If I 5 id; I1. 13'rfitcc Rupert Daflp ftcuijj Wednesday, October 10, 1945 BritishGroceries Lack Wartime Help LONDON, Oct 10 D Grocery store queues, lengthening Instead of growing shorter, may con tlrrue to grow. The latest reason for the growth is that married .women, who served cus-, tomers throughout the war, now 'are "demobbing" themselves. There is no law to hold them, and the prospect of being directed to take factory work no longer worries them. Very little - labor is coming back to the shops to replace them, leaving the grocer short-handed. Tha Ministry of Labor common was: "We have never yet stated that queues were due to .shortage of labor. We have no comment to make." Classified Advertising Pays! Flavory.. .Savory ...Thrifty! MAGIC Pork Rolls 1 cup flour Sift together I tp. Manic Baking Powder H lap. salt . , . 1 beaten end Stir III )f cup milk 2 tbs. melted shortening Crease skillet IIAlitly. Make 6 larde thin pancakes about 5 Inches across. When brown on both sides, heap. In centers a filling made of 1H cups of chopped cooked pork moistened with 1 cup ftravy or whits sauce. Roll up, place on hot platter and pour remaining sauce over rolls. MADE IN CANADA WE WILL PAY A FAIR CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED FURNITURE ELIO FURNITURE STORE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. EMPIRE CAFE - -(Formerly L.D.) Completely Renovated and Redecorated FULL MEALS, LUNCHES CHOW MEIN, CHOP SUEY 11 am. to 1 ajn. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S .... l I - U FINEST SALMON ro AT ' & iioi ii vc. I.TT ' - II 1 I kl C We have one -quart Tyrex measuring cups, perfect for mixing baby's formula. Baby's Own Soap Baby's Oil Baby's Bottles and Nipples Baby's Rubber Pants Mussallem's "Where Your Dimes HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove oil stains from leather? A. By daubing the spots carefully with spirits of sal ammoniac. After allowing it to remain for awhile, wash with clean water. If necessary, repeat the treatment, but be careful not to injure the color of the leather. Q. How can I tighten a chair rung? A. Insert some furniture .glue, tie it securely, and' place aside for a few days. One loose rung Is frequently followed by a collapse of the whole chair. Q. How can I remove rain drop spots from new kid gloves? A. Do not allow them to dry, but while still on the hands and damp, go over them gently with a damp cloth, and it will leave no spots. OS? mm SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER and Way Points Tuesday SS Catala, 1:30 p.m. Friday SS Cardena, 10 p.m. Sailings for Queen Charlotte: Islands every fortnight Midnight, Oct. 12th, 14th, 6th and 28th e Futther Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Fresh Local Rawand Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 M'i V . J3- Baby's Rubber Sheets Baby's Night Gowns Baby's Booties Baby's Cups Baby's Sweaters Variety Store Are Little Dollars" I HER; FAME WIDESPREAD Fame of Miss Oeorgina Patterson, who carried the ribbon of Miss Northern B. C. to the Atlantic City Beauty Pageant last month really spread to all corners of the world. Oeorgina, who was Canada's only entrant in the boardwalk beauty classic, had a lesson in the power of publicity as she was travelling here from her home In Prince George on Sunday. She is stayins In the city as- the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Rorie. On the train Sunday a soldier -passing Miss Patterson paused with a look half of recognition and half of puzzlement on his. face. The soldier carried 'an impressive array of service ribbons and an over-1 seas Insignia on his tunic. Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" he began hesitantly; Miss Patterson admitted that it was possible. "I mean, I've seen your picture somewhere. You are Miss Northern B. C, aren't you?" When Miss Patterson replied affirmatively, the soldier explained how he. had recognized her. He was, he said, Pte. James Colussi of Prince Rupert, returning home after' four years, in Europe. He had seen her picture, he explained, in a copy of Maple Leaf, the Canadian Army newspaper overseas. WOMEN INVADE SANDHURST SANDHURST, Eng. (CP) Almost the last stronghold of masculine excluslveness the Royal Military College is threatened by feminine Invasion. It is announced that Auxiliary Territorial Service girls will likely take a- training course there soon. mtv. at a Hi A Cheese, Fish and Eggs with Pea Soup To Spin X)ut Meat Food Isn't short in Canada! But a cut in meat ration does mean