'ith a new wharf at New Massett, now about eteel, and the new fishermen's floats, now under uction on the west end of the Prince Rupert front, as major projects, a program of upwards 8)0,000 of public works which the department has rway or is tumuinpinung was tuscussea at tne liid by C, F. P. Faulkner, 1 Kit district engineer for Cpartment of public works, K visiting this area. v wharf at Massett built lit of $G8,O0O. It is a com- Teplacement of the old fee Campbell Contracting lust about finished with there. With a 130-foot it Is equipped with mblic floats which will a boon to the smaller which use the Queen tte Island port. difficulty in obtaining r Is delaying; the progress rnrk by Jolin Currie & on the $80,000 contract he new fishermen's floats Nevertheless two of the aches have been now and other work Is pro ne, i ne wnoie jon is luled to be completed by iber hut the difficulty in ins materials may cause delay. ibsland the Skcena River Brivbg Co. (Kristmansson) iting in a new ice shear ic float there at a cost of nd has the $3000 Job for de floats at Port Esstng Iff, Bich '.ivery of materials. ay as well as making cer rgent float replacements. 'emainder of the complete al Job Is dependent upon passing of estimates. Part is also to receive at- m under the new program is district, calling of ten- lor major repairs to the wharf at the Portland port being contemplated. atcd piles are planned to placed with creosotcd piles as the building of new structure. ders are to be called with- next couple of months new float and' Ice shear Baysport on the Skeena Man Cabinet to Carry On 1 IU5SELS. June 18 H Al- the Belgian coalition ;nment 0f Socialist Premier e Van Acker has resigned, 1 continue in office until a cabinet is formed. The lation of the Van Acker tnment came amidst reports King Leopold III is deter 3 to return to Brussels. RMAL PROTEST IDE BY SPAIN ffr Incident at Chambry Saturday When Train Ms Attacked pRID, june is. The Span ISovernment formally pro f 4 through the French lega a' Madrid yesterday to the f fnment of France at the at- Saturday In Chambry on a ' 4 train carrying Spaniards 11 Germany home to Spain. re are varying reports as to ' many Spaniards were killed he attack. Nam Sclby. of Rossland, PlnS engineer for Consoli- Minlng and Smelting nPany and president of the u'and Junior Chamber of "merce, was In the city at Jfek-end, leaving today on Princess T.nnUi fnr .Tnneau. !a, from when? he will go he interior of Alaska to spend "nmer doing mining work. NORTHERN BOY HIGH OFFICER AGAINST JAPAN A northern British Columbia cborn man will play an Important part In the forthcoming Canadian campaign under Major-General B. M. Hcff-meister in the Pacific. He is 36-year-old Brigadier Arthur E. Wrinch, son of the late Dr. H. C. Wrinch, pioneer medical missionary of Hazelton, who Is to be chief signals officer with General Hof fmeister's First Divfsion. Decoration Day Here War Dead Honored At Impressive Ceremony Yesterday Orey skies and persistent rain did not deter more than 100 persons from turning out on S unday afternoon to do honor work is also awaiting to the valiant war dead of in Prince Rupert a start "w " . Headed by a band from the . j 4u ,wi. w made on a Job which I . . j ,-, j ..i..u., t.,vr4w0 Coast JRegiment, under Band- : 1 master Mills and a firing party lu Suds, under Ser t ea o the Of ail ,OHl..WVU .wu. . . , ,,, ,000. The Skeena River if M'e .s- , X' riving Co. this spring put; V. u ""h hew trestle approach and,""'""10 "r'":''," "Tr marched to the Cenotaph by way of Third Ave. and McBride St. (to the strains of "Boys of the Old Brigade), where a wreath was laid by Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Municipal Regent. The company then took cars for Falrview Cemetery, where the usual Impressive service was held at the Veterans' Plot, ren dered still more impressive by the beautiful music of the band, the perfect timing and precision of the men In the firing party, who gave the three vol leys as one man. Company Sergeant -Major Smith of the Coast Regiment organized the parade. W. E. Denning of the Canadian Legion had charge of the Colors on the Flagstaff. Bugler Ranee gave "The Last Post" and "Re veille" and