COAL and WOOD IYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580" IEW ROYAL HOTEL Home Away From Home Rates 75c up iO Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "ne 281 P.O. Box 190 We can say this in three words . . . BUY COAL NOW Nothing Could Be Nicer or dress-up occasions than this cap sleeved dress with draped skirt caught up in front with aV enormous rose. Comes in lovely pastel shades. ANNETTE'S LADIES' WEAR "WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW " A. MacKcnxie Furniture Limited i "A OOOD PLACE Tp BUY" besterfield Suites covered In tapestry and velours all ping construction, large roomy chairs, walnut show wood. lie price, from .5185.00 to $220.00 idroom Suites In matched walnut veneers, oval and jund mirrors; upholstered stool. Sale price, from .. $!)!)..f0 iigle Beds with spring and all-felt mattress $2!.7." complete stock of spring-filled mattresses and felt mattresses In stock, 1A igle Cots with all-felt mattress - - $11. ."0 one 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert OR YOUR BETTER SATISFACTION . . . lalitv foodstuffs are carried at all times. If m want the best, you will find it on our idves. You are invited to inspect our stock. lUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (Opposite Canadian Legion) Rones 18 and 19 po- Box 575 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY IIRTII DAY' AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS taner Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 TOURISTS 'SKEENA BRIDGE CAMP" One mile East of Terrace Box 13 Terrace, B.C. EMPIRE CAFE (Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. PHONES 116 -117 ALBERT AND McCAFFERY Local News Items Mrs. J. H. Engelcke and son have left for Terrace, where they will spend the next three months. A. Macdonald of Arrandale. who has been paying a brief visit to the pity, left last nljht on his leturn to the Naas River. Robert Seal, advertising man ager of the Alaska Fishing News of Ketchikan, was in the city Saturday night going through en a business trip to Seattle. A All members of L.OX. 3210 and sojourning members are requested to attend a meeting with the Grand Master, Manday, June 18, 7:30 p.m., IXXO.F. frail. (HI) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heel, accompanied by Master Robin Gllmore, left Saturday night for a ten-day holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. T. J. Boulter and Mrs. A. T. Lashmar have been named representatives of the Women's Canadian Club on the local con sumers' council of the Wartime Frlces and Trade Board. T.-.n PYirwnrrl. A. T"omlntao and W. D. Lamble returned to the city last week from Pentlc- ton. where thev attended' the district convention of the Qyro Club. They will present their report to the club at an early meeting. Mr. anil Mrs. George S. Kella-way of Vancouver were aboard the Cardena Saturday making the round trip north. Mr. Kel-laway is Identified with the wholesale produce firm of Slade & Syiart and Is well known in business circles. J. E. Claney of Vancouver, provincial srand master of the Loyal Orange Lodge, arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide today He will pay an official visit to the local lodge tonight and leave Wednesday by the Princess Norah on his return to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kendall are here from Los Angeles for their first visit In 23 years. They are former residents of Prince Ru pert and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Judge. Mrs. Ken dall Is the former Katie Shaw. a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Shaw, earlv residents of Prince Rupert who now live in Los An- ctles where they continue to en joy good health. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall, who will leave Thursday r.leht on their return south, are f Pf plvtngr a heartv welcome from many old friends. Mrs. Kendall and Mxs. Judge are sisters. Announcements Alt advertisements m Mils column u-iii he chareed for a full month at 25c a word. Vnlhalla Whist and Social, June 22, 8:00 sharp. rvnnop pverv Saturday night, Oddfellows' Han. a to u. at. Peter's tea. Mrs. Kelsey's, Seal Cove. June zi. Canadian Lesion W.A. Tea and Sale, June 27. n-ini-p nrnnpp Hall. Terrace. every Friday. Good tlrne for all. ft lifV MM iiVi llAA I 11T J For Your Family Medicines choose products made by the Nyal Company with over half a century's reputation for Quality, Efficiency and Economy. Obtainable only at your Independent Nyal Drug Store Sold Only by Vour Nyal Druggist INCOME TAX Returns Prepared-See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 612 7th AVE. WEST (Next to King Tal) All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. PHONE RED 247 Moose meetings tomorrow night, 8 pjru, I.OD.E. Hall. Frank Dlbb Is leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. Chenoskt left Saturday night for a trip to Vancouver. Miss Bessie Reagh left Saturday night for a trip to Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarke left Saturday night for a trip, to Van couver. Utr. anA Mrs. R. Rottluff are leaving tonight on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. N. Sumner are leaving tonight on a trip to Van couver. LAO Harry Archibald, M.P.