FOR C. BAND Kesalia Welcomed pipers anu Leader when only knobby- imea officially wore .... n-impn have in- j,uw . . this field ana me a the Canadian Wom- Corps ripe nana. visited Prince Rupert, dent In newly-acqulr-idrts. with khakl cut- bearing the bag-pipe atch that distm- cir unit. ; drummer, Joan Vancouver, wears a" leopard1 skin, which ited to the band by Lethbrldge, Alta., In ,n of their services . Fifth Victory Loan, is known as "Susie" band's mascot. MID 15 K.U "jr Grant 01 Victoria, erly conducted the Lassies Pipe Band In and holds four silver 69 medals for piping land dancing . e CW.A.C. was form atted that naiimaric 01 nilitary team-a pipe AV0Y OTEL Zarclli, Prop. ! 37 P.O. Box 544 LASER STREET Prince Rupert ICE RUPERT RY DOCK SHIPYARD firnuiLDERS AND ENGINEERS 1 and Brass Castings 'fie and Aeotvlonc Welding ALISTS ON SAWMILL and NINO MACHINERY CANUCKS TAKE MIDGET SUB PLANT This was once a Nazi submarine, assembled at Zwi.shcnahn airport, 'but Allied Super-Elockburstcrs had done their job well by the time the Canadians captured the place. These submarines were assembled there and tested in a nearby lake. Ah experimental factory was also captured by the Canucks. side drummers and' one bass port Fraser Man Formerly the girls wore stand-! Is Liberated As ard C.W.A.C. uniform with the j Prisoner of War patches. Only difference from regular CW.A.C. uniforms was the Balmoral which replaced the C.W.A.C. cap. is Grant enlisted to The decennial census of Can- 1 1- 1 A 1.11in,J 1 - J 1 . It 1 1 t i : 1 1 11 TT - 1 1 RGE DAWES jJCTIONEEER and VALUATOR rcONDUCTED TO SUIT rCONVENTENCK fURNITURE AND OSEHOLD EFFECTS ICED AND SHIPPED nes Phone for Appointment Phone Red 127 B usmess an Work to please everyone No work too large or too small Paintin; II. J. LUND - Papcrhanging UNION PAINTER ' Interior and Exterior Work P.O. Box 1286 Phone Black 823 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant; Auditor, etc. Income Ta Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 - R. Y. WALKER GRADUATE MASSEUR Massage and Steam Bath Facial and Reducing Treatment Evenings Only rhone Red 315 424 8th Ave. W SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phono 174 Flying Officer Joseph Peter Heron of Fort Fraser, son of J R. Heron, is among personnel of the Royal Canadian Air Force who have been liberated after Having been a prisoner of war in Germany. Buy War Savings Stamps. RADIOPHONE SERVING PLANE' This Is. the f$f' Waco seaplane which an up-to-date Vancouver ' radiophone sales and servicing concern is using along the coast and which is at present in this district. J Prof esswnai EVENSON'S IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY "Uouse of Better Cleaning" ' Authorized 'FLEX FORM SERVICE" Shapes Dresses Without Ouesses Waterproofing a Specialty PHONE 858 Mall Orders Box 09 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th Street : Phone 655 BERT'S TRANSFER and MESSENGER Stand 101 5th East Phone Oreen 955 NEW LOCATION: Oreen 821 1363 6th Avenue East ESTHER STANYER EXPERT PERMANENT WAVING AND HAIR STYLING P.O. Box 274 Late of Hudson's Bay, Vancouver THE REX CAFE Opening Hours 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN 2nd Avenue (Across- from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 reseripiioits.. From Rupert's Tent Days wo liavo striven to establish a record for Reliability, 'Accuracy and Fair Deal-ng in filling Physicians' prescriptions. Wo believe that wc have deserved the confidence that has been established with the Doctor and his patients. This "as been brought about not in a few Weeks or months but 'extends over a Period of twenty years. Ormes Ll "3h Pioneer Druqsrtets pREXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) Popular "Prince Steamers From Prince, Rupert - to Ocean Falls Vancouver Thursday Saturday Thursday steamer also calls Powell River to Ketchikan Wednesday Friday FAKES and INFORMATION at CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Ave. and DEPOT TICKET OFFICE British Election Many Try For Seats July Election In Britain to Be "Bluest" in Country's History LONDON, June 18 O) With about 1,700 candidates expected to contest 640 seats in the Commons, the forthcoming election in Britain will foe the "biggest" in history. At the 1935 election there were 1348, of whom 66 were women. A'bout the same number of women are running this year. If each candidate in the elec tion uses his full allowance of rationed gasoline, the total amount consumed will be about 1,000,000 gallons. The Ministry of Fuel, has allotted T50 gallons to each candidate in cdunty constituencies and 500 gallons toj each in the more concentrated borough ridings. There is no extra allowance for polling day. Only two of the women candidates are ex-servlcewomen: Miss Enid Lakeman, former Women's Auxiliary Air Force corporal running In St. Albans, Hertfort-shlre; and Miss Hilda