joke and proved once again, the Londoners' capacity for laughing at their perils, was that gas mains had exploded. Soon it was seen that tha locket was more than a novelty There ware many major, and personal tragedies belore the last missile of the onslaught fell at Orpington, Kent, on the evening of March 27, causing one death and 23 serious Injuries. Unlike the flying bomb, the rocket was aweapon which gave no warning. Flashing from the sky at a speed faster than sound the first indication It gave was an explosion which, on a still night, could be heard 10 miles away. This element of the unexpect ed was something by which the Germans apparently hoped to terrorize the population. Actual ly, the reverse happened, Londoners soon learned that the long rumble which followed the sharp explosion was the delayed sound of the rocket's passage through the air, and that It held no further menace. Although In one 24-hour period at the height of the offensive, 17 rockets fell, people continued their work. Production f"1 n F THE BULKLEY MARKET Features: CENTRAL INTERIOR Beef : Pork Poultry Products ' Under Most Sanitary Conditions 311 Third Ave. Phone 178 of all kinds proceeded without interruption. These were the trjost serious of rocket incidents: New Cross, AE., November A projectile fell on a. chain store during the lunch-hour rush, when the shop was crowded, mainly with women and children, and the pavements outside were thronged; 160, people were killed and 108 seriously injured. Stepney, E. A. rocket, demolished a block of, flats at Hughes Mansions, in March, killing 134 1 and injuring 49. Smithfleld Market, Farrlng- don-road, E.C. The market was hit at a time when the stalls were busy with morning shop pers. Bloodhounds were used to find people trapped under debris. The death roll was 110, and 123 were seriously- injured. Deptford, Si!. A rocket which ,fell among houses in Folkstone- gardens in March killed 52 and Injured 32. Islington, N. In Mackenzie-road last December, 60 deaths were caused and 99 people serl-cusly Injured. In addition, 35 hospitals and 45 churches and chapels were kit. At least one V2 failed, to explode. It fell in, the garden of a house in Northumberland-avenue, Hornchurch, Essex. The earth tremor, was sufficient to cause slight damage to four houses. She Did: Not, Know The woman in whose garden it fell was found calmly clearing up glass. Not until the police told her did she realize what had happened QUICK, GROWTH SECRET The real secret of crlspness and garden freshness is quick, growth. This is especially true of leafy and root types. Lettuce that has been checked In Its growth period, or carrots or young beets, and:then srart to grow again, are almost sure to be tougher or woodier than they should be. The reason Is simple. Once growth slows down for any reason the roots or leaves start to toughen anddry out, with the result that crlspness and tenderness soon disappear. Even If quick growth is resumed again there is liable to be a lowering of the high, t fresh quality one has a right to I associate with vegetables grown right at the kitchen door. Market gardeners know all about this danger and they j guard against it successfully. By proper thinning and fertilizing, by contsant cultivation and by KEEPING HOUSE IN WARTIME TheXe promptly took herjilfoCG EcOlWimCal UsC of ButlCr family mily to safety. So did 250 other i ' J people in the district, while bomb disposal experts dealt, with the rocket. In the fight against ,the rocket bomb soldiers on leave, and civilians, powerfully reinforced the Civil Defence services. On more than one occasion America'n soldiers helped to save the lives of people burled beneath their homes. Several American soldiers were killed by a V2 which fell in Duke-street, W. A taxi was blown Into a window, of Selfrldge's and no trace of the occupants was found; ' Here, are other Incidents of the V2 offensive: A rocket fell within 40 yards of 400 boys on the playing fields of Crelghton-road, G ra'mtn a r School, Tottenham, N, Only two were-killed: Chelsea pensioners helped In rescue work when the medical quarters at the Chelsea Royal Hospital were hit In January, causing five-deaths. "Orators' Corner," Hyde Park, received1 almost a direct hit. It occurred In the-morning, when few people were about, and there was only one death. Four people changing: books at Dalston public library were killed when the library was de stroyed: In January, Two of; the victims were children. Two thousand people in Ilford Hippodrome: were laughing, at a pantomime when a rocket fell behind the stage and the orchestra were deluged, with water, from an overhead tank. The company carried on. Three days later -the roof of ' the theatre collapsed, It was during v January and February that the attacks reached their peak. The enemy apparently fired the rockets Indiscriminately, night or day, as they were, assembled. The Germans were thought to have preference for loosing off a few early In the morning, when the people of' Britain were beginning to stir In readiness for the day's work. Conventions Are Being Cancelled OTTAWA, June 18 W An appeal has been made to hotels and the Canadian public In general to cancel, all, conventions and similar gatherings between June 20 and July 20and to avoid railroad, travel during the same period. The appeal was Issued by Finance Minister J. L. Ilsley and Munitions Minister C. D. Howe, andiwas occasioned by,the return, of servicemen totanada at the rate of 30,000 a month. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN: PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF HERMAN CARLSON, DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W, E. Fisher, made on the 13th day of June, A.D. 1945. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate oi Herman Carlson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said . Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 28th day of July. A.D. 194S. and all parties indebted to the said Estate are required to' pay the: amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this ipiu uay iu:june. A. LI. Itf43. OEOROE It. HALLETT, Official Administrator, Atlln, B.c. "WHAT IS mm . wi? Savory Summer Summer time, more than any other, seems to be sandwich time. For suppers on the porch or in the back yard, week-end picnic meals and dog-day lunches, sandwiches are often the answer to the question "What can wc have that is quick, easy and doesn't mean standing over the stove?" There is one snag to sandwiches though; they can make the butter, ration disappear In short order. But It is surprising what a, long way a little butter will go,, if, you concentrate on butter -saving ideas. . Here are suggestions and recipes that make for tasty, economical sandwiches for summer fare. With a filling that is "spready" but not too moist, butter only one slice of the The Experts Say - - LESS SUGAR With the sugar ration reduced, one of the big questions now is to find recipes which can be adapted to the smaller amount. This rhubarb desert is tooth seasonable and sugar-saving. This rhubarb whip requires less sugar if you pour boiling water over the rhubarb. Let it stand for, five minutes and then drain. To make the whip soak lVi .tablespoons gelatine In XA cup of cold water. Add soaked gelatine, V4 cup of sugar and one tablespoon of lemon juice to two cups of hot stewed rhub'ard and stir until .gelatine is dissolved. Cool and allow to set partially. Beat two, egg whites, with a pinch of salt until stiff, then beat In the gelatine mixture. Turn into lightly oiled moulds and chill. Unmould and serve with custard sauce made, from the egg yolks. This makes .six servings. Last lmpreslon last and that is one reason why desserts are such an Important part of a meal. They pass judgment on the success or otherwise of the who!e. These Ups are pointers on the road to success in dessert-making: Jellied Desserts Allow longer time for setting In hot weather. Never add solid, ingredients Until Jelly Is partly set. Fruit will float, eg whites separate, If added too soon. If jellies are to be unmould-ed, grease the mould lightly with oil. Cornstarch Desserts Cook until the taste of raw starch disappears. Steamed Puddings Leave plenty of room for rising, cover closely and never let water go off the boll" This means no peeking until the cooking time is up. Green Foods Argument num ber one in favor of using plenty cf green foods while they are In season the deeper the color the more vitamins are likely to, foe present, says the Nutrition Division. This goes particularly for Vitamin A which helps keep eyes and complexion bright and teeth sound. One good serving of a salad leaf lettuce (outer as well as the tale inner leaves), watercress and spring onions would supply about half the day's needs of Vitamin A and one-tenth of the iron. WITHOUT A watering; whenever necessary, they keep their eabbage, caull. flower, celery, radish, lettuce and other things coming along almost regardless of weather. "Olve the average vegetable sufficient room between plants, cultivate soil thoroughly so that there is a fine drought-resisting mulch on top always during the growing season add a little fertilizer, commercial or natural, water those rows and kinds which need It, and there will be no tough vegetables in your garden advise the professionals. Staking Is. Important, Staking Is essential for all but the strongest of the very tall plants or those pruned to grow, tall like tomatoes. Big, tall perennials like delphiniums and hollyhocks are quite liable to keel over in a high wind or during a sharp thunder shower and make the whole garden look a mess, i Sandwiches bread, or, to stretch the butter still further, cream a little right Into the filling. With sliced meats or salad fillings a seasoned sandwich butter is the answer. The extra Ingredients Increase" the volume and because they are tasty they can be spread extra thin. Experiment with your own combination of these ingredients: prepared mustard, grated horseradish, mayonnaise or French dressing, chill sauce, peanut butter, ground cooked liver, grated cheese, chopped onion or chives. Or if not in an adventurous mood, follow the recipe given below. Seasoned Sandwich Butler if, 2 cup Duuer Yolk of one egg Salad Dressing There is no such thing as the "one" perfect dressing for all salads, for different salads require different qualities of their dressing. A sharp fruit salad demands blandness, a mild salad needs accent, and one without much color needs color In its dressing. Peanut Butter French Dressing is the perfect accompaniment to cabbage or carrot salad. To make It place the following Ingredients in a Jar with a tight fitting lid: Vi cup of vinegar, 3-4 of a cup of salad oil, one teaspoon of sugar, dash of pepper, 2 teaspoon of dry mustard, six table-sooons peanut butter. Shake un- tll thoroughly