- elect for Skeena, is leaving to night on a trip to Vancouver A. All CCF members requested to attend the regular business meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m., Metro- nnle Hall. 3rd Ave. (142) All persons having accounts asalnst Skeena Constituency Labor-Progressive party are re- auested to present same lm mediately. Box 4G5. U'43) Miss Gladvs Gammon, who has been visiting with her par ents. InsDector and Mrs. Ernest Gammon, McBride SJxeet, leaves tonight to return to ner uuues with the provincial forest de partment at Vancouver. Mr. and Mxs. George Frlzzell are now In residence- for the summer at the Skeena River Hot Springs. Others at present at the Hot Springs Include Joe Lindsay, John Bulzak, Don Brown and Charles Phillips. , Visiting the springs at the week-end following a trip to Vancouver was Douglas Frlzzell. C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant dis trict engineer for the federal de partment of public works, ar rived In the city Saturday on tne Cardena from Vancouver and left Saturday night to make the round trip to Stewart whence he will return here Tuesday morn-Ins. Later In the week Mr. Faulkner, who is in the north on one of his periodical Inspection trips, will make a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Shrine Leaders Visit Ketchikan A larce group of Seattle i Shriners passed through the city on the Princess Louise today en- route to Ketchikan on an official visit to the Shrine organization at the Alaska city. Heading the group were Alfred G. Arvold, im- nerial DOtentate, and Harold Gray, potentate of Seattle's Nile temple. The visit , is scneauiea to last five days, and will be featured by many entertain-, ments and lodge functions given by Ketchikan Shriners. Mr. Ardvold, who comes from Fargo, North Dakota, is im perial potentate of the Shrine for the whole continent, wnne Mr. Gray Is potentate of the Nile temple, Seattle. The party, which consists of about 40 Shriners and their wives, was met, at the wharf by Arthur Brooksbank, who greeted them on behalf of the potentate of Gizeh Temple, Victoria, with which the local Shrine club is connected. Sea Cadet Orders U.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK' Parade Schedule 7:05 Band and markers to muster. 7 i 10 Hands fall In. 7:20 Prayers, colors arid dl visions. 7:30 Physical Training. 7:50 Stand 'Easy. 7:55 Preparation for "At Home." 8:30 Requestmen and Defaulters. 8:40 Stand Easy. 8:45 Preparation for "At Home." 9:30 Secure. 9:40 Evening Quarters. 9:45 Sunset. Training Schedule Ruty Division Drake Division. O.O.D, (Act.) Act. C.P.O. Cur- rie. Deputy Petty officer P.O. J. Olsen. Quartermaster OD Richards. Military Orders 1st (It.) Bn. Prince Rupert Iteet. (MG) c. J. Toombs. MaJ. Commanding Parades A, C and Heavy companies will parade June 18. Dress Battle Order. Steel helmet, respirator, small packs. I m , pg. ' ' V-E DAY ON OKINAWA- These marines fighting the bloody battle for Okinawa observed V-E Day In this manner. At the left is the marine who had his clothes blown, from his back by a Jap mortar shell. Shocked and hurt, but still on his feet, he Is helped toward the par by a companion. REV. E. w. scon TO LEAVE FOR WINNIPEG POST Rev. E. W. Scott, for the last four years rector of St. .Peter's Church, Seal Cove, Is leaving Prince Rupert this summer to do religious leadership work at the University of Manitoba at Winnipeg. Outstanding in youth work in Prince Rupert, Rev. Mr. Scott will attend Whytecilffe Sea Ca dets' camp near Vancouver with the Prince Rupert Corps of bea Cadets cf which he is chaplain before Eoine to Winnipeg to be come .director of the Student Christian movement at tne university. He will leave Prince Rupert with the Sea Cadet corps on July 13, and will arrive In Winnipeg, to begin new .work late In August. i No. announcement fias been made as to who will succeed him at St. Peter's ISLAND FLIERS , ARE 'MENTIONED' Corn. Morlce Seaman Dora'n ond Corp. Ronald Wragg of the Royal Canadian Air Force station at Allford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, have been mentioned in dispatches. Doran Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N, Doran of Southampton, Ont., where his wife, Mrs. M. S. Doran, also resides. Wragg comes from Oshawa, Ont., where his wife resides. Peace River Man Listed As Being Killed in Action Trooper Harry Johnson, son of Mrs. Sarah A. Johnson of Hudson Hope in the Peace River district, after being previously re- norted missing, has now for of ficial purposes osen presumea killed In action. He was serving with .the Canadian Armored Corps. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Rtained elas3 windows of the t1, c.nff. tvn .irf.ivp In" Middle Aces were rrtade" "of pieces" AVIf, -'Wvw .. - -.