Buckmas-ter, niece of the late Lord Buck-master ahd a former Women's Royal Naval Service officer who so far has no seat. Both are Liberals. Arrangements have been made for repatriated prisoners of war to vote, although they are not included on the normal voting list. By applying to their local registration officers they can qualify up to. four days before L nomination day. E. L. Burgln, Liberal National member of parliament for Luton since 1929 and Minister of Transport from 1937 to 1939, is not seeking re-election because of Ill-health. Col. D. Clifton Brown, being opposed at Hexham by a Labor candidate, will stand as "The Speaker seeking re-election" and as a non-patty candidate, because of the non-partisan nature of his duties in the Commons. Sir Ronald Cross, Conservative candidate for re-election in the Lancashire constituency of Ros-sendale, made an air Journey halfway around the world to launch his campaign. He has been High Commissioner to Australia since May, 1941. Alec Crltchley, Conservative Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, June 18, 194J NEW JAPANESE ISLES BOMBED GUAM, June 18 United States planes, based on captured Okinawa Island airfields, yesterday bombed the Amaml Island!,. 200 miles south of the Japanese home islands. member for Edgehlll division in Liverpool, was rejected by the party's divisional executive in favor of Wilfrid Clothier, K.C., but he has announced he will run anyway. "It is in defence of the personal honor of myself and the high tradition of Conservatism that I make this unpleasant decision," he said. 1 V ..,.....r.;-" Of aw aco MMeefmm We Canadians,, togother with the citizens of the United States and Great Britain, will eat less sugar during the balance of 1945. 1 To meet our own needs and the urgent requirements of our Allies and the liberated countries, our share of the reduction must total nearly 200,000,000 pounds of sugar during the rest of the year. To assure fair distribution of what is left, the sugar ration is to be cut by five pounds during the next seven months by reducing the monthly allotment to one pound in June, July, August, October and December. In September and November, the allowance will remain unchanged at two pounds. The ten pound sugar allotment for homo canning, represented by twenty extra preserves coupons, remains unchanged. Two regular preserves coupons will continue to become valid each month. ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SUGAR Q. How does Canada get its share oi world sugar supplies? A. World stocks are pooled by the Combined Food Board of the United Nations which allots sugar to Canada, United States and Great Britain on a uniform per capita basis. Q. Where does the rest of the world sugar supply go? A. To other claimants, including liberalod areas, European neutrals,, Russia, the Middle East, New Zealand and other sugar-importing countries. Approximately one-half of this total is destined for liberated areas. Q. Is there less sugar in the world today? A. Yes. Because needs are up and production is down, world sugar stocks reached a new low at the beginning of 1945. By the end of the year, they will be down again, this time to a dangerous minimum. 11 ftQv Q. Why is there more demand for sugar? A. Tho rising demand largely reflects tie needs of liberated areas. Q. Why is there less production? INDUSTRIAL AND QUOTA USERS WILL ALSO GET LESS Effective July 1, 1945, sugai made available to industrial users, such ai bakers, biscuit and breakfast cereal manufacturers, makers of soft drinks, confectionery and candy, and jam and wine manufacturers, will again be reduced. A further cut is also being made in the allotment to quota users, such as public eating places, while similar reductions ate being made by the Armed Totccs in tho sugar quotas for service personnel. RATIO N AD Ml N 1ST RAT I ON PAGE THRE& POLISH TRIALS OPENED TODAY Russians Proceeding; Against ... Alleged Terrorists in Spite Of Anglo-American Efforts MOSCOW, June 18. Trial of -10 Polish political leaders, a ' cussd of "terroristic acts" behind Red Army lines, got under way.- -, here today. British and United -States authorities have been enT deavorlng to secure the release : of these Poles but the Soviet gov-. '- 'eminent insists that they ' Advertise in The Dally News. A. World sugar output i3 lower for Ihesa reasons: 1. Enemy occupation of somo sources such as Java and tho Philippines. Java, of course, is still in Japanese hands and,' although tho Philippines are liberated, production is not expected to be restored . until lato in 1946. . j 2. Other export countries have experienced serious shortages of labour and fertilizer. 3. Record; drought conditions 'and hurricanes have also cut into production ia tho important West Indian area. SUGAR IS S CAR CE USE IT SPARINGLY i mKsFWlBniliSsiH on '.Miff; rKI m -. urn f ft. V is-, 1) If it 1 "il. U !! . n w if -v- 1 .n ;4: