I I PAGET SIX THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, "BjC Monday, June 18, 1945 TEEN AGE means TWEEN AGE Rupert Mens and Boys Store 'No matter If he is four years old or four times four, which makes sixteen, the Men's and Boys' Store Can Clothe Him! Suits Pants Sweaters Hats Shirts Underwear Socks RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE JUST AROUND THE CORNER ; Fjec Delivery Throughout the City MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY To East Section TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY ; , To West Section FROM 2 TO 5 P.M. ; . .Kindly give us your order before 12 o'clock noon during your delivery day. We serve Special Red Brand Beef. All choicest fresh and cooked meat fresh vegetables and fruits complete line of groceries. TERMS CASH, ALL PRICED FOR ECONOMY RUPERT BUTCHERS PHONE 21 Poiilsen's Cafe and Dining Room Is the Talk c" Town WHY? B ecause . . . THIRD AVE. W JACKETS ...for Spring How the young men go for plaids! Full cut, well tailored with flap pockets. Morgan's Men's and Boys' Wear Third Ave., next to brme's Lunch It's the nicest-looking place in town. It's open for banquets, weddings and parties. Meetings may be arranged. "As good as the best, Better than the rest." From Now 'On THE Royal CAFE Will be open for 24-hour service ALL NEWLY DECORATED r- FULL-COURSE MEALS ' AND LIGHT LUNCHES Grade "A" Certificate Timely Topics MRS. HAGAN BACK FROM STATES LAKELSE LAKE GETTING VISITORS Mrs. W. Hagan, who went to the States last fall arrived back in Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Her son, John, his wife, and their young daughter, Barbara, had motored from Copper City to meet her. They returned the same day, leaving Barbara, who was suffering with a bad cold, at the Prince Rupert Hospital. A. Attree, sr., has received his discharge from the army and returned to Terrace on Wednes day with the Hagans. Mrs. Atree is expected next Wednes day. Miss D. Alvina Brewster of the provincial welfare department .motored up from Prince Rupert and spent the letter part of the wxek here in connection with her official duties. B. Thorstelnsson, inspector of schools, spent Thursday and Friday in Terrace. Mr. and .Mrs. C. B. Thomp son of Prince Rupert were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dud ley Little. Mn and Mrs. J. Wright and family left on Friday for Na-naimo where they will make thir home. They have lived, in the Lakelse Valley for quite a number of years and sold their place to Fred Matson. Today in Sports HAZELTON GIRLS TEAM MIGHTY BALL SWATTERS HAZELTON, June 18 (Special) Winners of every game but ,two in a long series of Softball games during the spring season, Hazelton native girls' Maple Leaf softball team wound up the season last week by defeating a Hazelton team of white girls by a score of 20 to 14.' They are proud of the fait that, the only games they lost were to 0 boys' team, and they gave a good account of themselves in those games, too. They were defeated by the Kispiox Boy Scouts tram by a score of 20-12 at Kispiox and again toy .the same team at Hazelton by a score of 12-7, but they had sufficient other victories to compensate. They defeated girls' teams at Kltwanga, Hazelton and;Morice-town and so great was the glory of one of their victories that a small rivulet near Moricetown softball field was named Maple Leaf Spring to immortalize their memory. . Members of the team are Norma Robinson, Gloria Smart Margaret Sterret, Tillie Wright Maggie Wright, Alice Muldoe. Fannie Smith, Mercy Wright Dolores Clifford and Irene Pat-sey. Sport Chat A bsspectacved figure in oversize battledress tossed money and champaign around like water at Windsor races, won $18,000 on the afternoon and ended .up by tossing empty bot tles on to the grandstand rooi in an exhibition of grenade toss ing." This was Gordon Roll wealthy patron of the British turf, and it was his first race meet since he was captured, by the Germans in France more than five years, ago. He is the fellow who helped kill time behind barbed wire by studying thr form of horses running in England and placing wagers with London bookmakers by means of prisoner-of-war letter cards. Roll arrived at the races In company with a big party, of Australian soldiers who had .been his companions in prison camp. A spectacular plunger, he lost early, then plunked down a handful of notes on an odds-on favorite and pocketed $9,000. "That's the way to do it," he told anyone within earshot. "Put the money down on these .good things and you pick it up." He lost $3,650 oi) the next race, shouted "the Germans couldn't get me down and the bookmakers won't either," and placed the same amount on the following event, He won, danced across the paddock and crashed down on the scales In the weighing room. Gordon had planned a big party for the night of the race meet but, at nine pjm. he was sound asleep in his hotel and the celebrations were postponed. Incidentally Gordon backed Sir E7rlc hlsonV Dante which on Saturday Won the Derby. He put .