. i i I IMM 111 I Hill I 1 II II IWIMII11 1 II I'll! ill III n I if-:-?r;rj:: aMawww ; WHi iKSH I -f-Je3&& UW .JwTaairtSiaii Foil THE JOY of hastening many happy family reunions like this . . . to bring all our fighting men home again as quickly as possible. . . to welcome them with all they need to start in civilian life ... to give grateful care to the sick and wounded ... to show our heartfelt gratitude for the Victory they won so dearly . . . let us all plan to buy-more Victory Bonds than ever before. There will be only one Victory Loan in the next twelve months. There will be no Victory Loan next Spring. Get ready, NOW, to buy double this time the same rate of savings as in previous Victory Loans, will pay for TWICE as many bonds over the 12 month period. 99 9-3 NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE ii mmmmm i i m p m w i 1 1' w i mm i mi wmw j jai AIR SERVICE IS COMMENCED a npw trl-weeklv almlane ser vice from 'Vancouver to the Queen Charlotte Islands, with stoas at Sandspit and Massett, and thence through Terrace, Smlthers, Prince George and Quesnel to Vancouver commenced at the end of last week with Bill Peters, veteran bush pilot, making the inaugural flight with a twin-engined Cessna aircraft. Stops cannot be made at Prince Rupert because there is no air field here. This place, however, may figure later in the service as the operators, Spilsbury ti Hepburn, are planning to aaa two Canso flying boats to their fleet. FOR RENT FOR RENT Room and board for single woman who would help with housework. Phone Red 165, between 5 and 6 p.m. (240) FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Phone Blue 825. (237) FOR RENT Piano, small, mod ern, with Dencn, at ziz n Street. (240) FOR RENT Housekeeping room suitable for couple. 650 7tn Ave. East. (236) FOR REN1 -Furnished suite or room. -12(4 Beach Place, phone Black 618. (235) FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 224 5th West. (239) FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. Box 17 Daily News. (238) FOR RENT Housekeeping room, ladies only. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. (234) FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment. Apply G. P. Tinker Co. Ltd. , (tf) TO RENT House to party buy ing some furniture. 2129 ara-ham Ave., or phone 434. (234) FOR RENT Sleeping room for rent. 801 Borden Street, (ti) l.WI.HJllM pn. STRAINS. SPRAINS end MUSCULAR. PAINS' I COMMERCIAL HOTEL COMPLETELY MODERN Make this your comfortable ' home in Prince Rupert. First Ave. and Eighth St. BOX No. 997 PHONE 676 13rincc Hupcrt DnHp J3cU) Wednesday, October 10, 1945 - - Classified Advertising TERMS CASH Classified Advertising Is payable to the office at time of submitting copy for Insertion. Please do no ask for credit. BIRTH NOTICE TRUSCOTT Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Truscott in the Prince Rupert General Has-nit.nl on October 7. a daugh ter, Margaret Florence. Both mother ana aaugnter are doing well. WANTED WANTED Piano In good condition; will pay cash. Mrs. Jack Meuld, Ross Lake, B.C. WANnm Domestic oil burner and play pen. Phone Green 327. Viwi WANTED Army officer and wlfp desire furnished apart ment or house. Phone Green 214. (234) WANTED Fir and cedar poles anri nlllino' all lpnsths. Nieder- meyer- Martin Co., Spalding Bidg., Portland, zone , ure-eon. . (134) WAMTF.n Annrtment or house keeping rooms, close in. oau Port Edward, 742 between 8 ana 5 n.m. ArrLY PERSONAL BEAUTIFUL 1946 Ford Deluxe .Cort'in pvprv nrrpssnrv. is our Carnival prize. Proceeds for weirare worK. ncKeis, j lor a dollar, or get 3 free for selling a book. Write, Wo men's Institute, Rocky Moun tain House, Alta. PAIN klLLER for corns. Lloyd's ,Corn and Callous Salve gives prompt sure relief. 50c at Ormes Ltd. (238) WANTED Dress making, altern ations, fabric bags made to order; 20 years experience. Phone Black 687. (236) 1946 FORD DELUXE SEDAN, is our carnival prize; araw New Year s Eve. rroceeas lor wei faro Wnrk. Tickets: 3 for dol far nr ? frpp fnr splltnir hook. WriteWomen's Institute, hoc icy Mountain wouse, ai berta. MACHINERY T" RAW hpttpr lumhpr more economically, use the modern and un-to-date tvne National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Lady's wrist watch Phone Blue 450. (237) LOST Black" wallet containing jzo, ana sojaiers pass auu pictures, ana registration. Phone R. C. E. M. E. Orderly Room, co Fortress. (236) LOST Black Ronson lighter, Initials A.B., near waterfront. Phone SSgt. G. Appleyard, Fortress 76. (234) LOST Umbrella at U.S.O. Saturday night. Heavy brown silk with green mottled centre. Practically