we must change our eating habits and cook new dishes ... If we are still to enjoy delicious and flavorful meals which supply all the nourishment we need. Yes, it's up to Canadian women ... to use skill and ingenuity in their cooking these days?. There are plenty of new ideas to be tried and enjoyed . . . still plenty of appetizing foods . . . and exciting variations to discover. Walk to your own cupboards now and look' over the shelves. First thing you see is canned soup!' There's plenty of that around. Soup can serve In a number of ways. Just for fun . . . we took that oldtime favorite, green pea soup, to see what we could get with its fine flavor and good values. And here's the result 1 Three grand recipes (or the main-course dish . . . and none of them call for meat! Needed proteins are supplied by cheese, fish or eggs . . , and each dish is different, but equally delicious. Savoiy Fish Casserole Mj cup raw rice 1 can green pea soup 1 can milk z teaspoon curry powder Wz cups flaked cooked fish 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1 cup soft bread crumbs 1 teaspoon' melted dripping Boil the rice in a large amount of salted water until tender (allow 1 teaspoon salt to each quart of water) ; drain, rinse with boiling water and drain again. Home 9ht at toe had was one " n.-nhcDUUb1'"- we to" Butthebudgcti Seasonable Ideas too. .Up-covcrs. .up,ome and did "'San blind.to ca ThenaVeneu 6instoioo v0, around I"1 - AtkV, Oire Combine the green pea soup, milk and curry powder; heat thoroughly, stirring often. Add the rice and mix lightly. In a greased casserole, arrange layers of fish, sliced hard-cooked eggs, and rice In sauce. Combine the bread crumbs and melted dripping and sprinkle over top. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 degrees, about 30 minutes or until heated through and topping is golden brown. 'Servings 6 or 7. Eggs in Curried Green Pea Sauce 1 can green pea soup 'i can milk ,4 teaspoon curry powder 'i teaspoon salt i'a teaspoon pepper 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced; 4 slices hot buttered toast Cooked bacon chips, optional Dilute the green pea soup with milk and mix In the curry powder, salt and pepper. Heat to boiling point, stirring occasionally; add the sliced hard-cooked eggs and heat thoroughly. Serve on slices of hot buttered toast, sprinkling the top of each with crisp bacon chips, if desired. . Pea Soup Fondue 1 can green pea soup 1 can milk 2 cups soft bread crumbs 34 cup shredded nippy cheese 3 egg yolks, well beaten teaspoon salt Few grains cayenne 1 tablespoon melted dripping 3 egg whites Dilute the green pea soup with Ana saio. .... the floor. 1 f pensehen wej beautiful one n co day lnd bought a a the rest oi o Gold f dTSS SS believe a pro done better! 'few TRANSFORM - ?ONG0lEDM Local Dealers in Congoleum We handle Congoleum Products . . . Gordon & Anderson Ltd. GORDON'S HARDWARE THIRD AVENUE McBUIDE. STREET When Congoleurrf Rugs are available we will . ,, . .. have them ... A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. for Housekeepers Victoiy and peace are already having an effect on the pace of our daily lives. Your wartime duties have lessened and, even though there Is still much to be done, you are finding time for more leisures to catch up on reading, letterwriting, sewln? and all those other little things that have been neglected In the busy days of the last few years. For some time to come we'll have beautiful fall weather. A good book or magazine story, a bit of refreshment those are the makings of a perfect hour of quiet. And the perfect refreshment is a long, flavorful drink made from fruit Juice and sparkling water of club soda. Sparkling water Is another one of the Items the milk and pour over the bread crumbs; cover and set aside until the crumbs have absorbed the liquid. Add the shredded cheese, well-beaten egg yolks, solt, cay-enneand melted dripping. Beat the egg white until stiff but not dry and fold them lightly into the first mixture. Turn into a greased casserole (6-cup size) and bake in a moderate over, 350 degrees, until set about 1 hour. Serve immediately. WIFE OF NAPOLEON Empress Josephine of France was born Marie Rose Josephine Tascher de la Pagerle. The Experts Say - r The pie that graces the autumn dinner table must be perfection Itself, so here are some tips on baking it. All pastry should have a hot oven for the first 10 minutes, a temperature of 425 degrees fah-renheit. This makes for light pastry and prevents the bottom crust from becoming