-18,023 right ,on the nose. from Terrace W. O. Fulton of Prince. Rupert spent the week-ena at Lakelse Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Olsen of Kwinitsa spent the week-end in Terrace. After spending some time in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Paul Paulson is home again with his family. Flying Officer Kayl Kiiapp, former Terrace High School teacher, has received his discharge and is back in Terrace. Mrs. Head and daughter, Marian have left for a holiday trip to the south. Canon C. A. Hinchcliffe of Dawson Creek, former pastor of St. Matthew's Anglican Church at Terrace, Is spending a few days in Terrace as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. M. Qiggey. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. McCor-mick of Vanderhoof stopped to WINNER OF PREAKNESS Polynesian Takes Biff American race al Baltimore BALTIMORE, June 18 0) The 55th Preakness Stakes was. won Saturday by Polynesian. Hoop Jr, was second and Derby Dieppe third in a photo finish for sec ond and third places. Setting most of the pace, Polynesian fin ished the .mile and three-sixteenths two and one-half lengths in front of Hoop Jr. The Doge was fourth in a field of nine. The- winner, Polynesian, Is owned by Mrs. P. A. B. Widener. Baseball Scores SATURDAY American League Detroit 7-6, Chicago 5-1.... Philadelphia 4, New York 3. Washington 4, Boston 0. ' St. Louis 4, Cleveland 3. National League New York 7, Philadelphia 2. Boston 6, Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 13, Pittsburgh 10. International League Jersey City 4, Montreal 3. Newark 8, Rochester 6. Baltimore 15, Toronto 5. SUNDAY American New York 7-2, Philadelphia 1-4. Detroit' 1-5, Chicago, 6-7. j Bostonf2-7, Washington 1-1. Cleveland at St. Louis double-header postponed. National St. Louis 7-6, Pittsburgh 0-2. Chicago 3, Cincinnati 1. (Second game postponed). Philadelphia 11-6, New York 9-2. Brooklyn 9-1, Boston 6-4. Syracuse 2-0, Montreal 4-8. Rochester 5-1, Jersey City 12-3. Toronto 23-8, Baltimore 10-6. Newark at Buffalo double. header postponed. American Association Indianapolis 0-2, St. Paul 3-4. Toledo 2-6, Kansas City -3-3. Columbus 5-1, Milwaukee 6-4. Louisville 8-1, Minneapolis 2-7. Pacific Coast Seattle 1-0, Portland 6-1. Los Angeles 2-5, Hollywood 3-2. San Francisco 7-0, Oakland 6-2. San Diego 9 -8, Sacramento 7-6. "Dream" Baseball Game Cancelled HONOLULU, June 18 ) An American Army, Air Force officer has announced the cancellation of the baseball "dream game" scheduled for June 24. The tilt was to have been played by former major' leaguers in the armed forces. TIMBER SALE X37148 Sealed tenders will be received by me Minister oi L,anas una forest a At Victoria, B.C., not later than It a.m. on the 3rd day ot July. 1945, tor the purchase of Licence X37148. to cut 1,920.000 feet of Cottonwood. spruce ana L-eaar ana 0,000 lineal leet 01 ueaar roies and riling on part of Lots 1105 and 1713 at Alwyn Creek. Range 5. Coast Land District. Three (3) years will be allowed ior removal oi timber. -Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., or District roresier rrince Rupert, B.C. PRINCE ALBERT FINAL FIGURES Mackenzie King's Plurality On Civilian Vote Is 263 PRINCE ALBERT, June 18 The final count of civilian vote in Prince Albert from last week's federal election gives Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King a plurality of 263 over his nearest opponent. The votes, for each candidate: Mackenzie King (Liberal) .. 7257 Bowerman (C.C.F.) 6994 Nelson (Prog.