blended and store in a co!d p'ace. Shake well each time before using. Timely Tips Positive Action, Another article in the rag bag long before its time? That's what often happens, particularly to inexpensive clothes. Best insurance against thesj early discards )s a bit of'touchlng up before the garment Is ever worn. Sew on buttons more securely, resew is?ams 1-16 of an Inch deeper If .they are too narrow or' loosely i&titched, tie up dangling threads, reinforce stitching at the corners of pockets and face with tape any feeble-looking, rolled hems. This bit of work pays off nicely and Is much pleasanter than repairs. Saturday Job, . . . advice to a. school girl or her mother If a weekly chore Is to "do" the Venetian blinds. Wash the slats of the blinds with warm water and mild soap suds, ilnse with clear warm water, let dry, and wax with liquid wax. From then on It's mere child's play to keep them dusted. Feather Duster ... a use for everything On the word of many housewives nothing Is better than a turkey wing for the hard-to-get-at pieces of dustlngfor instance, radiators. Note for Ithe future: have the man with the turkeys. save a wing ror you, or deliver the turkey wings on. Stakes about an Inch thick and wide, and as tall as necessary will holdi these flowers-firmly & place. They, need: not be con? splouous If. driven ln behlnd; the plants and they, can always ba stained brown or, green. Plants should be. tied to them loosely with soft, twine or raffia. For bushy things like peonies, hoops of, wire or wood: placed in posW tlon before blooming, will prove very satisfactory, Early, Care, Cultivation in June will kill weeds which might become really troublesome in July, and it: will break up soil which, would bake hard and ba Impossible to work after the sun really turns warm. If the lawn is kept regularly mown in, June, at least once a week in the moist, parts of. Canada, then we. will really, have something worth, taking the neighbors out to, see later, on. The old warning of a stitch In time, saving; nlnef really, holds good for gardening too. and especially so with such; Jobs, as weeding, cultivation and thinning, and last but not: least, 'for, protective steps against disease or pests. It is wise, say the professionals, to have some ready prepared dost or spray materials handy; These should be used at the first sign of damage. Indeed with some Vo teaspoon paprika Va teaspoon mustard Few grains cayenne , '2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce V4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons vinegar, a little at a time Cream butter and egg yolk. Add other ingredients as listed, and store in cool place. This will keep for a week or more. To soften, place In a warmed bowl and cream. Spread very lightly on sandwich bread, and use with meat or any filling which Is not too highly seasoned. Yield: about 23 cup. Sweet Meat Sandwich Spread 1 cup ground cooked meat cup marmalade or Jam 2 tablespoons peanut butter Va teaspoon cinnamon Salt and pepper to taste Combine Ingredients' thordugh- Of General Interest Must defeat Inflation If inflation gripped Canada, people would use up their wartime savings without receiving decent value for their money, and the men returning from the armed services to civilian life would not be able, to buy the things they needed at fair prices. Readjust Shirt Prices Prices for some lines of men's and boys' shirts have been readjusted by a new board order. However, old prices will prevail for stocks on hand before May 23. Typewriters Restrictions on the manufacture, purchase and rental of new .typewriters and other office machinery have been removed. Note for Tennis Fans There should be. a fair supply of tennis balls this season, made from, reclaimed rubber. JUST ilECIEVEI) Another shipment of those popular f uw 1 ni sh for young and old: No Batteries No Electric Power NoTuhes No Operating Costs SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY Wilson's Wireless Buzxers complete with battery structlonal booklet WE HEAR New. Cars WE HEAR Y O U WF. KNOW Ford Cars are un s, iVADlcrt hr tv war . Britain' "wt,. 'vu Ira ?ress designed ; -.,.uvca rem tit. rfiVl. Jn"t A. welfare "7. r-vv. uuii L ntk. 'wnes are dirtier, n. norar anu..i. . T h.I. . a series ana other f. reading. " o ine Killer Whale u. o-auowing a. lur seal DQTDOisp at n ,u - r 6u,jj things like uotatoMt, ing or soravln? in .a. vno 'Due la ttu -WUifglJ 1.. 1 . ijr aim store in a covert tainer. This filling u J tne refrigerator for 1 yield: 1 cup. Cheese Crunch 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup finely shredded cabbage V4 teaspoon onion Juicel 'i teaspoon Worcester.) sauce OR 1 to 2 tablespoon J dressing Few grains cayenne ptj Salt and pepper to tarj Combine Ingredients Ikl ly and use as a sandwici Do not store. Yield: 4t NEURALG Are, NEURALGIA end Ml Headaches It causei t,li, cruel pain? Get fast, taM have, with Tfmplclon'iIKl delay another day. Suit hi I that-Mln hlih -T.R-tMil enthusiastically praMtltl U drujjitu 5Uc, l. "Build B.C. Pay! ONLY FOR THE BABY JlK Ui UlC vm " - Tnifu viir at leai' mother Is, now mamw iu iuy iiuw uti -- on this "perfect food." "It was so hard W P1 .. . .... . it n t lime we use - little fellow," she says P A ( r I Ml Irradiated and Vacuum nief.ufith hpadrihones. Anldeiu' a"'""1 lhe are Jnst . - .hinv new Ci" 1 . L I economical driving ' SEE E. PARKER LIMITED Ford, and Mercury-Dealers