soggy. After the first 10 minutes the temperature should be lowered for the rest of the cooking time. In the second part of the baking both time and temperature vary with the type of filling. For a double crust pie with an uncooked fruit fllllne the oven should be reduced to 350 degrees fahrenhelt and Kept at that tem perature until the filling Is cooked and the pastry well browned. Time will vary slightly but is about 25 minutes. A pumpkin pie 'is also baked at 350 decrees fahrenhelt after the first 10 minutes and must be baked about 30 minutes at the lower temperature to "set" the filling. With plain custard pie the temperature must be a little lower to produce a smooth filling. For these' pies the oven is reduced to 325degrees fahrenhelt after 10 minutes at 425 degrees fahrenhelt. A clever blending of five dif ferent spices Is the flavor secret 51 this extra special pumkln pie. PUMPKIN PIE Roll plain nastry i8 Inch thick and a little larger than the pie" plate. Fit into the pie plate. Fold back the extra pastry to make an edge of double thickness and flute. Combine 1 V5s clips of canned or mashed cooked pumpkin with Vi cup brown sugar, V4 teaspoon nutmeg, V4 teaspoon ginger, Va teaspoon cinnamon, a dash of cloves, a dash of allspice, V8 tea-sooon salt and two egg yolks. Beat well. Add l2 cups of hot milk and fold in two egg whites, stiffly beaten. Pour into the uncooked pie shell. Bake In a hot oven, 425 decrees fahrenhelt, for 10 minutes. Cool oven to 350 degrees fahrenhelt and continue baking until filling, is set, about 30 minutes. Cool before serving. This recipe makes one nine-inch pie. The CUO routine Is the talk at the Health and Welfare De-nartment Nutrition Division now. The crntlc letters stand for Cod liver Oil and the routine the Division urges Is a dally dose for, all members of th family who are still growing. Orowlne 'chll- dren and adults tip to 25 need the I vitamin D which, until summer that makes marketing less of a burden. It is to be had in plentiful supply as it is a sugarless product. For an extra zippy lemonade use sparkling water, or use it in mixing a drink with your favorite bottled fruit Juice. Try this ice cream soda for a special treat. New Orleans Soda 1 tablespoon molasses '2 drops peppermint extract xk cup milk 1 scoop chocolate Ice cream Sparkling water Combine molasses, extract and milk in tall glass. Mix well. Add ice cream. Fill glass with sparkling water. Serves r. Note: Or use chocolate syrup, extract and molasses Ice cream. Poetry Tie Links British People LONDON, Oct. 10 W Viscount Wavell, President-General of the Poetry Society (Incorporated) said in a message to the Canadian centres of the Society: "Their heritage of great poetry Is one of the abiding glories of the British race, so that love of poetry should continue to be a binding link between all peoples of the British Commonwealth. The President is glad to hear of the increased activities of the constituent groups in Nova Scotia, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and elsewhere." sunshine comes again, cannot be supplied adequately in any other way. The division reports that along with vitamin D cod and other fish liver oils supply conslderabe amounts of vitamin A which help give protection against colds. Because this vitamin is sensitive to light, cod liver oil is always put up In dark bottles which should be kept closely covered and stored In some dark place. Some of the oils should be kept In the refrigerator and some in a dark cupboard at room temperature Instructions on the bottle generally say which. We have expanded our business which enables us to take care of all your crating and storage requirements. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 COAL and WOOD Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA. LEE-, Q. When a girl Is with her es cort at a nhht club and wishes to go to the rest room,: what should she say? A. "Will you excuse me" ls sufficient. Q. When shaking hand's how nigh should the hand be held? A. Slightly above the waistline. Q. Does it really show that a person Is ill-bred when he 'chews gum In public? j A. Yes nnrt mVilln fViio mo,, 't ..4c wild ...ajr u. contradicted by some people, it Lsf I Pai ajamas for . LOUNGING and SLEEPING 1 l! Largest and Finest Stock in Town! See some of them in our windows and many more inside the store. AN N ETTra GIFTS Whatever you plan to spend . . . YOU'LL FIND GIFTS HERE TO SATISFY YOU ... . - Come in and sec them JOHN BULGER LTD.' JEWELERS THIRD AVENUE (Opposite Post Office) A