-Con.) 2526 Halderman (Social Credit) 805 Results of service voting are to be announced today. visit with Miss A. Denham en-route to Prince Rupert to attend, the Synod meeting. Harry Haugland has returned to Camp Shilo, Manitoba, after spending his furlough with his family here. Dudley Little and Duncan Kerr motored to Prince Rupert on T,uesday and returned the same day. Chas. Adam returned to Ter race on Wednesday from a trip to Stewart, his former home.' On Thursday, Mrs. J. Poole returned to Terrace from a trip to Prince George. C. H. Sawlc, publisher of the Omlneca and Terrace News, was. In Terrace on Friday. On Friday, A. B. Ellis of the CBC, Vancouver was in Ter race. Week-end visitors to Terrace Included Mr. and Mrs. Crawford of Prince, Rupert, a great many Canadian and some American soldiers. jMrs. Attwood of Terrace is in the Prince Rupert Hospital receiving medical attention. News & Views NEW HAZELTON The funeral took place at Kispiox Thursday afternoon of Sam Dick, 65, who died earlier in the week of an infected throat. He was the father of Mrs. Fred Bugg. Miss Brierly, teacher at the Indian school at Glen Vowell, will attend summer school at Victoria, leaving for the south at the latter part of this month. Rev. A. Rutherford, who has been United Church pastor at Kispiox, is now leaving for Mer-ritt to which point he has been transferred. Rev. Canon Bird and M. A. Myros visited Prince Rupert last week to' attend the synod of the Anglican Church for the election of a bishop. They made the trip by car, leaving Tuesday and returning on Thursday. Roger L. Cobb of Vancouver, representing the British Columbia Federation of Trade and Industry, 'who was a visitor here at the first of last week, saw Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Words With Music 4:15 G. I. Jive 4:30 American Album 5:00 Music from America 5:30 Remember 5:45-rSupper Club 6:00 Your Radio Theatre 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Canadian Round-up 7:30 Margaret Brewster Sings 7:45 A Western Voice 8:00 Night Music 8:30-rGreat Gilderslieve 9:00 Bob Hope 9:30 Globe Theatre i 10:00 CBC News 10:10 Elmore Philpott 10:15 CBC News- Round-up 10:30 "Y" Dance 11:00 Silent TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Varieties 9:45 March Time 10:00 Design for Listening 10:30 Melody Round-up 10:45 At Ease 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Studio Scrapbook, 11:33 Message Period 11 :35-r-Weather Forecast 11:36 Recorded 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Melody Hour 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Spotlight Bands 1:00 One Night Stand 1:30 To be announced 2:00 Silent DECORATION DAY HERE (Continued from Page 1) odds! What stilled the waters of the English Channel at Dunkirk? How nearly did Britain escape invasion 1 How dreadful had Moscow been taken! How nearly was Stalingrad made the cross for all the world, delaying victory by years. Tb us these notes are sounded as the guns of Europe are stilled; First, unbounded Joy for victory over the darkest menace to freedom and decent life; Second, the note of pride as we remember with sorrow the unre-turnlng, Third, from them we must take up the torch, be it ours to hold It high that the sacrifice of our honored Dead be not in vain. Let us remember and be grateful. Acknowledge and thank God for peace Peace In Europe, .soon we pray God to all mankind." The speaker concluded with a quotation from Llncolns address at Gettysburg: "We have come to dedicate a part of this field as a final resting place of those here who gave their lives that this nation might live. It Is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. "It Ls for us living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they have thus far so nobly advanced. It ls rather for us here to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us that from thesQ honored Dead we take Increased devotion to that cause to which they gave their last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not' have died in vain that the nation under God shall have a new life of freedom and that government of the peoplet by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." Following the address, the graves .were decorated with Union Jacks and popples and a spray of flowers placed at the central flagstaff. The ceremony ended with "God Save The King." of the District in the . development of hydroelectric power at Hagwilget the nucleus of a big Industrial development for this area. SMITIIERS The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Bulkley Valley District Hospital has elected officers as follows: Honorary President, Sister Superior; President, Mrs. L. M. Greene; vice-president, Mrs. J. E. Kirby; secretary, Mrs. S. G. Mc-Barland; treasurer, Mrs. J. Cas-sidy; special committee, Mrs. R. Evans and Mrs; H. G. Ludgate; executive committee, Mrs. H. N. Parrott, Mrs. Norman Kilpatrick, Mrs. W. T. Wark, Mrs. C. II . Gibson, Mrs. C. E. Motte and Mrs. O. Hosklns. Jack Preece of Houston was a business visitor in Smithers the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hlckenhotham of Endako were In Smithers for a brief visit at the