new. Valued at approximately $10. Reward. Finder please leave at -Dally News. (234) WANTED Able-bodied men, willing workers for cold storage and fish floor work. Have steady work for capable men. Can also use some casual labor. Canadian Fish AND Cold Storage COMPANY LIMITED 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Quality Repairs at Economy Prices PRINCE RUPERT SHOE REPAIR 3rd St. (Near the Post Office) COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and MARINE ELECTRICIANS HOME WIRING AND REPAIRS GOOD WIRING AND GOOD LIGHTING Does Not Cost It Pays MOTT ELECTRIC LTD. 323 Second Avenue ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS WESTOCK GATES "V" BELTS WANTED Girl for general of ii . I Black 1 OFFICES IN VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER 367 HELP WANTED fice work. w. 11. MaiKin uo. Ltd. (237) RETAIL DEALERS Manufac turers of Approved Electrical Instruments and Appliances wish to sell and establish direct dealer contact. Toasters Hotplates and Amplifiers, immediate delivery. Box 18 Daily News. WANTED Watklns dealer to handle rural locality east ol Terrace. A real opportunity for right man to take over a well-paying business of his own. Must have a car. Apply National Employment Office, Order No. 1536. (237), WANTED Lady cook for local hotel. Good wages. Apply unemployment Insurance Commission 358. ' (tf) WANTED Reliable woman to care for two children ana home, by month. Blue 561. (239) WANTED Janitor for part time work, apply Catholic rectory. (tf) WANTED Position open for good girl or married woman for ready-to-wear store. Good salary and permanent position for right party. Apply Box 16 Dally News office. ceased. (238) FOR SALE FOR SALE McClary heater. Phone Green 728. iu FOR SALE Lady's navy wool suede coat, like new, less man half price, size 14 to 16; high and public school "books. Blue 712, 218 6th Ave. East. (It) FOR SALE Radio, Halllcrafter "Sky Challenger," late moaei, 16 tubes. 5-wave band; best-offer. Hardwood drop - leaf table and four chairs; also folding camp ;ot, like new. Blue 914. (236) FOR SALE 1936 Hudson Ter-rplane sedan, in good condition; good pre-war rubber, inMiirttntr oahin trailer. 7x16; Rear of 1525 11th Ave. East. (240) FOR SALE Modern 2-plece bed room suite witn mauress, Kitchen table and chairs, magazine rack, double Simmons spring mattress. 1436 Plgott Place. (234) 1 FOR SALE More YMCA furnl-.... .,r ..-in hp nn rllsnlav next f to Coca Cola plant, Wednes-I .day and Thursday. (234) SNAP 16 -ft., motor boat, In ex cellent condition. Must De soia. $150. Apply Box 6 Daily News. WW FOR SALE Shrubs, perennials, water lines, etc. jwis. rune", 229 3rd Ave. west. iii FOR SALE Slightly used fur niture: 1 Gram gioDe; i rugs, 12x12; 2-12 aircoiator ians; . 1.1ft nirpnlntnr fan: 1 tiunch bowl and plate and spoons; 8 Bar'l genuine oak chairs; 9 trlllt lamps; 2 writing aesits; 9 coffee tables; 6 hassocks; 1 record cabinet; lot of records, 25c each; 4 mirrors and frames, $1.00 each; 1 Eaison restaurant hot plate; 1 -$600 nool table, lust like new at a bargain; 2 Venetian blinds. Phone Black 324, u.u. furni ture (ti; FOR SALE Two-room house. cheap for cash; one wasnms machine, $7. Lome Cornell, Phone Blue 142. (234) FOR SALE 23-foot cabin boat, 5 h.p. 1 cyl. Marine engine. Large roomy cabin, good condition. Reasonable. Call Am erican Signals 373 for demon strations (234) " FOR SALE 40 acres, about six cleared; small house and other outbuildings. Also fruit trees, lots of wood on place, two miles from Kitselas Station, $1200 cash. Mrs. J. Simpson Terrace. B.C. (234)- FOR SALE Decorating business. full equipment. Contracts in-. eluded. Phone Blue 142. (234) FOR SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned until noon of Thursday, Oc- tooer ntn, ma, tor me purchase of the two-storey frame building situate on Lot 29, Block 35, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. This does not Include lot or contents. Terims cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Administrator' of the Estate of Charles O. Svedmark. (235) FOR SALE New bathinette. Ried 113. (235) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be ne- celved by the unaersigntea until noon of Monday, October 15, 1945, for the purchase iof the gasboat "Strebor J"; dimensions of which are 29'x8r4" x3'3", powered by a 7 HIP. Vivian; fully equipped for trolling from stem to stern, including radio and oil. burning stove. Boat may be- Inspected at McLean's Waysl Seal Cove. Terms cash. High-, est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt, Administrator of .the. Estate of John Roberts, dc. - J V