Mlrs. J. A. Teng, Re gent of Queen Mary Chapter, took the service. Area Padre Captain M. R. Brown In his address, to tne gathering said In part: With springtime victory came in Europe. For soldiers on tnat ended long ago at Dunkirk, at Dieppe and the beaches of Normandy and at many an unsung roadside. For each survivor this bloody shambles ended when the prison gates were opened or the field ahead no longer spat death. For the civilian this war had hot end ed when they heari the voice of the radio but slowly, silently, in each woman's heart this war will hardly end until the memory of their fallen sons will fade to be no more. "V-Dav has drawn the final curtain upon the super-butchers of Europe. Violence death for the body and lies for tne soui has been their recipe for vic tory, Possibility That Mystery of Missing Liberator Bomber May Be Solved VANCOUVER, June 18 05 Search aircraft of the Royal Canadian Air Force have located the wreckage of an aircraft which may be that of the Libera tor bomber reported missing two weeks ago along with its crew of 11 members of the Royal .Air Force. Officials at Western Air Command say, however, definite confirmation cannot be given until ground search parties reach the wreckage. The wreckage was j located a few miles southwest or Chilllwack. Experienced mountaineers 'be- ' gan a trek toward the spot Sunday but the plane is in rugged forest and mountain country of tiie Cheam range and they were I riot expected to reach it before late Sunday night or Monday morning. , The Liberator, of which It is hoped this may be the wreckage, has been missing since June 1 from its lower mainland base. Gen. Hoffmeister Visits Washington WASHINGTON, June 18 Q Canada's Pacific army commander, Major General Bert Hoffmeister, arrived in Washington yesterday to confer with high American military authorities on co-ordination of plans. His 'force of 30,000 army volunteers is scheduled to serve in the Pacific war under American command using American wea pons, but continuing to wear Canadian army battledress with a distinctive new paten. It is presumed that this pre llminary conference, will see General Hoffmeister discussing with the American authorities lust what training plan the Can adlans will take after they fin ish their courses in Canada. RETURN BODIES TO VANCOUVER The bodies of two Vancouver fishermen, who perished at sea during a storm wnicn swepi Hecate Strait a week ago are expected to arrive in Prince Ru pert tomorrow from Keicnisan to which port they were taken by a vessel which rescued two of the dead men's companions. ' The bodies are those of William Graham and Ingran Wlck-strom of the 43-foot dogfish boat Eight Bells, which foundered on Percy Island near Ketchikan. They are being re turned to Vancouver for burial. nrnham. WiCkSWOm. M. J. O'Brien and Alfred Wlckstrom lashed themselves to the mast of the Eight Bells when their vessel was blown about for four days and finally foundered on Iclanri. O'Brien i . i i I WlWiwnvww continent tne wars ena came i . .... ,,..,. M1ffered at different times. For some it-"" u severely from exposure, but re covered. They were taken to a U.S. Coast Guard hospital at Annette Island. The Eight Bells was towed to Ketchikan, MAY REOPEN VETO FIGHT Australia Objects to Stand Being Taken by Russia SAN FRANCISCO, June 18 ft At the world security confer ence, Australia is said to be ready to re-open the fight on big power vetoes If Russia insists UDon curtailing the rights of a "This, however, is not a day new world league to debate all sn much for reflection upon the deeds of the Dead as for Thanksgiving and dedication ard humility for-how close were the (Oontlnuel on Page 6) . Weather Forecast Monday and Tuesday: Cloudy and warm, extensive, light drizzle and llgh,t winds. International problems. The technical and mechanical problems confronting many committees now are threatening to carry the conference past its expected closing date next Saturday, when President Truman is to deliver an address. Mrs. Jack Joy left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. JOYRIDE ENDS UP IN COURT A Saturday afternoon Joyrldc In a "borrowed" truck had its finale In city police court this morning when