- - . the Student Christian movement of different colored glass held at the University of B.C. before together by strips of lead, which his ordination, also became a part of the design. Prince Rupert, B.C, THE DAILY NEW3 Monday, June 18, 1845 I.OD.E. Girls Sell $250 'Savings Stamps Oirls of Galloway Rapids Chapter, Imperial Order Daugh ters of the Empire,, did a good lob in selling war savings stamps Saturday and, in spite of the rainy day, sold stamps to the value of $250. Mrs. Stan Savllle was In charge Mid the sales girls, In Miss Canada uniforms, were Roseenarle Hartwlt, Dorothy Hutchison, Marv Strachan. Deshka Penoff. Mary Bird, Joan Croxford, and Velma Ingram. , FINEDt$300 ON LIQUOR CHARGE John Morrison was fined $3M by, Magistrate W. D. Vance In city police court Saturday when he pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping liquor for sale. Morrl? son. who had previously pleaded not guilty, reversed his plea when his case was called. He was represented by T. W. Brown. Names of Northern Men in Casualties Recent casualty' lists of the Royal Canadian Air Force, contain the following names; Previously reported missing, on active service, now reported safe Flight Sergeant Robert James Murray Henderson, son of David Henderson, Prince Rupert. Missing on active service after air operations Flight Lieuten ant Barry Desmond lummei, whose wife resides at Prince Oeorge. Previously missing on active service, now for official purooses Dresumed dead Pilot Officer Davd Austin Kelley, son of J. B. Kelley, Willow River. TRANSLATOR TO HUMORIST Robert Benchley, the humorist, once translated French cata logues for the Boston Museum of 'Fine Arts. 1 m t nw in) Nol i V r Wtt i ' ... SMART FORMULA FOR SMART RELAXATION Two-lone sport jackets with slacks to match, designed to make your casual moments smart fines. Cool lightweight fabrics in several color combinations. I I u r ctsmjc V- V Will. I 11 "CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION" j :i 1 . it PAGE FIVE PICNICKED M RAILWAY TRACK IN DERAILMENT To become Involved In a train wreck oh the Yukon & white -Pass Route between Skdgway-and Whltehorse was the experience of Mrs. Annette W;o.ods, ufpU-lmmvn local business' wom an, who returned to the'cUy a- few days ago from a trip to . Whltehorse, where she 'h'a's a branch store. The trouble occurred, eight miles beyond Bennett when six . exceptionally heavily laden'.flat cars of the mixed train on which Mrs. Stcne and Gl other "pas sengers were travelling sank Into a soft spot on the roadbed. Fortunately, there were no casualties although it took scme"t!ime to $e the track tack in shape for traffic again and extra equipment had to be sent out -to- the scene so the passengers cculd transfer and complete th-elr '; Journey. The experience was not an altogether unpleasant one for; the passengers who had to get; out and snent three hours "picnick ing" alongside the track. ''Ifwas fun sitting out there In theJwll-inff sunshine We were all like one big happy famll," reminisces Mrs. Woods. ' Is Remandetl On ; Assault Charge ! Charged with Indecent assault, Haryey James Klelly, a sailor', appeared In city police J court Saturday and was remanded for eight days. The offence, involving a woman, was alleged to have taken place early Saturday morning following a dance. RACIAL EXCEPTIONS Skin cancer is comparatively rare In the American Indian and Negro. Announcement Our store will close June 18th to July 14th inclusive, and we trust this will oc-j casiori no inconvience to our customers, j ClirVC ClinMITIIDE CTflDF i LLiu j iimmiuiu. jiuil PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, Here to serve the public YORK CONSTRUCTION Building, Materials, Estimates General Building Nothing too big or toosmall PHONE BLACK 884 ANNOUNCING ... See our stock of household furniture and novelties. i j. h. mair: FURNITURE AND AUCTIONEER i 632 Third Ave, Phone Blue 69 W are plad to' announce that we have been appointed Northern Distributor and Agent for CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE: PRODUCTS ASBESTOS Roofing Shingles Siding Shingles Roll Roofings Wallboards Bullt-Up Roofing See us for: ASPHALT Roofing Shingles Roll Roofings Built-Up Roofings Roof Coatings Other Products and Putties I l I Rock Wool Insulation Insulating Board Building Papers Asphalt Tile Flooring Acoustical Materials Tr'anslte Ma- nn.i incni-iiinn Watprnrnnfinr Materials Indus trial Insulations Packings and Gaskets Refactory Ce mentsPipe Coverings. BONDED ROOFERS Prince Rupert Roofing Co. and Sheetmetal Works Box 725 798 Second Ave. West Phone Blue 964 V KATY'S KLEEN KITCHEN 703 FULTON STREET -:- PHONE BLUE 882 Specializing in Home CooKinjr Anything from Steaks and Home-made Chili - Con - Carni to Hot Dors. Also cater to Banquets, Weddings and Particsl Open 4 p.m. to 2 ajn. APPOINTMENTS AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE t J. M. S. LOUBSER D.C., BA. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 640 J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR If pain Chiropractic! If nerres doubly so! 3 Smith Block Green 9$8