first of the week. Douglas Frlzzell, on his way back to Prince Rupert after a trip to Vancouver, spent a couple of days here at the 'first of last week. H. R. Tcdcroft of the provincial engineering department is here to make surveys for a proposed water and sewerage system ' for Smithers. PRINCE GEORGE E. W. Basse tt, who has been district forester here since May 1, is I being recalled to Victoria to his former post of assistant chief of operations and will be leaving about the end of July. He will be succeeded as district forester : here by R. G, McKee, at present assistant district forester' at Kamloops. The Prince George Junior Chamber of Commerce received signal honor at the national convention In Hamilton when It was voted the most outstanding Junior Chamber of Commerce in Canada for the past year. Prince George has been selected as the venue for the 1946 British Columbia regional conference Mrs. R. A. Harlow was last week, elected president of the Prince George Parent-Teachers' Association. H. R. Pennington is vice-president, Mrs. Gus Llnd, second vice - president, Mrs. Lillian Hill, recording secretary, Mrs. T. R. Richardson, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Lyle F. Krilgljt, fxeasjireri Today -Tuesday at r:0o . 1 the viyrviosr in px, ALAN HALE GEORGE TOBIAS ROBERT SHavuC CRIME DOESNT PAY SPORTSREEL CARTOON - - Uassijied Advertising TERMS CASH 5 Classified Advertising is payable to the office , submitting copy for Insertion. Plea e. " CARD OF THANKS Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., wishes to thank those citizens who loaned cars for the Decoration Day services and all who assisted In any way. WANTKI WANTED Cl-Jewel watch, or over. Apply Box 29 Dally News. (143) WANTED Room and breakfast for one. Service personnel. Box 24, Daily News. (143) WANTED Reliable boy to deliver route for summer months. Apply Dally News. WANTED Housekeeping room for quiet, respectable gentleman. Apply Postal Station B, Albert White. (142) WANTED Two Janitor - engineers for local schools. Firing experience necessary. Apply National Selective Service A.M. 183. (141) WANTED Reliable woman or girl for care of two children. Sleep In. Phone Blue 169. (145) WORK WANTED MAN WANTS part time work. Write Box 1109, Postal Station "B." ' (141) HELP WANTED WANTED Bookkeeper for few hours weekly. Phone evenings, Red 395. (143) PERSONAL YOUTHFUL BEAUTY and appearance of hair yours again, with Angellque Grey Hair Restorer. $1 at Ormes Ltd. (146) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished house for summer months. No children. Box 28 Dally News (142) FOR RENT I.O.D.E. Hall. Phone 83 for particulars. (tf) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms !for single quiet gentleman or may suit quiet middle- 1 aged couple. 224 5th West. (147) LOST LOST Sterling silver earring. Finder please return to Daily News. (141) LABOR A PROBLEM LONDON a Fifty thousand new workers will be needed in the cotton Industry after, the war, says Alfred Roberts, general secretary of the Cardroom Amalgamation. The industry's post-war problem would be one of supply and the ambunt ,of labor available would determine how far the Remand could be met. 2:43 - 4:53 . :5J. IB. "Uk " tor cms FOU SALE . w iter tj hauled; in Al ' shape il or closest offer. rtlAttin " ftl ll a load. Heavier ..,'.' a iuou, i-uone 130. i. rii?. e-oood piano, a- ina J"1 Ave- wm' Phone E rutt -Model A Ford aiui. inn anrt u--,t. - - a ul puivo ftuu --I w c itar ...... AmiETrnnn'. e, ,.uu6 a oiure. my rvJH. SAI.F. nousp. nnspmont !., .1. , I .v. nil nace, lots m rardpm loio om Ave. tast. FOR SALE- New 14-ft , fully rigged for sailinz detachable rigging. Usel ine iirs. time in May, American signals 470. FOR SALE Tenders will it til noon of Wednesday, J 27, 1945, for the purchase 5, City of Prince Rupert Ul I. 1 ...in. . uiuLn oiiu nuuc riid Heetmor range. Higher any tenaer noi necessam cei)u.'u. lerms casn. r tses may De inspect tj rari(Tfmpnf. urith nffotit mlnlstrator, Court HowC FOR SALE- Two barber two mirrors, large ; i ....... I i r. ' ucezers, eiecinc.aurau R n. Pnrn if lire Co. B ut FOR SALE - One-ton I m WV U 11 U U " Alfred Street LUllUiLllIll, L iiUllV -"'1 " MACHINERY via ri t L.ll.. liiwHtr TT 1 U OAVV LCWlti , aim uu'wuai , - t i it a. A Vnnptm i nmnanv i .miiucu. THE ROBBER FL? The curved hooks at the ( of the long legs of the robber LI. 11 . fa TirPV ill air by sinking its sharp ti into the victim FLAGS for the JULY CELEBRATIONS We have plenty at 5c to 75c THE VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Arc Little Dolla"