two sailor; Peter S. Horsburgh and James A. Pitt, I pleaded guilty before Magistrate W. D. Vance to charges of taking a car without the owner's consent. They were remanded until tomorrow for sentence. The truck, belonging to Mitchell and Currie, was taken from in front of the Moose Hall on Third Avenue, and was said to have more or less followed the streets along Third Avenue to McBride Street, then west along Second Avenue and across the bridge to Wcstvlew, where It was Incapable of coping with the narrow streets and wound up In a ditch. During the latter part of the ride, it was hotly pursued by the police wagon. When police constables came to the end of the chase they said they found two men detachedly surveying the beauties of Prince Rupert Harbor. Magistrate Vance withheld sentence this morning until the damage done to the truck could be ascertained. nauj i-n'e" Tftnnfrnltiro 1 - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BR: toiffiaEmiBiA'a newspaper Tomorrow? 8 Tide lor the Prince tr.mperarures (Pacific SUndud Time) . ji.ti-1.t fnr fnrlair read iperi a"v Tuesday, June. 19, 1945 0f- juxlmum 3o High 9:05 15.4 feet 21:26 18.0 feet jtintmum 47 Low . 2:56 8.4 feet rainfall 61 Inches. 14:44 8.0 feet VOL. XXXIV, No. 141. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1915 PRICE FIVE CENTS OLISri . TRIALS ARE ' UNDER WAY (ICE ce RUPERT, rupert, MASSETT, massett, stl STl I Lost Lost Plane nane Gcncra'' "offracistcr GrecMf Wifc and Daufh,er united states General and Fourteen firrkiA niwcn rrr atttm )llm KIYLK UCI amcni FEDERAL WORK PLAK s Located? "You've grown a lot since the last ttme I saw you, darling," was the greeting from Major-General B. 1 Hoffmeister to his six-year-old daughter, Margot, when he arrived by plane In Ottawa from overseas on Wednesday. Oeneral Hoffmeister, C.B.E., D.S.O., 38, of Vancouver, General Officer Commanding the Canadian Pacific Force, holds his young daughter dn his arms while Mrs. Hoffmeister happily looks on. 'General Hoffmeister was accompanied by several senior officers who will comprise his staff in the Pacific. General Hoffmeister is now in Washington and later will visit his home in Vancouver, War News Highlights Jan Counter-offensive - CHUNGKING The Chinese High Command announces that the Japanese have opened a counter-offensive aimed at Chlenkiang, 55 miles southeast of Lluchow. Chienkiang is on the highway between Liuchow and Indo-China. The delayed announcement stated the drive had been opened on June 11 but claimed that the Japanese had been repulsed. Battle of Borneo SAN FRANCISCO An unconfirmed Japanese broadcast says that Allied surface craft have bombarded enemy positions in the Balikpapan area on the southeastern coast of Borneo. There has been no confirmation by any Allied source. Meanwhile the Australian forces on the north coast of Borneo are advancing rapidly with only light and scattered" resistance. They are now four miles beyond Brunei. 73,000 Japanese Dead PEARL HARBOR Admiral Chester W Nimltz stated yesterday that 73,000 Japanese dead had been counted on Okinawa Island and that the remainder of the garrison there not more than 10,000 men was compressed In an area of nine square miles overlooked by three vital heights from which the American forces have Just driven the enemy. Shells and , flames are being thrown down upon the Japanese, many of whom are commencing to surrender while others continue, to resist fiercely. Strange Japanese Report SA:N FRANCISCO Tokyo radio claimed yesterday that a United States submarine had sunk a Russian freighter, the Transvaal, between two northern Japanese islands. The Japanese appeared to have justified the conclusion by stating that there were no Japanese submarines In the vicinity. P I I. ooiaiers Are C.C.F. Service Vole in Federal Election Said to Be rrcdominatly Socialist TORONTO, June 18 0) The Toronto Star says today in a dispatch from Ottawa that party standings in the June 11 Do minion election are practically unchanged by the, service vote, according to unofficial reports. The dispatch added thai the service vote was prcdomlnatly C.C.F. but that the party would gain only one scat at least, prob ably from the Liberals. The Liberals and Progressive- Conservatives made no net gains from each other, it is Canadian Army Camp Has Blast LONDON, June 18 Six Cana dlan soldiers were injured and windows were broken as far away as ten miles when an ammunition dump at a Canadian Army camp at Whitley in Surrey blew up . last night, There were explosions lasting three hours. Great flashes of flames tongued skyward. ARMY RETURNS Tremendous Welcome Accorded Black Hawk Davis On Landing in New York NEW YORK, June 18 New York, with massed bands and tens of thousands of citizens turning out, gave its most thunderous welcome since the last war today when twenty thousand men of the famous Black Hawk Division arrived In eight transports from the war in Europe. After leave, they will be deployed to the Pacific. The grey transports arrived at docks which had been painted red, white and blue for the occasion. It was a sweltering day with the temperature 96 in the shade and little shade at that. Hospital Ship Has Docked at Halifax HALIFAX, June 18 0 The Canadian hospital ship Lctltia docked in Halifax Saturday afternoon with 725 more Canadian veterans frcm the land fronts of Italy and western Europe, as well as liberated prisoners of war, sailors and airmen. The major ity of the returning veterans were army men with a group of 22 R.OA.F. and eight navy per sonnel. Parachute Unit Is Returning Home HALIFAX, June 18 The first complete Canadian Army unit to arrive home from overseas at one time Is the First Para chute Battalion, commanded by Lleut-CoL George F. Eadle pf pronto, ,.whhwUt,art1ye Ihhj the unit will be broken up into drafts to proceed to their homes WENCIIOW RECAPTURED CHUNGKING Chinese troops have recaptured the strategic; port of Wcnchow, 220 miles south of Shanghai. The Chinese have also smashed to Tang, vital road junction, 21 miles southwest of Liuchow in Kwangsl Province, the High Command announced today, DEPORTATION CANCELLED WASHINGTON The United States Supreme Court today ruled invalid a deportation order against Harry Bridges, West Coast C.I.O. leader. Bridges is a native of Australia. VICTORY BOND SALES OTTAWA Total sales In Canada's Eighth Victoty Loan campaign reached a record figure of $1,568,927,350, it was announced by National War Finance Committee, The objective was $1,350,000,000. FATAL VICTORIA FIRE VICTORIA Eleven-year-old Sharlaine LaCoursiere died in a fire which gutted two top floors of the Hamley Building on Broughton Street here eaily Sunday and her sister, Valerie, her mother, Mrs. David Doige, and stepfather and a lire-man, Ennlss Bennett, were burned. Cause of the fire is unknown. FOREST FIRES VICTORIA Forest fires to date this season total 238 and the cost of fighting them has been $5,600 compared with 409 fires at a cost of $18,000 at the same time last year. Kam-loops district has had 60 fires so far, Fort George 58", Prince Rupert 41, and Vancouver 36. There is a serious fire hazard on Vancouver Island now. GLOUCESTER THREATENED SYDNEY It has been re vealed that during a recent visit to Brisbane the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were threatened with assassination by hand "grenades. Other Leaders Confess Anti-Soviet Activities National Government in London Suspicious of "Ringer" Whom It Is Said Is Entire Stranger MOSCOW, June 18 (CP) The secretary of the military collegium of the Soviet Supreme Court told the judges today that Major - General Bronislaw Ikulicki and fourteen other Polish leaders had con-fesBed to a long list of charges including the killing of 594 Russian officers, anti-espionage and conferring TESTIMONY CONCLUDED Army 'and Air Force Not Involved in Halifax Riots HALIFAX, June 18 Final testimony in the Inquiry Into in various parts of the country, mother. Halifax's "V-E Day" rioting came Saturday from Army and Royal Canadian Air Force offi cers who said that few of their personnel were involved in the disturbances. At the end of the 17-day period of evldencp-tak ing, Commission Chairman Just ice R. L. Kellock of the Supreme Court of Canada announced that the argument of the counsel would , be held in camera this morning. LEEDS, England Eight workers were killed by an explo sion in a Royal Ordnance fac tory in the north of England. n..MLsg l.Iothyr',. Sherrltfc? leju Saturday nignt lor Vancouver, having been called there on account of the illness of her INVASION OF JAPAN SAN FRANCISCO. Speculating on the imminence of an Allied invasion of the Japanese homeland, Tokyo radio Saturday night said that Kyushu, the southernmost of the Nipponese islands, has been turned into a fortress. Women and old men have been called to the defence of the homeland. CONVENTIONS CALLED OFF OTTAWA. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of reconstruction, and Hon. J, L. Hsley, minister of finance, Saturday night called on all the larger hotels of Canada to cancel convention bookings between June 20 and July 20 in order that accommodation might be available for servicemen returning to .Canada from overseas; The men would be returning at the rate of 30,000 per month, It was stated. The public has already been requested to avoid all unnecessary travel. Troop trains are moving westward from Halifax at the rate of one every 60 minutes. U.S. CABINET CHANGES ST. LOUIS The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in a dispatch from Washington, said that the White House was ready to announce the resignation of Harry Ickles, Secretary of the Interior and that James Byrnes would succeed Edward Stcttlnius as Secretary of State. GOERING BLAMES HITLER NEW YORK A dispatch reaching here from Stockholm quotes Hermann Goering as blaming Adolf Hitler for Germany losing the war. Goering believes that 'Hitler was murdered by his own people. EISENHOWER IS HOME WASHINGTON General Dwight P. Elsenhower arrived in Washington today, and was given a thundefous reception. After going to the White House to confer with President Truman he will proceed to New York Tuesday, flying by plane to LaGuardla Field. with the Germans. A sixteenth accused pleaded not guilty; Ikulicki headed the Polish home army of the London Pp-lish government after the sur render of General Bor. Indications were that the Red Army prosecutors would ask the death penalty in at least some cases. Even as the trial was opening, initial conversations were under way here on reorganization of the Polish provisional govern ment. Meanwhile in London a spokes man for the Polish government in London had Introduced a "ringer" among the sixteen Poles on trial. The spokesman said: "For a long tlme 'we have won dered who the sixteenth prison er was. Now we learn he is M. Jansen, a name entirely un known to us. It is significant how much of the talking he has done." SMALL CITIES, . American Bombers Now. Turn Attention to Lesser Targets-In Japan .: GUAM, June 18. Four hun dred and fifty United States , Superfortresses, turning atten- . lion to smaller cities of Japan now that the ar.ger ones have been so greatly devastated, dropped 3,000 tons of bombs on lour centres of war industries of less than 200.0CO population. Two of the cities were on Honshu Island and two on Kyushu. It was the 13th straight day of bombing the Japanese homeland and brought up to 17.CC0 tons the quantity of bombs dropped on Japan since June 1. Col. Parri Ready To Form Cabinet ROME, Juns 18. Col. Parrl, former Italian underground chief and consistent anti-Fas cist, has Informed Crown Prince Humbert of his willingness to form a new "stable government" for Italy based on antl-Fasclst forces. It Is believed Parrl will himself take the key ministry, of the Interior. Parrl would succeed Ivano Bonoml as premier Discontent Over Meat Situation DETROIT, June 18 m War workers in Detroit threaten to strike unless there is an imme? dlate Improvement in the meat situation. A union leader told an emergency food committee that workers are already on, ,t,he verge of striking in the plants of the Briggs Manufacturing Co. The emergency food committee of the Detroit Board of Commerce has asked for Immediate federal action to relieve the. shortage. Halibut Sales American (15c and 13V2c) Paragon.' 100,000, Pacific, Atlln ' and B.C. Packers. Canadian (18V4c and 16V2c) Parma, 22.000, Atlln. Doleena, 15,000, Storage, , Ingrld H. 14,000, Co-op. . Mae West, 19,000, AUln. Strafen, 20,000, Booth. Blue Boy, 5,000, Storage. . Balslc I, 14,000, Whiz. Annabelle, 4,000, Storage, Gibson, 12,000, Pacific. 1